JULY 2008
© The Arthurian School
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Hi everyone!
All of you will have felt the speeding up- yet again!- of energies and of what is going on around us. It is as if we are all feeling the quantum leaps of major change that are leading up to a cosmic event happening on the 1st August.
The solar eclipse
1st August – as some of you may know- is celebrated in the Sidereal Calendar as the beginning of a New Year. This is the approximate date when you first see Sirius, the brightest star in our heavens, in the morning sky of central Egypt - the ancient Egyptians lived their lives according to the movements of the star Sirius and not the Sun as we do nowadays with our modern Gregorian Sun calendar.
What is amazing and totally perfect -of course- this year is that on that very same day of the beginning of a new year, there is also a total solar eclipse!
It is the only total solar eclipse of this year, and totality will be visible on the east coast of Ellesmere Island and nearby parts of the Canadian Arctic, the north coast of Green land, Western Siberia, Mongolia and a strip of northern and central China. The eclipse is at its maximum at 11.21 GMT (12.21 UK time and 13.21 SA time).
As you know, a solar eclipse happens when the new Moon passes directly between the Sun and the Earth and so solar eclipses can only be seen during daytime.
The fact that sun eclipses are able to occur at all is extraordinary, because by some incredible design, the disc of the Sun and the disc of the Moon appear the same size to us earthlings. This is because although the Sun is 400 times larger than the Moon, it is also 400 times further away. The distance of the Moon from the Earth is just over thirty Earth Diameters and so total sun eclipses could never occur if the Moon’s distance was changed slightly by even just one Earth diameter!
Total sun eclipses instil an elemental awe in most people - with the sudden and brief reversal of sunlight into darkness, and when “dawn” returns from the West ( and not the East as we are used to) at what is said to be over 2000 miles per hour!
Star Unity Consciousness
This particular eclipse is I believe a major event where not only there will be an inter play between the Sun and the Moon and the Earth (when the Moon is between the Sun and the Earth and blocks out the Sun for a few minutes) but also will be involving the star Sirius. I believe that with the help of Sirius, it will bring in a huge shift in star unity consciousness and we are already starting to feel the effects of this as we approach that very important date.
What I also find interesting is the area where the path of the total eclipse is going through, because those are the areas that will be waking up and be most affected. China who is hosting the Olympic Games and has been under a lot of pressure because of Tibet, is part of it and so there will be huge effects that can be seen in the next few years affecting China.
I had the most amazing email a short while ago about a baby Chinese girl that was born on the 1st June of this year and she holds complete unity consciousness! This means that she does not have any information in her DNA that she is separate and all that she knows and transmits as a newly born human being is that she is part of everything around her and the Divine Source (ie there is an awareness in her body that she is in total unity with everything). What an incredible thing that could only happen because we are all on a vibration that is high enough for someone to be able to incarnate in this new way!
So at this moment in time we are all being challenged and moulded to hold that unity consciousness more in our bodies, and integrate it fully into the way we experience our lives. That means that we must now totally acknowledge the fact of our interdependence on everything else, including other human beings around us, animals, plants and of course the Earth. We cannot any longer pretend that only we as individuals are important, and there has to be a sharing and an exchange of energy that acknowledges the reality of our connection to everything else on an energetic level.
It is as if the illusion of seeing our bodies in 3D and the physical dimension as separate is now completely breaking down and we can only make sense of life and what is going on around us, if we start to pay attention to the unseen, and start living with an awareness of energy that reinforces the truth of everything being connected to everything else.
What I wanted to share with you in this issue of this magazine in preparation for this eclipse and what is really pertinent to the LEO New Moon we have just gone into, and the AQUARIUS full moon just before the eclipse, is the way that the INCA tradition taught star unity consciousness and how they acknowledged the inter-connectedness of their world through their fantastically advanced approach to energy.
I believe that the ancient wisdom of the land of Peru about the stars and star unity consciousness is becoming really important for the future, giving us tools to deal with the world and everything around us more easily as we move into a higher frequency and awareness to create peace and harmony with everyone and everything in our world.
The land of Peru
Peru is such an extraordinary place! I remember years ago bumping into a Peruvian woman (when we were both having fun trying on some beautiful clothes in a boutique in Joburg!) who told me that Peruvians talk about space ships and extraterrestrial/star visits as a matter of fact and no one is regarded as particularly special or alternative if they believe in it. It really isn’t a big deal. They are so used to these phenomena and for them it is a fact of life!
I am sure it has something to do with their heritage and the fact that there are still many energetic portals to the stars in Peru that have remained open. In the history of Peru they always ordered their lives according to what they saw transpiring in the stars in the cosmos- as above, so below. This is very similar to the ancient Egyptians too.
The INCA were well aware that events in the heavens are reflected here upon the earth. The Andeans saw the topography of their beloved mountains as a reflection of the Milky Way’s heavenly topography and their shamans were excellent astrologer-astronomers. All over Peru in temples you can see boulders that were selected because of one of their surfaces seemed to echo or mirror (in silhouette) the local mountain formations, or they were carved to resemble the topography. Also there are flat-topped boulders (usually black) with carved shallow basins in them- probably for star-gazing, seeing the reflections of the stars in the shallow water poured into these basins. Each group traced their lineage to a particular star and region in the Milky Way and their main Creator God Wiraqocha was said to have created these star ancestors and then sent them under the earth to emerge at particular places in the Andes region.
Even today the Peruvians are very much concerned with the heavens and, for example, only plant their potato crops according to the star system of the Pleiades. Potatoes need proper amounts of rainfall at the proper times in their growing cycles. And in the Andean regions, rainfall is seasonal, usually starting in October, but every few years the onset of the rains is delayed by up to several weeks. But the Andean potato farmers have been able to produce successful crops year after year in spite of the varying rains.For hundreds of years, the farmers have observed the cluster of stars known as the Pleiades, which become visible in the southern hemisphere skies in June. The farmers say that if the Pleiades shine brightly in June, this means that they can start planting their potatoes in October, as there will be adequate rainfall during the critical months of December through February. However, if the Pleiades look dim, then this means that the rains will be several weeks late, so planting is delayed until November.
Many of you are also familiar with the concept of planting with the Moon- waxing moon is good for planting, waning moon good for harvest and pruning.
Another part of the INCA star cosmic awareness of how we are all interconnected, can be seen in the way that they looked at energy. The INCA were totally pre-occupied with the “energy world” and human experiences of living energy.
Do you all remember the 1993 novel by James Redfield called The Celestine Prohpecy?
In the third insight, for example, it talks about how we live not in a material universe, but in a universe of dynamic energy. Everything is a field of sacred energy that we can sense and intuit. Moreover, we humans can project our energy by focusing our attention in the desired direction...where attention goes, energy flows...influencing other energy systems and increasing the pace of coincidences in our lives.
The INCA did not distinguish between so-called “bad” and “good” energy, but instead called it heavy (Hucha) and rarified (Sami). Initiates were taught how to “eat” or “digest” the heavy energies that may lead to illness, depression or conflict and to harmonise their energy field called “poq’po” with the five elements and forces of nature, leading to a high state of personal energy, happiness and feeling connected to life.
What I find particularly interesting is the INCA way of focusing on working with these energy fields around us or “poq’po”. Poq’po translated means “energy bubble” and is around everything- around us, buildings, cities, rocks, trees, mountains etc. The INCA believed the condition of the bubble shows the condition of our mind, health, thoughts, perceptions and spiritual practices etc, but mostly it also expresses our facility to be in unrestricted interchange with the free flow of the energy in our environment.
This means in ordinary language that we all have a perfect “bubble” that enables us to have energetic interchanges with everyone and everything around us, and the most important thing about that is that these energetic interchanges happen automatically, whether we are conscious of them or not!
We can become out of balance or “contaminated” as a result of our interchanges with others that makes our bubble denser and heavier and it is therefore to our benefit to become conscious of the energy bubble and work with it. The best thing we can do with it is to cleanse it thought something like meditation and with that we can enhance our ability to be conscious of our interchanges so that we don’t continue to draw heaviness or incompatible energy to us and give it out to others.
We can also “time travel” via our poq’po because the bubble can be extended outward through space to energetically connect us with others and to other places more consciously. Because there really is no time and space this is about making a connection through which we are able to access the information, so that it is as if we are at this other place physically. In some cases others may actually see us there as if physically, although we are in reality only there energetically. This is by the way, one of the ways that shamans can shape shift and remember that although some of you are unable to travel to Peru physically, you can always do so energetically! .
We can also consciously open our bubbles and merge with others or places in nature. In the world of living energies there is no distinction or difference between us and the mountains (for example), once we connect through our energy bubbles.
Linked to this is the INCA universal law called “Ayni” – meaning to practise a sacred reciprocity of energies – to learn how to consciously take in, and give back in return sami or good energy. A beautiful example of this would be to hug a tree and consciously exchange energies with it by giving and receiving.
Coping with today
Someone the other day asked me what she should be doing to “protect” herself from influences that were being very destructive to her and after thinking about it, I realise that there is no place really anymore for the old way of “protection” because we are so strongly becoming aware of being energetically connected to everything and everyone.
All we can do now is to become more conscious in the way that we deal with people and situations and that I believe is to become more balanced ourselves and see the reflection of our dark sides that we project onto others. A bit like what is said above about becoming aware of our personal bubble and how it is affected, and how we in turn can affect others. And so to when things are difficult - in INCA language - digest the heavier energy issues (huncha) by taking them in and then eating/transforming them into a lighter energy state (sami) within us.
I wish you all a blessed time during this very special month of July leading up to the Moon’s eclipse of the Sun. I will be at Machu Picchu with a group on the night of the full moon on the 18th of July and you are welcome to join with us energetically when we do a special ceremony and meditation that I will give more details about later on in the magazine.
And a very happy new year to all of you! May it truly be a time of renewal and new beginnings.
"The Inca prophecies say that now, in this age, when the eagle of the North and the condor of the South fly together, the Earth will awaken. The eagles of the North cannot be free without the condors of the South. Now it's happening, now is the time. We are Children of the Sun." - Willaru
With blessings of Love
ps. The above website has been updated and so when you go onto the website you first need to press control + F5 on your keyboard to clear the browser and refresh the page to read the new updated website pages
“Revitalise and Enlighten your Life with the Moon”
called the Holly Moon, the Claim Song Moon, the Lightning Moon, the Horse Moon
(Note: There are many different ways of determining in which sign the New Moon falls, but I follow the system of looking at the New Moon in the astrological sign directly opposite the Full Moon and so the New Moon this month falls within the sign of Leo starting on the 4th July that is also following the Tibetan Moon calendar).
During this month the Moon will be increasing its energies for the eclipse that happens on 1st August so many of you who are very much in tune with the Moon will be feeling the direct effects from it. Some of you may even feel some headaches or feel slightly dizzy. Taking aspirin will not help anymore I am told, you need to look directly at the Moon and encounter its energies without the help of outside influences. Now is the time to take stock of your own responsibilities and take a step back to reassess what has been done or not done. It is not too late to make changes, but these need to happen quickly and then it will become easy.
As the Moon approaches its full moon cycle I can see an arc or half circle of light as if it is a pendulum in the sky- looking left, and looking right, and finding the balance and new resonance of unity consciousness in between. It is also a dial and indication of how much we are moving forward or staying stuck. Leo is a strong energy to start with and so it is a bit like starting a fire- it needs a big input and initial blast for things to start moving and to get going with this new moon cycle. Plan something important to do during this time- it has great opportunity for abundance and expansion. Jupiter, the planet of abundance, freedom and good luck is very bright and directly opposite the Moon on the 9th July, so it would be good to look at both these planets and feel their connection. The Moon and Jupiter are directly opposite in essence, but each one is able to learn from the other- the Moon can teach Jupiter to be more caring and sensitive and connecting, and Jupiter can teach the Moon to let go and experience freedom and focus without having to control a situation. The combination of these two energies will be very beneficial and see if you can sense the energy aura or poq’po bubble around the two heavenly bodies on that night and try to connect your own energy bubble with them- to consciously create unity, and strengthen your own special connection to them.
On the evening of the 6th July the Moon is very nearby to Mars and Saturn and once again you may want to merge your energies with the Moon and the two planets for a few minutes.
The full moon is in the sign of Aquarius and this is the sign of the new age that we are approaching, indicating the next step of our evolution. Brother and sisterhood is becoming more and more important as we start to feel our interconnection with others and this full moon also brings the enlightenment of being more detached from personal issues and oh my, oh my, those dramas we so like to create in our lives!
There is joy in sharing our resources and talents as brothers and sisters. There are so many things we can and do share: love, creativity, information, skills, imagination. We can form co-ops or combine resources for farming and gardening, for food buying and selling, for housing, for child-minding, for cooking, for production of local renewable energy, for transport sharing, for distributing things that we make, and as it may become necessary, maintaining and building flood and other natural defences. If we do these things together and in unity, we may yet survive and prosper!
Aquarius is an air sign but is known as the water bearer indicating a connection between thinking (air) and the emotions that are in balance. So a good idea to connect with the Aquarian energies of water when you gaze up at the full Moon.
The actual time of the full moon is 8.59 GMT that is 3.59 am in Peru on the Friday early morning, or 10.59 am in South Africa and 9.59 am in the UK. See if you can tune into the Moon even if it is only for a brief moment exactly at that time. You will not be disappointed!
We- the group- will be doing the following lead up meditation for the full Moon on the Thursday 17th at 4pm Peru time at Machu Picchu (that will be 10pm on Thursday night in the UK and 11pm in South Africa so you all will be able to see the Moon in the black night sky while we will be doing it in the day with the Sun is still shining).
(The reason for doing it just before the full Moon is that the energies are always stronger as the Moon is building up to the actual moment of full moon. We will then also tune in at 3.59am a few hours later on early Friday morning to greet the Full Moon at it zenith.)
It will be very powerful for you to join in with the meditation as you will be able to access the amazing energies of MACHU PICCHU directly.
Make sure you are totally grounded, protected and connected to your specific guides/guardian angels or energies that you trust. Ask them to assist you during this divine activation for unity consciousness at Machu Picchu.
Imagine yourself standing next to a massive tree with your feet in the water at Machu Picchu.
You may imagine standing with your feet in a ceremonial bath, or in a small fountain, or in a special channel filled with water, whatever feels right for you.
Feel the coolness of the water swirling around your feet and also become aware of your poqpo or energy bubble (the energy field around you.)
Now imagine that as you are breathing you are opening your bubble and starting to merge your energy with the massive tree. Feel the exchange of energies between you and the tree as the tree is also sharing its energy with you while you breathe very slowly and deliberately.
Feel yourself becoming part of the tree and that you are merging with it.
Now imagine looking at one of the mountains at Machu Picchu. It does not matter if you know them or not, just imagine or call one to you by your sacred intention. Now speak to the apu (the nature spirits) of the Mountain in your mind asking to share sami/divine energy with you as you continue to breathe very slowly. Feel the energy of the Mountain as it is also sharing its energy with you.
Now imagine that you pull up the water through the trunk of the tree to where your Higher Heart is (the Higher Heart is in the centre of your upper chest just above the Heart Chakra and just below the neck).
Concentrate on your breathing and try to feel your own physical heart beat and ask the energies of the Tree and the Mountain to align your own heart beat to the heart beat of Panchamama,the Earth.
Feel your connection to your mother.
Now imagine stretching up your branches high into the sky. Reach higher and higher until you can feel the glow of the Full Moon on the leaves as they rustle in the wind. Call on the Moon to merge with you and feel the exchange of energy when you give your energy to the Moon and in turn receive the very refined energies of the Full Moon.
Now feel the sensation of the air and the Moonlight moving down through the branches into your Higher Heart.
Feel the vibration in your Higher Heart, and allow the water element, the air element and the Moon to come together in your Higher Heart.
Feel what it feels like now- you may see shapes or colours or other images, or feel different vibrations.
Now move this combined energy back up through the tree into the sky and ask the Sun and the star Sirius to send a light from their Higher Heart centres to connect with yours.
Feel as their combined beam of light connect to your energy.
The connection to Unity Consciousness of the Higher Heart is now complete and perfect.
Affirm that it is so and so it is!
Thank the guardians of Machu Picchu, the energies of the Full Moon, the Elements and your guides and angels for their assistance.
Take some time to rest and reflect on what has happened.
Quantum Touch Healing
I would like to introduce you briefly to Richard Gordon- an American who teaches an amazingly powerful form of healing called quantum touch healing.
This is how he describes it:
“Quantum-touch is a method of hands-on=healing that literally must be seen to believed. Employing only a very light touch on yourself or others, you can profoundly accelerate the body’s own healing response. The effect is immediate and extraordinary, you can actually see bones in the body spontaneously realigning themselves with only a light touch. Since the body decides where to place these bones, you need never worry about doing it right. –To empower yourself to use quantum-touch, you simply need to learn various breathing techniques, body awareness meditations, and hand positions. Those who apply the principles and techniques can become highly capable practitioners in but a single day. This is because the ability to heal is an inherent part of people’s essential nature.”
The healing has had some incredible physical results and I am in awe of it- it feels like a completely new way of healing that is really quick.
If you are interested, look at the quantum touch website
I am really enjoying having these weekend retreats- they are fun and also very empowering in terms of creating positive personal change. To give you an idea about what they are about and also how participants experience the retreats, here are some comments from a few participants:
Just a little note to say a big thank you for this very special weekend, your guiding wisdom, loving hospitality, the love received from you, but also from Vincent and William (the poodles) who where always there to give us their affection during the emotional moments :-)
I will now have to save up for one of you retreats to Machu Picchu!
Thank-you for all your hard work! I hope you had a good rest after we left! You have really left a foot print in my heart. I just thank God for someone like you! You cant believe what you have done for me, I feel so good and no fear!! You are WONDERFUL and don’t you ever forget that. So much love
thank you for your assistance. It's the usual, so very busy at work but I feel more calm & I am finding it easier to handle the stress. I know its a process & I must be patient. I intend to be patient and I am working at it everyday. I have noticed that I have less pain which is good because that increases my stress and it's a downward spiral. My parents seem to be a little bit more calm. I think they missed me but they wont say it. It shows me what a difference and how good a little distance makes. Lotsa luv & peace
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“Revitalise and Enlighten your Life with the Moon”
Sunday, July 6, 2008
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