NEW MOON MAGAZINE MAY 09 © The Arthurian School
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Hi everyone!
When are we able to have that precious thing called “peace of mind”?
I believe we can only have that when we are centered - and we can only be centered when we have certainty.
And so what makes us lose our peace of mind?
We lose our peace of mind when something happens that is different to what we intended to happen or to be. Suddenly we are out of balance and the certainty we had, is gone.
But if we should be able to see a pattern in what has happened to disturb our peace of mind, then our centeredness can return, because once again we have certainty about what is happening.And so the key to finding and keeping that peace of mind, is to look and understand patterns, because it gives us certainty.Once we understand the pattern, everything becomes more predictable and certain.
And so the part of us that is truly awake, is always searching for patterns!
Patterns in our lives, patterns in our environment, patterns in the world- searching in a way for the pattern of the bigger picture.
But in the past we have been living without any understanding of patterns and that has lead us to live in fear and stress of the future and of what is unknown. And this stress seems to be increasing. There is such a huge amount of change happening that we are totally unable to make sense of it. So many things are happening that we are not intending and that makes us lose our balance.
Yet if we should be able to find the pattern in what is happening, we will be able to feel more reassured and secure.We would then be able to feel more “in control of our lives” and how to deal with it.
The Ancient people knew how to find and interpret patterns. They were very aware of the “big picture” and how to live in harmony with it. And at this very time we are being given more and more information to help us get in touch with that.
The most important patterns we are already aware of, are those in nature. Through nature we are shown how important it is to adapt to what seems to be change but in essence is really just the movement of cycles.
Look at the sea. The different waves seem to create such enormous change and yet the ocean itself seems very much the same. So much of the change is really just on the surface and there is something eternal that never changes.
Look at the Moon. It always is changing and yet we know that the full moon will disappear and after 28 days be there again.
I have been so fascinated by the predictions of the Mayan Calendar.
The videos of IAN LUNGOLD (available from the internet and some bookstores) on the Mayan Calendar are to me probably some of the most important information tools at the moment, because they give us an understanding of patterns that have lead us to this moment in time – especially now that we are nearing the end of the Mayan calendar in October 2011 (2012).
The ancient civilisations understood the bigger picture and so they were able to flow with change because they had the certainty of what was happening. It was only when they started to forget and lose sight of those patterns that fear set in and we started to go into the suffering of uninformed choices and darkness.It is time to reclaim this again!
Ultimately I believe the message of the Mayan Calendar is one of hope- things have been getting better if one looks at the bigger picture over millions of years and our responsibility now is to start waking up from the hypnotism that we have been in and to start following our Heart.It is time to embrace change - the fact that more and more is happening in the same amount of time and therefore seems to us that time is getting shorter, ALSO brings with it many more possibilities and opportunities for miracles.
WE just need to see it.
This year of 2009 is called the year of celebration, and according to the Mayan calendar 2009 is the year when we will be learning what it is like to once again to live in bliss - we are so used to failure and misery that we now have to learn that things can be different. We once again have to learn to trust that life can be good and that we all can be happy.
The Mayan predictions have never been wrong, so -let’s go for it!!
It is time for us to live in bliss.
With blessings of Love
telephone: (0027) 28 273 8277 international 028 273 8277 localmobile: (0027) 783716343 international 0783716343 local“Revitalise and Enlighten your Life with the Moon”
called the Hawthorn Moon, the White Lady Moon and the Grass Moon in the Celtic tradition
The new moon started on the 25th April in the sign of Taurus and the full moon will be on the 8th May in the sign of Scorpio.There are several important highlights this month- both from a Buddhist, Celtic and Christian point of view.
The 9th of May is known by Buddhists as WESAK, the celebration of the birthday of the Buddha, and of his enlightenment and passing into Heaven or Nirvana. It is seen as the spiritual high point of the year, when all the Illuminated or Enlightened Beings in the other dimensions invoke a great blessing for the Earth. In my personal experience, although I am not a Buddhist, the full moon in May during the time of WESAK is the most powerful of full moons for the whole year and it is worth tuning into the full moon - even if just for that. The opportunities presented to us to receive the goodness and grace of this particular full moon are plentiful, so make the most of it. Remember, even if there is much for us to receive, we still have to use our free will to be open to it.
1st May is also an important celebration on the Celtic calendar, known as Beltane or May day which has been enriched by a very similar ancient Roman celebration called Floralia. This is a celebration of spring in the Northern Hemisphere with many rituals and ceremonies to bring fertility and joyful unions. This is the time of the maypole decorated with flowers that is carried from door to door before setting it up for dancing, and colourful ribbons are bound into the lives of those who dance around it. Often bonfires are made on hilltops or other high places to celebrate the return of the sun. For those of you in the northern hemisphere use this day to really draw down the full power of the sun to strengthen and enliven your energy. You may even just decide to sit outside in the sun for a few minutes, but with your intention really honour and greet the sun! It is also a time for thanksgiving for the new that has come.
Somewhat similar in nature to the enlightenment of Buddha during WESAK is the Christian celebration of Ascension Day on the 21st May when Jesus is said to have ascended to heaven thirty nine days after his resurrection.
And in France at Saintes-Maires-de-la Mer down at the south coast, there is on the 24th May the celebration of the arrival in France of the Three Marys- Mary Magdalene, Mary Jacob, her sister and Mary Salome, mother of the disciples James and John. Sara the Kali (known as “the Black”), a local chieftain, had a vision of their arrival and is said to have gone to meet them and by spreading her cloak over the rough sea she brought them safely to the shore. During the celebration, statues of Sara and the Marys are carried down to the sea and they are then immersed. Candles are also lit as well as bonfires.
For the first three evenings of May, Mercury, the planet of communication and travel is just to the south of the Pleiades, said to be connected to creativity, fun and play.
And by some fine synchronicity, Sunday, 3rd May is named World Laughter Day!
In order to live truly creative lives, we need to be playful and to develop a sense of fun. Celebrate the fun that is already in your life and if you feel you have become far too serious, make a conscious effort to bring back some fun and laughter in your life! Only when we live in balance can we truly be said to also have peace.
Venus and Mars climb further from the sunrise with Venus being the brighter of the two and a bit further from the dawn. Jupiter, never as bright as Venus when seen from the Earth, is nevertheless prominent in the night sky in the southern constellation Capricornus. Saturn can be seen during the evening and early night sky in the southern regions of Leo and on the morning of 17th May, the waning half moon is near Jupiter in the sky.
On 21st May the old crescent moon is near Venus and Mars so keep an eye out for them.
Background:Channeled by Jhadten Jewall on 01.01.2009Message for 2009 (
Greetings in the Love and Light of the Most Radiant Ones, for we are the Elohim and come to you today to speak of those energies now flooding your solar system in specific and interesting ways. Since Dec 21, 2008 the streams of Light from Galactic core have intensified and are now joined by streams of light from the Andromeda Galaxy and these together form a unique and new alchemical field of light. This increased and potentiated influx of light is generating great change environmentally, politically, economically, socially as well as spiritually. All levels of your being are being re-infused with new Life. This greater influx generates certain necessities and hence a longing and manifestation of these is occurring, especially amongst those who are attuned to this energy. A longing for community and stronger family bonds, not only within the genetic family but also even more so in the spiritual families of light that are on Earth at this time. As mankind comes to know and understand that all are evolving exactly as they were intended to do, though many speak in different languages and manifest different actions and deeds, all is well. Hence, the possibilities of greater community are beginning to become apparent to all those pioneers of consciousness to whom we are addressing this missive of intent. The exploration of these new ‘communities of mutual support’ shall also shift and evolve greatly over the next 12 moons. All the while, the knowledge of the priority of rising about the limitations of thought and hence emotions is of utmost importance for the success of these new communities to be realized. As such a web of light is being generated that extends far beyond anything the human mind can grasp. The whales, the Melchizedeks of planet Earth, alone are aware and are modulating this web of light. Be, therefore, aware that the whale matrix within your body is being activated as never before and access to this matrix is indeed only through the altered state of consciousness above thought and emotion. Deep within your physical being you have a matrix of energy just above the subatomic level that in its crystalline structures resonates with the unfolding of consciousness even on intergalactic levels of awareness. Aligned with this matrix is to be aligned with the unfolding in this galaxy, solar system and planet. Aligned as such is also to dwell and reside in consciousness in the ultimate peace and serenity, safety and security, joy and liberation of the incarnation. Once attuned to the whale matrix, then it is as if it were a place in consciousness where you can feel the alignment with the will of Father/Mother/God/dess clearly within your self. In this way, you may then radiate that peace and serenity, safety and security, joy and liberation and creativity to all around you, be it another soul, a being of nature or a being within the structures of those phenomenon you call man-made. Rejoice, oh Children of Light, for in this way you are moving into the quantum field of endless possibilities of manifestation in this reality. As you manifest a new reality without by creating it within, so you model to the world the ‘hope of the Light returned’. As your reality changes to the degree that you use with focus and discipline the God/dess given gifts of creative visualization and soulful imagination, so you create an energy phenomenon and model that shall transform this world to align even more with the unfolding of the Divine Plan. We, the Elohim, are delighted to be near, to lend support and enlightenment whenever your hearts desire it, so create a space within your heart’s awareness where we may reside in celebratory harmony with you at this time. Namaste.
It is my understanding that the role of the whales at this time is ever increasing. I don’t know how many of you have been privileged enough to watch the beautiful New Zealand film called WHALE RIDER, but really worth seeing and so incredible to realise how the Maori people have always revered the whales as their ancestors!And so this month I have been guided to do a moon meditation with the whales:
Prepare your space and sit comfortably with your feet firmly anchored on the ground.
Relax your body and just start to breathe evenly- in and out, in and out. Do this for a while until you can count your In breath and your out breath to be the same length. Always adjust your in or out breath to the lower count, so if the out breath is 6 counts and the in breath is 8 counts, change the in breath to 6 counts as well.
As you continue breathing, notice how it becomes more and more effortless. It is as if you are not really doing the breathing at all - instead you are being breathed. Allow yourself and your mind just to completely let go. You are totally safe and protected.Now imagine that you are near or on a beautiful moonlit ocean that is incredibly still and peaceful. Maybe you can hear the gentle lapping of the small waves as they come onto the beach and you are also aware that there is a lot of life around you. Even if you cannot see them, you sense some crabs and other sea life moving along the beach, maybe you can even sense some fish or a sea turtle or seal in the shallow water.
Now feel the magnificent mountains that are also around you. They are like ancient guardians of this precious land near the sea where you are standing or sitting.
You now become more aware of the bright rays of the silver full moon as it shines on the water, and it is as if the intensity of the moon starts to increase rapidly. Become aware of how it is affecting your third eye, the area between the eyebrows. You may feel a slight gentle sensation as if it is opening up more.
Now start to tune in and connect with the whales. You may see them approaching, or you may simply feel them. Or you may not feel or see or hear anything at all. Just KNOW that with your intention you are able to connect with them and share their wisdom of the cycles of our time. Ask them to help you to connect more strongly with your galactic community and to feel how warmly you are loved as a loving brother or sister. Feel the gentle embrace of the whales- as if they are holding you like a caring and ever loving mother and you may even feel that you are becoming a part of them. As if there is no separation anymore.Feel how they are connecting you more and more with your Heart and how your heart beat is starting to resonate with the greater Cosmos of ALL THAT IS. Sense yourself swimming in the stars with the Moon guiding your progress. Let go of any attachment to the mind and just relax the body.
KNOW THAT YOU ARE COMPLETELY SAFE and that you are being shown cycles that are never ending, and this knowing and understanding brings you hope. You just KNOW that everything is perfect and how it is meant to be even if your mind does not understand it. You also just KNOW that you are able to reach your potential and that there is nothing stopping you from achieving the bliss you want for your life now. Feel this reassuring presence of your soul.Stay as long as you need to in the space of connection and healing and consciously bring that down through your feet into the Earth. Really feel this special connection with the Earth and also the whales.
When you are ready, you can start to return to normal consciousness. Once again become very aware of your feet that are planted firmly on the ground and imagine that you are inside a beautiful tree and that this tree is helping you to ground and to stay safe and connected.
After a while drink some water and you may want to play or listen to some music.
I would like to introduce you to some of the channellings of Maitreya by Margaret McElroy ( I find some of them very helpful and what I have recently become so very aware of, are my inner judgements and judgmental thoughts. Reading the channelling and writings below really helped me to shift my mind into a higher understanding and lighter consciousness:
“Maitreya my teacher told me before I could do my true work in the world, I need to work out my karma and past life energy. Of course I thought he meant within that year (1992). I did not realize that year after year I would be facing people, issues and energy connected to the past some of which would be easy, some extremely hard, 16 years later, I have come to the conclusion one does not stop learning. Even when one reaches Nirvana on the Earth plane, or enlightenment, one is still learning. There is never an end to it. In the beginning my karma consisted of receiving back what I had given out to others in past lives. I did not like it either I was working for spirit, why would they allow me to go through these experiences? They were actually assisting me to face and deal with issues I needed to look at and address. I had a lot of things I needed to look at and experience also. I remember one such repayment deal, for that is what I will call it. I was teaching a class, and had about ten students. They loved my teaching and told me so. However, another teacher came onto the scene, first as a student in my class, and then as a teacher herself, taking my students with her at a reduced fee for her classes. I was left with one student. However, on asking spirit why this happened, I was told:" in a past life, you did the same to her, as she did to you now. You need to experience what that feels like!" Of course the woman I had become in this life considered herself a good person and a nice person, how could this happen to me? But it did and I learned a valuable lesson, it is painful when someone does something like that, and never to do it again....
Judgment and Criticism
Mar 6th, 2009by Maitreya.
Why do you judge and criticize? You do so because the Self needs to justify itself and it can only do so when it can see what it perceives to be imperfection in another. You often set yourself up as judge and jury believing you, and you alone, know what is good for another person. Often you feel that what they are doing is wrong usually because it is something your Self would like to do or could have done but did not because of fear. Often it can be because of past-life energy, such as something from a past incarnation which upset you. Even the Ultimate Being, or God, does not make judgment or criticize. That energy loves you unconditionally.Why cannot humanity do the same? It cannot do the same because the Self is an energy which believes it knows everything. This is what it does; it looks at everything as if it were God, or the Ultimate Being. It is interesting when you judge or criticize another, yet someone comes and does the same to you, how indignant the Self becomes and goes into total denial about what it did in judging or criticizing. It is a truly spiritual soul who can love with no judgment or criticism, who can accept a person for who they are totally without any comment or expectation.Each of you was given the gift of choice. It is yours to do so, to choose what you will do. Sometimes because of fear souls choose not to do something that they know they should do. You, on the other hand, know they should not be doing it – or you think you know. But there are no accidents on the earth plane. Everything is perfect; if you do not learn something one way, the Universe will bring it in another way. The lesson or opportunity is presented many ways, until you choose to learn it.
Heart Meditation and Sound Workshop with Shu-Fang Wang on 25 AprilIt was a day of true connection and soul friends. Thanks to everyone who came!
“Thanx for a wonderful day... we kept on talking about the day.. sharing it with friends and family and making jokes about the lion thats still asleep.. not in the jungle but in the stomach.i'm truly grateful and wish you all the best. – Esther
“Crystal Bowl and Earth Sound workshop festival with Michaela O’Donnell and Elizabeth Bardin
Friday evening 1 May
Saturday 2 May
Sunday 3 May
Sound and music has always been an important way to spiritual enlightenment. It prepares the mind to accept internal truths and helps the body to flow.Crystal bowls are not all that known in South Africa, but is an incredibly powerful unique experience that helps you and your body to evolve and create change effortlessly. We are offering this mini sound festival to introduce Earth healing with crystal bowls in South Africa and so during the sessions we will also be working energetically with spiritual codings of Machu Picchu in Peru to making sure that the sounds of the bowls are anchored in the Earth and the whole experience has the softness of the Heart and is balanced.Let me know if you are interested in joining in on any of the above days and I will let you have more details.
For the Love of the Earth
The year of Celebration
I am taking another group to Peru in August and it would be wonderful if you could join us!
Here are the details and please let me know if you are interested. The journeys are really about you connecting with lost parts of yourself and opening up old blocks and restrictions that you can only access when you are within the combined energies of a group and also at such a powerful place as Machu Picchu. I had such a wonderful group on the last retreat in April and I would really invite you to join in something that is truly life transforming and can help you to grow in ways that are beyond your current circumstances. Sometimes these journeys are unforgettable in many ways and never in the way you had imagined, - they are always perfect, especially when you are able to look back and appreciate the deep healing benefits and empowerments you received from the Earth.
Peru is about healing and opening the Heart, so if you are stuck in your mind, or your mind is driving you mad, THIS IS THE TIME AND THE PLACE TO GO!!
Also you will learn through your experiences in nature how important it is to start trusting and developing your psychic abilities and unknown senses.
One of the highlights on the last trip for me was visiting a place MORAY which is not that well known yet, but a most incredibly powerful place that feels that it is truly connected to another world and worlds. It has an incredible atmosphere and if you have a look on my website there is a photograph of it- concentric circles where the Incas and ancient people worked with the plant kingdom and it has a sacredness that is just beyond anything that I have yet experienced except at Machu Picchu. It seemed to open a new heart chakra point with a swirling sensation and I know that we are able to access incredible energies visiting it there.
There is much to do and experience in the incredibly diverse land of Peru.Whether it is to open your heart and unknown senses to experience the mystical and energetic wonders of Peru; or to explore its rich cultural heritages-Whether to delight in its colourful and captivating craft and art markets; or to become more attuned to its people with their nature based life style-Peru is ready to receive and give its Heart to you.
Peru vibrates deep within the Heart and Soul, and irrespective of how you would describe that in words, it is a place where you can receive the unforgettable gift of experiencing the loving heart of PACHAMAMA – the Peruvians’ sacred name for Mother Earth.
Because the Earth in the Sacred Valley of the Andes Mountains with the great Urubamba River is filled with a quality that can only be described as paradise. Nowhere on Earth is there such a feeling of incredible Love and Peace that has not yet been disturbed by the turmoil of war.When the Spanish invasion crippled Peru, only one place was saved by PACHAMAMA herself: Machu Picchu! Completely covered and shielded by the jungle, it remained safe and undisturbed until it was discovered much later by the American explorer Howard Bingham.
And so going to Peru is an unforgettable experience. It is an inner and outer journey with many different colours. No money can ever reflect the value you give to yourself when making this journey. It is something that will change you and your life forever.
Visiting Peru with the Arthurian School – dedicated to share the wonder of Machu Picchu and the Peruvian Andes - is guaranteed to help you open your heart and help you find your inner connection to Mother Nature and her creativity inside.
*It will lead you to a new understanding of yourself and the world……
Elizabeth Bardin
*NOTE “When you work from love in your heart, other forms of consciousness will open to you. For example, the nature spirit kingdoms or the Earth Mother herself. You cannot force the doors to other kingdoms, they will only open to you when the love in your heart is developed to a degree whereby those forms of consciousness feel safe to open in your presence, and when they know that you have developed to a point in your own evolution where you will not misuse the information given. If you can open yourself to a point where the light of heaven and earth can be seen in your heart, then all forms of consciousness can see the love within you and will open to you if it is appropriate to communicate.”
Come with us...Explore the World. Explore your Self. Learn to grow and get closer to the Earth.
Please note: The date of the August journey has been chosen because of the auspicious positions of the moon and the planets during this time for a safe and prosperous journey.
Ten-day general itinerary
The Arthurian School invites you to step out of your ordinary world and join us in a shamanic journey to awaken your lost creativity in the sacred land of Peru. Each day before breakfast you will have an opportunity to practise shamanic meditation and then to visit a different ancient Inca site in the Sacred Valley of Peru. You will be invited to visit and experience the shamanic energies of these sites (sometimes in silence) and time will also be set aside for your own personal exploration of the site and some hiking. In addition, you will be able to stay in rural Peruvians villages and observe the unique cultures of the local people of the Sacred Valley who still live very much in a traditional way with their colourful crafts and markets.Not having to worry about any logistics, or the time consuming process of being left to do much of the exploring and decisions of what you should see on your own, you can relax, enjoy and use the time available to its best spiritual potential. Each hotel and hostel where we stay is chosen for its special location, simplicity and atmosphere and is recommended for its ample hot water and cleanliness- not always a given in Peru! The Arthurian School has been leading Sacred Earth journeys to Peru for the last two years and believes that there is no other program like this at present being offered in terms of uniqueness, quality, diversity and value for money. Moreover, no other itinerary provides such a specialised hands on trip where you can have a non- commercialised tourist experience, but still have the benefits of being with an organised and stress free structured program itinerary- not to say the joy of sharing and a spiritually inclined group.It also offers an ideal opportunity to spend a sufficient period of time at the area of Machu Picchu and its beautiful environment in the cloud forest.
Although doing the Inca Trail can be very rewarding, it is only accommodates camping and is relatively physically demanding with camps shared by many other participants on the trail. Usually only a few hours are reserved during the trail to spend at Machu Picchu which really should be the highlight of the trip! You also miss out on staying in some of the most interesting rural villages on the way to Machu Picchu.And so the trip is structured to offer the best of both worlds: an opportunity to visit places where the descendents of the Inca still live in rural villages and also to have some quality time to get in touch with the ancient heritage of the Machu Picchu area. And you also have the opportunity to do some magnificent hiking in the area if that is your special interest. It is in our experience one of the most flexible journeys available at this time, taking into account the needs of each individual person – participants are given freedom to experience the journey in whatever way suits them best - all that is required is an open heart and a genuine love for nature and the Earth!
Elizabeth who leads the progam is an experienced travel facilitator and has worked with sacred earth sites for over 8 years. Every participant to these journeys has remained enthusiastic and genuinely thrilled with the unique opportunity of experiencing Peru in this way. Please contact the School if you would like to have more feedback from last two journeys that took place in October 2008 and April 2009.
The School guarantees that in this itinerary there will be rich and colourful experiences for everyone. Be inspired by:- Places of serenity, peace and exquisite beauty- Shamanic earth site meditations and healing ceremonies- Magnificent Andean peaks and Sacred Valley scenery- Mysterious ancient cities and temples including Machu Picchu- Vibrant and colourful markets and Quechua people in their rural villages- Andean culture and cosmology.- Hiking at ancient sites- Massages and healing hot water baths (optional)- Interesting museums and other places of interest (optional)
Wednesday 12th AUGUST
Arrival from home country in Lima, capital of Peru on the Pacific coast. Overnight in Lima.
Day One (Thursday) 13th AUGUST
Elizabeth will meet you in the morning at the airport in Lima where the group will fly together to Cusco where the trip officially begins. Cusco, the ancient capital of the Inca Empire, is about an hour’s flight over the mountains from Lima.On arrival you will be taken to a comfortable hotel conveniently situated near the historic Plaza de Armas. Rest for a few hours and acclimatise to the 11,000 ft altitude! After a group orientation meeting and short introduction to Cusco you have the option of resting further or going for lunch at Jack’s Café, a well known restaurant in Cusco. Late afternoon walking tour through the cobblestone streets of Cusco to see fascinating Inca stonework en route to the Plaza De Armas, the Cathedral and Koricancha Museum, the holiest site during Inca times. Explore the creativity and technological wonders of this remarkable culture. Early night to rest, or enjoy a walk through the San Blas artists’ district, a quaint area filled with artisan and art shops, or stop in at one of the lively restaurants or coffee shops.Note: If you feel that you may need more time to acclimatise to the high altitudes of Peru, you could fly into Cusco a day or two earlier and the School will help you to make the necessary hotel arrangements.
Day Two (Friday) 14th AUGUST
After a buffet breakfast in the hotel, travel to the market town Pisaq in the Sacred Valley. We leave Cusco and travel over the mountains down into the Urubamba Valley. Orientation at hostel in Pisaq and special ceremony to do sacred walk of the labyrinth as a dedication to Pachamama. More time to relax, acclimatise and soak up the special energies of Peru. Dinner at recommended restaurant. (Breakfast included)
Day Three (Saturday) 15th AUGUST
Early morning meditation (optional). After a buffet breakfast at the hostel, we visit the ruins overlooking Pisaq with impressive Inca terraces. After Machu Picchu these ruins are rated to be the most spectacular. You have the option to walk up about 2000 ft from the village to the ruins in the mountains above, or catch a taxi to the main ruins. We return in the afternoon for a rest and some free time to explore the village of Pisaq. (Breakfast included).
Day Four (Sunday) 16th AUGUST
Early morning meditation (optional). Today we then have the very special opportunity to see and experience the traditional Sunday market of Pisaq. Known as the most authentic and colourful of all the Inca markets in the whole of Peru, you will be able to see the traditionally-dressed mountain people coming to barter and sell their produce cultivated in the high mountains. Be prepared- this market offers the best opportunity to buy woven goods, jewellery, colourful wall hangings and hand-painted beadwork and also wonderful photographic opportunities! Watch the lively activities of the market and also take time to explore the countryside hiking, or simply being in nature. Others may wish to use the time to rest or write in their travel journals. Dinner at recommended restaurant. (Breakfast included)
Day Five (Monday) 17th AUGUST
Early morning meditation (optional). One of the highlights of the trip. Special day with visit to Moray terraces. After breakfast, your day will begin with a visit to the mysterious concentric terraces found near the small village of Moray. The Incas were well known for their effective government, the impressive architecture and, especially, their agricultural skills. Even today, the terraces used by the Incas can still be seen everywhere in Peru and experiments have shown that using the ancient agricultural techniques can be more effective than modern day agriculture. Apart from the peculiar shape of the terraces at Moray, another major sight is the beautiful landscape: the Earth has a special ochre tone here and the Andes provide a glorious view and backdrop for the fields. The theory most often heard is that the three circles at Moray were used as a sort of agricultural laboratory by the Incas, but there are also other explanations such as religious use. It definitely has a mystical quality. Few people make it here as it is not part of the normal tour programs and it is therefore a fantastic place to visit.Drive from Moray through the Sacred Valley to the picturesque village of Ollantaytambo. After settling in at our hostal and lunch, you have a chance to explore the village (Breakfast included).
Day Six (Tuesday) 18th AUGUST
Early morning meditation (optional). Today we have an opportunity to visit the Ollantaytambo ancient ruins with wonderful stonework and sun temple. Preparation ceremony for Machu Picchu and time to relax or explore the village and its markets. Traditional menu dinner at well known Hearts Café. (Breakfast included)
Day Seven (Wednesday) 19th AUGUST
Early morning meditation (optional). Spectacular train ride through the Sacred Valley to Machu Picchu Paeblo formerly known as Aguas Calientes, the lively village situated below the nearby Machu Picchu ruins. Along the way there are stunning views of snow-capped Veronica peak (5860m) and the beautiful cloud forest full of orchids, ferns flowers and hanging moss. The scenery on the way is stunning! After check in at the hostal, you have the day free to wander through the colourful town of Machu Picchu Paeblo, visit the shaman shops and general market for gifts, clothes and crystals and to have lunch along the river. Soak up the energies of the cloud forest and the mighty Urubamba river before an early dinner and retiring for the night so as to prepare for an early start the next day to visit Machu Picchu! (Breakfast included)
Day Eight (Thursday) 20th AUGUST
Rising at 4.30 am, we catch the first bus to Machu Picchu to see the early morning sunrise, or if you feel energetic and would like to walk up to the ruins it will take you approximately two and half hours. We arrive at sunrise at Inti Punku, the Gateway of the Sun, where through a rectangular doorway we experience a panoramic view of Machu Picchu. After taking a short path down, it is time for us to explore and discover the real secrets of the Incas and pre- Incas. Known as the historical Inca centre of spiritual and political power, you are invited to take part in sacred ceremony honouring the Earth. Later on in the morning there is time to do your own exploration of the ancient site as a pilgrim. You will also be assisted in deciding which areas you might wish to further explore or hike.Meet back at the hostal at 6pm. Weather permitting, the group is invited to participate in an outdoor Earth healing ceremony with the Dark Moon. (Breakfast included)
Day Nine (Friday) 21st AUGUST
Early morning meditation (optional). A day of mindfulness. After Machu Picchu, participants are welcome to unwind and integrate their experiences. Massages are available to pamper the body and you are invited to join in an invigorating morning visit to the thermal hot springs of Aguas Calientes. The energetic and those not afraid of heights who want to climb Huayna Picchu, Young Mountain, that overlook the site and has a spectacular view of Machu Picchu, may leave on the 5.30 am bus (have ready approx $40 to re-enter the ruins and $12 for a return bus trip). The climb to the top takes up to two hours and care must be taken, especially if the steps are wet. Others can at their option take a hike to a nearby waterfall, or visit the local Machu Picchu museum (entrance approx. $15). Dinner at recommended restaurant and closing ceremony for the retreat (Breakfast included)
Day Ten (Saturday) 22nd AUGUST
Breakfast and then train journey back from Machu Picchu and then on to Ollantaytambo and then Pisaq where we spend overnight. (Breakfast included)
PLEASE NOTE: END OF RETREAT Saturday morning with breakfast included. .
Optional events after the retreat :
1. Ayahuaska ceremony at Pisaq on evening of Saturday 22nd August ($70 per person -ask School for more information on this sacred healing plant ceremony)
2. The group will return to Cusco on either Sunday or Monday morning 23/24th August to do more sightseeing in and around Cusco.
You can book your return flight to Lima from Cusco on Tuesday 25th August or Wednesday 26th August (please refer to the School for more details).
The order within the above itinerary may vary slightly to suit the needs of the group and is subject to change in extraordinary circumstances or when so specifically guided. The weather in the Andes is unpredictable and may cause delays or cancellation of flights or activities. Changes in flights and train schedule are common in Peru. The School has only had some adjustments to its activities due to local road and rail strikes and some minor weather conditions. However, it cannot be held responsible for any unforeseen events in Peru or elsewhere that may disrupt this program. It strongly suggests that all participants take out travel/health insurance to protect your travel investment.
PRICE:$1 070 inclusive
Cost includes all programs and breakfasts as indicated in this itinerary. All Peruvian quality accommodation (sharing), transport (taxi, bus, train), entrance tickets to sites, guided tours, meditations and ceremonies.Addinternational return flight Lima (approx £700 /R13 000 return)
internal return flight Cusco (approx $300 return)
approximately $500 consisting of:Airport departure taxes- each participant must keep aside a total of approx. $42 ($31 for one international departure from Lima and $14 ($7 each) for domestic departures to and from Cusco). Please note these are not included in your booked air tickets.Taxi drives to Cusco after the retreat and to airport (approx $25)Please allow for between $7 - $15 for the lunches and dinners not included in the itineraryIndividual tipping- tipping is entirely up to the group’s discretion.Optional Individual airport taxi transfers in LimaOptional overnight stay on 12th August at Ramada Inn next to Lima airport before retreat starts in Cusco (approx $60)Optional 2/3 overnight stays on 22,23 and 24th August after the retreat (approx $25 per night)Optional second day entrance/bus ticket into Machu Picchu to climb Huayna Picchu (approx $56)Optional ayahuaska ceremony (approx $70)
Please co-ordinate your flight times with the School before making final bookings!Air Malaysia offers a convenient flight from Cape Town to Buenos Aires and then there are flights with LAN PERU or TACA airlines to Lima, the capital of Peru. It is often cheaper to book these flights separately on the internet. The Air Malaysia flight leaves Cape Town mid morning and arrives in Buenos Aires at about 3.30pm Argentinian time (about an 8 hour flight and gaining 5 hours) and the connecting flight to Lima is another 4/5 hours arriving in Lima late evening (gaining 2 hours). So usually necessary to sleep over in Lima before catching an early morning flight to Cusco- unless you are happy to stay in the airport overnight!If you are travelling from the Middle East, Europe or the UK, you may fly via Madrid or New York depending on your preference and best pricing. PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT YOU HAVE SUFFICIENT TIME TO CATCH YOUR CONNECTING FLIGHT. NEW YORK IS ESPECIALLY NOTORIOUS FOR ONEROUS CUSTOMS CHECKING THAT MAY RESULT IN YOUR BEING LATE FOR YOUR CONNECTING FLIGHT.(In this regard, please also note that telephone communications in Peru as a third world country are not always easy and so if you miss a flight please arrange for the School to be emailed immediately. There are email/communication centres at all the airports and if you are unable to do so, please ask a friend or family to email the School. Elizabeth will regularly check and respond to the School’s emails which is the most reliable form of communication, but cannot be held responsible for any delays in getting back to you if you have missed a flight, since the responsibility of booking and catching flights to Lima rests with you. Any assistance or advice offered is done to help you and not in the capacity of travel agent).There are many internal morning flights of LAN PERU or TACA between Lima and Cusco, but it is a popular route and so booking is recommended. The flight from Lima to Cusco can be less expensive if booked on the internet (normally it should be in the region of $150 each way and the School can give you some advice for making these reservations).When booking in for your trip, please insist on booking your luggage through to its final destination as it will make life a lot easier and then there is no need to go through customs again and collect your luggage, check in again and go through customs yet again. By staying a passenger in transit, it will save you a lot of time to catch connecting flights and also save you on having to pay local airport tax at the airports where you are catching the connecting flights. Most airlines have agreements with the other airlines and so if you have flights with different airlines they should be able to book the luggage through without difficulty. If there is no agreement between the airlines you use, you can ask them to send an email to get confirmation from the other airline that you are booked in to fly with them and so that it will be in order to book the luggage through. Please ask the School for more information about this if you have any questions.) thank you.
Additional information
Please check the requirements of your country for visas and injections. No visas are required for Peru if you hold a South African passport, but you do need a yellow fever injection certificate to show on your return to South Africa (easy to have and painless!). Passport must be valid for at least 6 months after your return from overseas and have at least 2 blank pages in the passport for visa stamping purposes. There is no malaria in the cloud forest of Machu Picchu but if you plan to also do a trip to the Amazon it is recommended that you take homeopathic malaria tablets.Additional detailed tour information, including suggested packing and reading lists will be made available to you on registration.
The School also invites you to help the people of Peru by bringing any unneeded school supplies and clothing.All costs are accurate at the time of writing and are subject to change due to rate of exchange fluctuations or any unforeseen price increase.
We require a 20% non-refundable deposit to secure all reservations with full payment due 60 days prior to departure. Please note that the group is kept relatively small and so early booking is recommended to reserve a place in this special program. There are discounts available for block bookings of 2 people or more. All accommodation is quoted on a shared basis and there is a £120 single room supplement for anyone who wishes to have a single room.The local currency is Soles and you can change your $ dollars in Peru. There are money machines in the villages we visit where you can either draw Soles or $ dollars. Please make sure that the dollars you have, are untorn and in bigger quantities than 1$ since the money changing agencies will not accept them otherwise.
It is the School’s commitment to do its very best to make this a journey of a lifetime!
Ayahuaska Sacred Ceremony Option
“I sat on my mat and waited for the unknown, consciously relaxing my senses and releasing my physical tension. Soon the jungle noises rang in my ears like wind chimes, tinkling bells. In my mind’s eye, flecks of colour and shapes danced to this strange music I was hearing. My hands began to tingle and my head to spin. I took a deep breath and reminded myself to surrender and trust. Immediately an inner dialogue started that lasted for the duration of my amazing journey.The voices I heard were my own levels of consciousness as well as wisdom guides, messengers, and loudest of all, God Herself. All were communicating with me, simultaneously. I was disoriented in my body and all my senses, yet capable of discerning and understanding all the messages at once. Nothing was normal. Many voices were talking me through what was happening, so I wouldn’t be afraid. I didn’t like being physically out of control, but the voices were so reassuring that I moved beyond fear like falling from a shooting star, and fell right into the loving arms of God. I heard her voice so clearly and felt her presence so close as to be connected, with nothing separating us. Then I felt nauseous…..The effects of the Ayahuasca were becoming milder. My senses were feeling more familiar. I knew that normalcy would return soon. The voices were quieting down. But I was also losing that crystal clear connection with God. She was still with me but the veil between us was becoming more opaque.All the inner knowing I possessed in my place of origin was slipping away from me.In its place was a profound love. Love so deep and wide, I simply floated in it. I felt so grateful. I felt grateful for love and life itself. I felt grateful for the insights I had been given, the visions I’d seen and for the indelible connections I’d made. I felt grateful for moving beyond fear and trusting in the amazing possibilities that lie on the other side of it.‘Know that if you choose this, everything else in your life will change.’And it did.”
Extract from Diane Dunn in her book ‘CUSCO The Gateway to Inner Wisdom’ © 2006
Visiting Sacred Sites, Beautiful Lands and Mystical PlacesFor Spiritual Evolution with the Earth and Greater Self-Awareness
PRINGLE BAY (0027) 28 273 8277 international 028 273 8277 localmobile: (0027) 783716343 international 0783716343 local
The magazine’s stated intention is to be for the Highest Good of All, and to harm no one.
“Revitalise and Enlighten your Life with the Moon
Monday, May 4, 2009
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