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Sunday, August 12, 2012


AUGUST 2012 MOON MAGAZINE (note: this is a short summary, if you want to read the whole magazine email info@arthurianschool.com and it will be emailed to you - thanks for sharing information together and also your interest!) Hi everyone! OUR RELATIONSHIP WITH THE EARTH IS AFFECTED BY WHO WE ARE Many people ask me why I incorporate personal healing sessions in my work. Surely it has very little if anything to do with caring about and working with our planet? WE HAVE FORGOTTEN… Yet we have forgotten and are unaware of how much we and our personal issues affect the Earth! Mostly because we can only see our impact through a higher awareness of life energy. When we, for example, live in fear, it is as if there is a dark “curtain” that separates us from the Earth. And the Earth also carries a much heavier burden! Our thoughts, our feelings, everything we assume is just personal to us and our own world, is hugely important, - for us and the Earth! Have you ever noticed how suddenly the Sun starts to shine when you decide to change your mood and feel happy? No it is not a coincidence! You can actually change the weather! Many remember this from the times of ancient civilisations. They worked very hard to create the appropriate weather for crops and also knew that it was possible to create “pockets” of uniquely different weather within a larger area. Anything is possible and even more so now. Take your power back and start to live! With blessings of Love Elizabeth SACRED EARTH RETREATS© “Revitalise and Enlighten your Life with the Moon” PERSONAL WISDOM TEACHINGS FROM A HAWAIIN TEACHER: FEAR VERSUS INTUITION I wanted to let you know that this is a perfect time for you to learn more about the difference between your fearful fantasies and your authentic, accurate intuitions. It's always a good time to do that, of course, but even more so right now. This is an exciting turning point, when the future is up for grabs. Worn-out old habits of thought are unravelling. Structures that have kept us enthralled to fake values are crumbling. The coming months and years will be ripe with opportunities for us to lay the foundation for a new world that's actually fit for the human soul. And in the midst of this grand mutation, it's predictable that so many so-called leaders are trying to fill up our imaginations with scary visions and angry emotions. They want us to buy into their visions that the sky is falling. In the face of their toxic paranoia, it's wise to remember that we always have the power to turn away from their fear-mongering and tune in to the guidance of the still, small voice within us -- the still, small voice of intuition that will, if we allow it, lead us very capably through every twist and turn of our destiny, even when our destiny brings us right into the thick of our civilization's massive transformations. + Knowing the difference between your fearful fantasies and your authentic, accurate intuitions is one of the greatest spiritual powers you can possible have. For more see http://bit.ly/PronoiaPowells SAFETY: It does not matter whether you are living in a country where there are some frequent terrorist attacks, or in a country where there are random acts of violence. It does not matter what the culture is — it is only the feeling of vulnerability that ever puts you into a vibrational harmony with that which you fear. When you realize that by working to achieve your feeling of Well-being, it is then impossible for you to ever rendezvous with anything other than Well-being — that is the only place that freedom will ever be. --- Abraham THE COMING HUMAN EVOLUTION: Crop circles, ancient temples, and the coding of the Earth with Freddy Silva "Genuine crop circles are indistinguishable from ancient temples insofar as how they work, what they do to you, and what they do for you." For over 8000 years our ancestors erected colossal temples around the world at locations where the magnetic properties of the Earth are enhanced. Temples such as Stonehenge and the Pyramids strategically mark the crossing paths of invisible, yet measurable, magnetic pathways that encircle the Earth - points where the planet's 'memory' can be accessed. Or influenced. For more see http://greatmystery.org/ THIS MONTH’S THEME AND OPPORTUNITIES POWER The theme for August is POWER. There are many ways to work with a theme of power and for this month it is more about looking at where you give your power away and then changing that behaviour or pattern. It is also about learning to empower your desires from within rather than always looking to a greater power outside yourself to make things happen. This is a great month to revisit the idea of power and energy leaks and to spend some intentional time reworking your patterns in these areas. Power is many things and can show up in many ways. Power is health, vitality, truth, love, resources, awareness, creativity, service, acceptance, attention, connection, joy, ability, talent, recognition, expression, freedom and choice just to name a few. These are what you practice or embody and what no one can take away from you. So the resources we are mentioning are not resources that can be taken but rather inner resources of resiliency, flexibility, and personal talent and creativity. What power is not includes control, worry, negativity, resistance, oppression, slavery, fear, and any practice or behaviour that is run by the obstacles of the false personality. For more see www.thepowerpath.com REJECTION Dear White Rabbit, I recently was on the receiving end of being rejected by a friend. It took me 5 weeks to get over the feelings that this rejection brought up in me. It was a rough time and finally I came to the realisation that it had actually very little to do with the other person (who merely was the trigger) and mostly had to do with my own resolved issues. How can I resolve these feelings sooner? I look forward to your reply - Dee. Dear Dee, Great that you were able to come to the realisation that your feelings about rejection had to do with your own unresolved issues, well done! In order to enable you to resolve these feelings faster you will first need to change the way you perceive rejection. What is rejection and how does it translate itself into our lives? Let's look at the meaning of the word 'rejection'. It comes from the Latin word 'rejectus' to throw away or to put aside or to send back. Other words that can be associated with rejection are discard, dropped, kept at a distance, barred, passed up, rebuffed, cast out, repelled, renounced, ostracised, excluded, eliminated, abandoned and jettisoned. All these words can evoke feelings of that range along a continuum from frustration, intense anger and resignation to despair. For more see http://www.changematters.co.za EARTH CONCERNS How to Lessen Air Travel’s Damage to Our World As with so many things in this day and age, we’re called on to be mindful with our air travel and question our assumptions: Is the spiritual, philanthropic, or other return on this carbon investment a responsible use of our shared resources? Flying around the world is a privilege unprecedented in human history. Let’s act like it. Commercial air travel is incredibly damaging to our environment. Just one round-trip flight from New York City to San Francisco, CA is estimated to put 2.5 tons of greenhouse gases into the air–nearly 15% of the annual carbon emissions for the average American. For more see From http://www.pachamama.org HEALING FROM THE EARTH Cold pressed rapeseed oil Cold pressed rapeseed oil (cold pressed means the oil is naturally extracted from the plant at room temperature without the addition of any chemicals) has balanced levels of omega 3, 6 and 9. Together these make up the essential fatty acids vital for lowering cholesterol, reducing inflammation that can cause heart disease and premature ageing, boosting the immune system and nourishing skin, hair, bones and joints. It also has half the saturated fat and ten times the omega 3 content of olive oil and is an excellent source of skin-enhancing vitamin E. Radishes These hot tasting little vegetables are members of the cruciferous family and owe their pungent flavour to super nutrients called glucosinolates that are also found in broccoli and cabbage. Glucosinolates help to boost detoxing enzymes in the liver, have anti-cancer properties and aid digestion. Radishes contain just one calorie each and come packaged up with plenty of hunger-combating fibre so they are great for the waistline. Chomping your way through just ten radishes will provide you with 25% of your daily vitamin C and their leaves, which are also edible, contain six times more! Flax seed We all get exposed to radiation. You get dental x-rays, a chest x-ray here and there, some security scanners use x-rays and you even pick up radiation when you fly by jet. Any one of those exposures alone poses little risk. But two years ago, scientists found out that these exposures are cumulative. Years of exposure can add up to considerable risk. Naturally, risk rises for those who receive higher exposures. For instance, radiation therapy places a huge "deposit" in this unwanted savings account. The good news: University of Pennsylvania researchers, in the US, believe they have found a way to make withdrawals from your radiation savings account. It's flaxseed. For more see http://www.thehealthierlife.co.uk/ UPCOMING SACRED EARTH RETREATS AND EVENTS Please email or see the document called MOON MAGAZINE AUGUST 2012 RETREATS INFORMATION – retreats in Glastonbury September 2012 EQUINOX, Hawaii SOLSTICE 21 December 2012 and also for BOLIVIA 2013 SOLSTICE! Learn to live and travel with spiritual intent. SACRED EARTH RETREATS © PRINGLE BAY www.arthurianschool.com info@arthurianschool.com telephone: (0027) 28 273 8277 international- 028 273 8277 local mobile: (0027) 783716343 international- 0783716343 local This magazine’s stated intention is to be for the Highest Good of All and to harm no one.

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