© The Arthurian School
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Hi everyone (with apologies for this rather late edition of the magazine)!
With the new year of 2009 upon us, it is like a clean new slate that we can write on. What will it be for this year?
Is this a year of financial hardship and lack, war, pain and devastation, or is this a year to celebrate? Is this a year where we are still slaves to our limited perception of who we are and what we can be, or a year where we are truly free?
It is a choice that is open to each one of us- we are the creators of our own reality and even though it seems to be outside of us- it is not- it is inside of us...
The new moon for this solar year has started in the sign of Capricorn- Saturn, the true task master of responsibility. This is where we are asked to look at our – “respond- ability”- how we choose and are able to respond to what is happening to us and the world around us. And how wonderful if we could respond to whatever negative is around us by choosing to value each day and to create, give and love!
Inspire me
Allow me to create a work of art
Reveal to me the depths of my soul
Let me discover a story long forgotten
Let me delve into the depths
To find the power of my courage
The intensity of my passion
The greatness of my love
Show me how strong I am
Reveal to me the secrets
Of my unlimited joy
And when I am revitalised by my forgotten gifts
Let beauty spring from within me
May the most magnificent work of art unfold
A story of the deepest love
The most profound beauty
May this be the story of an untamed spirit
Of a life where every moment is sacred
Because within it is contained
The potential for every experience in the universe
May this story be filled with imagination and magic
May it be a celebration of freedom
And the miracle of experience
May it be a tribute to the force of Creation
May I never forget what is wild within me
Oh God
Let me write my life in this way
As a celebration of beauty and a work of art
- MIA from Stellenbosch
With the full moon in Cancer we are also being asked to look at where we are not taking care of ourselves. That is the essence of responsibility- to be firstly responsible for our own well being and ourselves. Only then can we truly take care of the Earth and others.
This moon cycle is a great opportunity to lay a sound foundation for the rest of the year to come. Pay attention by taking the time to focus on what you want to create for this year and for your future, and also the future of this planet. 2012 is only 3 years away!
My prayer for you for this new year of 2009 can only be said in the beautiful words of Mother Theresa- one of the truest examples of nurturing and caring I know:
Saint Theresa's Prayer May today there be peace within. May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith. May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be content knowing you are a child of God. Let this presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, Dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us.
(with thanks to Alette Ohnemus who passed this prayer on)
With blessings of Love
telephone: (0027) 28 273 8277 international 028 273 8277 local
mobile: (0027) 783716343 international 0783716343 local
“Revitalise and Enlighten your Life with the Moon”
called the Rowan Moon, the Quickening Moon, the Ice Moon in the Celtic tradition
The new moon started on the 28th December in the sign of Capricorn and the full moon will be on 10th January in the sign of Cancer.
The 12th January is known as a traditional day of return to work as the start of the English agricultural year and it sometimes celebrated with a plough being dragged through the village. 19th January is Martin Luther King Day in the USA and on the night before St Agnes day (21st January) it is said you are able to dream deeply and trul!
The lunar new year celebrated by the Chinese starts on 26th January and is celebrated with sumptuous vegetarian meals, fireworks, drums and cymbals from sunset on the evening. They spring-clean the house in advance, whitewash the walls and lacquer the doors red. On the door posts and inside the house, strips of red paper with messages of long life, health, wealth and happiness are hung and friends are visited with children being given small amounts of money wrapped in red paper. This particular new year is the year of the Earth Ox and so the focus is very much on the Earth. It can be said that the obstinacy and single mindedness of the ox might just help us to build a survivable and sustainable future!
What the planets are doing
You will have noticed the very bright evening star, Venus, as you can still see Jupiter and Mercury disappearing further and further into the sunset. On the evening of the 31st December, there was a lovely spectacle in the early evening sky. ON that night Mercury and Jupiter made their closest pass, with Mercury just over a degree south of its giant line of vision companion Jupiter. There is an annular eclipse of the sun at Dark Moon on 26th January which will be visible from the Cocos Islands and parts of Indonesia. The partial eclipse can be seen from parts of Southern Africa and South and East Asia and Australia.
Allow yourself to relax and start to focus on your breath- in and out………….. in and out……………., in and out…………….. Allow yourself to let go any cares or worries or tension, and just allow the breath to take you deeper and deeper into the body. Feel yourself sinking deeper and deeper into a blissful state of nothingness. Just completely let go.
Feel that as you are sinking deeper and deeper, you are becoming more and more relaxed in your body. Focus on your third eye between the eyebrows and then start to relax your whole body even more, telling it that it is safe for you to completely let go.
Now imagine that you see a beautiful full moon in front of you. It is dark outside and there is a feeling of richness in the huge expansive and velvety night sky. See how the moon has a golden yellow colour as it appears and hangs in the night sky. Feel its vibration and how you are drawing it ever closer to you through your third eye.
Feel the unique connection you have with the moon and greet it in your mind- welcome it, because it has come to guide you gently into the new year.
Now see how behind the moon there is another, and then another, and then yet another full moon. As you count, there are 13 moons in total and they all are connected with a beautiful silver thread that is hanging in the sky. See how they all are working together to create a magnificent and illuminating time for the 13 moon months of the year we call 2009.
Now go even deeper and ask the moons to reveal themselves to you one by one. Just observe anything that you may see, or anything that may come into your mind. It is giving you some important conscious information about the year and the moon months to come that you need to know personally.
Stay with this for a while and when you are ready, imagine that you are welcoming and drawing all of the 13 moons into your Heart.
Now see yourself with the moons in your heart, standing somewhere that is beautiful on the Earth. Imagine that you are becoming aware of her Heart Beat. Feel how the two of you are also uniting on your journey forward in this year.
Now start to breath more slowly- in…, out…, in…, out…, in…, out…. Continue to do this for a while, and as you are doing it, feel how your body is being revitalised by the Earth. Feel her love and support for you and how she is nurturing your soul. Feel the peacefulness inside and a knowing that is beyond any conscious understanding.
When you are ready to return, you can open your eyes, bringing the gift of the meditation back with you and into your life and future. You may want to write down anything you received during the meditation, or simply rest. Drink some water once you feel more present and connected.
I would like to introduce you to a very special and interesting person called Dawn who I came to know while living in Cornwall UK. I have great admiration for her talents practised through Wicca which in my quite limited knowledge is very much about living in harmony with nature and the Earth. Paganism is not so well known in countries such as South Africa and there is also often much misunderstanding about it with the term “witch” almost being a scary name to use, but as she explains below, in ancient times it merely meant the wise woman of the village. I thought it will be interesting for her to tell us more about it herself (and you may also want to look at her website Herbmoon):
When asked to write a piece about myself and Pagan Witchcraft I thought Oh my Goddess where do I start paganism is such a vast subject to try and cover.
Who am I…just an ordinary person who loves Mother Nature and all that she gives us, I live in Cornwall and own an on-line metaphysical store.
I’m known to many as Herbmoon a traditional witch of several years that follows the Celtic tradition.
Many people, both young and old have asked me over the years how I became a witch. how did I know I was a Witch? and how they become one?
In matters of spirituality the answer to any question is within you, all you have to really do is look, listen and learn, many paths are open to you and I firmly believe there is no "One right path".
There is only, the path that is right for you.
The basis of being a pagan is a love of Nature, and a commitment to live in harmony with the Earth and Her creatures.
Druids believed as do I that all things have a spirit from the largest animal to the smallest insect, rivers, lakes, stream and mighty oceans, Trees & plants, stones & rocks all have a spirit, they are born from mother nature, her to us.
The term pagan houses many, it’s an umbrella name under which you will find many traditions, Wicca, Druidism, Shamanism, Neo-Paganism and Eclectic Paganism to name just a few. Some Pagans are Witches, some are not.
Many Pagan groups do not practice Witchcraft.
Wiccans are a type of Pagan Witch, there are also Dianic Witches, Green Witches, Solitary Witches, Hedge Witches, Eclectic Witch and the Traditional Witch…The Wise Women of the village.
As a pagan we try to live in harmony with the earth and her rhythms as each season changes into another celebrating the pagan festivals of the wheel of the year. The circles of sowing and reaping, the passage from winter to spring then to Summer and Autumn Paganism celebrate what is natural.
Birth Life and Death are a pattern of which all are a part.
We are just folk who have a different religion, a Nature Religion that teaches us to honour all life. Pagans honour their Goddesses and Gods with the same faith that non-pagans have in their own religions.
The first deities humans worshipped were Goddesses. A Goddess is the female creator and life giving forces of the Universe and much more.
Some Pagan faiths, like Hinduism and Eclectic Paganism have many Gods and Goddesses. Some Pagan Traditions like Taoism have no Gods or Goddesses. Some popular deities Artemis-Diana, Inanna, the Green Man, Isis, Brigid, Rhiannon, Apollo, Kore, and Demeter.
As a religion Pagans do a ritual which is anything that focuses your spiritual energy. A church service is a ritual, so is a wedding, or a funeral, or a Hopi Sun Dance. Humans have created rituals since the beginning of time. A Ritual is the way humans express their connection with divinity and each other.
There are many kinds of Pagan Ritual, personal rituals you do by yourself, full moon rituals which can be done by you or with a group. There are blessing rituals for a new home, or for children, or for healing, or cleansing. There are protection ritual, and banishing rituals, to name a few.
Your Grandmother may have placed a horseshoe over the door, this is a popular form of simple protection ritual that is rooted in Pagan tradition. Or throwing salt over your shoulder if it is spilled, so as not to attract bad luck.
Many Pagan Rituals begin by honouring the Earth and the 4 directions, as well as the elements the directions represent, Air, Fire, Water and Earth. A circle is cast and blessed with water, smoke, salt and light in honour of these elements. Rituals often include singing, chanting, dancing, drumming, poetry and hymns to the Goddess or Gods. Some Rituals are very complex and are almost like a play, other rituals are very simple and flow with the energy of the person/people taking part.
I have been a solitary witch for many years now and paganism to me isn’t just my religion it’s my way of life. The very word Witch is a powerful one it conjures up all sorts of images of weathered old hags with warts, boiling up brews and chanting spells and talking to the moon. Some fear her, some laugh saying there is no such thing.
Many moons ago your witch was simply the wise women of the village. She was an advisor, Healer, Midwife, she predicted future events, and village folk turned to her in times of trouble and need. She gained her knowledge from all that was around her, nature was her teacher, herbs, plants and tress were her source of healing.
Today’s witch does much the same and whereas other religions will go to a building such as a church the witch goes to the woods for nature is her church.
Today’s Witches are people who have made a positive choice to follow a path of individual spiritual growth that is in harmony with the Earth upon which we live. Most witches have become aware of a spiritual void in their lives, and have discovered, in Paganism, a religion of respect &, tolerance. which allows them to be themselves, it also encourages social and environmental responsibility which for the world we live in and the earth we walk upon isn’t a bad thing.
Of cause there is much more to paganism and being a Witch than what I have stated here, we still have to look at the moon and feel her pull of energy and power, there are spells to learn, spirits to guide us but for the time being I’ll leave you with this.
What is a Witch? She watches and sees never missing a thing, she doesn't just hear, she listens as well, She senses the feelings stirring within. She loves and she cares and wipes away the tears, She heals and nurtures, teaches and guides. Never belittling to those that know less. Her life she will give to continuous learning, never tiring at what our mother has to teach. She'll watch the year turning in wonder and awe, and feel the rhythm of the earth beneath her feet. Each living thing scared, she treats with respect. Her magic she weaves from her heart and soul, never taking without giving and used only for good. She reaps what she sows, a wonder to many, for she is patient and tolerant of those that don't know.
For the love of the Earth – Helping you, helping the Earth
2009 The year of Celebration
2-12 APRIL 2009 (THE STAR)
There is much to see and do in the incredibly diverse land of Peru.
Whether it is to open your heart and unknown senses to the mystical wonders of Peru; or to explore its rich cultural heritages; to delight in its colourful and captivating craft and art markets; or to become more attuned to its people with their nature based life style - Peru has something to give to everyone.
Peru vibrates deep within the Soul, and irrespective of how you describe that in words, it is a place where you can experience an adventure that is an incredible privilege and unforgettable gift from the Earth.
The Earth in the Sacred Valley of the Andes Mountains with the great Urubamba River is filled with a quality that can only be described as paradise. Nowhere on Earth is there such a feeling of incredible Love that has not yet been disturbed by the turmoil of humanity with its pettiness, hate, greed and insatiable hunger.
When the Spanish invasion ruptured Peru, one place was saved by the Earth herself: Machu Picchu – completely covered and shielded by the jungle- it remained safe and unknown to the warring conquistadors.
Going to Peru is quite an unique experience- it is an inner and outer journey with many wonderful colours. No money can ever reflect the value you give to yourself when making this journey. It is something that will change you and your life forever. And you will awaken an even deeper connection to the Earth - touched by something that is beyond description: the ancient heritage of a place on this Earth that was loved beyond measure.
I sincerely hope that you will be able to join me on one of the two retreats to Peru planned for 2009!
Visiting Peru with the Arthurian School is guaranteed to help you open your heart, and lead you to the Authentic Spiritual, Traditional, Cultural and Mystical wonders of the Peruvian Andes.
I look forward to being with you.
Elizabeth Bardin
Come with us...Explore the World. Explore your Self. Love and respect
the Earth.
Please note: The journeys have both been chosen because of the positions of the moon and the planets during those times to make them the most powerful and auspicious journeys for you to experience in Peru during 2009.
Ten-night program
The Arthurian School invites you to step out of yourself and enter a mystical journey to the ancient land of Peru. Each day after a relaxed buffet breakfast, you will visit a different ancient Inca site in the Sacred Valley. You will be invited to experience the ancient qualities of these sites (sometimes in silence) and time will also be set aside for your own personal exploration of the site and some hiking. In addition, you will be able to stay in rural Peruvians villages and observe the unique cultures of the local people of the Sacred Valley who still live very much in a traditional way with their colourful crafts and markets.
You will not have to worry about any logistics or the stress of being left to do much of the exploring and decisions of what you should see on your own. Instead you can simply relax, enjoy and use the time available to the fullest. Each hotel and hostel where we stay is, wherever possible, chosen for its special location, simplicity and atmosphere and is recommended for its ample hot water and cleanliness- not always a given in Peru! The Arthurian School has been leading Sacred Earth journeys to Peru for the last two years and believes that there is no other program like this at present being offered in terms of uniqueness, quality, diversity and value for money. Moreover, no other itinerary provides such a specialised hands on trip where you can have a non- commercialised tourist experience, but still have the benefits of being with an organised and stress free structured program itinerary.
It also offers an ideal opportunity to spend a sufficient period of time at the area of Machu Picchu and its beautiful environment in the cloud forest. Although doing the Inca Trail can be very rewarding, it is only accommodates camping and is relatively physically demanding with camps shared by many other participants on the trail. Usually only a few hours are reserved after the trail to spend at Machu Picchu which really should be the highlight of the trip! You also miss out on staying in some of the most interesting villages on the way to Machu Picchu.
And so the trip is structured to offer the best of both worlds: an opportunity to visit places where the descendents of the Inca still live in rural villages and also some proper time to really get in touch with the ancient heritage of the Machu Picchu area. And you will still have the opportunity to do some magnificent hiking in the area. It is in our experience one of the most flexible journeys available at this time, taking into account the needs of each individual group and also each person – participants are given freedom to experience the journey in whatever way suits them best - all that is required is a genuine love and respect for the Earth!
Elizabeth who leads the progam is an experienced travel facilitator and has worked with sacred earth sites for over 8 years. Every participant to these journeys has remained enthusiastic and genuinely thrilled with the unique opportunity of experiencing Peru in this way. Please contact the School if you would like to have more feedback from recent journeys that took place in February, July and October 2008.
The School guarantees that in this program there is something for everyone. You will be inspired by:
- Places of serenity, peace and exquisite beauty
- Authentic earth site meditations and healing ceremonies (optional)
- Magnificent Andean peaks and Sacred Valley scenery
- Mysterious ancient cities and temples including Machu Picchu
- Vibrant and colourful markets and Quechua people in their rural villages
- Andean culture and cosmology.
- Hiking at ancient sites
- Massages and healing hot water baths (optional)
- Interesting museums and other places of interest
Day One (Wednesday)
Departure from home country for Cusco City via Lima. Cusco is only a short flight over the mountains from Lima, the Peruvian capital situated on the Pacific coast.
Day Two (Thursday)
The program begins in Cusco, ancient capital of the Inca Empire. Arthurian School will meet you in the morning at the airport in Cusco and take you to a comfortable hotel conveniently situated near the historic Plaza de Armas. Rest for a few hours and acclimatise to the 11,000 ft altitude before the program officially begins. At 1pm The Arthurian School invites you to a welcome lunch, followed by a group orientation meeting and introduction to this special program. Afternoon walking tour through the cobblestone streets of Cusco to see fascinating Inca stonework en route to the Plaza De Armas, the Cathedral and Koricancha Museum, the holiest site during Inca times. Explore the remarkable technological wonders of this remarkable culture. Supper at recommended restaurant café and early night to rest, or enjoy a walk through the San Blas artists’ district, a quaint area filled with artisan and art shops, or stop in at one of the lively restaurants or coffee shops. (Lunch included)
Day Three (Friday)
After a buffet breakfast in the hotel, early bus to the sacred site at Saksaywaman overlooking the city of Cusco. Impressive stonework and structures weighing hundreds of tons will leave you in awe. How did the ancestors build those structures without the use of the wheel and steel implements? Here we do a simple ceremony to honour and tap into the sacred energies of Pachamama (Mother Earth). Return to Cusco for lunch on your own and to do some further sightseeing and exploring of the museums or shops around the main square. Or if you still feel affected by the altitude, you may just wish to relax in one of the many cafes that line the streets of this fascinating Inca Captial. Group meets back at the hotel for late afternoon departure to the market town Pisaq in the Sacred Valley. We leave Cusco and travel over the mountains down into the Urubamba Valley. Orientation at hostel in Pisaq and dinner at recommended restaurant. (Breakfast included)
Day Four (Saturday)
After a buffet breakfast at the hostel, we visit the ruins overlooking Pisaq with impressive Inca terraces. After Machu Picchu these ruins are rated to be the most spectacular. You have the option to walk up about 2000 ft from the village to the ruins in the mountains above, or catch a taxi to the main ruins. We return in the afternoon for a rest and some free time to explore the village of Pisaq. After an early supper at a recommended restaurant you are invited to join in a traditional Quero meditation with the four elements guided by Diane Dunn who has lived in Peru for many years. (Breakfast included)
Day Five (Sunday)
After a relaxed buffet breakfast at the hostel, we have a very special opportunity to see and experience the traditional Sunday market of Pisaq. Known as the most authentic and colourful of all the Inca markets in the Sacred Valley, you will be able to see the traditionally-dressed mountain people coming to barter and sell their produce cultivated in the high mountains. Be prepared- this market offers the best opportunity to buy woven goods, jewellery, colourful wall hangings and hand-painted beadwork and also wonderful photographic opportunities! Watch the lively activities of the market and also take time to explore the countryside hiking, or simply being in nature. Others may wish to use the time to rest or write in their travel journals. Dinner at recommended restaurant. (Breakfast included)
Day Six (Monday)
One of the highlights of the trip. Special day with visit to Moray terraces and Salineras. After breakfast, your day will begin with a visit to the mysterious concentric terraces found near the small village of Moray. The Incas were well known for their effective government, the impressive architecture and, especially, their agricultural skills. Even today, the terraces used by the Incas can still be seen everywhere in Peru and experiments have shown that using the ancient agricultural techniques can be more effective than modern day agriculture. Apart from the peculiar shape of the terraces at Moray, another major sight is the beautiful landscape: the Earth has a special ochre tone here and the Andes provide a glorious view and backdrop for the fields. The theory most often heard is that the three circles at Moray were used as a sort of agricultural laboratory by the Incas, but there are also other explanations such as religious use. It definitely has a mystical quality, especially late afternoon, when shadows begin to fill the amphitheatre- like terraces. Few people make it here as it is not part of the normal tour programs and it is therefore a fantastic place to visit. Interesting flora.
Optional short trip to Salineras, 500 year old salt pans built by the Incas to gather salt. Hot water flows out of a spring in the side of the mountain and the mineral rich water is diverted through miles of little channels and to hundreds of pans created on the mountainside for evaporation. These pans are still used today to create salt licks for cows.
Return to hostel in Pisaq and after dinner, early night in preparation for journey the next day (Breakfast included).
Day Seven (Tuesday)
Early start after breakfast with a drive through the Sacred Valley to the picturesque village of Ollantaytambo. After settling in at our hostal, we have an opportunity to visit its ruins with wonderful stonework and sun temple. Preparation for Machu Picchu and time to relax or explore the village and its markets. Traditional menu dinner at well known Hearts Café. (Breakfast included)
Day Eight (Wednesday)
Spectacular train ride through the Sacred Valley to Aguas Calientes, the lively village situated below the nearby Machu Picchu ruins. Along the way there are stunning views of snow-capped Veronica peak (5860m) and the beautiful cloud forest full of orchids, ferns flowers and hanging moss. The scenery on the way will blow you away! After check into your hostal, you have the day free to wander through the colourful town of Aguas Calientes, visit the shaman shops and general market for gifts, clothes and crystals and to have lunch along the river. Soak up the energies of the cloud forest and the mighty Urubamba river before an early dinner and retiring for the night so as to prepare for an early start the next day to visit Machu Picchu! (Breakfast included)
Day Nine (Thursday)
Rising at 4.30 am, we catch the first bus to Machu Picchu to see the early morning sunrise, or if you feel energetic and would like to walk up to the ruins it will take you approximately two and half hours. We arrive at sunrise at Inti Punku, the Gateway of the Sun, where through a rectangular doorway we experience a panoramic view of Machu Picchu. After taking a short path down, it is time for us to explore and discover the real secrets of the Incas and pre- Incas. Known as the historical Inca centre of spiritual and political power, you are invited to take part in sacred ceremony honouring the Earth. Later on in the morning there is time to do your own exploration of the ancient site as a pilgrim. You will also be assisted in deciding which areas you might wish to further explore or hike.
Meet back at the hostal at 6pm. Weather permitting, the group is invited to participate in an outdoor Earth healing ceremony with the Full Moon. After the ceremony, we have a celebratory delicious dinner in one of the finest restaurants in Aguas Calientes. (Breakfast included)
Day Ten (Friday)
A day of mindfulness. After Machu Picchu, participants are welcome to unwind and integrate their experiences. Massages are available to pamper the body and you are invited to join in a morning visit to the thermal hot springs of Aguas Calientes. The energetic and those not afraid of heights who want to climb Huayna Picchu, Young Mountain, that overlook the site and has a spectacular view of Machu Picchu, may leave on the 5.30 am bus (have ready approx $40 to re-enter the ruins and $12 for a return bus trip). The climb to the top takes up to two hours and care must be taken, especially if the steps are wet. Others can at their option take a hike to a nearby waterfall, or visit the local Machu Picchu museum (entrance approx. $15). Dinner at recommended restaurant (Breakfast included)
Day Eleven (Saturday)
After breakfast, train journey back from Machu Picchu and then on to Cusco where we spend overnight. Farewell dinner celebration at Sams Café in Cusco. (Breakfast and Dinner included)
Day Twelve (Sunday)
Program begins and ends in Cusco on Sunday morning with breakfast included.
Further alternatives after close of Sacred Earth Journey and Retreat on Sunday morning:
1. Early morning return flight from Cusco to Lima airport and connecting flight home. If you are planning to depart Lima today (Sunday), we suggest that you do not book to depart until at least after 2 pm (14h00 hrs). With some exceptions, most overseas flights out of Lima tend to leave in the evening.
2. Return flight from Cusco to Lima and stay in Lima for 2 days to explore its many interesting Gold and Archeological museums and then to take flight back to home country. (The School can recommend hotel to stay and day tours)
3. Two more days in Cusco to explore on your own and catch flight back to home country via Lima. (The School can make some recommendations).
4. Ayahuaska ceremony in the Sacred Valley (see APPENDIX below and ask School for more information on this sacred healing plant ceremony)
5. Amazon 3 day excursion (ask School for more information- cost approx. $330 for return flight Lima- Puerto Maldonado and approx $400 for excursion)
The order within the above itinerary may vary slightly to suit the needs of the group and is subject to change in extraordinary circumstances and when so guided. The weather in the Andes is unpredictable and may cause delays or cancellation of flights or activities. Changes in flights and train schedule are common in Peru. The School has only had slight adjustments to its activities due to local rail strikes and some minor weather conditions. However, it cannot be held responsible for any unforeseen events in Peru or elsewhere that may disrupt this program. It strongly suggests that all participants take out travel/health insurance to protect your travel investment.
$1 040 inclusive (approx R10 400 depending on exchange rate on date of payment)
internal flight to/from Cusco (approx) $300 return
international flight to/from Lima
Cost includes all programs and meals as indicated in this itinerary. All Peruvian quality accommodation, transport (taxi, bus, train), entrance tickets to sites, guided tours, meditations and ceremonies.
Not included:
International return flights to Cusco via Lima (international flight to/from Lima and then short internal flight to/from Cusco)
Airport departure taxes- each participant must keep aside a total of approx. $42 ($30 for one international departure from Lima and $6 each for two domestic departures to and from Cusco). Please note these are not included in your booked air tickets.
Individual airport transfers in Lima (if necessary)
Second day entrance/bus ticket into Machu Picchu to climb Huayna Picchu (approx $56)
Please allow for between $5 - $15 for lunches and dinners not included in the itinerary (note: because of the different requirements of participants in regard to meals, it is preferable to leave each participant free to chose their own lunch and dinner menus according to personal budget and therefore they are not included in the overall price).
Individual tipping- tipping is entirely up to the group’s discretion. A voluntary collection for a tipping kitty will be held at the beginning of the program, leaving you free to relax and enjoy the program.
Souvenir shopping
Please co-ordinate your flight times with the School.
Air Malaysia offers a convenient flight from Cape Town to Buenos Aires and then there are flights with LAN PERU or TACA airlines to Lima, the capital of Peru. It is often cheaper to book these flights separately on the internet. The Air Malaysia flight leaves Cape Town mid morning and arrives in Buenos Aires at about 3.30pm Argentinian time (about a 4 hour flight but gaining time) and the connecting flight to Lima is another 4/5 hours arriving in Lima late evening. So usually necessary to sleep over in Lima before catching an early morning flight to Cusco- unless you are happy to stay in the airport overnight!
If you are travelling from the Middle East, Europe or the UK, you may fly via Madrid or New York depending on your preference and best pricing.
There are many internal morning flights of LAN PERU or TACA between Lima and Cusco, but it is a popular route and so booking is recommended. The flight from Lima to Cusco can be relatively expensive if booked on the internet (normally it should be in the region of $150 each way and if you are unable to find this as a reasonable price, the School can assist you to make these reservations via a local Peruvian travel agent who will charge a small commission).
Additional information
Please check the requirements of your country for visas. No visas are required for Peru if you hold a South African passport, but you do need a yellow fever injection certificate to show on your return to South Africa (easy to have and painless!). There is no malaria in the cloud forest of Machu Picchu but if you plan to also do a trip to the Amazon it is recommended that you take homeopathic malaria tablets.
Additional detailed tour information, including suggested packing and reading lists will be made available to you on registration.
The School also invites you to help the children of Peru by bringing any books in Spanish that relate to their nature-based life style, quality art and school supplies and second hand clothing for children.
All costs are accurate at the time of writing and are subject to change.
We require a 20% non-refundable deposit to secure all reservations with full payment due 30 days prior to departure. Please note that the group is kept relatively small and so early booking is recommended to reserve a place in this special program. There are discounts available for block bookings of 2 people or more.
It is the School’s commitment to do its very best to make this a journey of a lifetime!
APPENDIX Ayahuaska Sacred Ceremony Option
“I sat on my mat and waited for the unknown, consciously relaxing my senses and releasing my physical tension. Soon the jungle noises rang in my ears like wind chimes, tinkling bells. In my mind’s eye, flecks of colour and shapes danced to this strange music I was hearing. My hands began to tingle and my head to spin. I took a deep breath and reminded myself to surrender and trust. Immediately an inner dialogue started that lasted for the duration of my amazing journey.
The voices I heard were my own levels of consciousness as well as wisdom guides, messengers, and loudest of all, God Herself. All were communicating with me, simultaneously. I was disoriented in my body and all my senses, yet capable of discerning and understanding all the messages at once. Nothing was normal. Many voices were talking me through what was happening, so I wouldn’t be afraid. I didn’t like being physically out of control, but the voices were so reassuring that I moved beyond fear like falling from a shooting star, and fell right into the loving arms of God. I heard her voice so clearly and felt her presence so close as to be connected, with nothing separating us. Then I felt nauseous…..
The effects of the Ayahuasca were becoming milder. My senses were feeling more familiar. I knew that normalcy would return soon. The voices were quieting down. But I was also losing that crystal clear connection with God. She was still with me but the veil between us was becoming more opaque.
All the inner knowing I possessed in my place of origin was slipping away from me.
In its place was a profound love. Love so deep and wide, I simply floated in it. I felt so grateful. I felt grateful for love and life itself. I felt grateful for the insights I had been given, the visions I’d seen and for the indelible connections I’d made. I felt grateful for moving beyond fear and trusting in the amazing possibilities that lie on the other side of it.
‘Know that if you choose this, everything else in your life will change.’
And it did.”
Extract from Diane Dunn in her book ‘CUSCO The Gateway to Inner Wisdom’ © 2006
The SHAMANS of South America and Peru
South America and more particularly Peru is a place for shamanistic experiences. There the tradition has never really disappeared and so it is a place of great and many opportunities to work with the other worlds and dimensions.
On my last visit to Peru in October, I had the joy of meeting up with Diane Dunn (the writer of the above extract) and also reading parts of her book. She is an American living in Peru having started a spiritual centre in a beautiful area of the Sacred Valley of Machu Picchu called Pisaq. Interestingly enough she also spent some time in South Africa during the early nineties when she worked for a charity.
When I read her book, I was very much struck by her account of taking a sacred medicine plant of the jungle in Peru, called the Ayahuaska.
And after my return to South Africa further synchronicities happened leading me to take part in one such ceremony - much to my own surprise! I had always known about the plant, but never felt drawn to it. I now know that this was mainly because of my deep seated fears of losing control and my body not being of a sufficiently high enough vibration for it to be a positive experience.
But when I asked for my higher guidance this time, the answer was clear- to trust my intuition and follow the synchronicities that had lead me so far.
And so it was with some trepidation that I sat in a circle readying myself for probably what has been one of the most profound experiences in my life.
I feel that Diane’s account above really does justice to what happened to me- I had a very similar experience and it felt that all my psychic senses had opened up simultaneously. It was quite incredible, because I was like an observer, conscious seeing how I was operating in the world of matter.
What I also feel was unique about it, was that unlike any meditation or spiritual experience I had ever had, this was ALSO happening in my physical body and so it integrated something in a way that I had never happen before.
The incredible feeling of freedom and release from fear held in my body was quite amazing and it literally felt as if I had been cast into gold after going through the cleansing of a sacred fire.
The essence of the plant is in my experience to balance whatever is in the body that is out of balance with my soul. And so I felt a lot of discomfort in the areas of my body where I am aware I still hold blocks. And the wonderful thing was that afterwards it felt that I had actually conquered them by allowing the medicine plant to assist me with its energies.
Many call the Ayahuaska a death experience and I can really relate to that. It is as if I was able to shed a skin and experience a death of that part of myself that was so held in fear that it needed to be shed and die.
When you google the word Ayahuaska you will find so many accounts of negative experiences. I consciously chose not to go into the experience with preconceived fear, but to know that if I set a positive intention and consciously choose to use it as a healing experience I would not resist the healing magic of the plant and so ensure that I have the most beneficial experience.
I also knew that the particular shaman that did the ceremony was holding so much of the potential of the experience and as I could see how he was working with the sacred energies of the plant, I was assured that he was working from the heart and that I could totally trust the experience.
What I also know is that the experience has changed me and my life completely for the better.
And so I have been guided to for the first time offer also the option of an ayahuaska ceremony as part of an extension to the journey. Being able to experience this in the land of the plant’s origin will offer the privilege of making it truly an unforgettable and amazing experience.
Visiting Sacred Sites, Beautiful Lands and Mystical Places
For Spiritual Evolution with the Earth and Greater Self-Awareness
THOUGHT FOR RETREATS (as per The Emerald Heart)
When you work from love in your heart, other forms of consciousness will open to you. For example, the nature spirit kingdoms or the Earth Mother herself. You cannot force the doors to other kingdoms, they will only open to you when the love in your heart is developed to a degree whereby those forms of consciousness feel safe to open in your presence, and when they know that you have developed to a point in your own evolution where you will not misuse the information given. If you can open yourself to a point where the light of heaven and earth can be seen in your heart, then all forms of consciousness can see the love within you and will open to you if it is appropriate to communicate.
9-11 JANUARY 2009
16-18 JANUARY 2009
26-28 JANUARY 2009 sun eclipse
13-15 FEBRUARY 2009
Pringle Bay is a small picturesque coastal village near Cape Town that has the privilege of being in the heart of a UNESCO World Nature Reserve, called the Kogelberg Biosphere. The reserve is renowned for its Indigenous Fynbos Flora and has more plant species per square meter than anywhere else in the world!
Set against the slopes of the magnificent Kogelberg Mountains and the famous Hangklip Mountain, Pringle Bay has a pristine white beach with stunning sunset views of Table Mountain and Cape Point across False Bay, reflecting its own unique spiritual essence of beauty and peace.
It is undisturbed by street lights and so an ideal place to observe the stars and the planets, experience the elements, and admire the beautiful colours of Mother Nature.
Here you can separate yourself from the everyday concerns of your world, rest and spend time experiencing inspiring heart, mind and soul activities such as heart meditations, walks on the beach and working with the Moon and the Elements:
- To create a new way of living that is more whole and connected to the Earth, and will help to bring back the spiritual flow of Love in your life.With more and more people starting to question the values of the world around us and to look for greater meaning and purpose in their day-to-day lives, THE ARTHURIAN SCHOOL in Pringle Bay seeks to provide you with the chance to become more aware of yourself and so also grow closer to the Earth and her soul.
The retreats are kept small to ensure that you are able to get the maximum benefit from the time away and are facilitated by Elizabeth Bardin who is a naturally gifted psychic and channel with a deep love for the Earth.
She first worked for many years as a practising solicitor and in investment banking before her keen interest in personal self development and finding a greater personal awareness of the Earth eventually lead her to facilitating Sacred Earth Retreats.
She also has unusual skills and talents of working with the Moon and is the author of The Lady Morgaine Moon Oracle Cards and an experienced tarot teacher.
Many clients have found positive change in the way that they feel about their lives and also themselves through discovering new ways of creating a happier inner and outer life that is more in harmony with themselves, the World and all of Nature.
More information about what actually happens during the Retreats
“Basically a participant will have an opportunity to be in a place close to nature where they can get away from their normal routines and focus exclusively on themselves. During the weekend I do an individual reading that helps the person to clear some blocks in their akashic records and so help to create a more beautiful and fulfilling future. During the reading there are also some light activations and it is a bit like having an attunement. I work with many different guides including the ascended Master energies and also Pacha Mama/ Gaia/ Earth soul. During the weekend I teach participants a very simple but life changing heart meditation that they can use to help heal the Higher Heart and bring more hope and inspiration into their lives. They also have an opportunity to work with the Moon and Magic Mandalas.
I have studied, researched and experienced many different disciplines such as TAROT, EFT, NLP, Hypnotherapy, past life regression, Life Coaching, re-connection therapy, quantum touch, and am a Reiki Master for over 15 years although I don’t use any of these anymore as such and combine them all as part of my skills of working with energy and crystals. I also have much experience with sacred sites and clearing and activating leylines in theEarth.
The retreats are small with a maximum of 3 people and the accommodation is simple but very adequate. All meals are also included with an emphasis on healthy and once again simple and nurturing food.
It would be a wonderful privilege to work with you if that feels right for you to join in the retreats and please do let me know if you have any specific questions.”
COST: R1070 all inclusive (Friday night to Sunday afternoon with meals and accommodation included)
with blessings of Love
telephone: (0027) 28 273 8277 international 028 273 8277 local
mobile: (0027) 783716343 international 0783716343 local
PLEASE NOTE This magazine has a stated intent: to be for the highest good of all and to harm no one.
“Revitalise and Enlighten your Life with the Moon”
Friday, January 9, 2009
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
For the love of the Earth – Helping you, helping the Earth
2009 The year of Celebration
2-12 APRIL 2009 (THE STAR)
There is much to see and do in the incredibly diverse land of Peru.Whether it is to open your heart and unknown senses to the mystical wonders of Peru; or to explore its rich cultural heritages; to delight in its colourful and captivating craft and art markets; or to become more attuned to its people with their nature based life style - Peru has something to give to everyone.
Peru vibrates deep within the Soul, and irrespective of how you describe that in words, it is a place where you can experience an adventure that is an incredible privilege and unforgettable gift from the Earth.
The Earth in the Sacred Valley of the Andes Mountains with the great Urubamba River is filled with a quality that can only be described as paradise. Nowhere on Earth is there such a feeling of incredible Love that has not yet been disturbed by the turmoil of humanity with its pettiness, hate, greed and insatiable hunger.
When the Spanish invasion ruptured Peru, one place was saved by the Earth herself: Machu Picchu – completely covered and shielded by the jungle- it remained safe and unknown to the warring conquistadors.
Going to Peru is quite an unique experience- it is an inner and outer journey with many wonderful colours. No money can ever reflect the value you give to yourself when making this journey. It is something that will change you and your life forever. And you will awaken an even deeper connection to the Earth - touched by something that is beyond description: the ancient heritage of a place on this Earth that was loved beyond measure.
I sincerely hope that you will be able to join me on one of the two retreats to Peru planned for 2009!
Visiting Peru with the Arthurian School is guaranteed to help you open your heart, and lead you to the Authentic Spiritual, Traditional, Cultural and Mystical wonders of the Peruvian Andes.
I look forward to being with you.
Elizabeth Bardin
Come with us...Explore the World. Explore your Self. Love and respect the Earth.
Please note: The journeys have both been chosen because of the positions of te moon and the planets during those times to make them the most powerful and auspicious journeys for you to experience in Peru during 2009.
Ten-night programThe Arthurian School invites you to step out of yourself and enter a mystical journey to the ancient land of Peru. Each day after a relaxed buffet breakfast, you will visit a different ancient Inca site in the Sacred Valley. You will be invited to experience the ancient qualities of these sites (sometimes in silence) and time will also be set aside for your own personal exploration of the site and some hiking. In addition, you will be able to stay in rural Peruvians villages and observe the unique cultures of the local people of the Sacred Valley who still live very much in a traditional way with their colourful crafts and markets.
You will not have to worry about any logistics or the stress of being left to do much of the exploring and decisions of what you should see on your own. Instead you can simply relax, enjoy and use the time available to the fullest. Each hotel and hostel where we stay is, wherever possible, chosen for its special location, simplicity and atmosphere and is recommended for its ample hot water and cleanliness- not always a given in Peru! The Arthurian School has been leading Sacred Earth journeys to Peru for the last two years and believes that there is no other program like this at present being offered in terms of uniqueness, quality, diversity and value for money. Moreover, no other itinerary provides such a specialised hands on trip where you can have a non- commercialised tourist experience, but still have the benefits of being with an organised and stress free structured program itinerary.
It also offers an ideal opportunity to spend a sufficient period of time at the area of Machu Picchu and its beautiful environment in the cloud forest. Although doing the Inca Trail can be very rewarding, it is only accommodates camping and is relatively physically demanding with camps shared by many other participants on the trail. Usually only a few hours are reserved after the trail to spend at Machu Picchu which really should be the highlight of the trip! You also miss out on staying in some of the most interesting villages on the way to Machu Picchu.And so the trip is structured to offer the best of both worlds: an opportunity to visit places where the descendents of the Inca still live in rural villages and also some proper time to really get in touch with the ancient heritage of the Machu Picchu area. And you will still have the opportunity to do some magnificent hiking in the area. It is in our experience one of the most flexible journeys available at this time, taking into account the needs of each individual group and also each person – participants are given freedom to experience the journey in whatever way suits them best - all that is required is a genuine love and respect for the Earth!
Elizabeth who leads the progam is an experienced travel facilitator and has worked with sacred earth sites for over 8 years. Every participant to these journeys has remained enthusiastic and genuinely thrilled with the unique opportunity of experiencing Peru in this way. Please contact the School if you would like to have more feedback from recent journeys that took place in February, July and October 2008.
The School guarantees that in this program there is something for everyone.
You will be inspired by:- Places of serenity, peace and exquisite beauty- Authentic earth site meditations and healing ceremonies (optional)- Magnificent Andean peaks and Sacred Valley scenery- Mysterious ancient cities and temples including Machu Picchu- Vibrant and colourful markets and Quechua people in their rural villages- Andean culture and cosmology.- Hiking at ancient sites- Massages and healing hot water baths (optional)- Interesting museums and other places of interest
Day One (Wednesday)Departure from home country for Cusco City via Lima. Cusco is only a short flight over the mountains from Lima, the Peruvian capital situated on the Pacific coast.
Day Two (Thursday)The program begins in Cusco, ancient capital of the Inca Empire. Arthurian School will meet you in the morning at the airport in Cusco and take you to a comfortable hotel conveniently situated near the historic Plaza de Armas. Rest for a few hours and acclimatise to the 11,000 ft altitude before the program officially begins. At 1pm The Arthurian School invites you to a welcome lunch, followed by a group orientation meeting and introduction to this special program. Afternoon walking tour through the cobblestone streets of Cusco to see fascinating Inca stonework en route to the Plaza De Armas, the Cathedral and Koricancha Museum, the holiest site during Inca times. Explore the remarkable technological wonders of this remarkable culture. Supper at recommended restaurant café and early night to rest, or enjoy a walk through the San Blas artists’ district, a quaint area filled with artisan and art shops, or stop in at one of the lively restaurants or coffee shops. (Lunch included)
Day Three (Friday)After a buffet breakfast in the hotel, early bus to the sacred site at Saksaywaman overlooking the city of Cusco. Impressive stonework and structures weighing hundreds of tons will leave you in awe. How did the ancestors build those structures without the use of the wheel and steel implements? Here we do a simple ceremony to honour and tap into the sacred energies of Pachamama (Mother Earth). Return to Cusco for lunch on your own and to do some further sightseeing and exploring of the museums or shops around the main square. Or if you still feel affected by the altitude, you may just wish to relax in one of the many cafes that line the streets of this fascinating Inca Captial. Group meets back at the hotel for late afternoon departure to the market town Pisaq in the Sacred Valley. We leave Cusco and travel over the mountains down into the Urubamba Valley. Orientation at hostel in Pisaq and dinner at recommended restaurant. (Breakfast included)
Day Four (Saturday)After a buffet breakfast at the hostel, we visit the ruins overlooking Pisaq with impressive Inca terraces. After Machu Picchu these ruins are rated to be the most spectacular. You have the option to walk up about 2000 ft from the village to the ruins in the mountains above, or catch a taxi to the main ruins. We return in the afternoon for a rest and some free time to explore the village of Pisaq. After an early supper at a recommended restaurant you are invited to join in a traditional Quero meditation with the four elements guided by Diane Dunn who has lived in Peru for many years. (Breakfast included)
Day Five (Sunday)After a relaxed buffet breakfast at the hostel, we have a very special opportunity to see and experience the traditional Sunday market of Pisaq. Known as the most authentic and colourful of all the Inca markets in the Sacred Valley, you will be able to see the traditionally-dressed mountain people coming to barter and sell their produce cultivated in the high mountains. Be prepared- this market offers the best opportunity to buy woven goods, jewellery, colourful wall hangings and hand-painted beadwork and also wonderful photographic opportunities! Watch the lively activities of the market and also take time to explore the countryside hiking, or simply being in nature. Others may wish to use the time to rest or write in their travel journals. Dinner at recommended restaurant. (Breakfast included)
Day Six (Monday)One of the highlights of the trip. Special day with visit to Moray terraces and Salineras. After breakfast, your day will begin with a visit to the mysterious concentric terraces found near the small village of Moray. The Incas were well known for their effective government, the impressive architecture and, especially, their agricultural skills. Even today, the terraces used by the Incas can still be seen everywhere in Peru and experiments have shown that using the ancient agricultural techniques can be more effective than modern day agriculture. Apart from the peculiar shape of the terraces at Moray, another major sight is the beautiful landscape: the Earth has a special ochre tone here and the Andes provide a glorious view and backdrop for the fields. The theory most often heard is that the three circles at Moray were used as a sort of agricultural laboratory by the Incas, but there are also other explanations such as religious use. It definitely has a mystical quality, especially late afternoon, when shadows begin to fill the amphitheatre- like terraces. Few people make it here as it is not part of the normal tour programs and it is therefore a fantastic place to visit. Interesting flora.Optional short trip to Salineras, 500 year old salt pans built by the Incas to gather salt. Hot water flows out of a spring in the side of the mountain and the mineral rich water is diverted through miles of little channels and to hundreds of pans created on the mountainside for evaporation. These pans are still used today to create salt licks for cows.Return to hostel in Pisaq and after dinner, early night in preparation for journey the next day (Breakfast included).
Day Seven (Tuesday)Early start after breakfast with a drive through the Sacred Valley to the picturesque village of Ollantaytambo. After settling in at our hostal, we have an opportunity to visit its ruins with wonderful stonework and sun temple. Preparation for Machu Picchu and time to relax or explore the village and its markets. Traditional menu dinner at well known Hearts Café. (Breakfast included)
Day Eight (Wednesday)Spectacular train ride through the Sacred Valley to Aguas Calientes, the lively village situated below the nearby Machu Picchu ruins. Along the way there are stunning views of snow-capped Veronica peak (5860m) and the beautiful cloud forest full of orchids, ferns flowers and hanging moss. The scenery on the way will blow you away! After check into your hostal, you have the day free to wander through the colourful town of Aguas Calientes, visit the shaman shops and general market for gifts, clothes and crystals and to have lunch along the river. Soak up the energies of the cloud forest and the mighty Urubamba river before an early dinner and retiring for the night so as to prepare for an early start the next day to visit Machu Picchu! (Breakfast included)
Day Nine (Thursday)Rising at 4.30 am, we catch the first bus to Machu Picchu to see the early morning sunrise, or if you feel energetic and would like to walk up to the ruins it will take you approximately two and half hours. We arrive at sunrise at Inti Punku, the Gateway of the Sun, where through a rectangular doorway we experience a panoramic view of Machu Picchu. After taking a short path down, it is time for us to explore and discover the real secrets of the Incas and pre- Incas. Known as the historical Inca centre of spiritual and political power, you are invited to take part in sacred ceremony honouring the Earth. Later on in the morning there is time to do your own exploration of the ancient site as a pilgrim. You will also be assisted in deciding which areas you might wish to further explore or hike.Meet back at the hostal at 6pm. Weather permitting, the group is invited to participate in an outdoor Earth healing ceremony with the Full Moon. After the ceremony, we have a celebratory delicious dinner in one of the finest restaurants in Aguas Calientes. (Breakfast included)
Day Ten (Friday)A day of mindfulness. After Machu Picchu, participants are welcome to unwind and integrate their experiences. Massages are available to pamper the body and you are invited to join in a morning visit to the thermal hot springs of Aguas Calientes. The energetic and those not afraid of heights who want to climb Huayna Picchu, Young Mountain, that overlook the site and has a spectacular view of Machu Picchu, may leave on the 5.30 am bus (have ready approx $40 to re-enter the ruins and $12 for a return bus trip). The climb to the top takes up to two hours and care must be taken, especially if the steps are wet. Others can at their option take a hike to a nearby waterfall, or visit the local Machu Picchu museum (entrance approx. $15). Dinner at recommended restaurant (Breakfast included)
Day Eleven (Saturday)After breakfast, train journey back from Machu Picchu and then on to Cusco where we spend overnight. Farewell dinner celebration at Sams Café in Cusco. (Breakfast and Dinner included)
Day Twelve (Sunday)Program begins and ends in Cusco on Sunday morning with breakfast included.
Further alternatives after close of Sacred Earth Journey and Retreat on Sunday morning:
1. Early morning return flight from Cusco to Lima airport and connecting flight home. If you are planning to depart Lima today (Sunday), we suggest that you do not book to depart until at least after 2 pm (14h00 hrs). With some exceptions, most overseas flights out of Lima tend to leave in the evening.
2. Return flight from Cusco to Lima and stay in Lima for 2 days to explore its many interesting Gold and Archeological museums and then to take flight back to home country. (The School can recommend hotel to stay and day tours)
3. Two more days in Cusco to explore on your own and catch flight back to home country via Lima. (The School can make some recommendations).
4. Ayahuaska ceremony in the Sacred Valley (ask School for more information on this sacred healing plant ceremony)
5. Amazon 3 day excursion (ask School for more information- cost approx. $330 for return flight Lima- Puerto Maldonado and approx $400 for excursion)
The order within the above itinerary may vary slightly to suit the needs of the group and is subject to change in extraordinary circumstances and when so guided. The weather in the Andes is unpredictable and may cause delays or cancellation of flights or activities. Changes in flights and train schedule are common in Peru. The School has only had slight adjustments to its activities due to local rail strikes and some minor weather conditions. However, it cannot be held responsible for any unforeseen events in Peru or elsewhere that may disrupt this program. It strongly suggests that all participants take out travel/health insurance to protect your travel investment.
PRICE:$1 040 inclusive (R10400 approx depending on rate of exchange at time of payment)
add internal flight to/from Cusco (approx) $300 return
add international flight to/from Lima
Cost includes all programs and meals as indicated in this itinerary. All Peruvian quality accommodation, transport (taxi, bus, train), entrance tickets to sites, guided tours, meditations and ceremonies.
Not included:International return flights to Cusco via Lima (international flight to/from Lima and then short internal flight to/from Cusco)Airport departure taxes- each participant must keep aside a total of approx. $42 ($30 for one international departure from Lima and $6 each for two domestic departures to and from Cusco). Please note these are not included in your booked air tickets.Individual airport transfers in Lima (if necessary)Second day entrance/bus ticket into Machu Picchu to climb Huayna Picchu (approx $56)Please allow for between $5 - $15 for lunches and dinners not included in the itinerary (note: because of the different requirements of participants in regard to meals, in the School’s experience it works out cheapest to leave each participant free to chose their own lunch and dinner menus according to individual tastes and budget and not to include in overall price).Individual tipping- tipping is entirely up to the group’s discretion. A voluntary collection for a tipping kitty will be held at the beginning of the program, leaving you free to relax and enjoy the program.Souvenir shopping
Please co-ordinate your flight times with the School.Air Malaysia offers a convenient flight from Cape Town to Buenos Aires and then there are flights with LAN PERU or TACA airlines to Lima, the capital of Peru. It is often cheaper to book these flights separately on the internet. The Air Malaysia flight leaves Cape Town mid morning and arrives in Buenos Aires at about 3.30pm Argentinian time (about a 4 hour flight but gaining time) and the connecting flight to Lima is another 4/5 hours arriving in Lima late evening. So usually necessary to sleep over in Lima before catching an early morning flight to Cusco- unless you are happy to stay in the airport overnight!
If you are travelling from the Middle East, Europe or the UK, you may fly via Madrid or New York depending on your preference and best pricing.There are many internal morning flights of LAN PERU or TACA between Lima and Cusco, but it is a popular route and so booking is recommended. The flight from Lima to Cusco can be relatively expensive if booked on the internet (normally it should be in the region of $150 each way and if you are unable to find this as a reasonable price, the School can assist you to make these reservations via a local Peruvian travel agent who will charge a small commission).
Additional informationPlease check the requirements of your country for visas. No visas are required for Peru if you hold a South African passport, but you do need a yellow fever injection certificate to show on your return to South Africa (easy to have and painless!). There is no malaria in the cloud forest of Machu Picchu but if you plan to also do a trip to the Amazon it is recommended that you take homeopathic malaria tablets.Additional detailed tour information, including suggested packing and reading lists will be made available to you on registration.
The School also invites you to help the children of Peru by bringing any books in Spanish that relate to their nature-based life style, quality art and school supplies and second hand clothing for children.All costs are accurate at the time of writing and are subject to change.We require a 20% non-refundable deposit to secure all reservations with full payment due 30 days prior to departure. Please note that the group is kept relatively small and so early booking is recommended to reserve a place in this special program. There are discounts available for block bookings of 2 people or more.
It is the School’s commitment to do its very best to make this a journey of a lifetime!
Ayahuaska Sacred Ceremony Option“I sat on my mat and waited for the unknown, consciously relaxing my senses and releasing my physical tension. Soon the jungle noises rang in my ears like wind chimes, tinkling bells. In my mind’s eye, flecks of colour and shapes danced to this strange music I was hearing. My hands began to tingle and my head to spin. I took a deep breath and reminded myself to surrender and trust. Immediately an inner dialogue started that lasted for the duration of my amazing journey.The voices I heard were my own levels of consciousness as well as wisdom guides, messengers, and loudest of all, God Herself. All were communicating with me, simultaneously. I was disoriented in my body and all my senses, yet capable of discerning and understanding all the messages at once. Nothing was normal. Many voices were talking me through what was happening, so I wouldn’t be afraid. I didn’t like being physically out of control, but the voices were so reassuring that I moved beyond fear like falling from a shooting star, and fell right into the loving arms of God. I heard her voice so clearly and felt her presence so close as to be connected, with nothing separating us. Then I felt nauseous…..The effects of the Ayahuasca were becoming milder. My senses were feeling more familiar. I knew that normalcy would return soon. The voices were quieting down. But I was also losing that crystal clear connection with God. She was still with me but the veil between us was becoming more opaque.All the inner knowing I possessed in my place of origin was slipping away from me.In its place was a profound love. Love so deep and wide, I simply floated in it. I felt so grateful. I felt grateful for love and life itself. I felt grateful for the insights I had been given, the visions I’d seen and for the indelible connections I’d made. I felt grateful for moving beyond fear and trusting in the amazing possibilities that lie on the other side of it.‘Know that if you choose this, everything else in your life will change.’And it did.
”Extract from Diane Dunn in her book ‘CUSCO The Gateway to Inner Wisdom’ © 2006
The SHAMANS of South America and Peru
South America and more particularly Peru is a place for shamanistic experiences. There the tradition has never really disappeared and so it is a place of great and many opportunities to work with the other worlds and dimensions.On my last visit to Peru in October, I had the joy of meeting up with Diane Dunn (the writer of the above extract) and also reading parts of her book. She is an American living in Peru having started a spiritual centre in a beautiful area of the Sacred Valley of Machu Picchu called Pisaq. Interestingly enough she also spent some time in South Africa during the early nineties when she worked for a charity.When I read her book, I was very much struck by her account of taking a sacred medicine plant of the jungle in Peru, called the Ayahuaska.And after my return to South Africa further synchronicities happened leading me to take part in one such ceremony - much to my own surprise! I had always known about the plant, but never felt drawn to it. I now know that this was mainly because of my deep seated fears of losing control and my body not being of a sufficiently high enough vibration for it to be a positive experience.But when I asked for my higher guidance this time, the answer was clear- to trust my intuition and follow the synchronicities that had lead me so far.And so it was with some trepidation that I sat in a circle readying myself for probably what has been one of the most profound experiences in my life.I feel that Diane’s account above really does justice to what happened to me- I had a very similar experience and it felt that all my psychic senses had opened up simultaneously. It was quite incredible, because I was like an observer, conscious seeing how I was operating in the world of matter.What I also feel was unique about it, was that unlike any meditation or spiritual experience I had ever had, this was ALSO happening in my physical body and so it integrated something in a way that I had never happen before.The incredible feeling of freedom and release from fear held in my body was quite amazing and it literally felt as if I had been cast into gold after going through the cleansing of a sacred fire.The essence of the plant is in my experience to balance whatever is in the body that is out of balance with my soul. And so I felt a lot of discomfort in the areas of my body where I am aware I still hold blocks. And the wonderful thing was that afterwards it felt that I had actually conquered them by allowing the medicine plant to assist me with its energies.
Many call the Ayahuaska a death experience and I can really relate to that. It is as if I was able to shed a skin and experience a death of that part of myself that was so held in fear that it needed to be shed and die.When you google the word Ayahuaska you will find so many accounts of negative experiences. I consciously chose not to go into the experience with preconceived fear, but to know that if I set a positive intention and consciously choose to use it as a healing experience I would not resist the healing magic of the plant and so ensure that I have the most beneficial experience.I also knew that the particular shaman that did the ceremony was holding so much of the potential of the experience and as I could see how he was working with the sacred energies of the plant, I was assured that he was working from the heart and that I could totally trust the experience.What I also know is that the experience has changed me and my life completely for the better.
And so I have been guided to for the first time offer also the option of an ayahuaska ceremony as part of an extension to the journey. This will be totally at your discretion, but being able to experience this in the land of the plant’s origin will make it truly an unforgettable and amazing experience.Visiting Sacred Sites, Beautiful Lands and Mystical PlacesFor Spiritual Evolution with the Earth and Greater Self-Awareness
UNDERLYING THOUGHT FOR SACRED EARTH RETREATS:When you work from love in your heart, other forms of consciousness will open to you. For example, the nature spirit kingdoms or the Earth Mother herself. You cannot force the doors to other kingdoms, they will only open to you when the love in your heart is developed to a degree whereby those forms of consciousness feel safe to open in your presence, and when they know that you have developed to a point in your own evolution where you will not misuse the information given. If you can open yourself to a point where the light of heaven and earth can be seen in your heart, then all forms of consciousness can see the love within you and will open to you if it is appropriate to communicate.
For the love of the Earth – Helping you, helping the Earth
2009 The year of Celebration
2-12 APRIL 2009 (THE STAR)
There is much to see and do in the incredibly diverse land of Peru.Whether it is to open your heart and unknown senses to the mystical wonders of Peru; or to explore its rich cultural heritages; to delight in its colourful and captivating craft and art markets; or to become more attuned to its people with their nature based life style - Peru has something to give to everyone.
Peru vibrates deep within the Soul, and irrespective of how you describe that in words, it is a place where you can experience an adventure that is an incredible privilege and unforgettable gift from the Earth.
The Earth in the Sacred Valley of the Andes Mountains with the great Urubamba River is filled with a quality that can only be described as paradise. Nowhere on Earth is there such a feeling of incredible Love that has not yet been disturbed by the turmoil of humanity with its pettiness, hate, greed and insatiable hunger.
When the Spanish invasion ruptured Peru, one place was saved by the Earth herself: Machu Picchu – completely covered and shielded by the jungle- it remained safe and unknown to the warring conquistadors.
Going to Peru is quite an unique experience- it is an inner and outer journey with many wonderful colours. No money can ever reflect the value you give to yourself when making this journey. It is something that will change you and your life forever. And you will awaken an even deeper connection to the Earth - touched by something that is beyond description: the ancient heritage of a place on this Earth that was loved beyond measure.
I sincerely hope that you will be able to join me on one of the two retreats to Peru planned for 2009!
Visiting Peru with the Arthurian School is guaranteed to help you open your heart, and lead you to the Authentic Spiritual, Traditional, Cultural and Mystical wonders of the Peruvian Andes.
I look forward to being with you.
Elizabeth Bardin
Come with us...Explore the World. Explore your Self. Love and respect the Earth.
Please note: The journeys have both been chosen because of the positions of te moon and the planets during those times to make them the most powerful and auspicious journeys for you to experience in Peru during 2009.
Ten-night programThe Arthurian School invites you to step out of yourself and enter a mystical journey to the ancient land of Peru. Each day after a relaxed buffet breakfast, you will visit a different ancient Inca site in the Sacred Valley. You will be invited to experience the ancient qualities of these sites (sometimes in silence) and time will also be set aside for your own personal exploration of the site and some hiking. In addition, you will be able to stay in rural Peruvians villages and observe the unique cultures of the local people of the Sacred Valley who still live very much in a traditional way with their colourful crafts and markets.
You will not have to worry about any logistics or the stress of being left to do much of the exploring and decisions of what you should see on your own. Instead you can simply relax, enjoy and use the time available to the fullest. Each hotel and hostel where we stay is, wherever possible, chosen for its special location, simplicity and atmosphere and is recommended for its ample hot water and cleanliness- not always a given in Peru! The Arthurian School has been leading Sacred Earth journeys to Peru for the last two years and believes that there is no other program like this at present being offered in terms of uniqueness, quality, diversity and value for money. Moreover, no other itinerary provides such a specialised hands on trip where you can have a non- commercialised tourist experience, but still have the benefits of being with an organised and stress free structured program itinerary.
It also offers an ideal opportunity to spend a sufficient period of time at the area of Machu Picchu and its beautiful environment in the cloud forest. Although doing the Inca Trail can be very rewarding, it is only accommodates camping and is relatively physically demanding with camps shared by many other participants on the trail. Usually only a few hours are reserved after the trail to spend at Machu Picchu which really should be the highlight of the trip! You also miss out on staying in some of the most interesting villages on the way to Machu Picchu.And so the trip is structured to offer the best of both worlds: an opportunity to visit places where the descendents of the Inca still live in rural villages and also some proper time to really get in touch with the ancient heritage of the Machu Picchu area. And you will still have the opportunity to do some magnificent hiking in the area. It is in our experience one of the most flexible journeys available at this time, taking into account the needs of each individual group and also each person – participants are given freedom to experience the journey in whatever way suits them best - all that is required is a genuine love and respect for the Earth!
Elizabeth who leads the progam is an experienced travel facilitator and has worked with sacred earth sites for over 8 years. Every participant to these journeys has remained enthusiastic and genuinely thrilled with the unique opportunity of experiencing Peru in this way. Please contact the School if you would like to have more feedback from recent journeys that took place in February, July and October 2008.
The School guarantees that in this program there is something for everyone.
You will be inspired by:- Places of serenity, peace and exquisite beauty- Authentic earth site meditations and healing ceremonies (optional)- Magnificent Andean peaks and Sacred Valley scenery- Mysterious ancient cities and temples including Machu Picchu- Vibrant and colourful markets and Quechua people in their rural villages- Andean culture and cosmology.- Hiking at ancient sites- Massages and healing hot water baths (optional)- Interesting museums and other places of interest
Day One (Wednesday)Departure from home country for Cusco City via Lima. Cusco is only a short flight over the mountains from Lima, the Peruvian capital situated on the Pacific coast.
Day Two (Thursday)The program begins in Cusco, ancient capital of the Inca Empire. Arthurian School will meet you in the morning at the airport in Cusco and take you to a comfortable hotel conveniently situated near the historic Plaza de Armas. Rest for a few hours and acclimatise to the 11,000 ft altitude before the program officially begins. At 1pm The Arthurian School invites you to a welcome lunch, followed by a group orientation meeting and introduction to this special program. Afternoon walking tour through the cobblestone streets of Cusco to see fascinating Inca stonework en route to the Plaza De Armas, the Cathedral and Koricancha Museum, the holiest site during Inca times. Explore the remarkable technological wonders of this remarkable culture. Supper at recommended restaurant café and early night to rest, or enjoy a walk through the San Blas artists’ district, a quaint area filled with artisan and art shops, or stop in at one of the lively restaurants or coffee shops. (Lunch included)
Day Three (Friday)After a buffet breakfast in the hotel, early bus to the sacred site at Saksaywaman overlooking the city of Cusco. Impressive stonework and structures weighing hundreds of tons will leave you in awe. How did the ancestors build those structures without the use of the wheel and steel implements? Here we do a simple ceremony to honour and tap into the sacred energies of Pachamama (Mother Earth). Return to Cusco for lunch on your own and to do some further sightseeing and exploring of the museums or shops around the main square. Or if you still feel affected by the altitude, you may just wish to relax in one of the many cafes that line the streets of this fascinating Inca Captial. Group meets back at the hotel for late afternoon departure to the market town Pisaq in the Sacred Valley. We leave Cusco and travel over the mountains down into the Urubamba Valley. Orientation at hostel in Pisaq and dinner at recommended restaurant. (Breakfast included)
Day Four (Saturday)After a buffet breakfast at the hostel, we visit the ruins overlooking Pisaq with impressive Inca terraces. After Machu Picchu these ruins are rated to be the most spectacular. You have the option to walk up about 2000 ft from the village to the ruins in the mountains above, or catch a taxi to the main ruins. We return in the afternoon for a rest and some free time to explore the village of Pisaq. After an early supper at a recommended restaurant you are invited to join in a traditional Quero meditation with the four elements guided by Diane Dunn who has lived in Peru for many years. (Breakfast included)
Day Five (Sunday)After a relaxed buffet breakfast at the hostel, we have a very special opportunity to see and experience the traditional Sunday market of Pisaq. Known as the most authentic and colourful of all the Inca markets in the Sacred Valley, you will be able to see the traditionally-dressed mountain people coming to barter and sell their produce cultivated in the high mountains. Be prepared- this market offers the best opportunity to buy woven goods, jewellery, colourful wall hangings and hand-painted beadwork and also wonderful photographic opportunities! Watch the lively activities of the market and also take time to explore the countryside hiking, or simply being in nature. Others may wish to use the time to rest or write in their travel journals. Dinner at recommended restaurant. (Breakfast included)
Day Six (Monday)One of the highlights of the trip. Special day with visit to Moray terraces and Salineras. After breakfast, your day will begin with a visit to the mysterious concentric terraces found near the small village of Moray. The Incas were well known for their effective government, the impressive architecture and, especially, their agricultural skills. Even today, the terraces used by the Incas can still be seen everywhere in Peru and experiments have shown that using the ancient agricultural techniques can be more effective than modern day agriculture. Apart from the peculiar shape of the terraces at Moray, another major sight is the beautiful landscape: the Earth has a special ochre tone here and the Andes provide a glorious view and backdrop for the fields. The theory most often heard is that the three circles at Moray were used as a sort of agricultural laboratory by the Incas, but there are also other explanations such as religious use. It definitely has a mystical quality, especially late afternoon, when shadows begin to fill the amphitheatre- like terraces. Few people make it here as it is not part of the normal tour programs and it is therefore a fantastic place to visit. Interesting flora.Optional short trip to Salineras, 500 year old salt pans built by the Incas to gather salt. Hot water flows out of a spring in the side of the mountain and the mineral rich water is diverted through miles of little channels and to hundreds of pans created on the mountainside for evaporation. These pans are still used today to create salt licks for cows.Return to hostel in Pisaq and after dinner, early night in preparation for journey the next day (Breakfast included).
Day Seven (Tuesday)Early start after breakfast with a drive through the Sacred Valley to the picturesque village of Ollantaytambo. After settling in at our hostal, we have an opportunity to visit its ruins with wonderful stonework and sun temple. Preparation for Machu Picchu and time to relax or explore the village and its markets. Traditional menu dinner at well known Hearts Café. (Breakfast included)
Day Eight (Wednesday)Spectacular train ride through the Sacred Valley to Aguas Calientes, the lively village situated below the nearby Machu Picchu ruins. Along the way there are stunning views of snow-capped Veronica peak (5860m) and the beautiful cloud forest full of orchids, ferns flowers and hanging moss. The scenery on the way will blow you away! After check into your hostal, you have the day free to wander through the colourful town of Aguas Calientes, visit the shaman shops and general market for gifts, clothes and crystals and to have lunch along the river. Soak up the energies of the cloud forest and the mighty Urubamba river before an early dinner and retiring for the night so as to prepare for an early start the next day to visit Machu Picchu! (Breakfast included)
Day Nine (Thursday)Rising at 4.30 am, we catch the first bus to Machu Picchu to see the early morning sunrise, or if you feel energetic and would like to walk up to the ruins it will take you approximately two and half hours. We arrive at sunrise at Inti Punku, the Gateway of the Sun, where through a rectangular doorway we experience a panoramic view of Machu Picchu. After taking a short path down, it is time for us to explore and discover the real secrets of the Incas and pre- Incas. Known as the historical Inca centre of spiritual and political power, you are invited to take part in sacred ceremony honouring the Earth. Later on in the morning there is time to do your own exploration of the ancient site as a pilgrim. You will also be assisted in deciding which areas you might wish to further explore or hike.Meet back at the hostal at 6pm. Weather permitting, the group is invited to participate in an outdoor Earth healing ceremony with the Full Moon. After the ceremony, we have a celebratory delicious dinner in one of the finest restaurants in Aguas Calientes. (Breakfast included)
Day Ten (Friday)A day of mindfulness. After Machu Picchu, participants are welcome to unwind and integrate their experiences. Massages are available to pamper the body and you are invited to join in a morning visit to the thermal hot springs of Aguas Calientes. The energetic and those not afraid of heights who want to climb Huayna Picchu, Young Mountain, that overlook the site and has a spectacular view of Machu Picchu, may leave on the 5.30 am bus (have ready approx $40 to re-enter the ruins and $12 for a return bus trip). The climb to the top takes up to two hours and care must be taken, especially if the steps are wet. Others can at their option take a hike to a nearby waterfall, or visit the local Machu Picchu museum (entrance approx. $15). Dinner at recommended restaurant (Breakfast included)
Day Eleven (Saturday)After breakfast, train journey back from Machu Picchu and then on to Cusco where we spend overnight. Farewell dinner celebration at Sams Café in Cusco. (Breakfast and Dinner included)
Day Twelve (Sunday)Program begins and ends in Cusco on Sunday morning with breakfast included.
Further alternatives after close of Sacred Earth Journey and Retreat on Sunday morning:
1. Early morning return flight from Cusco to Lima airport and connecting flight home. If you are planning to depart Lima today (Sunday), we suggest that you do not book to depart until at least after 2 pm (14h00 hrs). With some exceptions, most overseas flights out of Lima tend to leave in the evening.
2. Return flight from Cusco to Lima and stay in Lima for 2 days to explore its many interesting Gold and Archeological museums and then to take flight back to home country. (The School can recommend hotel to stay and day tours)
3. Two more days in Cusco to explore on your own and catch flight back to home country via Lima. (The School can make some recommendations).
4. Ayahuaska ceremony in the Sacred Valley (ask School for more information on this sacred healing plant ceremony)
5. Amazon 3 day excursion (ask School for more information- cost approx. $330 for return flight Lima- Puerto Maldonado and approx $400 for excursion)
The order within the above itinerary may vary slightly to suit the needs of the group and is subject to change in extraordinary circumstances and when so guided. The weather in the Andes is unpredictable and may cause delays or cancellation of flights or activities. Changes in flights and train schedule are common in Peru. The School has only had slight adjustments to its activities due to local rail strikes and some minor weather conditions. However, it cannot be held responsible for any unforeseen events in Peru or elsewhere that may disrupt this program. It strongly suggests that all participants take out travel/health insurance to protect your travel investment.
PRICE:$1 040 inclusive (R10400 approx depending on rate of exchange at time of payment)
add internal flight to/from Cusco (approx) $300 return
add international flight to/from Lima
Cost includes all programs and meals as indicated in this itinerary. All Peruvian quality accommodation, transport (taxi, bus, train), entrance tickets to sites, guided tours, meditations and ceremonies.
Not included:International return flights to Cusco via Lima (international flight to/from Lima and then short internal flight to/from Cusco)Airport departure taxes- each participant must keep aside a total of approx. $42 ($30 for one international departure from Lima and $6 each for two domestic departures to and from Cusco). Please note these are not included in your booked air tickets.Individual airport transfers in Lima (if necessary)Second day entrance/bus ticket into Machu Picchu to climb Huayna Picchu (approx $56)Please allow for between $5 - $15 for lunches and dinners not included in the itinerary (note: because of the different requirements of participants in regard to meals, in the School’s experience it works out cheapest to leave each participant free to chose their own lunch and dinner menus according to individual tastes and budget and not to include in overall price).Individual tipping- tipping is entirely up to the group’s discretion. A voluntary collection for a tipping kitty will be held at the beginning of the program, leaving you free to relax and enjoy the program.Souvenir shopping
Please co-ordinate your flight times with the School.Air Malaysia offers a convenient flight from Cape Town to Buenos Aires and then there are flights with LAN PERU or TACA airlines to Lima, the capital of Peru. It is often cheaper to book these flights separately on the internet. The Air Malaysia flight leaves Cape Town mid morning and arrives in Buenos Aires at about 3.30pm Argentinian time (about a 4 hour flight but gaining time) and the connecting flight to Lima is another 4/5 hours arriving in Lima late evening. So usually necessary to sleep over in Lima before catching an early morning flight to Cusco- unless you are happy to stay in the airport overnight!
If you are travelling from the Middle East, Europe or the UK, you may fly via Madrid or New York depending on your preference and best pricing.There are many internal morning flights of LAN PERU or TACA between Lima and Cusco, but it is a popular route and so booking is recommended. The flight from Lima to Cusco can be relatively expensive if booked on the internet (normally it should be in the region of $150 each way and if you are unable to find this as a reasonable price, the School can assist you to make these reservations via a local Peruvian travel agent who will charge a small commission).
Additional informationPlease check the requirements of your country for visas. No visas are required for Peru if you hold a South African passport, but you do need a yellow fever injection certificate to show on your return to South Africa (easy to have and painless!). There is no malaria in the cloud forest of Machu Picchu but if you plan to also do a trip to the Amazon it is recommended that you take homeopathic malaria tablets.Additional detailed tour information, including suggested packing and reading lists will be made available to you on registration.
The School also invites you to help the children of Peru by bringing any books in Spanish that relate to their nature-based life style, quality art and school supplies and second hand clothing for children.All costs are accurate at the time of writing and are subject to change.We require a 20% non-refundable deposit to secure all reservations with full payment due 30 days prior to departure. Please note that the group is kept relatively small and so early booking is recommended to reserve a place in this special program. There are discounts available for block bookings of 2 people or more.
It is the School’s commitment to do its very best to make this a journey of a lifetime!
Ayahuaska Sacred Ceremony Option“I sat on my mat and waited for the unknown, consciously relaxing my senses and releasing my physical tension. Soon the jungle noises rang in my ears like wind chimes, tinkling bells. In my mind’s eye, flecks of colour and shapes danced to this strange music I was hearing. My hands began to tingle and my head to spin. I took a deep breath and reminded myself to surrender and trust. Immediately an inner dialogue started that lasted for the duration of my amazing journey.The voices I heard were my own levels of consciousness as well as wisdom guides, messengers, and loudest of all, God Herself. All were communicating with me, simultaneously. I was disoriented in my body and all my senses, yet capable of discerning and understanding all the messages at once. Nothing was normal. Many voices were talking me through what was happening, so I wouldn’t be afraid. I didn’t like being physically out of control, but the voices were so reassuring that I moved beyond fear like falling from a shooting star, and fell right into the loving arms of God. I heard her voice so clearly and felt her presence so close as to be connected, with nothing separating us. Then I felt nauseous…..The effects of the Ayahuasca were becoming milder. My senses were feeling more familiar. I knew that normalcy would return soon. The voices were quieting down. But I was also losing that crystal clear connection with God. She was still with me but the veil between us was becoming more opaque.All the inner knowing I possessed in my place of origin was slipping away from me.In its place was a profound love. Love so deep and wide, I simply floated in it. I felt so grateful. I felt grateful for love and life itself. I felt grateful for the insights I had been given, the visions I’d seen and for the indelible connections I’d made. I felt grateful for moving beyond fear and trusting in the amazing possibilities that lie on the other side of it.‘Know that if you choose this, everything else in your life will change.’And it did.
”Extract from Diane Dunn in her book ‘CUSCO The Gateway to Inner Wisdom’ © 2006
The SHAMANS of South America and Peru
South America and more particularly Peru is a place for shamanistic experiences. There the tradition has never really disappeared and so it is a place of great and many opportunities to work with the other worlds and dimensions.On my last visit to Peru in October, I had the joy of meeting up with Diane Dunn (the writer of the above extract) and also reading parts of her book. She is an American living in Peru having started a spiritual centre in a beautiful area of the Sacred Valley of Machu Picchu called Pisaq. Interestingly enough she also spent some time in South Africa during the early nineties when she worked for a charity.When I read her book, I was very much struck by her account of taking a sacred medicine plant of the jungle in Peru, called the Ayahuaska.And after my return to South Africa further synchronicities happened leading me to take part in one such ceremony - much to my own surprise! I had always known about the plant, but never felt drawn to it. I now know that this was mainly because of my deep seated fears of losing control and my body not being of a sufficiently high enough vibration for it to be a positive experience.But when I asked for my higher guidance this time, the answer was clear- to trust my intuition and follow the synchronicities that had lead me so far.And so it was with some trepidation that I sat in a circle readying myself for probably what has been one of the most profound experiences in my life.I feel that Diane’s account above really does justice to what happened to me- I had a very similar experience and it felt that all my psychic senses had opened up simultaneously. It was quite incredible, because I was like an observer, conscious seeing how I was operating in the world of matter.What I also feel was unique about it, was that unlike any meditation or spiritual experience I had ever had, this was ALSO happening in my physical body and so it integrated something in a way that I had never happen before.The incredible feeling of freedom and release from fear held in my body was quite amazing and it literally felt as if I had been cast into gold after going through the cleansing of a sacred fire.The essence of the plant is in my experience to balance whatever is in the body that is out of balance with my soul. And so I felt a lot of discomfort in the areas of my body where I am aware I still hold blocks. And the wonderful thing was that afterwards it felt that I had actually conquered them by allowing the medicine plant to assist me with its energies.
Many call the Ayahuaska a death experience and I can really relate to that. It is as if I was able to shed a skin and experience a death of that part of myself that was so held in fear that it needed to be shed and die.When you google the word Ayahuaska you will find so many accounts of negative experiences. I consciously chose not to go into the experience with preconceived fear, but to know that if I set a positive intention and consciously choose to use it as a healing experience I would not resist the healing magic of the plant and so ensure that I have the most beneficial experience.I also knew that the particular shaman that did the ceremony was holding so much of the potential of the experience and as I could see how he was working with the sacred energies of the plant, I was assured that he was working from the heart and that I could totally trust the experience.What I also know is that the experience has changed me and my life completely for the better.
And so I have been guided to for the first time offer also the option of an ayahuaska ceremony as part of an extension to the journey. This will be totally at your discretion, but being able to experience this in the land of the plant’s origin will make it truly an unforgettable and amazing experience.Visiting Sacred Sites, Beautiful Lands and Mystical PlacesFor Spiritual Evolution with the Earth and Greater Self-Awareness
UNDERLYING THOUGHT FOR SACRED EARTH RETREATS:When you work from love in your heart, other forms of consciousness will open to you. For example, the nature spirit kingdoms or the Earth Mother herself. You cannot force the doors to other kingdoms, they will only open to you when the love in your heart is developed to a degree whereby those forms of consciousness feel safe to open in your presence, and when they know that you have developed to a point in your own evolution where you will not misuse the information given. If you can open yourself to a point where the light of heaven and earth can be seen in your heart, then all forms of consciousness can see the love within you and will open to you if it is appropriate to communicate.
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