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Tuesday, January 19, 2010


NEW MOON MAGAZINEJANUARY 2010© The Arthurian School
Before printing this, please consider the environment!Note: This magazine is intended for the sharing of information, so please feel free to pass it on, or if you want to be removed from the circulation list, just send an email reply to info@arthurianschool.com with the word “unsubscribe” in the heading. Thank you.

Teach your children
what we have taught our children-
that the Earth is our mother.
Whatever befalls the Earth
befalls the sons and daughters of Earth.
If men spit upon the ground
they spit upon themselves.

This we know.
The Earth does not belong to us;
we belong to the Earth.
This we know.
All things are connected
like the blood which unites one family.
All things are connected.

Whatever befalls the Earth
befalls the sons and daughters of the Earth.
We did not weave the web of life;
We are merely a strand in it.
Whatever we do to the web,
we do to ourselves…..


Hi everyone!


In the wake of the huge earthquake in Haiti that has been described as a massive humanitarian disaster, the question can only be asked: will this earth event that happened so close to the beginning of the year – as happened at the time of the Tsunami – set the tone for some more natural disasters and potential chaotic happenings that will come in 2010?

The choice is ours, really - as always.

Either we take this as a warning that things need to move more rapidly along, or we can wait for things to just stay the same, with us desperately holding onto the comfort zone.

The choice is ours- and what used to take hours, now only takes minutes, what used to take minutes, now only need seconds to change, and so it goes on.

We are caught up in motions of tremendous change and we can only but flow with it and make the decision to create change consciously, or otherwise the change will happen anyway- and with much more serious consequences…

We are in the midst of huge extremes and so it is now all about keeping BALANCE, BALANCE, BALANCE.

What is balance?

It is the ability to stay centred, a bit like being in the centre of the eye of a storm- where everything is moving so fast that destruction can happen in a second, but being safely held within the core of where everything comes from.

This requires the ability to follow the rhythm of the storm- to know where to move to because we are part of it and we are totally connected. It is staying within the protection and guidance of your Hearts- but this is the great heart of the Cosmos- where there is no place for self indulgence, selfishness, security or control.

The new moon started this cycle in the sign of Aquarius- and as we move more and more into the Aquarian age of brother and sisterhood with a more detached and aware way of being, we are evolving to a great level of Love.

Not just love for humanity, but love for all.

This is a time where we start rolling up our sleeves and say what can I do? Why am I here at this time on the planet? What is the greater plan for my life here?

And guess what- it is not about me and it is not about you. It is about us now- together. To help where is a time of need, to reach out to those who have nothing. To make a difference by knowing that wherever and whatever we are, we can always do something.

As much as you love your family, now it is time to think of the greater family- to really take on board that all of life is part of you. Now it is time to stop dreaming and indulging in what you think you can or possibly can’t do. It is time to move away from the personal to the universal where we think big and know we are part of everything.

It is the only way to survive.

The time for personal childishness and the pre-occupation with how we can be secure and comfortable is over. We are asked to be grown up and responsible- and to flow!

I was touched to see children sleeping amongst the dead bodies after the Haiti earthquake. How can we not be called to do something in action? When I watched the untiring diligence of the sniffer dogs amongst the ruins- how can I still agonise about my place in the world? Surely I need to see that my only place here is to help too?

People need us, the animal kingdoms need us, the Earth needs us! Whatever we do is important, it is paving the way to this new world that is happening and we need to take a step forward. Feel it in the heart, because it is already there- like a seed that has been planted and is now ready to grow. Feel the impatience of having had to wait for too long…

Pray for the people of Haiti- find a way of helping your neighbour, send love each day to the Earth – if only for a moment! as you walk on it with your feet. You don’t need to have anything - you just need to open your heart and know that you are playing a vital role in awakening a new consciousness that is based on a new understanding of everything- that we are interconnected, that we are part of the stars, infinity, beyond, whatever you want to call it.

Call it back into your being, breathe the light that is flooding into the planet at this time. This is a time of some somber happenings but also some amazing opportunities to move forward, forgive and let it all be over - it is a time of great change and we are all part of it.

Be with it now.


As you have been reading everywhere, we have been going through a powerful process of preparing for this year of 2010.

On 16th December we had an exceptionally powerful new moon, on the 21st December we had the Solstice with the Sun at its zenith/lowest critical point, on the 31st we had a Blue Full Moon (meaning that there are two full moons in the same month) with a lunar eclipse and a few days ago on the 15th January we had a total solar eclipse and New Moon in Aquarius.
Coinciding with that, political instability seems to be the very important item on the world agenda, with governments grappling with decisions made in the past and transparency becoming the order of the day.

And so an issue that is affecting all of us is the ghostly memory of consequences caused by past mistakes and failures.

It may be worth pondering on which mistakes or failures you have had in your life that holds you back or stops you from trying something new. NOW IS THE TIME TO CHANGE IT!

To honestly look at some of the consequences that we have created through such mistakes and to realise we can be free from it – all we need do is learn and say we are truly sorry! We are only human after all.

I was touched to watch a documentary program about an American prison guard at Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp who decided to get in touch with two ex UK prisoners (released without ever being charged) on Face book. He flew over to the UK to see them and to say he is sorry- sorry what happened and what he did during that time. It was incredible to watch the wonder of the truth being spoken between them and the past becoming undone.

As Anne from the Netherlands reminded me recently:

“If we see life as a maze, every mistake is a not-necessary detour and a waste of time. If life is a labyrinth, every mistake is a part of the way we go and we may learn something from it!”

To see life as a labyrinth and that we are here to learn - what an amazing opportunity!

During this time of intense and accelerated happenings, we can only become more and more conscious of how we all affect the Earth and our world, and so my wish for you during this coming month is expressed by the wishes for 2010 of my friend, Michaela and the short channelling by Tania from Cape Town:

May we come closer to
creating an
environmentally sustainable,
socially just
spiritually fulfilling
human presence
on this beautiful blessed Earth


“Here is a Spiritual Compass of life for all of you! The compass is to guide you over, under or around any obstacles that will try and stand in your way during your spiritual growth, path and visions. Your compass is like a flowing river that may not stop and become stagnant. If you stop moving and cannot see the way around,

Ask for assistance from the Divine Masters and they will point your compass in the direction best suited for your present life obstacle.

Go now and set your course for 2010 and start moving...

2010 will have many new changes and challenges for the Universe and mankind as we know it, but with vision, guidance and belief we will be able to assist those in need of assistance around us and flow past all challenges we set for ourselves along the way. “

With blessings of Love Elizabeth
PRINGLE BAYwww.arthurianschool.com
info@arthurianschool.comtelephone: (0027) 28 273 8277 international 028 273 8277 localmobile: (0027) 783716343 international 0783716343 local“Revitalise and Enlighten your Life with the Moon”


I have two incredible whale stories that I would like to share with you this month. The first was sent to me by my friend Pia Carter who lives in Switzerland and the second one is from Allison Scott from Cape Town about her experience with a whale called Piscasso on the coast of Canada.

What really touches me is that we are all able to do something from the heart with animals and how they respond so incredibly powerfully to any positive action taken by us as humans. It just makes me want to weep with joy and gratitude!

The Whale Said "Thank You"
If you read a recent front page story of the SF Chronicle,you would have read about a female humpback whalethat had become entangled in a spider web of crab traps and lines.She was weighted down by hundreds of pounds of trapsthat caused her to struggle to stay afloat.She also had hundreds of yards of line rope wrapped around her body,her tail, her torso, a line tugging in her mouth.A fisherman spotted her just east of the Farallon Islands (outside the Golden Gate ) and radioed an environmental group for help.Within a few hours, the rescue team arrived and determined that she was so bad off, the only way to save her was to dive in and untangle her.They worked for hours with curved knives and eventually freed her.When she was free, the divers say she swam in what seemed like joyous circles.She then came back to each and every diver, one at a time,and nudged them, pushed them gently around...she was thanking them.Some said it was the most incredibly beautiful experience of their lives.The guy who cut the rope out of her mouth said her eyes werefollowing him the whole time, and he will never be the same.May you, and all those you love, be so blessed and fortunate?to be surrounded by people who will help you get untangled?from the things that are binding you.And, may you always know the joy of giving and receiving gratitude.I pass this on to you, my friends, in the same spirit

Hi Elizabeth,

Here are those pics of Picasso. Please let me know if you can view them okay. I have been battling to compress the pics to send them to you because the size I have them at is 3.35MB each.

“Elizabeth had given me a crystal to throw into the Alaskan waters from the whales in SA to the whales in Canada while I was on an Alaskan cruise in July 2009. I went on a whale watching trip in Juneau Alaska and that was when I threw the crystal into the water. I asked for a sign that it had been received. The attached pics show what happened within 30 secs thereafter (note: the whale PICASSO leaped out of the water and virtually landed onto the boat!). Luckily for me, someone had their camera focussed in the right place. I was still not sure if that was a sign because that is the same behaviour we see in Hermanus (South Africa), but then the Naturalist on the boat said that that was very unusual behaviour in the waters where we were. Then I knew that was a massive sign. The gentleman kindly gave me the pics to give to Elizabeth to remember such a special moment.

Kind regards.

(ps you can see the beautiful pictures attached)

Allison Scott

THE ROWAN MOON CYCLE OF JANUARYalso called in the Celtic tradition the White Waking Moon and (appropriately for all of you in the Northern Hemisphere who have had so much snow!) the Snow Moon…. The New Moon started on the 16th January (after the dark moon on the 15th January) in the sign of Aquarius and the Full Moon will be on the 30th January in the sign of Leo.


The important Wiccan and Druid festival of IMBOLC is celebrated on the 1st February. This festival celebrates fertility and the growing light in the Northern Hemisphere and is dedicated to the Celtic Goddess Brid or Brigit: known as power of the new moon, spring of the year, the flowing sea, Great Moon Mother, patroness of poetry, making and healing. IMBOLC is a time of light emerging from the winter darkness and is celebrated by lighting candles and dancing, telling stories and poetry- by drawing on the inspiration of the dark winter months. Look at what you want to achieve during the year and ask Brid’s help in making this happen. As a tradition, a statue of the goddess Brid was carried down to water on IMBOLC.

St Agnes Day is celebrated in the Christian tradition on 21st January and it is believed that on the eve of St Agnes Day it is a night for dreaming deeply and truly, because St Agnes appeared clearly in a dream to her parents that night after she had been martyred.

25th January is known as the Welsh Valentine’s Day when St Dwynwen, the patron saint of love who consoles unhappy lovers! That day is also traditionally celebrated as Burns Night, the presumed birthday of the great Scottish poet Bobby Burns.

On the 27th January it is the Memorial Day of the Holocaust, remembering the many Jewish people that died in the concentration camps of the Second World War.

On the 30th January is the full moon, celebrated in Northern Tailand and Laos as Maghapuja Full Moon. Prayers are said in processions with lamps, candles or torches with ringing bells and chants. Scarlet cloths are distributed to recall the time when the Buddha gave his monks the rules by which they should live in community.

The 6th February is celebrated as Waitangi Day in New Zealand when in 1840 the treaty of Waitangi was signed as the founding document for the country, supposed to guarantee the Maori rights to their land.

The planet to watch this coming lunar cycle is a particularly bright red Mars. On 29th January, Mars is opposite the sun in the sky and shines brightly all night. On the 30th January the Full Moon passes well to the south of the bright red planet.

The new crescent moon is nearby Jupiter on the 17&18th January. Jupiter shines brightly in the western evening sky after sunset, but by the end of the lunar month it is hard to see in the twilight as it moves around towards the back of the Sun.

Saturn rises in the mid-late evening and shines brightly in the constellation of Virgo. The Moon is nearby on 2nd February.

Venus is out of view on the far side of the Sun, but Mercury is easily visible in the dawn sky if viewed from the Southern Hemisphere. On the 27th January Mercury reaches furthest (24 degrees) from the Sun in the morning sky. Because of the low angle of the ecliptic path of Mercury, it will be hard to see Mercury from the Northern Hemisphere this coming lunar month.


1. For those of you who also feel strongly about the negative effects of fireworks on animals:


(thanks to Belinda McGeorge!)

2. Look at these most amazingly beautiful photographs of the galaxies/stars taken from the Hubble Space Telescope – it is time to get to know our neighbours!!


(thanks to Maxine O connor/Jill Dennis passing it on)


Here is a meditation below that will help you to stay grounded and balanced during the next phase of intense change during 2010.

I also would like to share with you the following practical suggestions from astrologer Maurice Fernancez:

GENERAL SUGGESTIONS:Understand this is an opportunity to reinvent ourselves in a better way.Understand there will be a price to pay, something may need to go.If you lose something or someone, understand this is the sign of these times, use a crisis to venture into new horizons and create something new.Understand this is an adventure and risk must be taken.Understand that this is not a time when we can expect security---we are in transition.Listen to your inner truth, make you life truly happen now.Take care of your immune system: avoid bad diets in general...they render you vulnerable to opportunistic viruses.Support your friends and family, we all shall need one another for support during this transition time.Cultivate your spiritual practice: this is also important for your immune system.Do your best to do good: whatever you seed now will have effect now and later.There is probably more than can be said and explained, but you get the point... An incredible opportunity is arising, now and throughout 2010...this type of cycle has not happened in recent history. We can expect a certain level of destruction to occur---that is the price to pay...but the prospect of experiencing an awakening and creating a better future is now within reach. We are now in the midst of a revolution---a cultural, social, and political revolution. On a personal level, it is a conceptual, emotional, and or spiritual revolution...truly, it is in the making!I wish you the very best and infinite blessings during this time and beyond! May you be guided and manifest the highest of your potential...With love,MauriceRide the beautiful river of life... embracing opportunities that come your way... ever grateful... ever fluid... being present in the moment... happy... at one with all life! Blessed be xxA Look into the Coming Cycleby Maurice Fernandez (evolutionary astrologer)
(with thanks to Tracy who forwarded)


Relax your body and start to focus on your breath- gently breathing in and breathing out- breathing in, and breathing out –

Feel your whole body starting to become more relaxed and open, feeling safe and protected by the light of a bright silver New Moon.

Now become aware of the soles of your feet and imagine sending a silent prayer of blessing to the Earth through your feet.

Feel the feet extending this blessing deep down into the ground until it reaches the very core of the Earth and everything connected to her.

Now start to feel how the Earth responds and starts to send her own blessing to you as you feel the rhythm of her breath coming up through the feet- in and out, in and out –

Slowly feel how the rhythm of your breathing and the rhythm of the Earth begin to synchronise and become connected. And you start to feel that you are moving in unison with the Earth through your feet and through your whole body.

Now imagine seeing or feeling a spark of energy deep within the Earth. Imagine any colour that comes to you- it may be a deep blue or purple, red or green, whatever comes into your mind spontaneously. If you cannot imagine this, just decide to hold the intention of one colour that you like.

Now imagine this energy deep in the Earth expanding and starting to spiral up, as if in a vortex of light and colour.

You can also imagine a beautiful sound- but the sound is so light that you cannot physically hear it- it is just like an intention or picture in your mind.

Feel how the vortex of the Earth energy that is spiralling up starts to surround your body- like an envelope that grows around your feet, up the legs to the knees, then further up to the thighs and up to the hips. Still spiralling up around the wait, up to the torso, the arms, the navel, the breasts, the chest, the shoulders.

Feel the spiralling energy reaching your neck and also become aware of the back of your neck where the spine reaches the skull. Now it is reaching up around the ears, over the eyes, around the head and finally it is totally surrounding your body.

Feel the spin of the energy around your body and as it is moving around you, it is clearing away any old lower frequency energies that no longer serve you.

You may even feel or imagine a gently sizzling around the body of energies being transmuted into balance and grounding.

And imagine that all the energies that are being disconnected and transmuted, fall like compost down to your feet and become nourishing food for the new to grow.

Feel you body become soft and even lighter, and that it has a subtle light green colour- just like a newly planted tree in the springtime.

Now feel the roots of this tree that you are, growing strongly into the Earth and how the Earth is reaching up to receive this new blessing and connection.

Feel your feet expanding - it is as if they are more capable of holding you balanced in this physical world- and so that you can become more fully aware in the present.

Now imagine the most beautiful flowers softly floating down from the silver New Moon- the colours are varied and there are different shaped flowers that keep on raining down on you- giving fragrance to your life and your body as you stand grounded below.

And you can hear the gentle movement of water nearby- the ebbing of the sea, or maybe a waterfall, or a flowing river that is calm and connected to everything around it.

Imagine this water flowing over your feet as it rejuvenates your body and feel how your body becomes whole and relaxed.

Stay in this place of healing for as long as you like- you may even want to look at the rays of the Moon and the stars in the night sky.

And when you are ready to return, bring yourself back to the present, knowing that you have received the blissful healing of Mother Earth, and the healing of the New Moon.

You may want to drink some water and put on some music.
Feel the connection with your soul.

In tune with the theme of being of service to the planet and being part of the weaving of the new web of life, I have been guided to take a group to do some Earth ascension work at the Great Pyramid of Giza in March during the time of the Spring Equinox in Egypt.

Those of you who are interested, please let me know! We will be working with sound and crystals and light to awaken and align our bodies to the new vibrations of the Earth. We will also be spending time at the temples of Upper Egypt and wonderful sailing on the Nile waters - an incredible privilege to evolve and become whole!

Here are the details:

For the love of the Earth
8-22 MARCH 2010
(the Fool- Tarot)

Join me on an ascension journey to the Great Pyramid and the ancient Temples of Egypt
during this very important time of the
2010 Spring Equinox!

20th March 2010 is the first of two Cosmic Triggers that will bring a crystalline shift and reformation in energy. This means that for the first time we will be able to raise our consciousness to connect with the very advanced vibrations of the Cosmic Heart that were accessible only during the times of Lemuria and golden Atlantis.

And so, to make the most of this amazing opportunity, we will be learning how to raise our vibration with light, crystals and sound on a healing journey through the Valley of the Kings and Queens and the temples of Ancient Egypt - culminating in an Ascension Ceremony on 20th March, the Spring Equinox at the Great Pyramid of Giza.

The Great Pyramid of Giza is undeniably an incredible portal of light that goes far beyond being a place or even a dimension - it is a Portal of Connection and Ascension. But that aspect of the Pyramid can only be accessed in its full power when working from the Cosmic Heart.

So come and celebrate with us the awaking of your Cosmic Heart during this special time in the wonderful land of Ancient Egypt!

Herewith a list of some of the Sacred Sites that we will be visiting on our ascension journey:Sphinx, the Pyramids, Memphis-
Kom Ombo: temples of Sobek and Horus
Philae: temple of Isis-
Edfu: temple of Horus-
Luxor: west bank- valley of the Kings, valley of the Queens, AMENHOTEP III TEMPLE,
Dendara- temple of Hathor Luxor: east bank- temple of Luxor- and temple of Karnak-

Elizabeth Bardin
The trip will be facilitated by Elizabeth Bardin from Pringle Bay South Africa – a psychic channel who has for over 5 years lead Sacred Site retreats and journeys in the UK and Machu Picchu, Peru. She works with a Master Lemurian and Atlantean Crystal on her retreats and is committed to sharing her unique knowledge to help participants discover and use their psychic gifts when working with the Earth and find a deeper spiritual connection with Sacred Nature.

It is time to find out how you can make a positive contribution
and create - FOR ALL- a better future!

The group will be kept to a limited number so as to ensure that everyone receives the necessary energetic, emotional and physical support they need.


(finalised details to be confirmed)


Arrive Cairo
Free day to rest and settle in
First group meeting and Crystal Sound Activation (meditation)

Overnight Cairo
Breakfast and dinner included


Early morning meditation (optional)
Introductory visit to the PYRAMIDS and SPHINX!
Visiting Memphis and its treasures

Overnight Cairo
Breakfast and dinner included


Travelling to ASWAN
Cosmic Heart sound workshop (to share the group’s experiences at the Pyramids and Sphinx the day before)

Overnight ASWAN
Breakfast and dinner included


Early morning meditation (optional)
Visit to the beautiful feminine TEMPLE OF ISIS- PHILAE
Cosmic Heart sound workshop (working with the feminine mother energy)

Overnight ASWAN
Breakfast and dinner included


Sail to EDFU
Preparation workshop for visit to Horus Temple in the afternoon
Visit to HORUS TEMPLE- sound ceremony-the Eye of Horus

Overnight sail to LUXOR
Breakfast and dinner included


Early morning meditation to see the exquisite sunrise that Luxor is so famous for!
Cosmic heart workshop to celebrate our special time in LUXOR
Late afternoon:
Sunset Felucca ride on the Nile
At night:
Visit to LUXOR TEMPLE with its star chambers and beautiful row of Sphinxes

Overnight LUXOR
Breakfast and dinner included


Early morning meditation (optional)
Visit to the incredible VALLEY OF THE KINGS!
Cosmic Heart sound workshop to share experiences and anchor the energies of the tombs in the Valley of the Kings

Overnight LUXOR
Breakfast and dinner included


Early morning meditation (optional)
Resting and integrating

Overnight LUXOR
Breakfast and dinner included


Early morning meditation (optional)
Cosmic Heart sound workshop to share our experiences as a group in the temples

Overnight LUXOR
Breakfast and dinner included


Early morning meditation (optional)
Visit to the huge complex of KARNAK TEMPLE (with special group ceremonies to help us experience how the energies change in the different parts of the Temple)
Cosmic Heart sound workshop to bring everything together that we have experienced so far

Overnight LUXOR
Breakfast and dinner included


Free day to explore LUXOR and its wonderful markets!

Overnight LUXOR
Breakfast and dinner included


Travelling back to CAIRO
Preparation for EQUINOX and return visit to GREAT PYRAMID

Overnight Cairo
Breakfast and dinner included


Early morning meditation and visit to GREAT PYRAMID
Final sharing and integration of journey
Celebratory meal together!

Overnight Cairo
Breakfast and dinner included


Free day for final shopping and return to home country
What is included in your trip
International flights to and from South AfricaAll internal travel and, where applicable, flights, airport taxes and chargesTransfers to and from Cairo & Aswan, Luxor, applicable airports and Nile boatTravel agent representative at airports/boat/hotels on arrival and departure Transportation to all sites in fully air conditioned coachAll site entrance fees according to above scheduleAccommodation in 5 star hotels (x 2 sharing)Half board meals as statedEgyptology Tour Guide to all sitesSpecialist group leader (Elizabeth Bardin) for energy work at Pyramids and TemplesCosmic Heart Sound Workshops with supporting meditations, Early Morning Nile Meditation Entries to Great Pyramid complex with Cosmic Heart Activation on second visitClosing dinner party with Egyptian dancing
What is not included in your trip
Visas (South Africans to apply before leaving for Egypt) Travel & holiday insuranceDrinks and tippingItems of a personal natureTransportation outside the scheduleMeals outside the scheduleSite entrance fees outside the schedule
Pricing – (to be adjusted in the event of an extreme fluctuation in exchange rate before booking is confirmed)
ZAR19000 (South African currency and this includes the international flight)
$1900 (US this does not include the international flights to and from Egypt)
£1171(UK this does not include the international flights to and from Egypt)

Deposit: 25% to secure a place Balance: payable 1month before departure

I also have two trips scheduled for Peru for 2010:

For the love of the Earth- building a New Future.
Learning how to communicate with Cosmic Nature.
15-26 JUNE 2010
(the Empress- Tarot)
(the Magician- Tarot)

What is so special about the trips in 2010?
The dates chosen above are given to me under guidance to make sure that the trip will happen at the most auspicious and spiritually awakening times of that year and be most beneficial for the group and the planet. The two trips scheduled for 2010 have these special features:

June trip:
Our trip starts with the new moon (12th June) and we will end the retreat by the time of the full moon (26th June). It is also during the very important earth festival of Winter Solstice in Peru (24th June). This day is celebrated as the Inti Raymi festival held each year at the Inca Fortress of Sacsayhuaman in the Inca capital city of CUSCO- celebrated by the people of the Inca as the Festival of the Sun in honour of the God of the Sun and symbolizes the eternal consecration of marriage between the Sun and human beings. Under the Inca empire the festival lasted 9 days attracting people from all over the Inca Empire and it is now the second largest festival in Latin America with an expected 200 000 people congregating in Cusco!

August trip:
August is known as the best time to go to Peru because of the weather (it has summer rainfall so in August one is assured that it does not rain and although it is cool at night, the days are sunny and warm). During this time of our trip we will have a full moon (24th August) at the beginning of our trip and a new moon on 8th September (new beginnings) as we return from Peru.

South African Retreat Cost: R9440 (including flights and spending money around R23-25 000 in total)
UK Retreat Cost: £785 (including flights and spending money around £1800 in total)
Please email me for full details of the itinerary programme for Peru and you can also look at more information on my website.THE ARTHURIAN SCHOOLPRINGLE BAYwww.arthurianschool.cominfo@arthurianschool.comtelephone: (0027) 28 273 8277 international 028 273 8277 localmobile: (0027) 783716343 international 0783716343 localThis magazine’s stated intention is to be for the Highest Good of All, and to harm no one.“Revitalise and Enlighten your Life with the Moon”______________________________________________________________________

Sunday, January 3, 2010


For the love of the Earth
8-22 MARCH 2010
(the Fool- Tarot)

Join me on a journey to the Great Pyramid and the Sacred Temples of Egypt during this very important time of the 2010 Spring Equinox.

20th March 2010 is the first of two Cosmic Triggers that will bring a crystalline shift and reformation in energy. This means that we will be able to connect more fully with very advanced and high love vibrations of the Cosmic Heart that were accessible only during the times of Lemuria and golden Atlantis.

To access these high incoming frequencies of ascension, working with crystals (as was done during the times of Lemuria and Atlantis) becomes more and more important and so on this journey we will be learning how to work with light, crystals and sound on our journey through the Valley of the Kings and Queens, and the temples of Lower Egypt - culminating in an Ascension ceremony on 20th March, the Spring Equinox at the Great Pyramid of Giza.

Visiting and working at sacred sites of the world with a positive intention of the Heart has many benefits both for the participants and the Earth. It is an amazing opportunity to tune into something quite different and unique and is something that will greatly accelerate your life.

Much has been said about the Great Pyramid of Giza, but it is undeniably an incredible portal of light that goes far beyond being a place or even a dimension - it is a portal of connection and ascension. But that aspect of the Pyramid can only be accessed in its full power when working from the place of the Cosmic Heart.

Some of you may have some vague memory of the Cosmic Heart, or some of you may not feel anything but just a pull or inclination to come to Egypt. Whatever it is, follow the call! It is a trigger for something much bigger that has already been happening inside of you.

Egypt holds the history of how it is possible to embody the divine into human form - look at their magnificent sculptures! And through the use of sound that was done so effectively in all ceremonies of the land, we can journey back and find a living heritage from the Cosmic Heart that was once linked to the Cosmos and our ancient connection to the Stars - an important step for the future for our planet.

Come and celebrate the awaking of your Cosmic Heart in the ancient land of Egypt!




The trip will be facilitated by Elizabeth Bardin from Pringle Bay South Africa – a psychic channel who has for many years lead sacred site retreats and journeys to Peru and elsewhere. She does earth connection work with a Master Lemurian Crystal (and other crystals) and shares a deep commitment to the Earth and her own evolutionary path.

Email me at the address below for full details of the cost and itinerary. The group will be kept to a limited number so as to ensure that everyone receives the necessary energetic, emotional and physical support they need.

tel (+-27) 028 273 8277/ cel 078 371 6343