© The Arthurian School
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Hi everyone!
I hope this finds all of you well and thriving.
As a Cancerian and ruled by the Moon, I have always found it useful to know what the Moon is doing, especially in regard to the days that lay ahead. It is like a steering device that I use to find my own way on an open ocean where I have no idea what storms or other challenges are coming towards me! And so I have been open to the Moon’s inner guidance for quite some time, following also my strong intuition about what issues are important to focus on for the coming month.
It is much easier to deal with things before they manifest or at least to be prepared for them!
And with so much information being available, life can feel quite overwhelming. It is important to find out what is relevant from a personal perspective.
But it is also, (as the Incas and Mayans did so well in their evolved civilisations) important to link that personal perspective to a much bigger perspective – the perspectives of our collective global and galactic plans of evolution that I believe can be seen quite easily by paying attention to the movements of the Moon.
And so if we can do that, everything that is done on a personal level will also be aligned to the greater good and therefore there bring balance and harmony in our lives that can only lead to extraordinary success and real security in our personal lives.
Unfortunately we have become so completely disconnected from this perspective of the bigger picture. But as we become more enlightened within ourselves, we are starting to get back to living consciously within these divine plans.
And so it is now possible to go back to that effortless living that was such a normal thing in the past!
The Moon magazine is really a sharing of how I am guided to focus for the next month in terms of the bigger picture that is unfolding for us all and I hope that you enjoy joining me in finding out what that is!
(NOTE: The magazine, by the way, is only written after the new moon has started and its energies can be more tangibly felt.
I also love including any important or interesting information that I receive from you (thank you!) and so it is much appreciated if you want to contact me or send information. It may just be something that inspires you and you want to share, or something that you feel is important and close to your heart.
And that is really what the magazine is about! Love - and helping to create a sense of community for ourselves and also for the Earth.
And through that we can all learn and grow together.)
“As we approach the year 2012, the earth plane is moving into a time when time, as you know it is changing. This has many causes. One is that your human bodies are reacting to a higher vibration of energy that is coming into the energy field on earth. This energy field has been called the Photon Energy, and it is here for a purpose. Since 1982 this band of energy has been approaching closer and closer to the earth and has been having an incredible effect on all those who are receptive to its energy. It is speeding up time, as you know it, and eventually taking you away from linear time. This energy has also been the cause of hundreds of thousands of people around the earth plane searching for the spiritual within themselves, seeking healing on many levels – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. It is transforming many clerks, secretaries, shop workers, factory workers etc. into becoming healers, either on a full time basis or part time.As you head toward the year 2012, this band of energy – because that is what it is – is coming closer and closer to the earth plane. It is not only creating a problem with time as you know it, it is also affecting you physically. (Matreya)”
I am still amazed at how quickly things are at the moment coming up in the physical dimension to deal with – many people are being diagnosed with major illnesses such as cancer and other life threatening diseases, deaths. Also important physical issues such a car incidents, house problems etc.
It is now really important to pay attention to the so-called “whispers”, because if we don’t, we will soon be woken up with events in our lives that are much more serious and difficult to unwind.
What are these “whispers”? I am more and more aware of how I am actually being warned by my intuition about things that are about to happen to me and require attention or care. The only problem is that I am not listening to it!!
These whispers are a lot more subtle and so it takes concentration and awareness to give them the focus they deserve:
One very recent example: from time to time my two cats are plagued by a wild cat in the area- and they have both had some serious injuries. Some days ago, my male cat Delos was lying on my bed and as I glanced at him, it struck me how “open” or vulnerable he looked. I moved a cushion to be closer to him and thought nothing more of it. Two days later the wild cat (who had not been seen for months) came into the house and if I had not been here, it could have been a very serious incident. The cats have taken a long time since to settle down again and I could have kicked myself! I had been told to be more careful, but paid no attention to it. I simply could just have made sure that the cat flap stayed locked for a few days.
And so- start to pay attention to how often you intuitively (you may not even be aware that it is your intuition) have known or been “alerted” to something that needs attention in your life at the moment, and how maybe you did, or didn’t pay attention to it. It is something we will need more and more to deal with the future that is happening so fast now that it almost seems immediate.
In the olden days that would have been seen as something special and being able to “predict the future”. But it really is just a conscious use of our refined intuition.
Being aware of the movements of the Moon is also becoming increasingly important for maintaining the balance for Planet Earth as we go through huge earth changes.
I don’t know if you are aware, but scientifically it has been shown that the Moon especially has a huge influence on the electromagnetic field of our planet and so if we are able to be in tune with the Moon, we are also assisting the Earth in her ascension and helping to make the transitions that are necessary to happen more easily.
This awareness we have of the Moon can then work on many different levels, such as the healing of our own personal emotions and also on a physical level of the Earth by helping to avert earth quakes, tidal waves etc. –
Yes your emotions have a huge influence on the weather, have you noticed?!! You can make a huge personal contribution to climate change and helping to stabilise the Earth’s atmosphere by clearing your own feelings of anger and other negative unexpressed emotions - and so you don’t even need to work for Whale Angels (the group that attacks Japanese whaling boats!!) to make a real difference.
I wish you a very blessed moon month. Look out for the third eclipse that is happening on the Full Moon (6th August) and the important information later on in the magazine about it.
Let’s create some more positive change……
“…Try something different
To get something different.
If you do what you’ve always done,
You will get what you have always got…”
With blessings of Love
info@arthurianschool.comtelephone: (0027) 28 273 8277 international 028 273 8277 localmobile: (0027) 783716343 international 0783716343 local
(ps see the awesome new photos of Pringle Bay by Karina Novak on the website! If you cannot see the changes, when on the website press Control+F5 at the same time, which should clear your temporary internet files and refresh it. )
“Revitalise and Enlighten your Life with the Moon”
called the Hazel Moon, the Claim Song Moon and the Lightning Moon in the Celtic traditionThe new moon started on 22nd July the in the sign of Leo and the full moon will be on the 6th August (01h55 on Thursday morning) in the sign of Aquarius.
From the last Moon Magazine you will already be aware of the total eclipse of the sun that happened on the 22nd July. It was visible mainly from India and China when the awesome shadow of the blocked out sun rapidly moved way across the Himalayas through South East Tibet out to China’s ancient city of Shanghai before crossing some of the southern Japanese and also the Marshall and Gilbert islands.
On the 6th August there will be yet another eclipse- now of the Moon -although it will not be visible through the eye.
Here are some perspectives on the effect of the third and last eclipse that is coming up on the 6th August:
1. From the Star Elders (my underlining):
Cosmic events have been and are continuing to accelerate following the solstice turning point in June. This acceleration is now being amplified as you navigate a trinity of eclipses (July 7, July 21-22 and August 5-6). These 3 eclipses represent the past, present, and the future. These eclipses are an energetic manifestation of the butterfly; also what you might call a merkabah. This sacred time is filled with the light of divine perfection. Anything that is in opposition of perfection will be brought back into the light. The first eclipse (history/past) and the last eclipse (future) are the wings of a butterfly, or the place where you can see that the merkabah is revolving….
As you keep moving and creating, you will begin to discover that the way you manifest is also shifting. Elaborate plans for creating something in the future are more difficult to fulfill. Planning is a state of consciousness that lies in the future. The future is not in the NOW; therefore planning will become difficult. Remember, you are entering a state of oneness, and a completely present NOW. You are learning that intentions will manifest easily if they are done with an impulse or with inspired intuition. It will be more difficult to manifest with a mind. It will be easier to manifest with the heart. Bold gestures are going to become the norm! Expect that any plans you have made will morph and change out in front if you. (Into the Light of a New Day. The Star Elders through Aluna Joy)
2. From Master Sananda:
From the day before, until the day after the eclipse (i.e. 5-7 August) there is a huge anchoring of the holographic new heart of the Earth and so it is important to maintain your personal balance and to stay in a peaceful space so as to release any unresolved fears and chaos that can lead to disharmony. Pray for peace during this time and be aware especially of the over lighting presence of the Master Jesus (Sananda) who is connected to this change as we move through some crucial time shifts and dimensions. Those in the UK take note because you will be particularly affected. (See also the channelling of Judith K Moore done about this on 20 July 2009).
On the 31st July was the pagan festival called Lammas or Lunasa which are the Irish and Scottish names for the festival of the beginning of the harvest, the height of the summer for you in the Northern Hemisphere, when the Earth is said to be more alive. The Irish name (in old spelling) means the games or assembly of Lugh: the Sun god, foster son of the goddess Tailtiu. The games are Lugh’s funeral games, and are held in his mother’s honour. Lugh is the corn king, the god of the land, who must die at the start of harvest, and the goddess is the destroyer who feeds on life so that new life can grow. Traditionally there is singing and reciting poetry: use it to celebrate your own personal harvest!
On the 6th August (a very special day because of the day of the full moon and also the third eclipse in the last few weeks ie moon eclipse- see above) it is the Hindu celebration of Raksha Bandhan and ironically also the commemoration of the deaths caused by the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima during the Second World War.
Raksha Bandhan is a celebration of the love between sisters and brothers and traditionally a golden braid, or rakhi is tied around the brother’s right wrist. He in turn then pledges his love as a brother to you his sister. A man can receive a rakhi from a woman even if not her brother, but only if he pledges to love her like a sister. And so this is a festival of communal love and friendship and no Hindu marriages are allowed on this day.
What a fitting day to celebrate family and community against the horror of Hiroshima where in 1945 two atomic bombs were dropped with some people in Japan still dying from the radiation!
Survivors described how the bombs vaporised people, sometimes just leaving their skin like a shadow on the ground…
The 9th August is National Women’s Day in South Africa and on the 19th August it is the ancient Egyptian festival of Thoth.
Venus, the morning star, is getting fainter, but is still the brightest planet in the heavens except for our Sun and the Moon. Jupiter, the planet of expansion, abundance and “good luck”, has a big influence on us this month and gets almost as bright as Venus - it rises at sunset, sets at sunrise and shines very brightly all night in the southern constellation Capricornus. It (Jupiter) will be very close to the Full Moon (6th August) and on the 14th August, it is only 602 million kilometres from the Earth.
Also look out for the lovely spectacle of the Perseid meteors around 12th August, especially in the evening before moonrise.
Allow yourself to relax and imagine being in the hollow trunk of an ancient tree. Feel the rough bark of the tree resting behind your back and as you look up into the sky you can see the sharp glimmer of a full moon.
As you look up at the sky, the glimmer intensifies until it is so bright that you are compelled to look down with your eyes closed and focusing in front of you.
As you concentrate on looking ahead of you, you can see the outline of a magnificent being. It is only an outline, but it shines with the might and power of Love. You gaze into the eyes of this Beloved Being, and as you do so, the eyes looking back at you become dark pools of Blue Crystal Light.
There is a feeling of endless beauty, and you can sense yourself being gently taken away.
It is as if you are drifting effortlessly on a long boat into the sky.
You now look down and see the shadow of what you know is our Earth below you. You feel light pouring out from your third eye in the centre of your head, and as you keep on focusing on the Earth, you start to see the globe appearing more clearly. As if it is unwinding, a magnificent green planet appears – full of life and brimming with joy!
You are fascinated by what you are seeing and- imagining that you are like a huge giant in the sky – are able to cup the globe of the Earth in the palm of your hand.
Turn the globe slowly and with reverence, - until it stops at a place on the Earth that you are able to recognise. If you can’t see where that is, imagine you are able to hear or know the name of the country.
Now send Love from your heart to that place on the Earth. Feel the pulsating heart beat of the Earth joining with you as the two hearts start to beat together and become stronger and stronger.
Now also become aware of also how the electro-magnetic rays of your heart and the Earth are being joined and strengthened at the same time.
Now become aware of the animals in the oceans and on land. Send from your heart greetings and gratitude, promising to become more aware of what is required from you to keep the
Flame of Love growing.
Feel their gratitude for being acknowledged.
There is a beautiful glow of dark pink that surrounds the Earth as you look down on it - just like the golden clouds that gather with the setting sun in a darkening evening sky.
Now you become aware of moving down back to the Earth as you can see the planet Jupiter next to you. You are getting closer down to the Earth.
You feel elated and no longer angry- there is a sense of beauty and peacefulness inside.
Allow yourself to gently come back to where you are sitting in the room and spend some time feeling any sensations in your body that have been healed from the experience.
Also drink some water.
It is time for us to really understand and honour the animal kingdom for helping us to make the necessary transitions as a humanity. They are holding the space of Love for us as a vibration and are at the moment doing more than what is appropriate for them because we are not doing enough of what is needed ourselves. I a shown how this is exhausting them and creating distortions in their auras and so there is an urgent need for each one of us to take more responsibility for what we have in the past - and still are -creating without the necessary heart connected awareness.
Please try and do something in your own personal life that is an expression of this intention so that we can help to release this incredible burden they are still carrying for us.
It is time of us to become responsible for our planet.
1. Neglected/abandoned animals: Clicks for food
This is for South African Animal shelters (thanks to Milly):
Hi, all you animal lovers!This is pretty simple... Please tell ten friends to each tell a furtherten today!The Animal Rescue Site is having trouble getting enough people to click on it daily so they can meet their quota of getting free food donated every day to abused and neglected animals. It takes less than a minute (about 15 seconds) to go to their site and click on the purple box 'fund food for animals for free'. This doesn't cost you a thing. Their corporate sponsors/advertisers use the number of daily visits to donate food to abandoned/neglected animals in exchange for advertising. Here's the web site!
2. Slaughtering of animals in China (thanks to Jennifer)
I pray that petitions like this will succeed, because if they don't, what hope is there for mankind.If you want to act, press 'forward', add your name to the bottom and send on to as many as you like.Please sign, don't watch video it’s just too painful but we have to try and stop this brutality. It's about animal rights. But if you must watch there is a link below.If you don't care to see the video, please sign and forward to your friends. This monstrosity has to be stopped, we have to act!Please scroll down and add your signature to the petition and send to everyone in your address book. Something needs to done to stop it. Thanks for your support.There is no need to see the video, but if you must, be aware, it's full of excruciating violence. Its painful silence affects us all deeply.If we don't protect animals from this type of brutality, we become accomplices. When the list reaches 500 names, please forward
Thank you. Jennifer Nel
3. Plea for turtles (thanks to Mari)
Marine turtles are a globally important species, but the number of turtles has plummeted and some populations are now on the brink of extinction.
Help save turtles by supporting Word Wildlife Fund’s (WWF) campaign and sign our petition today:
Thank you
Dato’ Dr Dionysius Sharma
Executive Director/CEO WWF-Malaysia
We often think that what we do is insignificant. Here is an illustration of how that is simply not true!
- Extract from latest newsletter from Avaaz website:
“Here's a quick report back on recent campaigning at Avaaz- some highlights from the last 8 weeks:
Peru - Avaaz arranged with local indigenous and top political allies to deliver a global petition against new laws that would cause massive devastation to the Peruvian rainforest and its people, taking out an ad in the national newspaper (at right). The ad and campaign generated much attention, and the domestic and international pressure worked, for now -- the Peruvian congress has revoked the controversial laws !”
Merlin video: (thanks to Ofra)
“You are invited to be part of the energy of Merlin via U tube and Gillian Macbeth-Louthan /the Quantum Awakening. Many of the pictures were actually taken by my husband on 9/11 when we were in Alalska. A most beautiful place full of Americas majesty.
Merlin is all about Alchemy and turning lead into gold, allow these channelled words and gorgeous pictures to turn what is lead into pure gold. Thanks to Julie Coningham for her creative Light and production skills.”
Visiting Sacred Sites, Beautiful Lands and Mystical PlacesFor Spiritual Evolution with the Earth and Greater Self-Awareness
San Pedro
Some of you have had personal so-called magical healing experiences with John of God in Brazil and you may have also heard about the medicinal use of this sacred Peruvian plant. I am enclosing some extracts that I have taken from an article published in the latest March/April edition of the magazine Kindred Spirit. Many people on the Sacred Earth Retreats to Peru choose to do a ceremony with the plant and it is interesting to read about. If you want more information, get hold of that magazine:
San Pedro has been hailed as a “miracle healer”
by many who have imbibed the visionary brew made from the South American cactus. Author and shamanic workshop leader Ross Heaven explores the mysterious world of this teacher plant.
The Western World is increasingly familiar with Ayahuaska, the visionary brew and “plant doctor” of Amazonian shamans, thanks to celebrities such as Sting and Madonna who have drunk it and television programmes like Bruce Parry‘s Tribe that showed the presenter drinking Ayahuaska in the jungles of Peru, during which he experienced, he said, some of the most profound insights of his life.
Scientific studies carried out by western doctors have also demonstrated the effectiveness of Ayahuaska in curing diseases that orthodox medicine finds hard to address. Especially impressive is its ability to help people overcome drug and alchohol addictions, with is success rate of 70% through the use of Ayahuaska alone.
Less well known- but not less effective- is another of Peru’s visionary healing plants: San Pedro.
Like Ayahuaska, it has been drunk for thousands of years in shamanic healing ceremonies and through it there have been a number of “miracle cures” to a variety of illnesses including cancer, diabetes, and paralysis as well as emotional and psychological problems such as depression and grief.
So what is San Pedro, how does it work, and how might it be helpful for us in dealing with the issues we face?
Physically, it is a tall mescaline-based cactus (Trichocereus pachanai) that grows at high altitudes in Peru. The earliest archaeological evidence for its use as a healing sacrament is a stone carving of a San Pedro shaman found at the Jaguar Temple in Northern Peru, which is almost 3,500 old and proves that despite its name, San Pedro has been around longer than the Saint* itself. Textiles from the same region and period depict the cactus with jaguars and hummingbirds, two of its guardian spirits, which stylised spirals representing the visionary experience.
In contrast to Ayahuaska, however little has been written about San Pedro and no research has been conducted into it. Richard Evans Schultes talks in his book Plants of the Gods, of how San Pedro works:
It is “always in tune with the powers of animals and beings that have supernatural powers” it says. “Participants in San Pedro ceremonies are “set free from matter and engage in flight through cosmic regions… transported across time and distance in a rapid and safe fashion.”
He quotes an Andean shaman who describes its effects: “First a dreamy state… then great visions, a clearing of all the faculties… then detachment, a type of visual force inclusive of the sixth sense, the telepathic state of transmitting oneself across time and matter, like a removal of thoughts to a distant dimension”.
That, however is more-or-less it.
I put this dirth of information to La Gringa (a name meaning outsider woman), the shaman I work with when I take groups to the Andes for my Cactus of Vision programme and asked her to describe the plant. “It is a master teacher” she said. “It helps us heal, grow, learn and awaken, so we reach higher states of consciousness. I have been blessed to have experienced many miracles, people being cured of all sorts of illnesses just by drinking this plant.
We also use it to reconnect and to realise there is no separation between us, the Earth and the Sky. We are all One, it therefore teaches us to live in balance and harmony, compassion and understanding, and how to love, respect and honour all things. The day you meet San Pedro your life is changed forever… always for the better”.
In La Gringa’s view San Pedro heals by fundamentally changing our perception of reality… our belief in what is real and possible for us- so we understand our true power and the healing abilities we have always had.
“It shows us reality as it actually is, not how we think it is” she says. It changes what we think of as real so we see the power we humans have: we can manifest whatever we choose- if we believe we can.”
With new beliefs we can heal ourselves of anything since all illness shamanically speaking arises from self perception. Illness is, in this sense pscychosomatic: we create ill health because of how we think and feel about ourselves and the world around us which means we can un-create it too by simply “changing our minds” as a result of our San Pedro experiences.
There is another sense though in which San Pedro gives us a new perspective on what is real. La Gringa offers a fascinating example from when she was first working with San Pedro and had an experience which “over turned everything I thought I knew.”
In her vision, out in the mountains, a stairway to light appeared on a nearby hill. Assuming that it was a hallucination- a trick of the mind- she called her shaman to help interpret its meaning.
“There is nothing to interpret” he shrugged. It is a stairway of light.
“You mean you see it too?” she asked.
“Of course” he said “take a photograph if you don’t believe it is there”.
She thought he was crazy or course. How can you photograph a vision, something just in your head? But she took a picture anyway and when she later got it developed, there it was: the stairway of light, just as she’d seen it. She called her shaman again and he came over to look at the photo.
“That is what I have been trying to tell you!” he said. These things exist. San Pedro simply opens your eyes to what is already there!”
“It was the most powerful, profound experience of my life” says Donna, a teacher from the UK “I became energy, the breath of life, infinite and eternal love. I now dedicate my life to honour that integrity and accept my path rather than trying to dictate it”.
“I experienced all the love I have ever known in my life. Now I know that love is all that matters” says Marianne, a South American healer.
And according to Michael, an American sports coach: “The message of San Pedro was clear: I create the reality I want. Anything seemed possible. I was transformed and began to create exactly what I desired”.
These sound like spiritual or emotional changes, but San Pedro can also heal very physical problems. One person La Gringa treated, for example, is a woman whose husband had died a few years before. Then just three months later, her son was murdered. She was shattered. Her world fell apart and she has a stroke that paralysed her arm and led to the onset of diabetes.
After ineffective treatments from doctors in South Africa, where she lived, she decided to try San Pedro.
“I gave her the tiniest amount, says La Gringa, “then she lay in my arms and cried her heart out for five hours.
That is a good description of what actually happened, because through the eyes of San Pedro I saw strands of energy coming from her heart and circling her arm like a tourniquet. I began pulling them out and throwing them away.
The next morning there was a miracle. Her arm had regained all movement and, when she was tested her diabetes had gone too. I asked her later about her San Pedro experience and she said she had felt a lot of pain in her heart, which is where I had seen the energy of grief that was binding her. So as well as curing her physical problems, San Pedro showed her why she had them: because of the emotional distress she had been unable to let go of.
What I learned through this is that illness is not a “thing” that is in us, it is not “diabetes” or a “stroke”: it is a belief we carry, that we must mourn for those we have lost, for example- or for ourselves- through pain or disability that makes our suffering visible. Illness is a thought form, a negative pattern we hold on to. San Pedro shows us this thought form: then the next time it arises, we can make a conscious choice to think and act differently.” ……….
”This plant offers us soul retrieval- or rather, life retrieval”, says La Gringa. “We hold our negative beliefs within our bodies, where they manifest as physical problems, so at the same time, our good energies, are blocked and the fullness of our souls is not expressed. Parts of us stay buried, San Pedro removes our negative beliefs so the positive ones shine through- and then we can finally heal ourselves.
* San Pedro’s name refers to Saint Peter, who holds the keys to Heaven, and alludes to its ability to open the gates for us into a divine world where God is found and we can come to know ourselves and our sacred purpose.
* We will be in Egypt on the auspicious date of 11/11/11
(11 November 2009)- a sacred time gate
*Personal meeting with Dr Zahi Hawass famous Egyptian archaeologist who has been in charge of most of the excavations in the Giza plateau
*We will be accompanied by Jean Smith of the South African Egyptian Society who is very knowledgeable about the ancient history of Egypt.
* We will be visiting the most holy Christian Monastery of St Catherine’s and Sacred Mount Sinai as an exciting addition to the tour of the Egyptian sites on the trip.
There is no better place to heal your relationship with the Earth and to learn how to re-open your psychic perceptions than through visiting the sacred sites of Egypt. Places like the Sphinx and the Temples of the Nile still hold some of the most authentic power spots on the Earth.
To See or not to See ...
The third eye
The third eye is a metaphysical and esoteric concept referring to the brow chakra. The third eye is often associated with clairvoyance, visions and precognition. As you move into a higher frequency it will enable you to expand your consciousness and see reality on many levels and dimensions. This can be a quantum leap in perception and can be life changing as you discard patterns that no longer serve you and move to higher levels of consciousness.
By connecting with your third eye, the illusions around us start dematerialising; we start seeing the full, unmasked picture, our Essence.
What you will learn
§ powerful techniques to re-open and activate the third eye
§ how to see and perceive the aura around your hands, crystals, plants and people
§ how to see past lives, guides and angels
§ how to clear your mind and tune into higher vibrations
§ crystals and essences of the third eye
§ how to strengthen, clear and protect your aura
§ the history of the third eye – Egyptian and Atlantian links
the eyes are the window to the soul
the third eye is the key to the universe
Clearing Meditations
Violet flame clearing meditation: a very advanced aura clearing activation using the 12 main frequencies of Divine light.
Third Eye initiation: this makes the opening up of the third eye more permanent.
What you will experience
Everybody has the ability to see auras. All it takes is a bit of guidance, a bit of practice and a lot of trust. Third eye work amplifies all our senses. Everyone has one or more of the aspects of the third eye already open. Some people see through feeling, intuition, knowing or visions in the mind.
Unlike the mind, the aura cannot lie. It shows you the unmasked truth of where you are at, where you are going and even where you were. The aura is the most advance biofeedback device ever created.
This workshop will enable you to see energy physically. We will be visiting various temples and experience how our energies and auras change and fluctuate as we come into contact with our past experiences and memories. We will be seeing and feeling energy in the sacred sites of Egypt, this is an opportunity not to be missed.
The Sacred Heart
We will start the journey on 10- 23 November 2009 in Cairo. Here we will start the re-aligning of the third eye by connecting to the land. We will be going through activations to realign the third eye with the heart at each of the sacred sites.
Preparation for the energetic trip starts in Cairo at the Sphinx, Pyramids and Sakkara and then the energetic tour starts at the base of the spine at Abu Simbel. We will start our process of inner alchemy at the bottom section of the mighty Nile and then ascend our way up (downstream). The physical Journey is synchronistically aligned with our energy bodies and this makes this experience even more powerful. As we move down the river we will move through our energy bodies and access and ascend the programs that are no longer serving us. Each temple we visit, through resonance of the land will align us to our innate consciousness of wisdom and unconditional love. If we surrender, this process will be aligned and easy, just like floating down the river. Each sacred temple will merge us with our own authentic blueprint, our purpose.
Herewith a list of sacred sites, the temples, chakras and what we will experience when we visit and merge with that site:
Sphinx, the Pyramids and Sakkara: preparation and star activation
Abu Simbel: base chakra- raising our consciousness- linking with the land
Philae: temple of Isis- compassion and forgiveness- opening the heart gates meditation, releasing old emotional hurts and pains
Kom Ombo: temples of Sobek and Horus- sacral chakra- releasing fear and duality integrating intuition and trust, initiation of the third eye
Edfu: temple of Horus- opening the third eye chakra- resonating with Divine truth and spiritual vision
Luxor: west bank- valley of the Kings, valley of the Queens, Colossi of Memnon- dimensional gate
Luxor: east bank- temple of Luxor- metamorphosis and temple of Karnak- working with the elements and the chakras
Dendera: temple of Hathor- sound- throat chakra- temple of healing, love and joy
-night visit with possible sound journey and sacred offering
Abydos: temple of Osiris- resurrection
St. Catherine’s Monastery: unity and integration, ascending duality
Mount Sinai: climb to watch the sunrise, possible visit to the blue desert
We will add to this list as we get instruction from spirit. Note that we also want to keep the itinerary flexible enough to leave time for reflection and integration. This journey is attracting a diverse group of amazing light beings with very special gifts; we ask all to participate in the energetic manifestation of what the journey represents- inner alchemy. We will also ask some of these beings to share some of their gifts as the need present itself. Ask your higher self to start your journey of integration now!
What you will experience and gain:
- energy teachings to bring you closer to your heart and true self
- working with mother Earth and her energetic kingdoms
- see-ing energy/aura
- Egyptian mythology
- linking to the unique energies of the sacred land
- access to temples and sites off the normal tourist route
- integration of your soul records
The physical tour
Egypt, land of the pyramids and pharaohs, mysterious tombs and temples, and more than 5,000 years of history. One of the most spectacular sightseeing destinations in the world.
10 November 2009: free time in Cairo
11 November 2009: Memphis, Sakkara, Pyramids & Sphinx
12 November 2009: Egyptian Museum, Citadel & Khan El Khalili
13 November 2009: Abu Simbel
14 November 2009: MS Nile Express, Philae temple
15 November 2009: Sail to Kom Ombo, gods Sobek and Horus Edfu Horus temple
16 November 2009: West Bank (Valley of Kings and Queens, Queen Hatshepsut, Colossi Memnon)
17 November 2009: East Bank (Karnak and Luxor Temples)
18 November 2009: Dendera and Abydos
19 November 2009: Sharm El Sheikh
20-22 November 2009: St. Catherine Monastery, Mount Sinai
23 November 2009: free time in Cairo, Check out
10 November 2009:
Arrive at Cairo International airport
Meet & assist through immigration and customs.
Transfer by air-conditioned deluxe vehicle to the Sofitel El Gezirah.
Check in and meeting up of the group.
Resting and free time in Cairo. Cairo is a colourful bustling city, with a blend of ancient and modern, with excellent bars, an incredible selection of shopping, leisure, culture and nightlife. Cairo comes alive at night, which is the best time to shop, eat delicious Middle Eastern cuisine, or simply watch the world go by from a pavement cafe. You can dine in a floating restaurant on the Nile, sample an apple-flavoured shisha water pipe at a coffee-shop or see oriental dancers and cabarets at a luxury hotel.
Overnight at Hotel
11 November 2009:
Meet your tour coordinator and your Egyptologist guide in the hotel lobby and start your guided tour to visit Memphis, Sakkara, Pyramids & Sphinx.
Memphis: at the site of Memphis, you will see the ancient capital that once stood as a flourishing metropolis during the time of the Pharaohs.
Sakkara: visit the city of Memphis and the necropolis of Sakkara. At vast Sakkara, you will see the famous Step Pyramid of King Zoser, the first freestanding stone structure in the world.
Lunch at a local restaurant.
Pyramids: visit the Great Pyramids of Giza. The only present-day survivors of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.
Sphinx: enter the temple of the mysterious Sphinx, an ancient figure shrouded in legend and mystery
Dinner at Kababgy Restaurant.
Overnight at Hotel
12 November 2009:
Buffet breakfast at hotel
Visit the Egyptian Museum, Citadel & Khan El Khalili.
Museum: your Egyptologist will escort you on a tour of 7,000 years of Egyptian history with a visit to the Egyptian Museum of Antiquities, which includes the world-famous golden treasures from King Tutankhamen ‘s tomb.
Islamic Cairo: a fascinating tour of Islamic Cairo, including the beautiful and graceful Mohamed Ali Mosque and the ancient Citadel, a spectacular medieval fortress perched on a hill above the city.
Lunch at a Khan El Khalili Restaurant.
Khan El-Khalili Bazaar: a tour of the fascinating bazaar – reputed to be the largest bazaar in the Middle East. Originally founded as a watering stop for caravanserai in the 14th century, the bazaar has now grown to vast proportions.
Transfer to train station to board your sleeper train to Luxor.
Dinner: on board sleeper train.
Overnight: on board.
13 November 2009:
Buffet breakfast on board sleeper train.
Aswan: Arrive Aswan Station, meet & assist upon arrival and transfer to Aswan airport for Flight ASW/ABS.
Abu Simbel: the two temples of Ramses II at Abu Simbel are each fronted by colossal statues up to 20 metres high, and are famed as the most impressive monuments remaining of Ancient Egypt in modern times. Recently the temples were threatened by the waters of Lake Nasser, and with the help of a UNESCO campaign they were cut into blocks, raised piece-by-piece, and reassembled in a new position higher up the hillside.
Transfer back to Nefirtari Hotel. Check in.
Overnight at hotel.
Optional tour: Abu Simbel sound and light show – US$ 40
14 November 2009:
Buffet breakfast at hotel.
Meet your tour coordinator & transfer by air-conditioned deluxe vehicle to Abu Simbel airport for Flight ABS/ASW. Arrive at Aswan airport, meet & assist at airport.
Transfer by air-conditioned deluxe vehicle to MS Nile Express. Embarkation.
Lunch on board.
Visit the High Dam granites quarries, Philae temple of Isis.
Afternoon tea.
Overnight in Aswan.
15 November 2009:
Buffet breakfast.
Sail to Kom Ombo.
Visit the temple shared by two gods Sobek and Horus in Kom Ombo.
Kom Ombo Temple: dedicated to the crocodile-god Sobek. The temple stands at a bend in the Nile where in ancient times sacred crocodiles basked in the sun on the riverbank.
Buffet lunch.
Afternoon tea.
Sail to Edfu.
Visit Horus temple in Edfu.
Edfu Temple: explore the largest and most completely preserved Pharaonic – albeit Greek-built – temple in Egypt, the extraordinary Temple of Horus at Edfu.
Cross the Essna Lock and sail to Luxor.
Overnight in Luxor.
16 November 2009:
Buffet breakfast.
Visit the West Bank - the Valley of the Kings and Queens, the temple of Queen Hatshepsut at El Deir EL Bahari and the Colossi Memnon.
Valley of the Kings: a vast City of the Dead where magnificent tombs were carved into the desert rocks, decorated richly, and filled with treasures for the afterlife by generations of Pharaohs.
Hatshepsut Temple & Colossi of Memnon: rising out of the desert plain in a series of terraces, the Temple of Queen Hatshepsut (Ancient Egypt’s only female Pharaoh) merges with the sheer limestone cliffs that surround it, as if nature herself had built this extraordinary monument. On the way back to the river Nile, your road passes by the famed Colossi of Memnon, known in Ancient Greek times for their haunting voices at dawn.
Buffet Lunch.
Afternoon Tea.
Overnight in Luxor.
17 November 2009:
Buffet breakfast.
Visit East Bank (Karnak and Luxor Temples).
Karnak Temple: built over a period of two millennia by generations of Pharaohs, the 62 acre Temple of Karnak was dedicated to the God Amun. It could take days to explore all of the numerous pylons, obelisks and smaller temples within.
Luxor Temple: once connected to Karnak via the Avenue of human-headed Sphinxes, almost 3 kilometers in length.
Transfer back to Sonesta St. George Hotel.
Check in.
Overnight at hotel.
18 November 2009:
Buffet breakfast.
Visiting the temples of Dendera and Abydos.
Overnight at hotel.
19 November 2009:
Buffet breakfast.
11.00 Meet your tour coordinator & transfer by air-conditioned deluxe vehicle to Hurghada airport for Flight MS 371 HRG/SSH 1325 - 1405.
Arrive at Sharm El Sheikh Airport, meet your tour coordinator & transfer by air-conditioned deluxe vehicle to Neama Bay Hotel. Check in.
Overnight at hotel.
20 November 2009:
Visit to St. Catherine Monastery. Attend Sun Rise from Monastery.
Overnight at hotel and meals included
21 November 2009:
Climb and visit to Mount Sinai
Overnight at hotel and meals included
22 November 2009:
Buffet breakfast at hotel.
Check out.
Meet your tour coordinator, transfer by air-conditioned deluxe vehicle to Sharm El Sheikh Airport Flight MS 308 SSH/CAI 1600 – 1700.
Arrive at Cairo Domestic airport. Transfer by A/C deluxe coach to your Cairo hotel: Helnan Shepheard Hotel. Check in.
Overnight at hotel.
23 November 2009:
Buffet breakfast at hotel.
Free day.
Check out
23h00 - Meet your tour coordinator and transfer to Cairo airport
Flight Back Home
Please note that the order of the itinerary is subject to change if necessary or so guided.
inclusive of international return flight:
R18 999
exclusive of international return flight:
STERLING OR DOLLAR EQUIVALENT OF R14 500 at time of payment:
(£1150 / $1899 -based on current foreign exchange rates)
Costs include all events listed in the itinerary as set out above i.e.-
- Two round trip transfer airport/hotel/airport in Cairo.
- Round trip transfer Station/airport/cruise in Aswan.
- Transfer cruise/hotel in Luxor.
- Transfer Luxor to Hurghada.
- Full Day Memphis, Sakkara & Pyramids with Lunch.
- Full Day Egyptian Museum, Citadel & Khan El Khalili with Lunch.
- One night at Sleeper Train or Similar on H.B. basis.
- One night at Nefirtari Hotel or Similar on B.B. basis.
-Three nights at MS Nile Express Cruise on F.B. basis including sightseeing.
- One night at Sonesta St. George House Oberoi Hotel or Similar on H.B. basis.
- Three nights at Neama Bay Hotel or Similar on H.B. basis.
- Visa for South African passport holders – Other passports will be charged a rate of USD 30 each
- Tips
- Travel Insurance if flights are booked through our travel agent Cecelia
- Entrance fees for all sites
- Half board (breakfast and lunch/supper)
25 % non-refundable deposit required to secure your place on the trip.
Optional Tour:
Sound & Light Show: Abu Simbel Temple. US$ 40.00 Per Person.
The Nile cruise will be aboard the M/S Nile Express, a brand new 5 STAR superior deluxe boat. (email us for more information about this amazing boat)
It is a great privilege for us to journey with our soul family to Egypt.
We hope you will be able to join us there too!
Berto Voigt - Tamar Bezuidenhout - Elizabeth Bardin
telephone: (0027) 28 273 8277 international 028 273 8277 localmobile: (0027) 783716343 international 0783716343 localThe magazine’s stated intention is to be for the Highest Good of All, and to harm no one.“Revitalise and Enlighten your Life with the Moon”______________________________________________________________________
Monday, August 3, 2009
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