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Sunday, August 12, 2012


AUGUST 2012 MOON MAGAZINE (note: this is a short summary, if you want to read the whole magazine email info@arthurianschool.com and it will be emailed to you - thanks for sharing information together and also your interest!) Hi everyone! OUR RELATIONSHIP WITH THE EARTH IS AFFECTED BY WHO WE ARE Many people ask me why I incorporate personal healing sessions in my work. Surely it has very little if anything to do with caring about and working with our planet? WE HAVE FORGOTTEN… Yet we have forgotten and are unaware of how much we and our personal issues affect the Earth! Mostly because we can only see our impact through a higher awareness of life energy. When we, for example, live in fear, it is as if there is a dark “curtain” that separates us from the Earth. And the Earth also carries a much heavier burden! Our thoughts, our feelings, everything we assume is just personal to us and our own world, is hugely important, - for us and the Earth! Have you ever noticed how suddenly the Sun starts to shine when you decide to change your mood and feel happy? No it is not a coincidence! You can actually change the weather! Many remember this from the times of ancient civilisations. They worked very hard to create the appropriate weather for crops and also knew that it was possible to create “pockets” of uniquely different weather within a larger area. Anything is possible and even more so now. Take your power back and start to live! With blessings of Love Elizabeth SACRED EARTH RETREATS© “Revitalise and Enlighten your Life with the Moon” PERSONAL WISDOM TEACHINGS FROM A HAWAIIN TEACHER: FEAR VERSUS INTUITION I wanted to let you know that this is a perfect time for you to learn more about the difference between your fearful fantasies and your authentic, accurate intuitions. It's always a good time to do that, of course, but even more so right now. This is an exciting turning point, when the future is up for grabs. Worn-out old habits of thought are unravelling. Structures that have kept us enthralled to fake values are crumbling. The coming months and years will be ripe with opportunities for us to lay the foundation for a new world that's actually fit for the human soul. And in the midst of this grand mutation, it's predictable that so many so-called leaders are trying to fill up our imaginations with scary visions and angry emotions. They want us to buy into their visions that the sky is falling. In the face of their toxic paranoia, it's wise to remember that we always have the power to turn away from their fear-mongering and tune in to the guidance of the still, small voice within us -- the still, small voice of intuition that will, if we allow it, lead us very capably through every twist and turn of our destiny, even when our destiny brings us right into the thick of our civilization's massive transformations. + Knowing the difference between your fearful fantasies and your authentic, accurate intuitions is one of the greatest spiritual powers you can possible have. For more see http://bit.ly/PronoiaPowells SAFETY: It does not matter whether you are living in a country where there are some frequent terrorist attacks, or in a country where there are random acts of violence. It does not matter what the culture is — it is only the feeling of vulnerability that ever puts you into a vibrational harmony with that which you fear. When you realize that by working to achieve your feeling of Well-being, it is then impossible for you to ever rendezvous with anything other than Well-being — that is the only place that freedom will ever be. --- Abraham THE COMING HUMAN EVOLUTION: Crop circles, ancient temples, and the coding of the Earth with Freddy Silva "Genuine crop circles are indistinguishable from ancient temples insofar as how they work, what they do to you, and what they do for you." For over 8000 years our ancestors erected colossal temples around the world at locations where the magnetic properties of the Earth are enhanced. Temples such as Stonehenge and the Pyramids strategically mark the crossing paths of invisible, yet measurable, magnetic pathways that encircle the Earth - points where the planet's 'memory' can be accessed. Or influenced. For more see http://greatmystery.org/ THIS MONTH’S THEME AND OPPORTUNITIES POWER The theme for August is POWER. There are many ways to work with a theme of power and for this month it is more about looking at where you give your power away and then changing that behaviour or pattern. It is also about learning to empower your desires from within rather than always looking to a greater power outside yourself to make things happen. This is a great month to revisit the idea of power and energy leaks and to spend some intentional time reworking your patterns in these areas. Power is many things and can show up in many ways. Power is health, vitality, truth, love, resources, awareness, creativity, service, acceptance, attention, connection, joy, ability, talent, recognition, expression, freedom and choice just to name a few. These are what you practice or embody and what no one can take away from you. So the resources we are mentioning are not resources that can be taken but rather inner resources of resiliency, flexibility, and personal talent and creativity. What power is not includes control, worry, negativity, resistance, oppression, slavery, fear, and any practice or behaviour that is run by the obstacles of the false personality. For more see www.thepowerpath.com REJECTION Dear White Rabbit, I recently was on the receiving end of being rejected by a friend. It took me 5 weeks to get over the feelings that this rejection brought up in me. It was a rough time and finally I came to the realisation that it had actually very little to do with the other person (who merely was the trigger) and mostly had to do with my own resolved issues. How can I resolve these feelings sooner? I look forward to your reply - Dee. Dear Dee, Great that you were able to come to the realisation that your feelings about rejection had to do with your own unresolved issues, well done! In order to enable you to resolve these feelings faster you will first need to change the way you perceive rejection. What is rejection and how does it translate itself into our lives? Let's look at the meaning of the word 'rejection'. It comes from the Latin word 'rejectus' to throw away or to put aside or to send back. Other words that can be associated with rejection are discard, dropped, kept at a distance, barred, passed up, rebuffed, cast out, repelled, renounced, ostracised, excluded, eliminated, abandoned and jettisoned. All these words can evoke feelings of that range along a continuum from frustration, intense anger and resignation to despair. For more see http://www.changematters.co.za EARTH CONCERNS How to Lessen Air Travel’s Damage to Our World As with so many things in this day and age, we’re called on to be mindful with our air travel and question our assumptions: Is the spiritual, philanthropic, or other return on this carbon investment a responsible use of our shared resources? Flying around the world is a privilege unprecedented in human history. Let’s act like it. Commercial air travel is incredibly damaging to our environment. Just one round-trip flight from New York City to San Francisco, CA is estimated to put 2.5 tons of greenhouse gases into the air–nearly 15% of the annual carbon emissions for the average American. For more see From http://www.pachamama.org HEALING FROM THE EARTH Cold pressed rapeseed oil Cold pressed rapeseed oil (cold pressed means the oil is naturally extracted from the plant at room temperature without the addition of any chemicals) has balanced levels of omega 3, 6 and 9. Together these make up the essential fatty acids vital for lowering cholesterol, reducing inflammation that can cause heart disease and premature ageing, boosting the immune system and nourishing skin, hair, bones and joints. It also has half the saturated fat and ten times the omega 3 content of olive oil and is an excellent source of skin-enhancing vitamin E. Radishes These hot tasting little vegetables are members of the cruciferous family and owe their pungent flavour to super nutrients called glucosinolates that are also found in broccoli and cabbage. Glucosinolates help to boost detoxing enzymes in the liver, have anti-cancer properties and aid digestion. Radishes contain just one calorie each and come packaged up with plenty of hunger-combating fibre so they are great for the waistline. Chomping your way through just ten radishes will provide you with 25% of your daily vitamin C and their leaves, which are also edible, contain six times more! Flax seed We all get exposed to radiation. You get dental x-rays, a chest x-ray here and there, some security scanners use x-rays and you even pick up radiation when you fly by jet. Any one of those exposures alone poses little risk. But two years ago, scientists found out that these exposures are cumulative. Years of exposure can add up to considerable risk. Naturally, risk rises for those who receive higher exposures. For instance, radiation therapy places a huge "deposit" in this unwanted savings account. The good news: University of Pennsylvania researchers, in the US, believe they have found a way to make withdrawals from your radiation savings account. It's flaxseed. For more see http://www.thehealthierlife.co.uk/ UPCOMING SACRED EARTH RETREATS AND EVENTS Please email or see the document called MOON MAGAZINE AUGUST 2012 RETREATS INFORMATION – retreats in Glastonbury September 2012 EQUINOX, Hawaii SOLSTICE 21 December 2012 and also for BOLIVIA 2013 SOLSTICE! Learn to live and travel with spiritual intent. SACRED EARTH RETREATS © PRINGLE BAY www.arthurianschool.com info@arthurianschool.com telephone: (0027) 28 273 8277 international- 028 273 8277 local mobile: (0027) 783716343 international- 0783716343 local This magazine’s stated intention is to be for the Highest Good of All and to harm no one.

Thursday, July 12, 2012


JULY 2012 MOON MAGAZINE JULY 2012 SACRED EARTH RETREATS© Before printing this, please consider the environment! Note: This magazine is intended for the sharing of information about the Moon, the Earth and our own growth and evolution. Feel free to pass it on, or if you want to be removed from the circulation list, please send an email reply to sacredearthretreats@gmail.com with the word “unsubscribe” in the heading. Thank you. Note: SACRED EARTH RETREATS© is not linked to any specific belief, dogma, religion or system. It acknowledges all ways; knowing that we are all connected through the Oneness of Love. It advocates peace for all beings and holds the Earth and all of Nature sacred. It upholds the concept of self-empowerment for all. For more information please see our website www.arthurianschool.com Hi everyone! “Every moment of your life has been about creating more Love. Each action, however big or small, however simple or complex, is a reflection and an expression of your search – your quest - for Love. Each success shows where you are allowing more Love; each failure shows you where you need to allow more. Each beauty is a celebration of that Love; each ugliness is a lament of its lack. In the labyrinth of life’s experiences, in the heights and depths of each success, each failure, or in the blandness of mediocrity, you have been guided by your Soul and Spirit - to find Love.” – Lazaris THE YEAR OF 2012- UNIQUE OPPORTUNITIES TO FIND LOVE Much has already been said about this year, but what one thing that I am completely aware of – is the limitless number of opportunities that we are being presented with this year to transform the old and move into a more loving world! It is a window of opportunity for change that will forever close on 21 December. And this does not mean that everything comes to an end- to the contrary! But what it does mean is that we need to put shoulder to the wheel and make the most of what life brings to us at the moment. Because what we try to do, will be so much more rewarded in terms of bringing positive results and progress. At times it can be incredibly hard to just stay human and cope with living in a physical world and body during these times of intensity. Some much change is happening to us, around us, to the world! And with it all we need to stay connected. Connected to ourselves and to our inner worlds. The place where we can go and rest and recover whenever needed. THE MAGIC OF NATURE As it is always said, the easiest way to find this- a bit like a shortcut where you don’t even need any specific action, meditation etc etc - is to go into nature! It could just be the park next to your house, or the little piece of garden on your balcony. But get outside! However much it has been raining, or however cold it is- get outside. I firmly believe that I only get ill when I stay indoors for too long and don’t get enough connection with the elements outside. Strangely enough we have been conditioned to fear nature and the elements - “ because it will make you sick”. All those warnings about not going outside is just old and ignorant! Stopping us from realising the truth that nature is benign and that we need it to survive. Of course always have respect for it, be practical, but oh – forget about the old wives tales and fear! Let stop fearing the Earth and nature! She is our mother, she feeds us, without her we would not and cannot be here. Let’s stop the illusion that life is scary, that we will not be able to survive, that there is scarcity in the world! The only scarcity that has ever been created, has been through the actions of humans. Through thoughts that are based on fear – and fear is just ignorance. JUPITER INFLUENCE The planet Jupiter is very much connected with expansion and abundance and as if just at the right time when it is truly needed, Jupiter and the Moon are having a dance in the sky! In a few days’ time, EARLY MORNING on Sunday, 15th July there is a very special alignment between Jupiter and the Moon when the Moon will for a few minutes cover Jupiter in our heavens. Look out for it especially if you are in the UK, including South East Britain, Europe, northern Africa and western Asia (see also later on in the magazine if you want more details). During an “eclipse” the influence of the planet or celestial body is temporarily “blocked out” and so there is an opportunity to change the influence and connection it has always had with the Earth and also us, her inhabitants. This event of Jupiter will on a spiritual help to magnify the changing relationship we have with abundance on all levels as felt through the energies of Jupiter and is something really wonderful that has been gifted to us during this magnificent year of 2012. SCARCITY CONSCIOUSNESS AND CONDITIONING And one of the reasons that we are still so firmly invested and stuck in poverty consciousness, is that we has been affected by a deep conditioning and belief that there is scarcity in the world. This old and outdated belief in scarcity is making it difficult for us to become free and create our own much deserved abundance. It is well known that higher prices and a more lucrative market is created, for example, for diamonds by keeping large volumes from being sold on the open market- Why? Because if we actually have access to the abundance of diamonds that exist and have been mined, it would make the price of diamonds so cheap that they would no longer be so special and everyone could afford it! And the sellers of diamonds would have a much smaller return... Sounds crazy? Well maybe one just has to apply this scarcity conditioning of the past also to other things such as money, fuel, energy resources etc. Is it really true that we don’t have enough? Or is it just a way to show us how these resources have been manipulated to keep us in fear and the resultant poverty consciousness. THE EXAMPLE OF THE EARTH The Earth has another story. You only have to look outside to see that everything is always in a process of change and growth. Never ending cycles- it may change, but there is a flow that always exists. It is undeniable and part of the journey of evolution is now for us to wake up to the lie and stop believing in limiting beliefs about scarcity of money and resources that stop us from creating abundant lives and realities that will benefit us and everyone around us. Thank you Jupiter. Here is to my vote for prosperity!! With blessings of Love Elizabeth SACRED EARTH RETREATS© PRINGLE BAY www.arthurianschool.com info@arthurianschool.com telephone: (0027) 28 273 8277 international 028 273 8277 local mobile: (0027) 783716343 international 0783716343 local “Revitalise and Enlighten your Life with the Moon” HEALTH ISSUES HEALTHY EATING – QUINOA I have just returned from Peru and was reminded of the wonder food Quinoa that is so widely cultivated and eaten there! Quinoa is a grain and is rated as USA top crop of 2013. It is a powerhouse of natural plant protein- containing all of the 9 most important amino acids essential for tissue growth- Lysine being one of them. It has 9 times more iron than a single serving of meat/ 5 times more calcium than animal protein. It is low in cholestrol and sodium and a good source of Magnesium, Phosphorous and Manganese. It has a low glycaemic index product. It is a good alternative to rice. Because of the nutrient richness of this food, you require less quantity as it is very filling. (Deborah Sutherland) Ps If you have not tried the red organic quinoa variety found in health shops you are missing out! SUNGLASSES Wearing Sunglasses Can Affect Your Pineal Gland More and more people are wearing sunglasses, even if the sun is not shining bright and I see also that little children (toddlers) have sunglasses on. I remember an article by Dr. Ornstein in the Let’s live Magazine in October 1980 were it is explained that sunlight is very important, day light is very vital. The Creator provided for our emotional and physical health by giving us the Pineal Gland and commanding "Let there be Light " The Pineal Gland is an active, secreting gland throughout life. Natural, unfiltered sunlight is necessary for the proper functioning of this gland. Light as conscious electromagnetic energy from the Sun enters the body through the optic nerves of the eyes which, in turn, directly stimulates the pineal gland, a photo reactive organ. The pineal gland converts light energy into an electrochemical impulse which feeds directly into the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is that part of the brain which mediates all of the vital processes of the body via its immediate and direct connections to the pituitary gland and the autonomic nervous system. The hypothalamus is filled with light sensitive cells which convert the electromagnetic signal of light into a neuro-chemical impulse which is then carried directly into the pituitary Gland. The pituitary, in turn, elaborates and secretes hormones within the body, thereby maintaining homeostasis. Learning all this makes us think when to wear sunglasses and also not to put them at little children’s eyes. The eyes are able to adjust to sunlight much more then we give them credit for. When we work in facilities with artificial light during the day then we can agree that people are not getting enough natural light. In the book Nature's Detox Plan - A Program for Physical and Emotional Detoxification By Roy Mankovitz, it is stated that "The downside to wearing sunglasses is that it interferes with a portion of the endocrine system involving the pineal gland, which is light responsive. We do not fully understand the operation of the pineal gland, but from what we do know, you do not want to mess with it." (page 145) The following was published in a recent article on Seasonal Affective Disorder: Limit the amount of time you wearing sunglasses because sunglasses limit the light travelling from the eyes to the pineal gland. Eyeglasses and contact lenses rob you of energy by blocking some of the ultra violet rays that travel through the eyes to the pineal gland, writes Patricia McCormac. More documentation: The Pineal gland is the switch for the pituitary gland, which controls aging. Melatonin is the key hormone the Pineal gland produces. More sunlight exposure during the day is one approach for increasing melatonin production. Be sure to take off your glasses including sun glasses when getting sun light because the Pineal gland is stimulated by the light through the eyes. Besides giving you raccoon eyes, have you ever wondered about the correlation between wearing sunglasses and the amount of light that reaches your pineal gland? http://www.in5d.com/sunglasses-pineal-gland.html CURRENT CYCLES THE MOON – goddess of the night Although apparently lifeless, the Moon greatly affects life on our Earth! The twice daily ebb and flow of the ocean and many other natural cycles are all locked to the moon phases of the Moon. The Moon moves 13 degrees a day and orbits the Earth 13 times a year and is therefore linked to the number 13 and also women because of her influence on the reproductive cycle. At an average distance of 240 000 miles, the Moon is our nearest neighbour and her radius is 3:11 compared to that of the Earth. However, she is not spherical and the Earth’s gravity pulls the larger hemisphere always toward us. And so the Moon has a dark side which we never see, but paradoxically become fully lit each new moon. (Sun, Moon and Earth- Robin Heath). We are currently in the cycle of the Moon that the Mayans call the “COSMIC TURTLE MOON” that ends on 24 July 2012 and is also the end of the Mayan Year (the year runs from July to July of the next calendar year). JUPITER “ECLIPSE” 15 JULY 2012 Jupiter is very bright in the morning sky and on the 15th July the Moon will be very close to it and for just a few minutes cover Jupiter – passing in front of it as seen from much of Europe, including South East Britain, northern Africa and western Asia. Seen from London- where the Olympics are soon to be held, Jupiter will be hidden along the Moon’s northern edge at 02h55 am EST/GMT and begin to reappear around 03.07am. During this time Jupiter, the Moon, Venus, the Pleiades, Aldebaran and the asteroid Ceres will all be clustered together. A Very significant event just after the series of celestial events we have had with Moon, Sun and Venus eclipses in the Moon cycle of May/June 2012. FROM THE MAYAN CALENDAR: YELLOW SUN WAVESPELL (7-19 JULY 2012) The Sun represents the universal fire that enlightens and warms all life. Be like the Sun and radiate your love unconditionally into the world. During this period ask yourself the question: how unconditional are my deeds? What are my hidden motives and expectations? Take care to keep your motives and expectationMoon, the Earth and our own growisdom of the Sun is also there to remind you to become aware of how you may have idealism in your life that lacks foundation. By becoming more aware of this, you can change this to balance idealism with grounded realism. PETITIONS AND TAKING ACTION DOLPHINS “The use of deep water sonar is likely causing the mass dolphin deaths along the Peruvian and US Gulf Coasts. Dolphins suffer violent deaths due to seismic surveying. Save them today! » After speculating too long over what caused 3000 dead dolphins to wash up on the Peru's coast, researchers at a marine animal organization in Peru (ORCA) finally concluded that seismic surveying for petroleum is to blame. The US has responded by curbing exploration during the calving season, but Natural Resource Defense Council’s Michael Jasny says that’s not enough. What dolphins face, he says, is like “dynamite going off in your neighbourhood for days, months on end.” There’s no excuse for this mass slaughter – anywhere. Our governments must do what it takes to stop these massive dolphin deaths! » Take action link: http://www.care2.com/go/z/e/AGJ33/zmRC/b_HBl WHALES (FOR YOUR INFORMATION) Dear friends, within hours, nations could vote to create a vital whale sanctuary encompassing the entire South Atlantic Ocean. Japan is lobbying hard to block it, but now we can create the groundswell of support that could make key nations stand up to the pressure and save these incredible species from commercial whaling! Several Caribbean nations are on the fence, torn between supporting the sanctuary for the benefit of their international image and tourism industry, and wanting to maintain strong relations with Japan -- and their votes will make all the difference in establishing a haven for threatened whales. If we can create enough pressure in the coming hours we can tilt key heads of state to vote for whales and burnish their image as stewards of the ocean. The parties are meeting today. Let’s show Caribbean leaders just how quickly the world can mobilise when the survival of these amazing creatures is at stake. Send a message to the countries most likely to switch sides now, and tell everyone about this urgent action. http://www.avaaz.org/en/sam_thousands_to_save_whales/?bKyjFab&v=15684 The International Whaling Commission meeting is getting underway in Panama today. Nations from from Argentina to Australia and from the United States to Uruguay support the sanctuary, but it's not clear that the sanctuary supporters have the votes of 75% of attendees to pass the measure. Japan has reportedly bought countries' votes at the Commission for years by promising fisheries aid to poor nations that support the “sustainable use of whales” -- even to landlocked countries like Laos. But with whale species and our global ocean under increasing threat, these back-room deals are coming under scrutiny, and countries realise that they're actually voting against their own interests. Heads of State from Grenada, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines recognise that eco-tourism and whale-watching are key to their economies and that tourists are more likely to travel to countries that support wildlife conservation. If enough of us show our support in the coming hours, we can make sure they stand up for whales' survival. Send a message now to key Caribbean Heads of State. http://www.avaaz.org/en/sam_thousands_to_save_whales/?bKyjFab&v=15684 Avaaz members have been making waves to save whales and protect the world’s oceans. Recently, hundreds of thousands of us helped to ensure that the government of Australia created the biggest marine reserve in the world. Together we could make history today and help ensure that the entire South Atlantic is made a safe haven for whales! With hope, MORE INFORMATION: Japan 'bribing' small nations over whaling? Aid packages and call girls offered to officials, British paper report. (MSNBC) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/37667164/ns/world_news-asia_pacific/t/japan-bribing-small-nations-over-whaling/ Briefing: South Atlantic Whale Sanctuary (International Fund for Animal Welfare) http://www.ifaw.org/united-kingdom/resource-centre/south-atlantic-whale-sanctuary Greenpeace asks IWC for historic whale sanctuary in the South Atlantic (Merco Press - South Atlantic News Agency) http://en.mercopress.com/2012/06/28/greenpeace-asks-iwc-for-historic-whale-sanctuary-in-the-south-atlantic Incoming storms at Panama whales meeting (Greenpeace International) http://www.greenpeace.org/international/en/news/Blogs/makingwaves/incoming-storms-at-panama-whales-meeting/blog/41195/ BABOONS “Hi Everyone My last newsletter focused on our beloved baboons. Many issues have arisen on the peninsula since then. This is just a quick note to ask you to sign the petition that has been put up on avaaz.org calling on the authorities to stop killing the Cape Peninsula Baboons as a management method. There are non-lethal management methods which can be put into place. Law enforcement, waste and people management as well as effective and relevant training for the monitors and education of the general public need to be looked into before animals are killed for doing what they do naturally, but upsetting people.. (not hurting or killing people, just frightening and upsetting them.) I was always led to believe by the people responsible for putting the new protocols in place that killing baboons would be the last resort once all alternative options have been exhausted. This is not so. As I write this 3 healthy male baboons are being specifically targeted for “euthenasia”. I believe that the Baboon Research Unit of UCT has taken over the management of the baboon monitors from now until September, when the new service provider will then be on contract for the next 2 years. The monitors were told yesterday by Esme Beamish of BRU that the priority is to trap Merlin and Force of the Smitswinkel Troop, and Peter of the De Gama Park Fission Troop in order for them to be killed. This is despite the fact that the BLG (Baboon Liaison Group- representing the residents of baboon effected areas) have been in debate about this and are objecting. The petition is really important and could use our help. Click here to find out more and sign: http://www.avaaz.org/en/petition/Stop_Baboons_being_Killed_in_the_Cape_Peninsula_1/?eWDLRab Another thing that you can do to help from an energy and intention perspective is to visualise Force, Merlin and Peter safe up on the mountain and away from the trap cages. The power of positive visualisation and intention is immense. Together we can perform miracles. I remind people of Gregg Braden’s formula for energy shift: It only takes the square root of 1% of the population to make a difference. So to effect change in a population of 900, that means that only 3 people need to be consciously in prayer and meditation around that issue. It would be wonderful if we could all see the Cape Peninsula populated by people who treat baboons with respect, are not ruled by their fears and want the baboons and their environment protected and strive to do this. Thank you once again for all your support. with love and blessings from myself and the baboons, Wynter info@animaltalkafrica.co.za CHANNELLINGS LIVE KRYON CHANNELLING "The Recalibration of the Universe" This live channelling was given in Patagonia Argentina South America January 27, 2012: “Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. There is so much I want to tell you, but again, we start softly. We honor the energy in the room. We create a bubble around us of wisdom, so those who wish to hear will do so. We speak to many, not just those in the room. I want you to honor this moment, for it's for you. This is not idle information. This information has a profound, human stamp on it. It means that whatever I'm telling you, you have created. I'm aware that this message is being given in two languages [Spanish and English]. The information is complex, yet simple. So we need you to listen to understand concepts prepared in advance for you by those on this side of the veil who know who you are. There is a shift going on in this planet. If you are indeed an old soul, it is affecting you, and each of you has a different affectation. That is to say, each one of you will have a different way of responding to the energy. Old souls have something very interesting. They may be old souls, but that means that each of them has a vastly different experience of lives. So each of you is going to react separately and uniquely to the energy of the planet's shift. However, all of you are feeling something interesting. It's an enhancement of your wisdom and knowledge, and the feeling that the energy on the planet is moving in a direction that is toward your consciousness and not away from it. This is the fourth channel in a series called "The Recalibration of Humanity." We've talked about how Humans are recalibrating, how Gaia is recalibrating and even how your DNA is recalibrating. Now there's one that you didn't expect - how the Universe is recalibrating. It's a difficult premise that I bring forward to you today, for it has concepts outside of three dimensions. And so I will go slow. Time We start with the very predictions of the energy you are in. Let us say that you have a racetrack with cars on it. Picture a track that is very large... really large. Let us say that it takes years for the drivers to race around the track. They get tired. Sometimes they will get out of the car and put a new driver in. Sometimes the new driver will get tired and the older driver will come back and get in again. So the race cars are filled with some experienced drivers and some not. As they go around the track, it might take them years to go around just one time. Let us say that there is a difficult portion of the track, one that is filled with holes. Some don't see them and the newest drivers fall into the holes. The older drivers know to go around. Now in your three-dimensional perception, it is not difficult for you to imagine such a thing. But this is a metaphor of time. The track represents your 3D concept of time, except you think it is a straight road. It is not. It is in a circle. Unaware of the circle, now pretend for a moment you're one of the drivers in the cars. Also, let us say that you've been around the track many times. The new driver may think the track is straight and unending, for it disappears into the horizon. But as the old soul, you know that the track is really huge and the curve just can't be seen, much like the curvature of the earth. So as an old soul driver, you know where the difficult places in the track are. You also realize in this metaphor that as you drive forward and look out the front of your car, you are looking at a future and the past at the same time. This is one of the premises that a three-dimensional mind cannot grasp - that as you change the future, you are also driving over and changing the past. That premise alone explains how the predictions for 2012 can happen at all. But 2012 is simply one of the difficult places in the track, and the ancients knew it was coming. They could prophecy a problem ahead on the track because it's part of the circle. It's well known in time, and those who might give a name to it would call it fractal time. In past Human history, some of the difficult parts had actually created the termination of humanity. Some have resulted in a start-over of humanity. The energy that you are in now had a duality in its potential. You could have started over or you could start something the planet had never seen before. Twenty-two years ago, we told you this: "Get ready for shift," we said. "Get ready for the weather to change," we said. Those things have now come about. They came about not because Kryon or the prophets said they would, but instead because of old souls who saw the difficulty coming. They had gone around the circle of time before and knew where the issues were. It was "known" territory. The most difficult thing I can tell you for you to conceive of is this: As you steer around these difficulties and move forward on the track, you change the energy of the entire track. Therefore, you change the past as you move toward the future. This is not an easy concept to understand; however, it explains so much to the linear mind of how these things can be. For in your 3D perception, you believe that your experience in the future is going to be a product of what took place in the past. You only go in one direction and your expectations alone are in a straight line. All you have is your experience in the past - and it's not good enough. As you change the track, you change the rules of the track. So what I wish to say that is simplified is that there is a new paradigm ahead of you. Old souls will see it first, and they will plant the seeds for the rest of humanity. The young people will see it, for they have it in their Akashic inheritance. Slowly, Human nature itself will change and move into a new way of thinking where you're not guided only by the experience of things that took place in what you think is your past. It's an amazing potential. You are not the only planet who has experienced this. However, you are the only planet in your galaxy that is experiencing it now. The Bigger Picture Now I'm going to say things that are esoterically unbelievable. Your galaxy knows what's happening here on Earth. I'm not talking about life forms in your galaxy. I'm talking about the very physics of what you think lays there as the "rules." The Universe is cooperating with your shift - expected it - for this is why you came. Now it gets difficult to explain. You think physics is simply the rules of the way things work? Let me ask you a question: How do you explain what astronomers have named "intelligent design"? Against all odds, the Universe was created for life. Physics is supposed to be random, following rules that are random. Yet it didn't happen that way. The better the instruments got of the astronomer, the more they realized there had to be intelligence in the design. How do you explain that? All they know is the math. What you see before you, which you call your galaxy, is equivalent to rolling a six on the dice 10,000 times in a row! And it makes no sense, since it isn't random and it doesn't follow the bell-shaped curve of nature. That is why they are saying what they are saying. There had to be a guiding force of creation. Does that change your mind about physics or about what you see before you? So I will start to tell you how actual physics is beginning to cooperate with you. This time fractal has been known for a long time, and you could have gone many ways. In other words, you had many potentials of consciousness. Look at the prophecies of the ancients. They said you were going to have a world war. They said you were going to have termination. Many spiritual systems called for the end of the world where your souls would be collected. Many systems would have you believe a certain way so that you would be prepared and none of those things happened. Does that tell you a little bit about the shift before you? A different paradigm of thinking is coming. These paradigms will deal with problems you have that are currently seen as "unsolvable". So let us start with some unbelievable things. The Magnetics of the Solar System Now, my partner, I want you to go slow for both yourself and the translator. Twenty-two years ago, we told you the magnetic field of the earth was critical to your consciousness. Magnetics is a quantum energy. So is gravity, and so is light. You are surrounded by a quantum field, and that is the magnetic field of the earth. We said if Human consciousness is going to change, magnetics will change. It has to. It has to be a complement to what you are doing. It has to posture itself to receive what you are doing. How can the consciousness of this planet expand when the magnetics stay the same? It can't. So the magnetics must move. So it started with an actual shift of the magnetic lay lines of your planet, and that's now recorded history and something I predicted more than 20 years ago. Now your compasses show you that all I spoke about is now here. Your magnetics has moved greatly since 1989. Now, there has to be more. What else do you think could change the magnetics of your entire planet? It has to recalibrate, and in order for it to do so, it's going to need help. Your solar system is the engine of magnetic change for this planet. If you know anything about how the solar system works and the energies of it, then this will start to make sense. In your solar system, the core is the sun. It sends out what is called the solar wind, which is almost entirely magnetic. It's a magnetic energy that literally blasts out from the sun and contains only what was generated from the sun. That magnetic energy has a name - the heliosphere. It "blows" that magnetic wind against the magnetics of your own earth, and that changes your planet. For if the energy is always the same on Earth, then very little will ever change. For those who wish to get technical, you might say the magnetics of the sun blows against the magnetics of the earth and you will have two interacting magnetic fields. This creates something called inductance, which is a mystery to science. It's the "soup" of overlapping magnetic fields that allows for energy exchange of information and amplification without a power source. It's well used on Earth, but the attributes are seen as mysterious. So here's what's going to happen. Watch for changes in your sun. You may call them solar storms, but they're just a recalibration for you, and they will worry you. This is because there are many sensitive electronics on and around the planet, and these instruments will react. You count on the magnetic field of your planet to remain the same, but it can't remain the same when there is a giant solar storm happening. Certain kinds of communications will be disrupted. Perhaps even the power grid could be interrupted. Watch the sun, for it is in the process of shift. It is happening through intelligent design, the love of God and the Creator, changing things for your consciousness. It is a new way of thinking that is developing, literally touching the very DNA field of each Human. This changes the information within the DNA and allows the Human Being to capture and enhance attributes of a new reality it never had before. Now I get even more physical: Something has been on the way for a very long time. The magnetics of your solar system itself is changing. So here's the challenge: Go find that fact. You'll see it, literally, as your solar system moves through space. It intersects certain attributes of space and this is changing some of the magnetics, which then becomes different from the way they ever were before. This then changes the sun. Do you see the cycle? One enhances the other in a fractal of circular reality. Your movement around the center changes your solar system. The solar system's new position changes the sun's attributes. The sun's attributes are sent to the planet via the heliosphere and this affects your DNA. Now, the intellectuals will say, "Well, this does not make sense. Those processes ready to impact the earth have been on the way for eons, ready to intersect your solar system. So they haven't 'just happened.' In other words, this would have happened no matter what. It didn't matter if you were in a consciousness shift or not." I accept this argument, but with explanation. Let us say in the 1600s, there was a spaceship that came by the planet broadcasting music, a radio transmission of music to the planet. Now let me ask you this: Was the transmission real? Yes, I just told you it was. Was the music beautiful and real? Yes. Had the spaceship been on its way for a long time? Yes. How many people on the planet heard the music? And the answer is: None of them! This is because the radio receiver had not been invented yet. But in this example, the spaceship had always been on its way. Do you see the metaphor? The magnetic changes would have happened anyway, but if the earth had not been ready, then no person would have heard any music. There would be no reaction and Humans would be the same as they always have, if there even would be Humans at all - for some say that you were on your way to destroying yourselves yet again. You are changing the past by changing the future. You are rearranging the energy of your solar system and also something else. This is hard for you to conceive, dear ones, but we give it to you anyway: Very, very far away from you, things are changing. You don't believe it because they're too far away for you to consider, and in three dimensions, things that are far away are not part of your bubble of reality. However, they're in a quantum state with you. The entire galaxy revolves as one plate, in a very counter-intuitive way. The stars and the constellations do not orbit within the rules of Newtonian physics that you are used to seeing all around you in your own solar system. For the stars and clusters in your galaxy, distance from the centre does not matter. All the stars rotate as one. This is because the galaxy is entangled with the middle of itself. In that state, there is no time or distance. The change of consciousness on this planet has changed the centre of the galaxy. This is because what happens here, dear one, is "known" by the centre. It's interesting to us what your reaction to all this is scientifically. You saw that the "creative event" of your Universe is missing some energy in order for it to have formed as it did. In addition, the unusual way the galaxy rotates, as I just stated, was also noted. So you have calculated that for all this to be in place, there has to be missing 3D matter, and you have given it a name - dark matter. How funny! Did you ever think that there could be a multidimensional effect going on that you now can observe and calculate - that has immense power, but can't be seen? It's not "matter" at all and it's not 3D. It's quantum energy. Let me tell you something about physics. Yet again, I'll make it simple. Everything your scientists have seen in physics happens in pairs. At the moment, there are four laws of physics in your three-dimensional paradigm. They represent two pairs of energy types. Eventually, there will be six. At the centre of your galaxy is what you call a black hole, but it is not a single thing. It is a duality. There is no such thing as "singularity". You might say it's one energy with two parts - a weak and a strong quantum force. And the strangest thing is it knows who you are. It is the creator engine. It's different in other galaxies than this one. It's unique. The very physics of your galaxy is postured by what you do here. The astronomers can look into the cosmos and they will discover different physics in different galaxies. Could it be that there's something going on in the other galaxies like this one? I'm not going to answer that. Different Thinking Dear Human Being, this is bigger than you think. Old soul, this is bigger than you think. This is why we plead for you to stay on this planet and to change your cellular structure, to mine your Akash and start looking inside. In other words, do not take the past and project it to your future reality, for you are able to do things now that you were never able to do before. Gaia is cooperating. The Universe is cooperating and Lightworkers are moving into a manifestation paradigm. Personally for your own body, many of you are getting younger instead of older. You are creating solutions to problems you thought were unsolvable. You were told today that your population is expanding at a rate of at least a billion souls every decade. So what does your past tell you the problem will be? It will be global explosion of humanity. The result, you feel, will be lack of food and water, overcrowding and starvation. That is what your past tells you will happen. Let me tell you what the assumption is, dear Human Being. The assumption to create this conclusion is that Human Beings are simply too dense to notice it and have no idea what to do to change it. That's the old perception, based on an old Human nature. Watch what happens. Watch...what...happens. You're going to figure it out and there will be elegant solutions to unsolvable problems of the past. In almost every field of science, this is coming. It will help Human Beings live longer and healthier without war. There'll come a time when there won't even be terrorism, dear ones. Oh, there will be unbalance, Human Being. That comes with life. But not country against country, not spiritual group against spiritual group. This is what you are planting seeds for now, and the Universe knows who you are. Your galaxy resounds with your victory! Death has no sting. I will tell you this: You're all involved for eons to come here. Old souls are starting to manifest the new reality. I have no clock. I cannot tell you how long this is going to take. But you've had 18 earth years to make a big difference, for that is the energy we see. Recalibration of Systems and New Sight By the way, what happens to the solar system when the magnetics shift? Now you start to see where astrology will begin to shift as well. There are those who will start to apply the quantum filter to astrology. It's happening now. What is your quantum sign? It's different than the three-dimensional sign. Oh, there'll come a day, dear ones, in science, where the scientists will be able to apply what I will call a quantum filter to alter what they see. This will be a filter developed for telescopes that involves a super-cooling of the filter itself. Astronomers will be able to look out into the cosmos and, for the first time, see quantum attributes. The first thing they'll notice is two things in the centre of the galaxy, not one. The next thing will be the colors around the Human Being. And science will start a whole new section called "The Study of the Human Auric Energy." All of these are coming. How long will all this take? That is up to you. Meanwhile, plant the seeds of understanding, of peacefulness, of appreciation and of love. Become slow to anger, slow to create drama. Take on the attributes of the masters, and that is what your abilities are changing to right now. Soften in all things. Look at each other differently. There'll come a time when there's no war. Those in this room and those listening will know I'm right. Watch for these things in your science. When they happen, remember this day when I told you how it really works. Blessed is the Human Being who has understood this message as personal for themselves, not about the cosmos. It's about the inner being and the journey of the soul - and the Universe within. And so it is. KRYON UPCOMING SACRED EARTH RETREATS AND EVENTS Please email us or see the document called MOON MAGAZINE JULY 2012 RETREATS INFORMATION – there is an exciting new retreat in Hawaii for 21 December 2012 and also for BOLIVIA 2013 SOLSTICE! Learn to live and travel with spiritual intent. SACRED EARTH RETREATS © PRINGLE BAY www.arthurianschool.com info@arthurianschool.com telephone: (0027) 28 273 8277 international- 028 273 8277 local mobile: (0027) 783716343 international- 0783716343 local This magazine’s stated intention is to be for the Highest Good of All and to harm no one.

Thursday, July 5, 2012


SACRED EARTH RETREATS© For the love of the Earth and building a new future BOLIVIA 2013 ‘SPIRITUAL GOLD’ EARTH JOURNEY 10-22 JUNE 2013 Tarot- The Emperor, the Hierophant The Journey This Earth Journey explores THE “SPIRITUAL GOLD” EARTH MYSTERIES OF THE ANCIENT SALT DESERTS OF UYONI, THE TIWANAKU RUINS and THE ISLAND OF THE SUN, BOLIVIA during the WINTER SOLSTICE of 2013. Background 2013 will be the year of new beginnings and a world more truly based on Love. Come and join us on a Solstice Earth Journey where you will be able to explore more of your Soul and find a greater earth connection with the Spiritual Gold energies of Bolivia. Become a spiritual miner for Gold as you learn to live and work in unison with Pachamama, our Mother Earth! blessings and love Elizabeth SACRED EARTH RETREATS© www.arthurianschool.com info@arthurianschool.com/ elizabethbardin@yahoo.co.uk Tel +27 – 028 273 8277 Cell/mob +27 - 078 371 6343 NOTE: SACRED EARTH RETREATS© is owned by ELIZABETH BARDIN who takes small specialised group retreat trips to Sacred Earth places inhabited long ago by Ancient Civilisations. On these trips you are taught how to energetically “tune into the Earth” so that you are able to find a much deeper soul connection to the Earth and gather spiritual wisdom. THE RETREAT TRIP SANTA CRUZ (BOLIVIA) We start our Earth Journey in Santa Cruz, the capital city of Bolivia. The altitude is high in Bolivia and so we rest and acclimatise for the first two days. During this time you will have some free time to explore the many interesting sites of the capital city such as museums and other attractions that make Santa Crux a unique place to visit. UYUNI SALT DESERT (BOLIVIA) – 3650 - 5000 meters above sea level After settling into Bolivia, we now make our first important visit to explore the Ancient Salt Desert of Uyoni – the largest salt flat in the world! The surroundings of Uyuni are also said to be one of most isolated areas in the world! In Uyuni we travel by 4x4 jeep through a nature reserve where we sleep 2 nights in close communion with the stars and Mother Earth. Bolivia has some of the most interesting landscapes in South America and its highest indigenous population. The wilderness and purity that is still preserved here makes for a precious opportunity to connect with Mother Earth in a totally authentic way. Pink flamingos and various other wildlife form part of this landscape that is sometimes called the “end of the world”. Salt has always been highly valued and at one time even more valuable than gold! The Egyptians paid wages in Salt and the word salary comes from this original meaning. LA PAZ (BOLIVIA) 3800-4000 meters above sea level From Uyoni we travel on to the extraordinary city of La Paz, surrounded by snow capped mountains and volcanoes and where we stay over two nights. La Paz is famous for its Witches markets, but the real gold is to be found at the ancient sacred site of Tiwanaku- approximately 70 kilometers from La Paz. Probably the most important archeological site of Bolivia, it also incorporates the legendary site of PUMA PUNKU and is the subject of many mystical theories. Some say out of space technologies were used to move massive objects such as megalithic stones weighing more than 44 tons at great distances and that some stones seem to be still hovering in the air! ISLAND OF THE SUN (BOLIVIA) 3800 meters above sea level We pay our respects to Tiwanaku and then we travel on to see some of the most scenic routes in the world - Lake Titicaca! We visit yet another incredible portal of Ancient Gold energy: the Island of the Sun. Here we catch a ferry from the small village Copacabana to stay over on the Island. From the Island there are breath taking views of the snowy peaks of CordIllera Real mountain, the small Island of the Moon, the strait of Yampupata and of course majestic lake Titicaca. Watching the sunset and sunrise over the lake from the highest point of the Island will be one of the many extraordinary highlights of the trip. We also have some free time here to soak up the energies of this very high frequency earth portal and truly relax. SOLSTICE AND END OF THE TRIP And so we return to La Paz for the very special day of WINTER SOLSTICE 2013 when we rise early to greet the Solstice sun at the Sun Temple of TIWANAKU. Like so many, many times before in times gone by, we gather to greet and pay homage to the Magnificence of the Sun! At the Sun temple WITH ITS SPECIAL ALIGNMENT TO THE SOLSTICES we also do a special meditation to honour the Sun. A culminating highlight of the trip! RETURN Some of you may also want to stay on a few more days to explore some more of neighbouring Peru, or do an Ayahuaska sacred plant medicine journey with Sacred Earth Retreats at Machu Picchu after the trip. ITINERARY *(please note some of the final detail of the itinerary may still change) 10 JUNE (Monday) START OF RETREAT & MEETING IN SANTA CRUZ Arrival and meeting of group Overnight Santa Cruz 11 JUNE (Tuesday) Breakfast *Resting after flights and acclimatising for high altitudes of Bolivia Overnight tourist bus trip to Uyuni Salt Plains 12 JUNE (Wednesday) Breakfast Arrival Uyuni Tour Uyuni Salt by jeep Lunch and dinner included Overnight Uyuni Nature Reserve 13 JUNE (Thursday) Breakfast Tour Uyuni Salt by jeep *SPECIAL EARTH CEREMONY TO CONNECT TO PACHAMAMA Lunch and dinner included Overnight Uyuni Nature Reserve 14 JUNE (Friday) Breakfast Tour Uyoni Salt by jeep Overnight tourist bus trip to La Paz 15 JUNE (Saturday) Breakfast Free day in La Paz to rest from journey Overnight La Paz 16 JUNE (Sunday) Breakfast *VISIT TO TIWANAKU & PUMA PUNKU AND SPECIAL MEDITATION CEREMONY Lunch included Overnight La Paz 17 JUNE (Monday) Breakfast Travel to Island of the Sun (3 hrs bus,1 hour ferry) Overnight Island of the Sun 18 JUNE (Tuesday) Breakfast * VISIT AND SPECIAL CEREMONY ON THE ISLAND OF THE SUN Overnight Island of the Sun 19 JUNE (Wednesday) Breakfast Free day to explore and enjoy Island of the Sun Overnight Island of the Sun 20 JUNE (Thursday) Breakfast Travelling back to La Paz Preparation for Solstice Ceremonies Overnight La Paz 21 JUNE (Friday) SUMMER SOLSTICE Breakfast * Early morning visit to TIWANAKU SUN TEMPLE TO SEE THE WINTER SOLSTICE SUNRISE and Bolivian celebrations (note: Evo Morales, the president of Bolivia, often visits the Tiwanaku on Winter Solstice to pay his respects) Lunch included Overnight La Paz 22 JUNE (Saturday) Breakfast END OF THE RETREAT (13 nights) Retreat fee: R14 700/£1335/$1830 Deposit to secure a place: R3 000/£280/$375 (fully transferable in the event of illness and other unforeseen circumstances) Please note that this will be a strenuous earth connected trip that requires both physical and mental stamina - you will experience high altitudes and also be asked to bring along only luggage that you are able to manage yourself. But it is not a back packing trip and where appropriate, you will be able to store extra luggage for purchases you make along the trip. Includes: * All accommodation (x2 sharing) at good & scenic hotels with en suite bathrooms * All breakfasts * Lunches and dinners as indicated * All transfers as per above itinerary * All transportation to sites and places as per above itinerary * Unique trip to Uyuni Salt desert and lagoons by 4x4 jeep * All entrance fees to sacred sites on retreat itinerary * Guided meditations and ceremony at sites as per itinerary * Experienced retreat leader, Elizabeth Bardin, accompanying you on the whole trip * Small group energy tuition and interaction Not included: *International return flight to Santa Cruz *Optional trips/excursions not listed on itinerary *Lunch and suppers not included in itinerary (approx $12-15 per day) *Tipping (tipping- $60 to be collected at the start of the trip) *Drinks, items of a personal nature, gifts *Travel and holiday insurance Notes BACKGROUND: BOLIVIA AND SALAR DE UYUNI Bolivia offers nature at its wildest, most diverse, harsh, solitary and surprising! It is one of the most diverse countries in the world, both in cultural and ethnic terms as well as in bio-diversity. Its inhabitants are made up of more than thirty native ethnic groups (Guarani, Ayoreo, Moxeño, Aymara, Quechua), Mestizos, Europeans, Japanese, Mennonites, Afro-Bolivians and some other minorities and SO offers a diversity of cultural expressions, dances, costumes and culinary variety. More than 16% of Bolivia's territory is classed as protected, whether as national parks, or in other categories of protected areas. Bolivia ranks sixth as the country with greatest diversity in birds, eighth in reptiles, tenth in mammals and eleventh in higher plants. Even without coastal scenery, Bolivia is blessed with a great variety of ecosystems such as tropical forests, Andean mountains, valleys, pampas, Chaco , Pantanal etc. SALAR DE UYUNI- the SALT DESERT OF UYUNI: Some 40.000 years ago, the area was part of Lake Minchin, a giant prehistoric lake. When the lake dried, it left behind two modern lakes, Poopó and Uru Uru, and two major salt deserts, Salar de Coipasa and the larger Salar de Uyuni. Salar de Uyuni is estimated to contain 10 billion tons of salt of which less than 25.000 tons is extracted annually. Salar de Uyuni is also the breeding grounds for three species of South American flamingos - Chilean, James's and Andean. La Isla del Pescado (Fish Island) located on the salt flat and full of giant cactuses is named because the ´island´ has the shape of a fish. The birds are the only sign of life for miles. Laguna Verde, Laguna Colorada and the hot springs can also be visited at Uyuni when entering the National Reserve Eduardo Avaroa. Laguna Verde (Green Lagoon) is a beautiful green coloured salt lake close to the Chilean border at the foot of the Licancabur volcano. Its colour is caused by sediments, containing copper minerals. It is located approx. 4.300 meters (14.000 ft) above sea level. Laguna Colorada is a red coloured salt lake, also because of the presence of minerals. And after the last lagoon, there is a huge and great desert area with no roads or access ways. These fantastic deserts gather all the colours of various browns, reds, oranges, brass, coffee and beige which are successively shown at every curve. In the Eduardo Avaroa National Reserve there are also geysers of Sol de mañana – where one is able to walk among the smoky and noisy geysers, boiling mud stewpots where red and grey mud boils like water. You will have an unforgettable trip across 12 000 km2 of fantastic salt desert landscape. Have your camera ready! The amazing white coat of the Salar de Uyuni (or Thunupa) looks like a huge glacier … SOME PRELIMINARY NOTES ON THE EARTH TRIP Please note that nothing on the scheduled programme is compulsory- it there to help and assist you to have a spiritual experience of Bolivia, but it is up to you as to how and when you want to join in. Having said that, I encourage you to do take part in as much as you can, because very often it is by taking yourself out of your comfort zone that magic happens! Please also note we often visit the sites in silence so as to have an inner experience first and find a spiritual connection with the site and energies. What is so special about the trip in 2013? The dates are given under guidance to me with the intention that the trip will be safe and happen at the most auspicious and spiritually awakening times of that year for the places we visit. Being at TIWANAKU for the winter solstice will be an unbelievably unique and exciting opportunity! We will also be visiting Bolivia in June which is the dry season so as to make sure we have the best possible opportunity to visit the Salt desert of Uyuni. The wet season is generally January to April and this may make some parts of the route impassable and the whole area is filled with water and looks like a giant mirror! Having said that, ice or strong winds in June may still oblige the tour operators to make changes to our itinerary when visiting the Uyuni area. Food Except where listed on the itinerary (4 lunches & 2 dinners), lunches and dinners are generally not included in the overall costing of the retreat. This is to keep the cost of the trip flexible and make it easy for each person individually to decide what they would like to eat and also how much they want to spend on food. You have the choice and you will be given ample suggestions as to where to find good local food on our visit. Most of the food in Bolivia is fresh and grown locally with fantastic salads and grain products. There are a range of types of food available (from fast food to traditional) and also in terms of budget. Budget on about $12-20 as an average cost per day for meals and eating out. What is the accommodation like? SACRED EARTH RETREATS are planned to make it affordable to most people on a reasonable budget (without having to do camping or backpacking!), the rooms are fairly simple, clean and enjoyable and in tune with the general rural atmosphere of Bolivia. The accommodation is chosen for location, has an interesting and scenic aspect to it, has en suite bathrooms and also hot water- not a given always! Be prepared to have your standard needs met, but nothing over-luxurious. The accommodation on our journey to the salt lakes will be interesting! Overnight we will be staying, where appropriate, in hotels made entirely of pure salt, stone and also alone in the desert. Mostly there is hot water and heating, although not 24 hours a day. At night the gas heating will be switched off. How do we travel? We travel as a group together in comfortable buses and taxis, and in the salt desert we travel with a 4x4 jeep. Please bring adequate clothing for longer journeys when you may get cold at the higher altitudes in the bus. A good sense of humour is also a plus when you are travelling in South America! Flights PLEASE SPEAK TO ME IF YOU NEED ANY HELP WITH THE BOOKING OF YOUR INTERNATIONAL FLIGHT TICKETS. I WILL BE ABLE TO HELP YOU WITH SOME USEFUL SUGGESTIONS. Entrance fees All entrance tickets are included in the price of the trip. What do I need to know about weather? When packing it is best to bring layers that you can put on and take off. You will be given more information about what to pack etc closer to the trip. Our trip in June is a good time to go to Bolivia- the rainy season is over and the evenings are not that cold yet as it is in August of the year when it is mid winter. The Lake Titicaca area and Bolivia is very high and will get freezing at night. Yet the Sun is very strong during the day at such high altitude and you will need to wear a hat and sunblock. Do I have to worry about altitude sickness? It is a very important aspect to think about and to do some preparation before the trip. If you have a history of strokes or very high blood pressure you will not be able to take the high altitude pills if you are in fact not able to cope with the altitude when you are in Bolivia. There are certain simple procedures that can be followed to help you adjust and if you have particular concerns, it may even be advisable for you to arrive a day or two before the retreat starts, to make sure that you are rested. The highest altitude you will be at is La Paz and the Salt Desert of Uyuni. Altitude sickness is unpredictable and although it will be good for you to become fit and trim before the trip, it does not necessarily mean you will not be affected. Often it affects younger persons more than if you are older and not so fit! There are some herbal remedies available and it may also be an idea to consult a homeopath before you go on the trip. On some level the altitude is symbolic of ascending also in your body and so at the end of the trip you will find that not only are you emotionally and mentally a lot sharper, your body will also be more efficient because it has learnt to use oxygen more efficiently. In all the years that I have taken groups to Bolivia and Peru I have not had anyone who has had life threatening/serious complications, although often I have made sure that people stay in bed and just sleep because of the first symptoms they have of altitude sickness! It is always the best idea to deal with any symptoms sooner than later, because it takes the body so much longer to recover once the symptoms have set in. Also, many people complain about having stomach upsets in Bolivia because of the altitude and also different conditions with water. It is recommended that you only drink bottled water and there are other measures that you can take to make sure you get over any complaint quickly. Very often it is a way for the body to detox from old emotions, so it need not ruin your trip and also when you are with a group you have the comfort of knowing that you are supported and that if you need any medical attention is easy to find for you. Consider medical insurance that covers all kinds of eventualities. Malaria and yellow fever, visas There is not any malaria where we visit- it is applicable if you visit the areas near the Amazon, but if you are South African you will need to show a yellow fever injection certificate on your return to South Africa. Visas: please check your own requirements on the internet, or with a travel agent, if necessary. An entrance visa is given to South Africans when you enter Bolivia and costs in the region of $100. Sacred ethics We are always conscious of planning Sacred Earth Retreat trips in as eco-friendly way as possible. We travel in small groups, adhere to "Leave no trace" ethics and try to, where possible, seek out excursions where the local and indigenous people get involved. Each trip we take is an opportunity to make a difference. Be respectful of Mother Earth: If possible walk only on designated trails to prevent vegetation damage and erosion. Remember you are travelling through the animals' backyard - observe all wildlife from a distance and please do not feed any animal. Try not to leave any traces of your visit. Take only photographs, leave only your sacred footprints and bring home only memories. Please do not be tempted to collect living or dead items or historically significant souvenirs. Help endangered species - do not buy products that exploit wildlife, cause habitat destruction, or come from endangered species. Do not dump garbage of any kind. If you bring it, take it back with you. If you find garbage others have missed or dropped by accident, pick it up. When hiking do not bury toilet paper, as animals will often dig it up and spread it all over. Take back with you all plastic or cotton feminine hygiene products. Try not to use commercial soap or shampoo; even biodegradable ones are said to have an impact on the environment. Be considerate of other visitors. Uphill hikers have right of way. Respect Cultural Differences: Local customs and traditions are often different to our own; take time to learn what behaviours are acceptable and what is not. Ask permission before taking photographs of local people – use it as an opportunity to have contact with the local people and make friends. Taking the time to learn a few words and phrases in Spanish is always appreciated and is a great introduction to starting an interaction with local people. With love Contact details: ELIZABETH BARDIN info@arthurianschool.com/ elizabethbardin@yahoo.co.uk telephone +27 - (0)28 273 8277 cell/mobile +27 - (0)78 371 6343

Sunday, May 20, 2012


MAY AND JUNE 2012 MOON MAGAZINE SACRED EARTH RETREATS© Before printing this, please consider the environment! Note: This magazine is intended for the sharing of information about the Moon, the Earth and our evolution. Feel free to pass it on, or if you want to be removed from the circulation list, please send an email reply to info@arthurianschool.com with the word “unsubscribe” in the heading. Thank you. Note: SACRED EARTH RETREATS© is not linked to any specific belief, religion or system. It embraces all ways; knowing that we are all connected through the Oneness of Love. It advocates peace for all beings and holds the Earth and all of Nature sacred. It upholds the concept of self-empowerment for all. For more information see our website www.arthurianschool.com Hi everyone! A RUNWAY OF EVOLUTIONARY CHANGE We are still on a runway of evolutionary change - as we rapidly shape shift, one by one, through the time locks of 2012. Racing towards a hallmark date of 21 December 2012. RELENTLESS! This process has been relentless- hardly one process has completed as the next one begins. We have seen it with the powerful Wesak full moon on the 5th May, followed by the 20th May solar eclipse and then the coming 6 June Venus eclipse. Our bodies have been hammered by what one could call star planes of existence colliding and merging with those on the planet- often happening at night and in our dream state- sometimes in the day. And so the process for the body has been to bring out whatever needs healing or shifting- a very physical process to complete just as Mother Earth is also healing her imbalances and making way for new paradigms and ways of being. As if wearing a new coat, she is ready to receive her next level of upgrade- and we are going with it! BENCHMARKS We are having to “raise our game”! To be more aware and present than ever before. But this is a permanent process that requires us to sustain that higher level of awareness as our new way of being. Deep negative emotional and mental conditionings have to go and make way for the new. What is hidden can only but be revealed as all the veils of denser energies are falling away. Where you set your bench mark of consciousness is where you need to stay – there is no falling back into old habits- we are forced to keep reaching higher and higher. EXHAUSTION AND FATIGUE It is quite normal to feel exhausted and emotionally drained from time to time. The intensity will pass gradually as our bodies get closer and closer to our goal to become lighter and less dense just like the Earth. More light is coming into the planet and we are very much affected by it. Have you noticed how different you feel from day to day? Often there seems to be no logical reason for it - at all. It just shows you how rapidly we are all changing. NEW OPPORTUNTIES But at the same time we have an incredible opportunity to achieve levels of healing and awareness that have never been possible on this planet! There is so much support and possibilities to explore. If you allow your soul to guide you there. Make the most of these opportunities and, where necessary, ask for help. This is a journey we have chosen to do together – and together it will be! We are now one huge global community. With blessings of Love Elizabeth SACRED EARTH RETREATS© PRINGLE BAY www.arthurianschool.com info@arthurianschool.com telephone: (0027) 28 273 8277 international 028 273 8277 local mobile: (0027) 783716343 international 0783716343 local “Revitalise and Enlighten your Life with the Moon” OPPORTUNITIES FOR SELF HEALING SELF DOUBT AND SELF SABOTAGE The world is changing rapidly and we are having to rely more and more on our own intuition and inner knowing. We have to learn to trust that inner voice and ourselves. Yet there are deep patterns in our consciousness that sabotage and stop us from doing this. These patterns still sabotage our belief in ourselves and stop us from being in our true power. We are so used to the negative effects of this inner saboteur that we hardly notice it is there- we just mostly feel it as self-doubt and low self-esteem. But now is time to pay attention, become more aware and change it! So much more is possible at this time for self healing- we just have to do focus and the inner work. One way of identifying this pattern of self- sabotage is to focus on that inner voice that is often called THE INNER CRITIC. This elusive voice was born after some difficult experience in our very early childhood that created a split of our inner self. The split happened between the part of us that intuitively knew something was true and another part -called the Inner Critic - that was caught up in fear and took on the opposite negative judgement or criticism of an authority figure - family member, school teacher, etc. This caused us to doubt ourselves as a conditioned response. Nagged by instant self- doubt, it is impossible to create any true measure of lasting success- the sabotaging inner critic will make sure that whatever we try to create will fail or at least be less than what we are capable of. It is a recurring pattern that needs to be removed from our old fear conditioning. Here are some helpful questions to help you work through a process to understand how your specific Inner Critic operates in your life and what kind of devastation it causes. A helpful way to study the Inner Critic is to see how it manifests itself on the outside in the form of someone or some situation where we are criticised. Write down the following questions on a blank piece of paper and then sit quietly and write down any answers that come as instant thoughts to you- a bit like a brain storming session. With time you will find more and more thoughts coming to you and you will be able to unravel the pattern that gets triggered inside - a huge change already! You are becoming aware and can choose to strengthen the intuitive voice instead of the inner critic or saboteur. This simple process has been very beneficial for me and I am very grateful to share it. PROCESS QUESTIONS: 1. SITUATION: Think of a recent or past experience where you felt uncomfortable or unsafe because you felt criticised by someone or a situation. Try to imagine that you are in that situation and once again experiencing it. 2. FEELINGS: What feelings came up when this situation occurred. 3. BODY: Where in your body did you feel any sensations. 4. THOUGHTS: What thoughts came up in you that were defensive or negative. 5. MEMORIES: Try to remember what it reminds you of - old memories triggered as a child or younger you. 6. CONDITIONED BEHAVIOURAL RESPONSE: How did you respond- you may have withdrawn or tried to fight back or accommodate. This behaviour has become a coping strategy that you instinctively use each time a similar situation arises. 7. PAY OFF: What was the pay off. Your coping strategy was used when you were helpless and to help your fear and discomfort go away - so the pay off may be that the attention was taken away from you, or you got what you needed in some way in order to be safe. 8. COST: But what was the cost of your response. With all coping strategies there is always a cost – this cost could be e.g. that you became isolated from others, or unable to give voice to your needs, or lost love, or felt bad about yourself. MEDITATION: 1. Once you have written down some answers. take yourself back to the experience again and imagine that you, the grown up who has survived the fearful situation during that time, is able to connect with and support your inner child/the younger you. 2. Tell that part of yourself who was in fear that she/he is safe now because you are there. 3. Call on your Intuitive Self to also support your inner child/younger you. 4. Explain to your inner child/younger you that they are wonderful and that they can trust themselves instead of the negative judgements of the person intimidating and criticising them. 5. Explain that only an opinion that is loving, supportive and encouraging is true and worth listening to. 6. Imagine holding the inner child/younger you in your arms and comforting them - thank them for coming back to you and into your heart. 7. Know that you have changed and are more complete. WITH LOVE TEACHINGS AND ARTICLES MORE ABOUT THE OPPORTUNITIES AND LONG TERM EFFECTS OF THE 20 MAY 2012 ECLIPSE: THE EFFECT OF SOLAR ECLIPSES Solar Eclipses have a profound effect on the Earth’s subtle energy grids and ley lines. All powerful events that occur on Earth leave energetic memory imprints in the Earth’s energy grids. These can become amplified and perpetuated by the energy flow through the grids, which is fed by the movements of the Sun, Moon and planets overhead. Powerful negative imprints, such as war, misuse of power or emotional trauma can block or damage the energy flow in a particular region of the planet, causing the energy to become distorted. Eclipses provides opportunities to release these negative energy imprints and enable new, positive patterns to become encoded into the Earth grids. Hamish Miller, the late renowned UK dowser, found that, as an Eclipse shadow passes overhead, the Earth’s subtle energy lines power down to almost nothing, becoming indiscernible to dowsing; then as the Sun’s light returns, the grids spring back into life. This is a bit like deleting an old computer programme, loading a new one, and then re-booting the system. THE ECLIPSE OF 20 MAY 2012 This Eclipse begins west of Hong Kong, then passes north of Taiwan and over Tokyo and Mount Fuji. It arcs up just south of the Aleutian Islands, Alaska at Maximum Eclipse (at 23:47 Universal Time), then makes a landfall at the northernmost edge of the San Andreas Fault. It passes over Mount Shasta, then crosses Nevada, Utah and New Mexico, and ends just inside Texas The eclipse on 20th May will release the energetic ‘thought-forms’ and patriarchal archetypes of at least the last 5,125¼ years, and probably the last 25,626 years of the Galactic Great Year. The Eclipse will release negative imprints left from the misaligned expression of male power in the Pacific Ocean grids. In the Pacific Ocean grids, the misaligned use of male power expressed itself in some of the most horrendous battles of World War II, particularly in such important energy points as Midway Island, which lies right at the very heart centre of the North Pacific grid; similarly at Iwo Jima and Hawaii itself, with the bombing of Pearl Harbour. The imbalances in the grid were deeply aggravated by the dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. And of course more recently, due to the nuclear disaster at the Fukushima power plant. From 1946 to 1958, the United States conducted 67 nuclear tests in the Marshall Islands, a pivotal anchor point in the North Pacific Grid. The total yield of the 67 tests was the equivalent of more than 7,000 Hiroshima bombs! At the Aleutians Islands, in 1969 the United States detonated a one megaton nuclear weapon at Amchitka Island – the small band of protesters who sailed out there to try to prevent this were responsible for birthing the Greenpeace environmental movement. As the eclipse releases these old patterns, held within the grids, it will bring the possibility for seeding a new expression of male power that is fully aligned with the heart and the spiritual will, and so enable collective healing at a personal and global level. This will mark the beginning of a whole new paradigm of consciousness! THE PLEIADES The significance of this Eclipse is further enhanced by the exact conjunction of the Sun and Moon with the Pleiades. This well known cluster of stars, above Taurus, has held a significant position in world mythology throughout the Ages. To the Maya, the Pleiades represent the handful of maize seeds from which the original humans were born. While the old patriarchal patterns of the last 5125¼ years are being released by the Eclipse, hidden behind the eclipsing Sun, the Pleiades will be planting the seeds of the new consciousness that will begin to birth the new 5125¼ year cycle, that begins after 21st December 2012, as the Solstice Sun emerges from the centre of the Galactic Equator, which the Maya perceived as the ‘womb of Creation’. This Eclipse marks the ‘point of no return’ on our journey towards the December Solstice 2012. The more we are each able to release emotional attachments, thoughts and ideologies that hold us back from experiencing full conscious awareness of our connection with the Oneness of all Life, the smoother the transition will be for us. The May Eclipse brings a golden opportunity to create Right Relations in all aspects of our lives and stand fully in the power of who we truly are and what we truly believe. (extracts by Marcus Mason see http://www.heavenandearthastrology.blogspot.com/) WHERE DO WE COME FROM? - a Pleiades creation story? An aspect worth pondering on is the impact and meaning of the lining up of the Sun, Moon and Pleiades stars that also happens during the 20 MAY ECLIPSE and incredibly powerful time for the Earth. THE PLEIADES It is relatively easy to locate the Pleiades in the night sky. Find the well known Orion constellation and follow the row of three stars forming Orion’s Belt to the closest and brightest star in our heavens, Sirius. Now follow the three “belt” stars of Orion in the opposite direction and you will see a bright slightly yellowish star called Aldebaran. Keep going in the same direction and following an imaginary straight line, and you will find a small cluster of stars that is sometimes only visible as a collective blur- the Pleiades. Many say that the Pleiades hold one of the world’s greatest ancient secrets – that takes us back to the little known world of the Ancients. MYTHS AROUND THE PLEIADES There are many, many recorded myths about the Pleiades. There is virtually no ancient culture that does not make reference to them or depict them in their art! Despite their relative small size in the sky, these Seven Sisters - as they are often affectionately called - seem to have distant and important connections that are only resurfacing now for us to understand in a totally new and much more empowering way. AFRICA The Pleiades were and still are also commonly observed by the peoples of Africa. A South African missionary, Georg Schmidt wrote in 1837 about the Pleiades: “At the return of the Pleiades, these native (people) celebrate an anniversary as soon as these stars appear above the eastern horizon. Mothers will lift their little ones in their arms and …. teach them to stretch their little hands towards them. The people will assemble to dance and sing according to the old custom of their ancestors.” To the San Bushmen, the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades or “Kanandura” are a group of stars thrown into the sky by God. Another tribe - the Shona - calls the Pleiades Chinyamunomwe (the Seven). The Zulu, Sotho and Tswana people believed these stars die in the winter dusk and are reborn in the rainy season when they reappear in the evening sky. In Mali the fishing season starts when these stars leave the night sky. THE SUMERIANS A civilisation that seemed obsessed with the Pleiades was the ancient Sumerians who lived in the area of the Persian Gulf (now Iraq) where some of the relics are over 4000 years old. In most of the scroll seals, steles and reliefs, the 7 star constellation is clearly visible and given a lot of prominence. The Hawaiians also have a name for the Pleiades: Makali'i. There is even a sacred day for ceremony in the months of October and November when the Seven Sisters are directly over Hawaii. The creation story of the Aborigine is often portrayed in paintings and show the story of the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades, and the part they played in the creation of them as humans. The paintings speak of the metaphor of how they had come to be with the Aborigine tribe, then how they had been chased, and had "fled into the skies. The Maoris have a very similar creation story. Their name Matariki for the Pleiades is very similar to the Hawaiians name and they have created a New Year harvest festival around the Pleiades that exists to this day. THE PLEIADES RECORDED AS TEMPLES AND PYRAMIDS IN STONE But what is probably the most fascinating for me, is that is it now being shown that ancient civilisations such as the Mayans, Aztecs and Egyptians, not only depicted these stars in their artefacts and art, but plotted and built the stars of the Pleiades as actual temples or pyramids on Earth! It is well known that the ancient Maya, Aztecs and Egyptians all had similar religious beliefs – they all believed they came from the stars. The Maya claimed a celestial “ship” arrived from the stars carrying a king or god king whereas the ancient Egyptians were inspired to believe in gods that “sailed” down from the stars. THE MAYAN PYRAMID CENTRE OF TIKAL IN GUATEMALE One of the most interesting ancient sites I have recently visited, is TIKAL in Guatemale- thought to be the earliest pyramid site of the Maya. It has now been shown that the original layout of this pyramid/temple site exactly corresponds to the layout of the seven main stars of the Pleiades star system, called the Seven Sisters! Coincidence? I doubt it. It is as if these ancient sites – built with absolute precision and skill- have been laying dormant and are now being reawakened at a time when we as a humanity is ready to once again remember our true origins and who we really are! Maybe the 20 May alignment of the Pleiades with the Sun and the Moon will do just that- help us reach forward to THINK MORE DEEPLY ABOUT OUR TRUE ORIGINS and to be more connected to the stars than we have ever allowed ourselves to do until now… Blessings ELIZABETH (please also see Wayne Herschel - Hidden Records, Dean Liprini in his book Pathways of the Sun, KRYON BOOK TWELVE) TIWANAKU BOLIVIA - ANOTHER STORY OF OUR ANCIENT STAR CONNECTONS? Tiwanaku Archeological Complex: The prehistoric city of Tiwanaku is located on the southern shore of the famous Lake Titicaca along the border between Bolivia and Peru. The most recent heyday of this city was between A.D. 500 and 950 when religious artifacts from the city spread across the southern Andes. But when the conquering Inca arrived in the mid-fifteenth century, the site had been mysteriously abandoned for half a millennium. But even after its abandonment, Tiwanaku continued to be an important religious site for the local people and it later became incorporated into Inca mythology as the birthplace of mankind and the Inca built their own structures alongside the ruins. Of all the ruins in Central and South America, Tiwanaku has especially been a magnet for strange theories. In the early twentieth century, Austrian astronomer H.S. Bellamy insisted that the metropolis was a result of one of Earth's former moons crashing furiously into the ground. It was considered absurd to think that a civilization could actually flourish as high as 13,000 feet above sea level. In the late 1960s, writer Erich von Daniken concluded from his research that aliens set up a base at Tiwanaku and erected the great monuments using their extraterrestrial technology. He used as evidence a biblical interpretation that the prophet Ezekiel had been abducted by these same cosmic beings. (http://www.archaeology.org) Whatever its origins, Tiwanaku remains an integral locale in the religious lives of Andean people of modern Bolivia. At present it is thought that creators and bearers of Tiwanaku culture (this pronunciation is said to be the closest to the original) were the forefathers of the present day Indian nation Aymara — the second largest population among the native/indigenous people of South America. Similar to the present day Bolivians, residents of the ancient Tiwanaku empire were not aggressive. They conquered new subjects not by using weapons, but by authority, preaching the peaceful coexistence of tribes that are engaged in constructive labour. That is why in ancient Aymara tombs there are almost no weapons, but rather an abundance of diverse implements. Thousands of tourists pass through the site each year, many to watch the sun rise on the summer solstice. On 21 June, the winter solstice for the southern hemisphere, the great festival of Aymara New Year (Machaj Mara) is celebrated at Tiwanaku. The festival draws as many as 5,000 people from around the world. The main event is sunrise, when the rays of the rising sun shine through the temple entrance on the eastern side of the complex. Locals wear colourful ceremonial clothing for the event, and visitors are welcomed to join the party, which includes drinking singani, chewing coca and dancing until dawn. Local artisans hold a fair to coincide with the celebration. History & Context of TIWANAKU Nestled in a Bolivian highland valley 13,000 feet above sea level, the broad altiplano of Tiwanaku is defined on three sides by mountain ranges and on the fourth by Lake Titicaca. Approximately in the middle of the valley are a series of large mounds and small platforms marking the centrE of the city of Tiwanaku, occupied ca. A.D. 500-950. A dense scatter of ash and pottery and other artifacts is witness to the fact that a large population once lived around these monuments. For half a millennium, Tiwanaku artefacts -mostly religious in nature -were part of the southern Andes culture. By the time the Inca came to Tiwanaku around the middle of the fifteenth century, it had been abandoned for hundreds of years. But even in ruins, Tiwanaku posed a greater challenge to the Inka Empire than any of the indigenous groups it fought during its conquests. Clearly, here was a civilization far older than theirs! And so the Inca claimed, that their creator deity, Viracocha, made the first peoples of the Andes from clay and then the first Inca, whom he then sent to Cuzco to found the empire. The silent monoliths were proof of Viracocha's creations. The first Spanish chroniclers were amazed by the size and antiquity of the structures at Tiwanaku, and for the next few centuries a number of notable observers travelled to visit what became known as the "American Stonehenge" or the "Baalbek of the New World." Puma Punku Archeological Complex Across the railroad tracks south of the main Tiwanaku site is the archaeological site of Puma Punku (Gateway of the Puma). This complex arouses more questions then answers with scientists - the most important question — what was its hierarchical relationship with Tiwanaku? Was it subject to Tiwanaku? Competitive? Or independent? According to huge stone blocks of the former Pyramid temple in Puma Punku one can easily guess that its master builders must have possessed immense power and mobilisation of power. Otherwise how could one arrange sculpturing of these blocks that weigh 30-130 tons (!!!) and moving them from stone quarries 10-12 kilometers away? Often parallels are drawn between these figures and Moai at Easter Island. UPCOMING SACRED EARTH RETREATS AND EVENTS Please see the exciting new retreat in Hawaii for 21 December 2012! Learn to live with spiritual intent. SACRED EARTH RETREATS © PRINGLE BAY www.arthurianschool.com info@arthurianschool.com telephone: (0027) 28 273 8277 international- 028 273 8277 local mobile: (0027) 783716343 international- 0783716343 local This magazine’s stated intention is to be for the Highest Good of All and to harm no one.


SACRED EARTH RETREATS© For the love of the Earth and building a new future THE BIG ISLAND OF HAWAI’I 21 DECEMBER 2012 LOVE IS IN THE EARTH SOLSTICE RETREAT 15-22 DECEMBER 2012 Tarot- THE EMPRESS CELEBRATING THE LIFE GIVING WONDER OF WATER on 21 DECEMBER 2012- CELEBRATING THE GREAT ANCIENT MOTHER - MAUNA KEA! In Hawai’i there is an amazing mountain, called MAUNA KEA. She often has snow at her summit and is named “White Mountain”. MAUNA KEA is the highest mountain in the world, because of her height of 4 205 m above sea level and also her astonishing height of 9 kilometres above the ocean floor. But actually MAUNA KEA is a precious key to our future survival with water! “When the rain comes in and the clouds come in, it’s Mauna Kea who catches them. And so we have water. We have water for our plants that grow down below. We always have water because of Mauna Kea. Large civilizations have gone dead because they don’t have water. We will never have that fear as long as Mauna Kea is here. If Mauna Kea is not here, we’re not here. If it lives, we live. And it’s as simple as that. So we have a lot of things to be grateful for as we live on this island in the shadow of Mauna Kea. It has saved us for many, many generations.” Pualani Kanahele -kumu hulu (hula master) and educator The waters of Mauna Kea are so profound, that all the deities or “kupua” of Mauna Kea are symbolised as water forms. And so MAUNA KEA has three deities: Poli’ahu, the deity of the snow. Lilinoe, the deity of mist and Waiau, the deity of the lake. The whole mountain is spiritually dedicated to water! “Like the pure water captured in the piko of a taro leaf before it can reach the ground, the waters of Mauna Kea, suspended high above in the realm of the sky father, Wakea, is considered pure and life giving. It is so pristine, it is the perfect water. It was the water that was able to bring back life, to resurrect someone who had already passed. That is how sacred the water from Mauna Kea is considered in Hawai’i. It is not just water in liquid form, but water as ice, water as snow and also water from Lake Waiau. These are all considered sacred waters, and any water that is harvested directly from the sky. So sometimes people harvest, as the snow is falling. They collect it. Because that really hasn’t touched anything.” -Kealoha Pisciotta INVITATION FOR SOLSTICE Come and join us in Hawaii on the very auspicious date of 21 December 2012 - to celebrate the end of the Mayan Calendar, connect with one of our most ancient Mothers, Mauna Kea and honour during Solstice the life giving wonder of water. THE FORMAT OF THE RETREAT During this retreat we will bring sacred blessings to Hawai’i for the completion of a huge cycle of evolution ending in 2012. On 21 December and SOLSTICE, we visit snow capped Mauna Kea to pay our respects to Mother Earth and with our sacred intention bless the element of water to bring in the dawning of a totally new world based on Love. We will visit the earth temples of Pu’uhonna o Honaunau and Volcanoes National Parks on Big Island and swim with wild dolphins – a species that still hold so many pure connections to Love. We will also have the opportunity to watch the night sky from the world largest astronomical observatory site on Mauna Kea to connect with shooting stars, planets and the wider Cosmos out there… Come and experience the life giving power of Hawai’i. E pili mau na pomaika`i ia `oe (May blessings ever be with you) Elizabeth SACRED EARTH RETREATS www.arthurianschool.com info@arthurianschool.com PRICE: R9 696 / £808 / $1212 INCLUDES: 7 nights accommodation (double occupancy) including taxes and resort fees all breakfasts entrances and visits to two national parks (Pu’uhonna o Honaunau and Volcanoes National Parks) boat trip and swim with wild dolphins entrance and visit to Mauna Kea and star gazing island transportation for all itinerary group events all teachings, facilitation and channelling/transmissions EXCLUDES: Airfares Personal transportation to and from airport Lunches & dinners Drinks, personal items Optional night swim with mantas (with enormous wingspans from 6’ to 17’! - cost $75) NOTE: You also have the option to stay on with some remaining members of the group for some extra days after the retreat to rest and explore Big Island and the other islands of Hawaii on your own (accommodation will be organised at approx $60 per night per person). You may also decide to come a few days before the retreat to Hawai'i for general sightseeing. ITINERARY (please note that some of the final details may still change). 15 DECEMBER (Saturday) Breakfast Arrivals on Big Island Connecting as a group with intention Overnight Big Island 16 DECEMBER (Sunday) Breakfast Visiting Pu’uhonna o Honaunau National Park Connecting with the earth of Hawaii Overnight Big Island 17 DECEMBER (Monday) Early breakfast Wild dolphin swim! Connecting with the dolphins and asking for their blessing for our visit to Hawai’i and also our Solstice celebrations Overnight Big Island 18 DECEMBER (Tuesday) Breakfast Visit to Volcanoes National Park Feeling our deep connection to the volcanic mountains of Hawai’i Overnight Big Island Optional: Night swim with Mantas- they are totally harmless and amazing sea creatures of the night 19 DECEMBER (Wednesday) Breakfast Group work- connecting with the wonder of water (every participant will be asked to bring water from a pure source near where they live and to contribute this to a blending of sacred waters that will be used on Solstice at Mauna Kea) Sacred Hawai’i Dance celebration (Hawai’ian people) Overnight Big Island 20 DECEMBER (Thursday) Breakfast Preparation for Solstice Meditation and rest All Night virgil – staying awake to bring in the dawning of 21 December 2012 with sacred intention Overnight Big Island 21 DECEMBER (Friday) SOLSTICE Early morning visit to MAUNA KEA Sacred Mountain Solstice ceremony with Sacred Water Soaking up the energies of Solstice Overnight Big Island 22 DECEMBER (Saturday) Breakfast Closing ceremony and saying thank you for all the blessings we have received from Hawai’i and its people. NOTE: You also have the option to stay on with some remaining members of the group for more days after the retreat to rest and explore Big Island and the other islands of Hawaii on your own (accommodation will be organised at approx $60 per night per sharing person). GENERAL INFORMATION: THE WILD DOPHIN SWIM: All snorkel gear, any flotation needed, water/sodas/juice, fresh fruit, muffins, variety of dry snacks are provided. You will also be able to get the necessary towels etc from the hotel where we stay. The Dolphin Swim is 8 a.m. -12 p.m. Check-in 7:30 a.m. There will b a Swim Guide(s) in the Ocean with you. NIGHT MANTA SNORKEL: Night Manta snorkel 5:00p.m.- 8:00p.m.(time changes during the year with sunset). Group Rate rate is $75 per person inc tax. All snorkel gear, short wetsuits, lights, and swim guide (s) in the Ocean with you. Water/sodas/juice, and a variety of light snacks. Once back on the boat enjoy a warm shower, hot chocolate/coffee or tea. It is an exhilarating experience to be in the water at night with the Mantas. They are completely harmless, with no teeth, stingers or barbs. They can have a wing span of 6' to 17'! WEATHER: The Big Island’s weather is pleasantly warm and tropical all year-round. The daily average temperatures range from mid-70’s to mid-80’s. In the higher elevations such as Waimea and Volcano, the temperatures can be a bit cooler, especially at night. It rains all year round. The months of April – September tend to have less rain than the months of October – March. The great thing about the weather in Hawaii is that even if a rain shower should interrupt your day, it rarely lasts more than a few minutes before the glorious sunshine breaks through again! BACKGROUND THE EARTH ASPECTS OF HAWAI’I Hawai’i is known for its splendour as a magnificent cluster of Islands in the azure blue crystalline waters of the Great Pacific Ocean. But - in fact - it is one huge mountain! The largest mountain on Earth situated on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean with its peaks protruding above the water to form islands. The strongest earth energy I have ever felt has been in Hawai’i: during an earth ceremony on another Hawai’an island called Kauai’i - also known as Flower Island because of the multitude of flowers growing there. HAWAI’I HERITAGE OF ANCIENT LEMURIA Hawai’i is also linked to Ancient Lemuria. Lemuria was said to be the first human civilization on Earth that lasted many thousands of years - a place of blissful harmony where the Love vibration was fully anchored. When it came to an end, its Polynesian descendants became the indigenous people of Hawai’i and they also moved to places such as Easter Island and New Zealand. MAUNA KEA, THE HIGHEST MOUNTAIN IN THE WORLD: “In our story of creation, WAKEA is the broad expanse, the sky father, partner of PAPAHANAUMOKU, earth mother, who gave birth to the islands. Hawai’I Island is their HAIPO, or eldest child. And MAUNA KEA is that child’s PIKO, or navel. Because of its place in our genealogies, MAUNA KEA is a KUPUNA, an ancestor.” I don’t need to go up to Mauna Kea to understand what is the essence of that place. I’m a traditional hula practitioner. I have studied hula all my life. And I chant about it and I dance about it and I feel the essence of it just thinking about it. It’s a very, very powerful place. It’s a wahi kapu, a sacred site. It’s a wahi pana, a celebrated and legendary place. ~Kehaulani Kekua testimony at public meeting on Mauna Kea Science Reserve Master Plan May 1999 For more information please contact: ELIZABETH BARDIN www.arthurianschool.com info@arthurianschool.com telephone +27 - (0)28 273 8277 cell/mobile +27 - (0)78 371 6343