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Saturday, July 4, 2009


JULY 2009
© The Arthurian School

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Hi everyone!

After the strong reaction by the whales, it is as if a new calm has descended on the World. Maybe some of you have been aware of it. Life just does not seem quite so solid or “real” anymore!

It is as if we have reached a plateau and there is a time for resting- restfulness and resting as we gear up for yet another wave of new consciousness that will be arriving in the next few months.

Take some time out to reflect and renew yourself. Do that one thing that you love to do and never have time for! Now it is time to immerse yourself in the golden luxury of the now. Grasp it with both hands…. your soul has been waiting.

I just love the words of the FAITH MIND SUTRA. Read it slowly and see the effect it has on your consciousness (my highlighting):

Faith-Mind Sutra (Hsin Hsin Ming)
Seng Ts’an, 3rd Zen Patriarch
Tao is self-evident to one with no preferences.
When like and dislike are absent, the Real is obvious and clear.
Make the slightest distinction, however,
and it appears disguised as heaven and earth.
If you wish to know Source, hold no opinions.
To judge and choose is the disease of the mind.
When Truth goes un-observed, the mind roils with self-centered striving.
No good can come of this.
Tao is immaculate, empty.
It lacks nothing, is nothing.
Desire and aversion blind you to Suchness.
Do not become entangled in outer life,
nor indulge in feelings of detachment.
Serenely abide in what is,
and all such dualities disappear.
When you impose stillness to stop activity,
stillness becomes an activity.
When you prefer one thing to another, you cannot abide in the One.
Not abiding in the One,
you are bound by both action and stillness.
Seeing appearances as real, you miss the Source.
Seeing appearances as Void, you miss the show.
The more you talk and think, the further astray you wander.
Stop thinking and talking and All becomes known.
Returning to Source, one finds refuge.
Pursuing appearances pulls you further away.
At the moment of Enlightenment, neither appearances nor emptiness are known.
Changes transpiring in an imaginary world are visible only to Ignorance.
Do not seek Truth. Just stop having opinions.
Do not remain mired in the dual-natured world.
Avoid pursuing its offerings.
Distinguishing even a trace of right and wrong, of this and that,
roots the mind in confusion.
The dual-natured world arises from One,
but do not cling to ideas of Oneness.
When the mind abides in Tao, the world cannot oppose it.
Without opposites, the world cannot exist.
When discriminating thoughts cease to arise, the mind vanishes.
When the mind vanishes, the world is seen as unreal.
When the world is seen as unreal, the perceiver
of the world cannot be found.
Objects appear as objects because the mind believes it is subject.
In truth, subject and object are not separate.
They arise as One from Emptiness and comprise the ten thousand things.
If you do not discriminate between coarse and fine,
how can preference and opinion arise?
Abiding in Tao is neither difficult nor easy—it simply is.
But those with limiting beliefs, fearful and indecisive,
waver constantly between eagerness and hesitation.
The faster they hurry, the slower they go.
There are no degrees of attachment.
Being attached even to the idea of Enlightenment preserves ignorance.
Just let things be as they are.
All is Here. There is no coming or going.
Tao is your very Nature.
Seeing this, everything is clear—you walk free and undisturbed as Tao.
When you are tied to mind-thoughts, everything is murky, confusing.
The tiresome habit of judging saps energy, and makes peace of mind impossible.
What benefit is derived from imagining distinctions and separations?
If you wish to abide in Tao, do not dislike the world you now experience.
Indeed, to see there is no difference between Tao and world
is Enlightenment itself.
The wise man expends no effort.
The foolish man ties himself in knots.
Tao is singular, solitary, indivisible.
Distinctions are the imaginings of Ignorance.
To seek Truth in the endless maze of the discriminating mind
is a great mistake.
Activity and stillness transpire only in illusion.
With Enlightenment there is nothing to like or dislike.
The dual-natured world is a seeming, an inference, a flowery dream in air.
How foolish to try to hold it.
Loss and gain, right and wrong, coarse and fine...
Let it all go.
If the eye never sleeps, dreaming stops.
When the mind ceases to discriminate, the ten thousand things
are seen to be of one Suchness.
To fathom Suchness is to be released from bondage.
When all things are seen as One, the timeless Self is Real-ized.
This state cannot be described. No analogies are possible.
When movement stops, there is no movement.
When there is no movement, there is nothing to stop.
Both movement and rest disappear.
Without such dualities, Oneness itself cannot exist.
Nothing can be said about this ultimate condition.
When mind becomes Mind abiding in Tao, self-centered striving ceases.
Irresolution and doubt vanish. Life unfolds in Faith.
With a single stroke, bondage dissolves into freedom.
Nothing remains to hold on to.
All is Void.
Empty, clear, self-illuminating—it makes no effort.
Thinking, feeling, imagining, knowing...
These things have no place Here.
In Suchness there is no self or other.
To come into harmony with Suchness, see everything as “Not-Two.”
In Not-Two, nothing is separate, nothing left out.
In all places and times, Enlightenment means becoming this single Truth.
The Real is not bound by time or space.
Nothing defines it as large or small.
A single thought spins ten thousand years.
The thoughts of ten thousand years occur in a single moment.
Emptiness here, emptiness there, emptiness inside and out.
The Universe in all its totality is thus arrayed before you.
Boundaries and definitions do not exist.
Infinitely large, infinitely small—no difference.
So too with existence and non-existence.
Don’t waste time arguing, and denying the Real.
The One is all things. All things are the One.
Make no distinctions as you move about and mingle.
When Enlightenment occurs, worries about attainment and perfection vanish.
The Real cannot be divided.
Faith-Mind and Source are Not-Two.
Words! Tao is beyond words.
Yesterday never happened.
Tomorrow never will.
Today does not exist.
(Translated by Bart Marshall)

Thank you also for your wonderful involvement and thoughts for the whales. Michaela from the UK and Millie from Pringle Bay sent me the following information and I thought it will be interesting for you to know about:

“Dearest Friends

I was deep in the Knysna forest tracking wild elephants when the whale tragedy at Kommetjie happened yesterday, so I rushed back to Cape Town today and have just finished a long afternoon/evening at the beach. This is a summary of what the pod of 55 whales conveyed to me after I connected with the group:

The majority of the whales were sick and dying… as a result of swimming in some sort of chemical effluent in the ocean, to the northwest of Cape waters. This invisible toxic stream affected them internally in such a way as to cause slow die-off. With that their immune systems also crashed, making them very susceptible to and ill from parasitic infections. A few of them were physically fine, having withstood this - but they weren’t going to leave their family members. So they swam ashore with the dying ones. One for all.

They beached because they wanted to die.

They chose the Cape beach so as not to have to navigate the stormy, rough seas around Cape Point in their weakened state, and because they want humans to witness (the) whales’ dying. On the bigger/planetary level too. They said “the Mother” (the ocean) is being poisoned, and so are they. It’s time humans woke up to this and witnessed the effects.

They predicted that there will be more strandings in the next moon cycle (which I found interesting given that the International Whaling Commission sits again in the last week of June apparently.)

The whales appreciate the compassion and care that people showed in trying to return them to the water, but would have wished to be given the choice, i.e. pointed out to sea/re-floated once, and then left to die in peace if and when they returned.
Humans holding vigil for them with understanding would have been far better than the forceful, violent means ultimately used.

In between the above thought forms are the emotions and soulfulness of their consciousness that cannot be expressed in words by this mere human…

With honour and reverence for all whales,
Anna B” ( www.animalspirit.org)

I think it is very important to look at what happened with the whales from as many points of view as possible because there will be a different learning for all of us. One aspect that was communicated to me after the event is that the whales were also particularly affected by the changing magnetic field of our Earth.

Much has been spoken about a polar shift where our north and south poles will be reversing and it has been confirmed by scientific research that such a shift has already occurred in the South Atlantic ocean- not very far away from Cape Town! The whales seem to have become disorientated by the changing navigational field of the Earth and her oceans.



The energy of fear is about feeling that we are not capable of doing something.

Yet to grow spiritually we have to let go of fear, because it creates blocks in the auric field and repels any positive energy coming towards us. We may say that we want or need something, but if we have a fear of attaining and having it, it will stop the flow coming to us immediately. And so many of these fears are in the subconscious and we don’t even realise that we have them.

The only way to deal with fear is to face it head on. Only then can our bodies realise that fear is just another energy and that we are able to master it by changing the way we look at the situation.

Once we face our fear it ceases to be. It is gone.

Look at your fears. What are they. Where are they? Make a list of them. One by one work through them. As we do so, we will become stronger and be more connected to a new world…..

It is amazing for me how so many messages given to us by channelled material speak of this new world at the moment. It is really exciting!:


LEAP into the Great Forgetting.The Star Elders through Aluna Joy ~ Summer Solstice 2009
”In 2008, humanity traversed the gap between this reality and the new world in the spirit realm. It was the first step in a change of events that will transform your world.

In 2009, the task ahead is to transduce this new reality from the spiritual world into the physical world.

The way you will do this is to let go of your attachments to the current realty you are in, and jump or leap into the next one.

The way you will let go of this world is to remember that the old reality is nothing more than a simple illusion; just a simple dream to be awakened from. …

Letting go of the old world can be a messy ordeal, but we assure you that there will be no apocalypse. The level of discomfort that you feel will be directly linked to the level of attachment you have to letting it go. Once you let go of any perceptions or thoughts about your world, they cease to exist. They have to. Everything in your reality needs your belief, your energy for it to survive. It is simple as that. If all of humanity came together and simply forgot all the negatives in this world, they would disappear in an instant. We call this the Great Forgetting. The opposite is also true. What you hold in your perceptions will continue to persist in this reality. What you take with you to this new world is the foundation for what you will create in this new world. Because of this, it is vitally important to stay clear of any feelings of fear and operate from the truth in your heart. Simply forget the things based in fear, lack and suffering. Stay open to the vision of paradise, and fill it with love. Your head might tell you that it is the end of days, but your heart knows that there is something wonderful waiting for you just out ahead. It is up to you to choose what path you take. We hope you choose the path of the heart. Trust your heart. It is your guidepost, your guardian and protector as your reality splinters out in front of you. This is the wild adventure that your soul came here for.
These are the very days that YOU planned to help the collective consciousness let go of the fear of change. This is only a test that you are giving yourself. The fear of change is the only thing between you and the next world. Where you came from was a reality that was constant, but you were bored. Nothing changed. The world you are now in is constantly changing and evolving. Your reality on Earth is constantly vibrating. It is interesting and exciting for you. Many of you can hear this pulsation as the heart beat of the Earth. Your world has always shifted and changed and always will. The Earth needs to shift and change to survive. Change is not to be feared. Change is to be celebrated.
….. You are the pioneers of this significant and momentous time. It will manifest what you intended. It is simple . . . let go, don't fear, and listen to you heart. And Join in on the Great Forgetting. It is all going to be OK! ~ The Star Elders”


Dear Maxine,
As Carolyn and I were working today (June 14th US time), Carolyn was contacted by the group responsible for the design of our galaxy. They wanted to speak of the importance of the Phoenix crop circle of June 14, 2009 at Barbury Castle http://tinyurl.com/mskmd9.

It was a totally unexpected message. Here are some key parts:
"It is time to understand the truth, understand the steps humanity has to take to elevate themselves...
...It is the end of a major cycle...
....really a new beginning...
... take the body along with the soul to the higher dimensions....
"The question "If all memory was stripped from the soul, would they remember their light and love, their connection to All-There-Is?" has been answered....
.... the very reason the Phoenix crop circle is planted into your sub-conscious. The metamorphosis of death. The brilliance of new life, new beginning. Everyone knows now of this time of their rebirth. The Phoenix has to die before it can be reborn. It is in the death throes now, soon to be reborn...
It is time to bring it to the consciousness of humanity. It is the promise of the new life, of the rebirth...
.... One of the most important crop circles that has ever been given. The announcement of the dying of the old giving birth to the new...
... The unexpected emergence of peace in the Middle East will be the very real marker of the beginning of the new cycle..." And much more.
This is a profound message to humanity, just as this crop circle is profound in both its power and its simplicity. It is time for humanity to wake up to what awaits us at the end of 2012 and this is the wake-up call. There is work to be done to prepare and it is time to begin that work.
Blessings, Joy, Love and Peace.
Richard PresserCosmic ConnectionsAustralia

Finally, look out for those two moon eclipses and solar eclipse that are coming up in the next few weeks (more about that later on in the magazine) and a parting thought to dwell on!
What you love, you empowerAnd what you fear, you empowerAnd what you empower, you attract.
You are not required to attend every argument to which you are invited.
-- Source unknown

With blessings of Love
telephone: (0027) 28 273 8277 international 028 273 8277 local
mobile: (0027) 783716343 international 0783716343 local
(ps see the awesome new photos of Pringle Bay by Karina Novak on the website! If you cannot see the changes, when on the website press Control+F5 at the same time, which should clear your temporary internet files and refresh it. )

“Revitalise and Enlighten your Life with the Moon”


called the Holly Moon, the Field Poppy Moon, the Rose Moon and the Horse Moon in the Celtic tradition

The new moon started on the 22nd June in the sign of Cancer and the full moon will be on the 7th July in the sign of Capricorn.

On the last full moon on 22nd June you may have noticed that the moon appeared unusually large and bright. Those of you who live near the sea would also have noticed the intense storms and high seas during that time. On the 22nd June we had what some astrologers call a “super moon.” Super moons are said to occur when the full moon is at perigee (ie at her closest approach to the Earth) and therefore appears very large and bright at full moon.

It is said that a super moon can activate energy surges on the Earth as it powerfully affects the pull on tides, tectonic activity and trigger extreme weather patterns. Super moons give a strong warning of geographic disturbances with tidal surges in the Earth’s atmosphere and oceans corresponding to severe storms, unusually high tides and even volcanic eruptions and sometimes earthquakes.

What is interesting, is that shortly after this intensified influence of the Moon two or so weeks ago, we are also having a moon eclipse on the day of the full moon (7th July). Although it will not be visible with the naked eye, it will continue to make a big impact on our subconscious mind that is governed by the Moon. And to make things even more moon powerful, another moon eclipse happens on the very next full moon in August (6th August).

We are therefore at the moment having 3 full moons that are very special- the one on the 22nd June having been a so-called super moon, and the next two full moons being lunar eclipses.

Add to that the fact that the Sun is at the moment in the sign of Cancer that is ruled by the Moon – it is truly a moon ruled month for us!

(In between the two moon eclipses there is also a total solar eclipse on the 22nd July- see more about that below).

The Moon is therefore unusually active this month and it is a golden opportunity for you to pay attention to the influence these unusual activities of the Moon will be having on you and also your environment.


The Moon as a mirror
If you think about it, the Moon is the only planetary body that does not have any light of its own- it purely reflects light from the Sun to us and so we can truly call the Moon our mirror. Just as a mirror reflects back to you a “light” version of yourself, so the Moon also reflects to you a part of you and your soul. It is as if the Moon is giving you the opportunity to look at yourself as a reflection outside of yourself and to become more self- aware.

As we are moving forward into a new world, we need to become more aware of our true selves and of what needs to be healed for us to become whole. It is time to tie up all the lost connections and to see ourselves more completely.

If you stare at the Moon you may find that you are taken into a space that feels very familiar yet is somehow unknown. As if you just cannot put your finger on it. What is it? It is the reflection of something you know deep, deep inside in your subconscious, but is not yet fully on the surface of your conscious understanding.

I would strongly recommend that you try and spend at least a few minutes every day outside to feel the effect of the Moon during this month. I am guided that it is at the moment an amazing opportunity to heal the physical body as well as any other old ailments- particularly also of the Heart and kidneys- that have been so much affected by fear.

When you are outside and looking at the Moon, pay particular attention to your third eye – the area between the eyebrows. This is your psychic centre or the place in your body that regulates intuitive knowledge. The Moon is said to rule the intuition and so that area will be cleanses and energised particularly during this next phase of about 6 weeks.

Eclipses are about letting go and release of the old and there is a unique opportunity to create a new mirror of yourself with the Moon that is more authentic and true to your soul.

It is so very important to start become aware of cycles and that will help the body to heal and also become accustomed to flow with the natural process of change. The Moon with its never ending cycles of change must surely be our best example of how things are never stagnant but need to change in order for life to continue. Yet there is safety and security in the knowledge that the change is happening within a cycle and that the different phases will always return.

So whatever you are doing during this month of very strong and intense Moon energies, try to spend some time outside on the nights of the next full moons when the moon eclipses are happening.

Also recognise that people around you will in general be much more sensitive and emotionally connected into what you are feeling – and that they maybe responding to more that what they are just hearing you say.


Those of you who follow the path of the Moon vis a vis the planets during this month will notice that although Venus is the bright morning star, it will gradually dim as it moves more round towards the back of the Sun as seen from the Earth.

Mars entered the constellation of Taurus on 2nd July and unlike Venus who is dimming, shines more brightly in the eastern morning sky - even though it can never outshine Venus!

In the early hours of 10th and 11th July, the waning moon is near Jupiter and in the early hours of 19th July the old crescent moon has moved to be nearer to Venus.

On the 22nd July there is a total solar eclipse where the shadow of the Moon blocking the Sun will pass over large parts of India, China and the South Pacific. Totality (while the Sun’s rays are blocked out completely) will last in the well known Chinese city of Shanghai for a full 5 minutes.

Sun eclipses were feared in ancient times, because it always brought a huge amount of change. Obviously the places where the shadow can be seen in totality will be the most affected.

I have personally witnessed the chaotic effects of solar eclipses in my own personal life and especially with relationships, but looking back I have to admit that despite the devastating effects and destruction it brought, it needed to happen! It set me free although I did not at the time even realise that I was imprisoned. And so this next eclipse will be affecting especially the areas of India and China and it will be interesting to see how the consciousness of those countries will be tested and rebuilt. - It is the way of the stars!

There are quite a few amazing websites that I would like to share with you:
I have always found that astrology helps me to discover fascinating things about myself and even though I have never had the patience to study it as a career, I continue to use it in my everyday life as a guide. Monica Cromhout is a very accomplished astrologer and she and I share a passion for the healing benefits of ayahuaska!

Monica and others have taken the initiative to start an astrology facebook group to provide a fuller experience of astrology and I think it is just a fantastic idea. Have a look at the facebook page to find out more about it- you don’t need to be an expert, just an interest in astrology will be a great start. I have learnt so many things over the years and it is so important also to become part of like minded people- and it is so easy over the internet!

Here is the link to look at the webpage or to join and you can also email Monica on monica@optionsunlimited.co.za:
Some of the benefits you can share as a member of the new facebook group:
EVENTS, TALKS AND WORKSHOPS:We would like reasonably price gatherings, at which we can learn more about astrology, and share information. Everyone wants to learn, and everyone has something to teach.We would like to have meetings where the same chart is analysed by several different methods e.g. modern, traditional, Vedic, psychological...Support the idea of meeting in smaller more informal groups in certain different areas and also small workshops, with a larger event and a speaker from time to time. On other occasions enjoy a social evening in a restaurant.GENERAL: What do YOU want from astrology? What would help you along the road to understanding astrology better, and maybe even into a career with astrology?
Some of you may know this already, but it is always such an easy way to make a real difference for abused and neglected animals (thanks to Simone for this):
“The Animal Rescue Site is asking having trouble getting enough people to click on it daily so they can meet their quota of getting FREE FOOD donated every day to abused and neglected animals. It takes less than a minute (about 15 seconds) to go to their site and click on the purple box 'fund food for animals for free'. This doesn't cost you a thing. Their corporate sponsors/advertisers use the number of daily visits to donate food to abandoned/neglected animals in exchange for advertising. Here's the web site! Please pass it along to people you know. http://www.theanimalrescuesite.com/clickToGive/home.faces?siteId=3

3. http://WWW.AVAAZ.ORG

A website that I often support just because it resonates with me and also because I feel it is helping so much to create awareness about important ecological, social and other planetary issues is Avaaz.org.

One campaign that is particularly close to my heart is that of Peru. On the last retreat to Peru in April we actually experienced a strike by the local people who are simple nature based communities that are guided by nature for their survival and future well being. Here is the information about it:

“The Peruvian government has pushed through legislation that could allow extractive and large-scale farming companies to rapidly destroy their Amazon rainforest. Indigenous peoples have peacefully protested for two months demanding their lawful say in decrees that will contribute to the devastation of the Amazon's ecology and peoples, and be disastrous for the global climate. But last weekend President Garcia responded: sending in special forces to suppress protests in violent clashes, and labelling the protesters as terrorists.These indigenous groups are on the frontline of the struggle to protect our earth -- Let's stand with them and call on President Alan Garcia (who is widely known to be sensitive to his international reputation) to immediately stop the violence and open up dialogue. Click below to sign the urgent global petition and a prominent and well-respected Latin-American politician will deliver it to the government on our behalf. http://www.avaaz.org/en/peru_stop_violenceMore than 70 per cent of the Peruvian Amazon is now up for grabs. Giant oil and gas companies, like the Anglo-French Perenco and the North Americans ConocoPhillips and Talisman Energy, have already pledged multi-billionaire investments in the region. These extractive industries have a very poor record of bringing benefits to local people and preserving the environment in developing countries - which is why indigenous groups are asking for internationally-recognized rights to consultation on the new laws. For decades the world and indigenous peoples have watched as extractive industries devastated the rainforest that is home to some and a vital treasure to us all (some climate scientists call the Amazon the "lungs of the planet" - breathing in the carbon emissions that cause global warming and producing oxygen). The protests in Peru are the biggest yet and the most desperate, we can't afford to let them fail. Sign the petition, and encourage your friends and family to join us, so we can help bring justice to the indigenous peoples of Peru and prevent further acts of violence from all parties.



Visiting Sacred Sites, Beautiful Lands and Mystical Places
For Spiritual Evolution with the Earth and Greater Self-Awareness

I have such a deep sense of joy to be able to give details of an Egyptian retreat trip that my friends Berto and Tamar and I have been preparing for quite a few months now!

11-25 NOVEMBER 2009

Respond to the call of your Heart and join us on a magical tour to Egypt!

The journey is designed to align you with your soul aspects.

We have all had many lifetimes in Egypt, we know this, we feel this, but we can’t remember it. This journey is about integrating those past experiences into your consciousness.

Egypt metaphysically speaking can be seen as the gateway to Self. Heart gates to ancient knowledge from star civilisations of Atlantis and Lemuria were anchored long ago in Egypt and are waiting to be opened by those who hold the frequency of Love.

The energetic tour


I have been teaching a workshop for almost a decade that opens and re-aligns the third eye. The work was given to me by my guides to help people to raise their vibration. It is believed that there were initiation chambers in Egypt that helped people to open up this perception. It is vitally important for us to integrate this ability, it will help us to find our truth and illusion will start to de-materialise. The initiation of the third eye opens and connects the heart chakra to the third eye chakra so that you can start living and see-ing your reality totally out of the heart. By opening your third eye you will experience energy like you have never experienced it before.

A whole new world of magic and wonder awaits you.


I have been co-facilitating the third eye workshops with Berto for a number of years and assist people in their process. Sometimes fear arises while opening perceptions to other realities. I hold people in a gentle, compassionate space, safe so that they can release. I have been extremely privileged to be of assistance during earth and water portal openings and large-scale earth clearings. Honouring the earth and water elemental energies is an important aspect of my soul journey.


Listen… She is calling you…..

During my Sacred Earth Retreats to Machu Picchu Peru, I work with the Love vibration to connect with the nature spirit kingdoms of the Earth. These nature spirits are vitally important for our future as a living planet, and can only be accessed through the heightened perception of psychic awareness that is linked to the heart.

I have been shown by my guides that although every person is born with these psychic abilities, they are often blocked and need awakening through Heart Activations of Light.

There is no better place to heal your relationship with the Earth and to learn how to re-open your psychic perceptions than through visiting the sacred sites of Egypt. Places like the Sphinx and the Temples of the Nile still hold some of the most authentic power spots on the Earth.

This ancient journey will delight your senses and send nurturing power to the soul. It will deepen your perception of life, and of who you really are!

The physical tour

We start the soul journey on 11- 25 November 2009 in Cairo.

Here we will start the re-aligning of the third eye by connecting to the land. We will then be going through activations to realign the third eye with the Heart at each of the sacred sites.

The Nile cruise will be aboard the M/S Nile Express, a brand new 5 STAR superior deluxe boat and we will be visiting the following sacred places:

Cairo with its museum, Great Pyramid and Sphinx
Abu Sibel
Valley of the Kings
Valley of the Queens
Goddess temples
St Catherines
Mount Sinai
(Email the SCHOOL for a full itinerary!)

The cost for this trip of a lifetime - all inclusive (such as international and internal flights, five star accommodation with breakfast and suppers included, all entrances and soul energy work) is only R18 999.

It is a great privilege for us to journey with our soul family to Egypt.
We hope you will be able to join us there too!

Berto Voigt - Tamar Bezuidenhout - Elizabeth Bardin

telephone: (0027) 28 273 8277 international 028 273 8277 local
mobile: (0027) 783716343 international 0783716343 local
The magazine’s stated intention is to be for the Highest Good of All, and to harm no one.

“Revitalise and Enlighten your Life with the Moon”