10 - 13 SEPTEMBER 2011
Come and join us on a long weekend retreat at the powerful & ancient Stones of Adam’s Calendar where you will learn how to become more aware of what it means to have a deep connection with the Earth and what you can do in these times to nourish yourself back into wholeness.
During the retreat, which has been specifically planned to coincide with the Full Moon Equinox, we will spend time being close to the Earth – working consciously with the healing energies of Adams Calendar (we will have the privilege of being accompanied by author Michael Tellinger* on our visit to the Stones) and the Moon, and exploring ways in which to nourish ourselves more consciously.
So that we can become energised with prana and vibrant health from the Earth in these often intense times!
During the retreat you will have the incredible opportunity to visit Adams Calendar. You will also have time to identify patterns in relation to your food choices that you need to heal and release so that you can make more informed choices as to what your body responds to –
Because as we heal our relationship with the Earth and our bodies, we can learn to live lightly & consciously, and in harmony with the Earth!
Come and see the sacred Stones of Adams Calendar – let us connect closer to their ancient energies so that we can experience what it is like to be truly supported by the Earth.
Come and Journey with us at this time of the Equinox Full Moon!
"I share my abundance of knowledge, gifts and love with others-
Salandra Hartwegii (Cup of Gold flower of HAWAII)"
Nourish by Nature
Lynne Maccallum
078 7879 387
It is estimated that there are over 100 000 ancient stone ruins scattered throughout the mountains of Southern Africa. Artefacts that have been recovered from these ruins show a long and extended period of settlement that spans over 200,000 years. Put this in context when the Pyramids of Egypt were reputedly built only some 5000 years ago! (also see Michael Tellinger’s book : Slave Species of God).
Adam’s Calendar is the flagship among these ruins, we can date this monolithic calendar with relative certainty to at least 75,000 years of age based on a number of scientific evaluations. Adam’s Calendar also presents the first tangible evidence of consciousness among the earliest humans in the ‘Cradle of humankind’. The site is built along the same longitudinal line as the Great Zimbabwe Ruins and the Great Pyramid. It was also aligned with the rise of Orion’s belt some 75,000 years ago.
“My quest for human origins has led me down a fascinating path of discovery. It is now clear that everything in the cosmos is connected.
Consciousness is the fabric of the universe that allows us to find our way back to source - The Divine Being.”
Michael Tellinger has become one of South Africa’s bestselling export authors. Michael is a scientist in the true sense of the word, never shying away from controversial issues, scrutinising every clue meticulously. He graduated from WITS University Medical School, Johannesburg, in 1983 with a B.Pharm degree, a passion for the cosmos, genetics and human history.
After a 30-year long obsession with the origins of humankind, he took some time out to write Slave Species of god, which became a bestseller in South Africa. When Johan Heine exposed the mystery of the stone ruins of South Africa to Michael in 2007, they began an irreversible process of research that led Michael to some startling scientific conclusions and the completion of another book to follow Adam’s Calendar - Temples of The African Gods.
It is said that sacred sites are connections to energy vortexes that hold knowledge of the higher mind, the higher consciousness that the Earth is seeking to create. Her electromagnetic frequency resonates at a third of the speed of a busy brain. When you can be away from buildings and wires, nature settles you down to match her slower wavelength and by plugging into her heartbeat, we settle ourselves. Our DNA is being activated and we are being reborn into our highest potential. The process that occurs at sacred sites always involves energy clearing, cellular re-patterning, and changing energy structures.
When we experience “Earthing” the energy we feel from walking barefoot is the Earth’s electric energy rising up into (your) our body. Research is now revealing that this energy creates a distinct and uplifting shift in our physiology. It harmonizes the body’s biological rhythms, reducing chronic pain & inflammation. Each individual’s energy grid is connected and intermeshed with the larger grid of the Earth’s.
Spring Equinox: now begins the light half of the southern year and the dark half of the northern one. Just for today light and dark are equal all over the world! - and as the year progresses the south pole is gradually turned towards the Sun.
Everything lost is found again in a new form. Plans we hatched in winter can begin to come into effect, and skills we learned indoors or inside ourselves can emerge out. It is said that on the equinox you need to open up your heart and look to see what binds you. Mark the exact moment of spring equinox with silence and stillness.
The Equinox of the Moon happens on 12 September 2011 and PRECEDES the Sun’s Spring Equinox on 23 September. And so we will be working with the Moon’s own Equinox, to prepare for the spring season that is approaching. The Equinox Full Moon will be in the astrological sign of Pisces, a truly mystical sign that rules water and is the keeper of deep wisdom. It is an ideal time to focus on nurturing and the emotional issues of food and to start a new pattern for optimum health and vitality.
ITINERARY (please note that the sequence of events may change if so required / guided)
Saturday 10 Sep morning
Arrival 12pm Welcome over lunch
Dinner & movie (around the theme of the retreat)
Sunday 11 Sep
Body exercises & Earth meditation
Lynne’s teachings – intuitive eating, nutrient dense foods, optimum food choices & supplementation. Food and spirit. Energetic nourish. Stress coping tools and nutrition. Healthy weight management.
Late lunch
Walk & relax for the afternoon
Dinner & movie (around the theme of the retreat)
Body exercises & Earth meditation
Elizabeth’s teachings- how to deepen and strengthen your relationship with the Earth.
Waterfall cleansing ceremony
Lunch, swimming & relax
Earth Ceremony & dinner EQUINOX FULL MOON
Tuesday 13th Sep
Sharing and a closing blessing
10am Depart
I Nourish my Soul in Nature
R2 900
All shared accommodation (linen and towels included)
All meals as per itinerary
All site visits including site visit on Moon Equinox to Adams Calendar
All tuition and ceremonies
Applicable flights & travel to Waterval Boven
Your own snacks & drinks
Payment of full amount on booking (please speak to us if you need any assistance or different payment options)
Situated on the shore of a trout dam, our Cabin sleeps two bedrooms sharing and a loft area providing sleeping space for 6 more guests and has two bathrooms. Sleeping space is allocated on a first booking first serve basis.
The accommodation is fully equipped, with all linen and towels supplied. It also features its own braai area, fireplace, and library. There is also place to build a bonfire.
Comfortable walking shoes, swimming costume, sun block, hat, sun glasses, neutral colour clothing for Adams Calendar, windbreaker, warm jacket for evening (we are moving toward the beginning of spring when during this time of year it is warm during the day and slightly cooler at night. It is not rainy season but there may be an occasional thunder shower. Mosquito repellent (the spray version works the best). Please consider whether you need malaria protection for the Eastern Transvaal - if you do we suggest consulting a homeopath or herbalist, as the normal anti-malaria pills can make you ill.
All meals are vegetarian that include diary and eggs. If you have any special dietary requirements please provide these yourself as well as any drinks and bottled water you may need. You may want to bring some additional snacks for in between meals. Ginger tea (hot water with ginger) will be provided. Please advise us in your booking form about any food allergies.
You have different options depending on where you come from:
1. Flights to Johannesburg (Kulula Air has some specials and also offers the benefit of flying into Lanseria Airport, closer to the Pretoria side of Johannesburg so that you don’t have to experience the traffic of Johannesburg International Airport). You can then rent a car and drive to Waterval Boven, or catch a flight from Johannesburg to Nelspruit Mpumulanga Airport.
2. Driving from Johannesburg to Waterval Boven. It takes about 3-4 hours and note there are some toll roads on the way (approx R240).
Please talk to us about your travel requirements, we can help you with some advice and also put you in touch with some others so that you can share the driving. Closer to the time we will give you full directions to our accommodation in Waterval Boven.
Elizabeth Bardin:
Elizabeth lives in Pringle Bay near Cape Town and is the owner of SACRED EARTH RETREATS ( She regularly takes spiritual groups to MEXICO & GUATEMALE (Mayan), PERU (Inca) and EGYPT to teach and share her knowledge about Ancient civilisations and how they lived in sacred awareness of the Earth. In South Africa, she facilitates Shamanic Earth Initiations and shares her extensive knowledge of working with Earth Energies and the Moon.
Lynne Maccallum:
Lynne is a nutritionist & natural gourmet chef. She has travelled extensively and worked as a chef in the CARIBBEAN & AMERICA, where she incorporated & sourced local speciality ingredients into her dishes. On returning to South Africa Lynne spent time at Bodhi Khaya Buddhist Retreat near Hermanus where she ran the kitchen and also implemented a perma-culture vegetable garden. She is the owner of Nourish by Nature and is in private practice in CAPE TOWN. Lynne blends cutting edge nutritional information, quantum physics and functional medicine principles to guide her clients, in choosing foods as tools for spiritual growth and nourishment for both body and soul. In her teaching and counselling Lynne believes in a reverence for the healing power of nature. A Path of conscious living
Monday, August 8, 2011
Friday, August 5, 2011
Before printing this, please consider the environment!
Note: This magazine is intended for the sharing of information from Ancient Civilisations about the Earth and our evolution. Feel free to pass it on, or if you want to be removed from the circulation list, please send an email reply to with the word “unsubscribe” in the heading. Thank you.
Note: Please note SACRED EARTH RETREATS© is not linked to any specific belief, religion or system. It embraces all ways; knowing that we are all connected through the Oneness of Love. It advocates peace for all beings and holds the Earth and all of Nature sacred. It upholds the concept of self-empowerment for all.
For more information see our website
Hi everyone!
It was with a sigh of relief that we stepped into the New Mayan year and also the New Moon last week.
Living through 2011 has certainly been intense and the last few weeks took us riding on yet another wave – a huge wave of releasing the old and preparing for the new!
After some shocking events and revelations in our world, we are in the process of taking responsibility for the impact of having allowed these damaging things to go unchecked and grow.
Through grief and even loss, these events have stopped us in our tracks to take stock, re-evaluate – and wake up!
But with each step now, we are moving forward and becoming more empowered. We are getting in touch with ourselves and starting to understand that it is also possible to create something new that is far more honouring and innocent.
And so what a welcome relief it was last week to start a cycle of lighter energy and more support coming our way.
Like the ancient Egyptians who organised their calendars not according to the Sun, but rather according to the rise of the star Sirius in our July morning sky – a sign that there would be the first flooding of the Nile that would also bring fertility to the land and produce a good harvest - the Mayans also started their new year in July.
And this particular new Mayan year is called the “White Rhythmic Wizard”.
The White Rhythmic Wizard means that during the next year we will be particularly confronted with issues of integrity, personal power and control – to show us where we are out of alignment with Divine Will.
On a personal level, we will also be shown where we still have a need for approval and recognition that comes from our outer ego needs.
And most importantly, we will be shown where in our lives we still insist on being in our lower mind/head instead of being in alignment with our much deeper Heart-knowing!
BUT once we learn these valuable lessons, the White Wizard will also bring us the incredible opportunity of creating limitless possibilities!
If you want to find your way easily through the next cycle of increasing change, work with the wisdom of the White Rhythmic Wizard.
Focus on being transparent in everything you do and represent. Innocently allowing magic to come through you instead of trying to manifest things in your life in the old way of trying to make things happen through struggle, effort and hard work.
This old way of control and the lower mind simply does not work anymore!
And so instead of feeling like a failure because things are no longer manifesting in your life in the old way it did before, realise that we are now truly entering a time where we can only manifest through the use of our right brain, feminine side – called a deeper Heart knowing: working with focused intention and allowing all that we intend - in harmony with our soul and Heart - to come to us effortlessly by simply receiving it.
Just like magic!
Be innocent. Be yourself. Search for WHERE IN YOUR LIFE the White Wizard is asking you to BECOME MORE AWARE AND CHANGE…
And step into the new.
It is waiting for you.
With blessings of Love
telephone: (0027) 28 273 8277 international 028 273 8277 local mobile: (0027) 783716343 international 0783716343 local
“Revitalise and Enlighten your Life with the Moon”
Witnessing around me on a personal and global level a number of unexpected deaths, made me realise how unprepared we - as a Western Civilisation - are to deal with death as a conscious process.
The Egyptians are known for their pre-occupation with death and the after life- it is said that a Pharaoh started preparing for his death and what was needed to be in his tomb for the after life - from the day he became king!
Why should that be? Surely we are supposed to focus on life instead? Isn’t that living in the now?
Yet what I have come to realise, is that only by focusing and understanding the process of death, are we able to truly live our life to its fullest potential!
Life and death are so interlinked, they are actually the same.
And so I would like to dedicate these teachings to the loved ones who have already departed, including Christer, in Peru who unexpectedly passed away a few weeks ago:
blessed be – you live on in our hearts!
There is no shamanic tradition that does not teach about the process of death. Yet in our modern world, it is hardly mentioned. Instead of receiving the gift of a truly spiritual experience, we forget to remember that death is a doorway and that this doorway must be experienced in order to understand it. Reading about it is not enough!
And the teachings of death not only inform us how to assist the death of a loved one.
We have forgotten how to deal with endings in our own life too:
“In the Western world we don’t know “how” to let something die with grace and beauty. We have lost the way to let go of those parts of our lives that fail to serve us and make it impossible to rebirth a new job or a new relationship, a new physical body or a new life. When we experience a symbolic death, we are re-informed about what is really important in life, motivating the changes necessary for a peaceful death in the end.”
It is said an extraordinary phenomenon occurs at the moment of death. When neural activity ceases and the brain shuts down, a portal opens between dimensions. The veils between the worlds part, enabling the dying person to enter into the world of Spirit.
But when we have unfinished business in this physical world, we are unable to step easily through the portal into the world of Spirit and we remain bound to the Earth.
Our soul then has to go through a very intensive life review—sometimes called “Recapitulation”—as soon as we arrive on the other side.
And the very toxic energies of unfinished business that have accumulated during our lifetime in our Luminous Energy Field then have to be combusted and cleared after death - a process far more difficult to achieve than if we resolved it while we were alive.
“Recapitulation offers your loved one the opportunity to tell you her/his story. Having the opportunity to tell one’s story has cathartic and healing power. It is the equivalent of doing your life review before you have actually died. It is about saying the “I love yous," and "I forgive yous” that have not been expressed during the course of a lifetime. You would be surprised at the healing power of these simple words. They are very difficult to say from the other side.
Recapitulation can happen in this lifetime. The sooner you commence the life review for your loved one who is dying and the more extensive it is, the easier the transition will be. Sometimes it is difficult to begin this conversation, especially if you have not had an intimate dialogue with your loved one in years. Find an entry point for dialogue. A way to initiate this sharing may be to imagine you are both sitting beside a river and see what memories come floating down. Being with her/him in this way may provide the support needed to bring closure to the life events that present themselves.
Assist the dying person in telling her/his “story.” Be a quiet compassionate witness without judgment or comment, and just listen to what she/he has to share. When was she/he disappointed in themselves, was of service, loved, or held regrets? Give her/him as much time as they need, encouraging them to express their thoughts and feelings. Assist your loved one to let go of any feelings of having been wronged or having wronged anyone else. What does she/he remember, and sense? Help them recognize that they are the hardest judge–looking at the ways they could have honoured others and didn’t, or ways they hurt others. Help her/him to forgive themselves as they would forgive others, compassionately and without judgment.
Powerful realizations often come uninvited as one approaches death, such as: we could have lived differently, loved more fully, and forgiven more readily.
An important step in the Death Rites is giving a loved one permission to die. Let them know that there is no reason to worry about those who stay behind.
Without receiving permission to die, your loved one might cling to life for months, enduring unnecessary suffering and causing great anguish for the family. Permission from those closest to the person carries the most weight, even if it is a personal friend or confidant and not an immediate family member. However, permission must come from the immediate family, and ideally there should be a consensus. If there is a dissenting family member who won’t let go, encourage him to express his love and forgiveness nonetheless. Many times the family members who have the hardest time letting go are the ones who have the most unfinished business with the dying person or who are the most frightened of their own death.
Countless cases talk about the importance of this step. Alberto Vittaldo --- tells the story of a student of his who sat beside her dying mother for weeks. The mother was unable to let go, despite the fact that she was in a great deal of pain and could no longer eat. The student had cleansed her mother's chakras, and she and her sister had begun to forgive each other and heal the lesions of the past. She finally said, “Mother, we are here with you and love you very much. We want you to know that we will be okay. We will look after each other and keep our family together. Even though we will miss you, it is perfectly natural for you to go. We will treasure all of the beautiful moments that we had together, but we don’t want you to suffer anymore, or to continue to cling to life. You have our full and complete permission to die. You know that we will always love you.” A few hours later her mother took her final breath and died peacefully.
While attending to the dying is imperative, attending to the living is perhaps even more important. After the passing of a loved one, it is essential to have a period of mourning, of grieving, and even of celebrating the loved one. This process allows us AND the loved one to let go, so they can continue on their journey.
In many traditions, a photograph or article of the loved one who has passed is placed on an ancestral altar. There we can celebrate our memories of them in the way they would like us to and thank them for the lessons they taught us. Whatever rituals we create during this time of loss will help to set them free—and ourselves at the same time.
Various traditions allot different amounts of time for the mourning period. In the shamanic tradition, a half moon is set aside for the process of grieving. After this period, it is done. We know that what has belonged to the Mother, the physical body, has returned to the Earth; and what has belonged to the Father, the spirit, has returned to the heavens. The period of mourning in the days following the passing of a loved one lets us celebrate life without death continuing to stalk us.”
(Extracts from
Never before has it been as important to clear our Luminous Energy Field from the toxic, negative energies of unfinished business than now. As we stand on the brink of a new world, we simply cannot allow the past to bind us anymore. As if preparing for death, we need to complete these outstanding issues, so that we become ready to re-birth the new.
So make that phone call that you have been putting off for months, years, decades? Write that email that has always remained, unsent in your outbox. To a family member/loved one that needs to bring an ending to the past and will help you to say thank you/ forgive you/forgive me or whatever else needs to be said. It is not about how they respond, it is about you becoming free from the toxic past that you are still carrying around in your Luminous energy field.
And you will feel so much better! Your life will start to take off like never before.
Don’t wait until it is time for you to leave this earthly plane. It may happen sooner than you think - or it may be just too late…
Be conscious NOW. And help others to benefit and share this too.
The Earth wants us to have a living connection with her and feel safe. But it is difficult to feel this when our bodies are unwell and our personal space scattered.
The more we are able to heal and stabilise our bodies and our personal space where we live and work with awareness, the more we will be able to feel safe and - most importantly - MAINTAIN that feeling of connection and safety as part of our daily living.
It is just not possible anymore for us to ignore the well being of our bodies! It is imperative to become as healthy as we possibly can be to deal with the demands of life that is speeding up with enormous changes. And by becoming more balanced in our bodies, we are also much more able to stay balanced in our emotions and minds and keep that connection to Mother Earth.
Every once in a while I feel really sluggish in my body and this is always a sign for me that my body needs a cleansing on the inside. Here is a guide of a liver cleanse that I find very beneficial for myself. But please always remember to make sure such a cleanse is appropriate for you - get your own homeopathic/medical/professional advice if necessary. You may also want to research it more on the internet. There are many different cleanses that could be beneficial to you (e g kidney cleanse, colon cleanse etc).
What you need:
3 cups of purified/bottled water
4 tablespoons of Epsom salts
half cup of light olive oil
the juice of one grapefruit
1. Mix the water and Epsom salts and put the jug in the fridge (it makes it easier to drink if the water is cold).
2. Stop eating and drinking at 2pm (otherwise you may feel like vomiting later).
3. At 6pm drink three quarter cup of water & Epsom salts mixture.
4. At 8pm drink another three quarter cup of water & Epsom salts mixture.
5. At 9.45pm, mix up the olive oil and grapefruit juice.
6. At 10pm drink the olive oil and grapefruit mixture. You are allowed to rinse your mouth with some water.
7. Immediately lie down and try to relax and be still. Think about your liver and be conscious of your positive intention to cleanse and support your body.
8. At 6am drink another three quarter cup of water & Epsom salts mixture.
9. At 8am drink the last three quarter cup of water & Epsom salts mixture.
10. At 10am you can have something light to eat (fruit juice, fruit etc).
During the process you will spend quite a lot of time in the loo to release. Notice also the crystals that come through your body’s elimination process. Do this cleanse only on a day when you are able to rest and be quiet.
Another important aspect to consider as part of our well being, is creating a safe space in our environment. It does not matter whether you are in a room or a mansion, creating a safe space consciously with the Earth will help you to stabilise the energies around you and create a feeling of peace and tranquillity. And it only need take a few minutes.
It is sad how few people ever feel safe in this world. Whether we are threatened by crime or any form of turmoil around us.
Yet it is our birth right! And we can become more responsible to help create stability and safety around us. Safety has to start inside ourselves first.
Some of you may work with the Native American teachings of a medicine wheel to create a safe space, or even some of the Inca teachings around this. In essence they are all the same, but I find this very simple and quite soft version working with colour very effective for myself:
1. Find the four directions in the room (just a rough estimate will be fine, you are working with intention).
2. In each direction (West, North, East, South) find some colour that may already be in the room – if a direction has no colour there, put some colour (whatever colour you want) there - you may use a flower in a vase, some fruit in a bowl, even a piece of clothing like a scarf or piece of fabric to put there.
3. Now stand quietly in the central part of the room.
4. Imagine that you have a moon in your heart. Use any phase of the moon that feel drawn to imagine (e.g. a quarter, half or full moon)
5. Now begin calling in your safe space by first facing West – for a moment look at the colour you have put in the area of the room that is in that direction, bless it with your heart and send love and thanks to the West.
6. Wait a moment in silence for it to “lock”.
7. Now turn and face the North - for a moment look at the colour you have put in the area of the room that is in the direction of north, bless it with your heart and send love and thanks to the North.
8. Wait a moment in silence for it to “lock”.
9. Now turn and face the direction of East - for a moment look at the colour you have put in the area of the room that is in the direction of east, bless it with your heart and send love and thanks to the East.
10. Wait a moment in silence for it to “lock”
11. Now turn and face South - for a moment look at the colour you have put in the area of the room that is in the direction of south, bless it with your heart and send love and thanks to the South.
12. Wait a moment in silence for it to “lock”.
13. Now look up towards the Heavens and the Stars, bless them with your heart.
14. Wait a moment in silence to acknowledge their presence.
15. Now kneel down and touch the Earth, bless it with your heart.
16. Wait a moment in silence to feel your connection.
Know that you have now created a safe space and if you do this daily or regularly, you will find how the energy builds over a period and gets stronger and stronger.
New moon was on the 31st July in the sign of Leo and full moon will be on the 13th August in the sign of Aquarius. Dark moon is on the 28th August.
Jupiter is dominating the night and morning sky, rising in the late evening. Look out for the constellation of Orion and the star Sirius in the early morning sky as well as the Perseid meteors around the 12th August.
Please see the attached document called
Learn to live with spiritual intent.
telephone: (0027) 28 273 8277 international- 028 273 8277 local
mobile: (0027) 783716343 international- 0783716343 local
This magazine’s stated intention is to be for the Highest Good of All and to harm no one.
“Revitalise and Enlighten your Life with the Moon”
Before printing this, please consider the environment!
Note: This magazine is intended for the sharing of information from Ancient Civilisations about the Earth and our evolution. Feel free to pass it on, or if you want to be removed from the circulation list, please send an email reply to with the word “unsubscribe” in the heading. Thank you.
Note: Please note SACRED EARTH RETREATS© is not linked to any specific belief, religion or system. It embraces all ways; knowing that we are all connected through the Oneness of Love. It advocates peace for all beings and holds the Earth and all of Nature sacred. It upholds the concept of self-empowerment for all.
For more information see our website
Hi everyone!
It was with a sigh of relief that we stepped into the New Mayan year and also the New Moon last week.
Living through 2011 has certainly been intense and the last few weeks took us riding on yet another wave – a huge wave of releasing the old and preparing for the new!
After some shocking events and revelations in our world, we are in the process of taking responsibility for the impact of having allowed these damaging things to go unchecked and grow.
Through grief and even loss, these events have stopped us in our tracks to take stock, re-evaluate – and wake up!
But with each step now, we are moving forward and becoming more empowered. We are getting in touch with ourselves and starting to understand that it is also possible to create something new that is far more honouring and innocent.
And so what a welcome relief it was last week to start a cycle of lighter energy and more support coming our way.
Like the ancient Egyptians who organised their calendars not according to the Sun, but rather according to the rise of the star Sirius in our July morning sky – a sign that there would be the first flooding of the Nile that would also bring fertility to the land and produce a good harvest - the Mayans also started their new year in July.
And this particular new Mayan year is called the “White Rhythmic Wizard”.
The White Rhythmic Wizard means that during the next year we will be particularly confronted with issues of integrity, personal power and control – to show us where we are out of alignment with Divine Will.
On a personal level, we will also be shown where we still have a need for approval and recognition that comes from our outer ego needs.
And most importantly, we will be shown where in our lives we still insist on being in our lower mind/head instead of being in alignment with our much deeper Heart-knowing!
BUT once we learn these valuable lessons, the White Wizard will also bring us the incredible opportunity of creating limitless possibilities!
If you want to find your way easily through the next cycle of increasing change, work with the wisdom of the White Rhythmic Wizard.
Focus on being transparent in everything you do and represent. Innocently allowing magic to come through you instead of trying to manifest things in your life in the old way of trying to make things happen through struggle, effort and hard work.
This old way of control and the lower mind simply does not work anymore!
And so instead of feeling like a failure because things are no longer manifesting in your life in the old way it did before, realise that we are now truly entering a time where we can only manifest through the use of our right brain, feminine side – called a deeper Heart knowing: working with focused intention and allowing all that we intend - in harmony with our soul and Heart - to come to us effortlessly by simply receiving it.
Just like magic!
Be innocent. Be yourself. Search for WHERE IN YOUR LIFE the White Wizard is asking you to BECOME MORE AWARE AND CHANGE…
And step into the new.
It is waiting for you.
With blessings of Love
telephone: (0027) 28 273 8277 international 028 273 8277 local mobile: (0027) 783716343 international 0783716343 local
“Revitalise and Enlighten your Life with the Moon”
Witnessing around me on a personal and global level a number of unexpected deaths, made me realise how unprepared we - as a Western Civilisation - are to deal with death as a conscious process.
The Egyptians are known for their pre-occupation with death and the after life- it is said that a Pharaoh started preparing for his death and what was needed to be in his tomb for the after life - from the day he became king!
Why should that be? Surely we are supposed to focus on life instead? Isn’t that living in the now?
Yet what I have come to realise, is that only by focusing and understanding the process of death, are we able to truly live our life to its fullest potential!
Life and death are so interlinked, they are actually the same.
And so I would like to dedicate these teachings to the loved ones who have already departed, including Christer, in Peru who unexpectedly passed away a few weeks ago:
blessed be – you live on in our hearts!
There is no shamanic tradition that does not teach about the process of death. Yet in our modern world, it is hardly mentioned. Instead of receiving the gift of a truly spiritual experience, we forget to remember that death is a doorway and that this doorway must be experienced in order to understand it. Reading about it is not enough!
And the teachings of death not only inform us how to assist the death of a loved one.
We have forgotten how to deal with endings in our own life too:
“In the Western world we don’t know “how” to let something die with grace and beauty. We have lost the way to let go of those parts of our lives that fail to serve us and make it impossible to rebirth a new job or a new relationship, a new physical body or a new life. When we experience a symbolic death, we are re-informed about what is really important in life, motivating the changes necessary for a peaceful death in the end.”
It is said an extraordinary phenomenon occurs at the moment of death. When neural activity ceases and the brain shuts down, a portal opens between dimensions. The veils between the worlds part, enabling the dying person to enter into the world of Spirit.
But when we have unfinished business in this physical world, we are unable to step easily through the portal into the world of Spirit and we remain bound to the Earth.
Our soul then has to go through a very intensive life review—sometimes called “Recapitulation”—as soon as we arrive on the other side.
And the very toxic energies of unfinished business that have accumulated during our lifetime in our Luminous Energy Field then have to be combusted and cleared after death - a process far more difficult to achieve than if we resolved it while we were alive.
“Recapitulation offers your loved one the opportunity to tell you her/his story. Having the opportunity to tell one’s story has cathartic and healing power. It is the equivalent of doing your life review before you have actually died. It is about saying the “I love yous," and "I forgive yous” that have not been expressed during the course of a lifetime. You would be surprised at the healing power of these simple words. They are very difficult to say from the other side.
Recapitulation can happen in this lifetime. The sooner you commence the life review for your loved one who is dying and the more extensive it is, the easier the transition will be. Sometimes it is difficult to begin this conversation, especially if you have not had an intimate dialogue with your loved one in years. Find an entry point for dialogue. A way to initiate this sharing may be to imagine you are both sitting beside a river and see what memories come floating down. Being with her/him in this way may provide the support needed to bring closure to the life events that present themselves.
Assist the dying person in telling her/his “story.” Be a quiet compassionate witness without judgment or comment, and just listen to what she/he has to share. When was she/he disappointed in themselves, was of service, loved, or held regrets? Give her/him as much time as they need, encouraging them to express their thoughts and feelings. Assist your loved one to let go of any feelings of having been wronged or having wronged anyone else. What does she/he remember, and sense? Help them recognize that they are the hardest judge–looking at the ways they could have honoured others and didn’t, or ways they hurt others. Help her/him to forgive themselves as they would forgive others, compassionately and without judgment.
Powerful realizations often come uninvited as one approaches death, such as: we could have lived differently, loved more fully, and forgiven more readily.
An important step in the Death Rites is giving a loved one permission to die. Let them know that there is no reason to worry about those who stay behind.
Without receiving permission to die, your loved one might cling to life for months, enduring unnecessary suffering and causing great anguish for the family. Permission from those closest to the person carries the most weight, even if it is a personal friend or confidant and not an immediate family member. However, permission must come from the immediate family, and ideally there should be a consensus. If there is a dissenting family member who won’t let go, encourage him to express his love and forgiveness nonetheless. Many times the family members who have the hardest time letting go are the ones who have the most unfinished business with the dying person or who are the most frightened of their own death.
Countless cases talk about the importance of this step. Alberto Vittaldo --- tells the story of a student of his who sat beside her dying mother for weeks. The mother was unable to let go, despite the fact that she was in a great deal of pain and could no longer eat. The student had cleansed her mother's chakras, and she and her sister had begun to forgive each other and heal the lesions of the past. She finally said, “Mother, we are here with you and love you very much. We want you to know that we will be okay. We will look after each other and keep our family together. Even though we will miss you, it is perfectly natural for you to go. We will treasure all of the beautiful moments that we had together, but we don’t want you to suffer anymore, or to continue to cling to life. You have our full and complete permission to die. You know that we will always love you.” A few hours later her mother took her final breath and died peacefully.
While attending to the dying is imperative, attending to the living is perhaps even more important. After the passing of a loved one, it is essential to have a period of mourning, of grieving, and even of celebrating the loved one. This process allows us AND the loved one to let go, so they can continue on their journey.
In many traditions, a photograph or article of the loved one who has passed is placed on an ancestral altar. There we can celebrate our memories of them in the way they would like us to and thank them for the lessons they taught us. Whatever rituals we create during this time of loss will help to set them free—and ourselves at the same time.
Various traditions allot different amounts of time for the mourning period. In the shamanic tradition, a half moon is set aside for the process of grieving. After this period, it is done. We know that what has belonged to the Mother, the physical body, has returned to the Earth; and what has belonged to the Father, the spirit, has returned to the heavens. The period of mourning in the days following the passing of a loved one lets us celebrate life without death continuing to stalk us.”
(Extracts from
Never before has it been as important to clear our Luminous Energy Field from the toxic, negative energies of unfinished business than now. As we stand on the brink of a new world, we simply cannot allow the past to bind us anymore. As if preparing for death, we need to complete these outstanding issues, so that we become ready to re-birth the new.
So make that phone call that you have been putting off for months, years, decades? Write that email that has always remained, unsent in your outbox. To a family member/loved one that needs to bring an ending to the past and will help you to say thank you/ forgive you/forgive me or whatever else needs to be said. It is not about how they respond, it is about you becoming free from the toxic past that you are still carrying around in your Luminous energy field.
And you will feel so much better! Your life will start to take off like never before.
Don’t wait until it is time for you to leave this earthly plane. It may happen sooner than you think - or it may be just too late…
Be conscious NOW. And help others to benefit and share this too.
The Earth wants us to have a living connection with her and feel safe. But it is difficult to feel this when our bodies are unwell and our personal space scattered.
The more we are able to heal and stabilise our bodies and our personal space where we live and work with awareness, the more we will be able to feel safe and - most importantly - MAINTAIN that feeling of connection and safety as part of our daily living.
It is just not possible anymore for us to ignore the well being of our bodies! It is imperative to become as healthy as we possibly can be to deal with the demands of life that is speeding up with enormous changes. And by becoming more balanced in our bodies, we are also much more able to stay balanced in our emotions and minds and keep that connection to Mother Earth.
Every once in a while I feel really sluggish in my body and this is always a sign for me that my body needs a cleansing on the inside. Here is a guide of a liver cleanse that I find very beneficial for myself. But please always remember to make sure such a cleanse is appropriate for you - get your own homeopathic/medical/professional advice if necessary. You may also want to research it more on the internet. There are many different cleanses that could be beneficial to you (e g kidney cleanse, colon cleanse etc).
What you need:
3 cups of purified/bottled water
4 tablespoons of Epsom salts
half cup of light olive oil
the juice of one grapefruit
1. Mix the water and Epsom salts and put the jug in the fridge (it makes it easier to drink if the water is cold).
2. Stop eating and drinking at 2pm (otherwise you may feel like vomiting later).
3. At 6pm drink three quarter cup of water & Epsom salts mixture.
4. At 8pm drink another three quarter cup of water & Epsom salts mixture.
5. At 9.45pm, mix up the olive oil and grapefruit juice.
6. At 10pm drink the olive oil and grapefruit mixture. You are allowed to rinse your mouth with some water.
7. Immediately lie down and try to relax and be still. Think about your liver and be conscious of your positive intention to cleanse and support your body.
8. At 6am drink another three quarter cup of water & Epsom salts mixture.
9. At 8am drink the last three quarter cup of water & Epsom salts mixture.
10. At 10am you can have something light to eat (fruit juice, fruit etc).
During the process you will spend quite a lot of time in the loo to release. Notice also the crystals that come through your body’s elimination process. Do this cleanse only on a day when you are able to rest and be quiet.
Another important aspect to consider as part of our well being, is creating a safe space in our environment. It does not matter whether you are in a room or a mansion, creating a safe space consciously with the Earth will help you to stabilise the energies around you and create a feeling of peace and tranquillity. And it only need take a few minutes.
It is sad how few people ever feel safe in this world. Whether we are threatened by crime or any form of turmoil around us.
Yet it is our birth right! And we can become more responsible to help create stability and safety around us. Safety has to start inside ourselves first.
Some of you may work with the Native American teachings of a medicine wheel to create a safe space, or even some of the Inca teachings around this. In essence they are all the same, but I find this very simple and quite soft version working with colour very effective for myself:
1. Find the four directions in the room (just a rough estimate will be fine, you are working with intention).
2. In each direction (West, North, East, South) find some colour that may already be in the room – if a direction has no colour there, put some colour (whatever colour you want) there - you may use a flower in a vase, some fruit in a bowl, even a piece of clothing like a scarf or piece of fabric to put there.
3. Now stand quietly in the central part of the room.
4. Imagine that you have a moon in your heart. Use any phase of the moon that feel drawn to imagine (e.g. a quarter, half or full moon)
5. Now begin calling in your safe space by first facing West – for a moment look at the colour you have put in the area of the room that is in that direction, bless it with your heart and send love and thanks to the West.
6. Wait a moment in silence for it to “lock”.
7. Now turn and face the North - for a moment look at the colour you have put in the area of the room that is in the direction of north, bless it with your heart and send love and thanks to the North.
8. Wait a moment in silence for it to “lock”.
9. Now turn and face the direction of East - for a moment look at the colour you have put in the area of the room that is in the direction of east, bless it with your heart and send love and thanks to the East.
10. Wait a moment in silence for it to “lock”
11. Now turn and face South - for a moment look at the colour you have put in the area of the room that is in the direction of south, bless it with your heart and send love and thanks to the South.
12. Wait a moment in silence for it to “lock”.
13. Now look up towards the Heavens and the Stars, bless them with your heart.
14. Wait a moment in silence to acknowledge their presence.
15. Now kneel down and touch the Earth, bless it with your heart.
16. Wait a moment in silence to feel your connection.
Know that you have now created a safe space and if you do this daily or regularly, you will find how the energy builds over a period and gets stronger and stronger.
New moon was on the 31st July in the sign of Leo and full moon will be on the 13th August in the sign of Aquarius. Dark moon is on the 28th August.
Jupiter is dominating the night and morning sky, rising in the late evening. Look out for the constellation of Orion and the star Sirius in the early morning sky as well as the Perseid meteors around the 12th August.
Please see the attached document called
Learn to live with spiritual intent.
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This magazine’s stated intention is to be for the Highest Good of All and to harm no one.
“Revitalise and Enlighten your Life with the Moon”
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
MAY 2011
Before printing this, please consider the environment!
Note: This magazine is intended for the sharing of information about the Earth and our evolution. Please feel free to pass it on, or if you want to be removed from the circulation list, please send an email reply to with the word “unsubscribe” in the heading. Thank you.
Note: The magazine follows no specific dogma, religion or belief. It simply embraces all ways; knowing that we are all individual, yet ultimately connected through the Oneness of Love. It advocates tolerance and peace of all beings and holds the Earth and all of Nature sacred. It supports the concept of self-empowerment for all.
Hi everyone!
I recently had the incredible privilege of sharing a day with some lions at a rehabilitation/care centre nearby, learning to communicate with them telepathically.
And so as I arrived at the centre, I had high expectations that the lions would finally show me how to communicate better with them - and animals in general.
What a surprise is was for me to find that what they really had to show me was how to communicate better with the Earth!
The lions
I was standing in silence watching an almost 20 year old lioness who had been rescued from having to mercilessly breed cubs every 6 months (her cubs would be taken away very early to make sure that she kept up an unnatural breeding cycle). What this beautiful creature would have had to endure, surely would break my heart, but yet when I looked at her lying there in her enclosure, all I could see was an incredible comfort in her body.
And then I realised that she was getting it from the Earth!
With her beautiful leonine face gently resting on the Earth, I sensed how with her whole body she was allowing herself to be completely and utterly loved and comforted by the Earth.
So much so that she no longer was the mother, a lioness who had bred so many cubs. No, now she was the cub - and the Earth, her mother!
The absolute connection between the lioness and the Earth was tangible. They were in perfect tune with each other, in perfect harmony, as the lioness allowed the Earth to communicate with her and make her feel totally supported in the moment.
It was truly beautiful. It stayed with me for days and I wondered how I too could feel such a sense of peace and tranquillity and connection with the Earth.
And then it came to me. Trust! Only when I trust, can I allow the Earth to communicate with me – to comfort me - just as she does with the lions!
Trusting the Earth
So much has happened to the Earth and us humans, especially recently. Earthquakes, flooding, fires, volcanoes- and what has happened, is that we humans have become even more scared of the Earth. What is the next terrible thing that she is going to do to us?
And yet she is saying, that is not true. She is there as an unending source of comfort and security. It is OUR CONNECTION to her that is important, not the external circumstances of change.
When we feel the safety and security of her as our home- yes she is always providing it for us, just by us being here on Earth!- then we can start to also understand her as the lions already do.
They don’t blame the Earth for anything that has happened! They simply flow. They allow. They just be.
There is nothing else to do. Nothing is more important at this time than to restore our belief in ourselves and our belief in the Earth. She is there to support us in everything we do- if only we would believe her.
Like a tower that is sending out a positive message of safety and hope, the mighty Earth is sending out vibrations of happiness, support and bliss.
But how many of us have tuned into that station, or logged into that programme?
It is there for those who choose to be safe, comforted, loved.
So let’s start practising…
Make that choice and find that connection!!!
With blessings of Love
“Revitalise and Enlighten your Life with the Moon”
Note: This is so bizarre that I still cannot believe it is not a hoax! The cut off date was 30 April 2011, but I still believe that awareness is important and that the EU legislation is vulnerable to legal questioning in Court ( thanks to Helen, Daniela, Karen and Servane for passing this on):
Friends, this apparent intention of the EU deeply saddens me. If you feel the same please follow the link and add your voice to increase the volume :) Helen
Dear All, this is URGENT, please pass this on to all your contacts, there really is no time to waste about this. Please take action now, and sign the petition. Thank you very much. With much appreciation, Charlotte Koelliker. Thank you.
(thanks to Joy, Vera and Mari for this!)
This is the content of a short speech given in Cape Town by Lewis Gordon Pugh OIG (a.k.a. the Human Polar Bear) about the proposed fracking for gas in the Karoo, by Shell Oil. He received a sustained standing ovation!
Please read it and pass it on if it matters to you….
Ladies and gentlemen, thank for the opportunity to address you. My name is Lewis Pugh.
This evening, I want to take you back to the early 1990's in this country. You may remember them well.
Nelson Mandela had been released. There was euphoria in the air. However, there was also widespread violence and deep fear. This country teetered on the brink of a civil war. But somehow, somehow, we averted it. It was a miracle!
And it happened because we had incredible leaders. Leaders who sought calm. Leaders who had vision. So in spite of all the violence, they sat down and negotiated a New Constitution.
I will never forget holding the Constitution in my hands for the first time.
Enshrined in our Constitution, is the Right to a Healthy Environment and the Right to Water. Our Constitution states that we have the Right to have our environment protected for the benefit of our generation and for the benefit of future generations.
Fellow South Africans, let us not dishonour these rights. Let us not dishonour those men and women who fought and died for these rights. Let us not allow corporate greed to disrespect our Constitution and desecrate our environment.
Never, ever did I think that there would be a debate in this arid country about which was more important gas or water. We can survive without gas.... We cannot live without water.
If we damage our limited water supply and fracking will do just that we will have conflict again here in South Africa. Look around the world. Wherever you damage the environment you have conflict.
Fellow South Africans, we have had enough conflict in this land now is the time for peace.
A few months ago I gave a speech with former President of Costa Rica. Afterwards I asked him "Mr President, how do you balance the demands of development against the need to protect the environment?"
He looked at me and said: "It is not a balancing act. It is a simple business decision. If we cut down our forests in Costa Rica to satisfy a timber company, what will be left for our future?"
But he pointed out : "It is also a moral decision. It would be morally wrong to chop down our forests and leave nothing for my children and my grandchildren."
Ladies and gentlemen, that is what is at stake here today: Our children's future. And that of our children s children.
There may be gas beneath our ground in the Karoo. But are we prepared to destroy our environment for 5 to 10 years worth of fossil fuel and further damage our climate?
Yes, people will be employed but for a short while. And when the drilling is over, and Shell have packed their bags and disappeared, then what? Who will be there to clean up? And what jobs will our children be able to eke out?
Now Shell will tell you that their intentions are honourable. That fracking in the Karoo will not damage our environment. That they will not contaminate our precious water. That they will bring jobs to South Africa.
That gas is clean and green. And that they will help secure our energy supplies.
When I hear this .I have one burning question. Why should we trust them? Africa is to Shell what the Gulf of Mexico is to BP.
Shell, you have a shocking record here in Africa. Just look at your operations in Nigeria. You have spilt more than 9 million barrels of crude oil into the Niger Delta. That's twice the amount of oil that BP spilt into the Gulf of Mexico.
You were found guilty of bribing Nigerian officials and to make the case go away in America - you paid an admission of guilt fine of US$48 million.
And to top it all, you stand accused of being complicit in the execution of Nigeria 's leading environmental campaigner Ken Saro-Wira and 8 other activists.
If you were innocent, why did you pay US$15.5 million to the widows and children to settle the case out of Court?
Shell, the path you want us to take us down is not sustainable. I have visited the Arctic for 7 summers in a row. I have seen the tundra thawing.
I have seen the retreating glaciers. And I have seen the melting sea ice. And I have seen the impact of global warming from the Himalayas all the way down to the low-lying Maldive Islands. Wherever I go I see it.
Now is the time for change. We cannot drill our way out of the energy crisis. The era of fossil fuels is over. We must invest in renewable energy. And we must not delay!
Shell, we look to the north of our continent and we see how people got tired of political tyranny. We have watched as despots, who have ruled ruthlessly year after year, have been toppled in a matter of weeks.
We too are tired. Tired of corporate tyranny. Tired of your short term, unsustainable practices.
We watched as Dr Ian Player, a game ranger from Natal, and his friends, took on Rio Tinto (one of the biggest mining companies in the world) and won.
And we watched as young activists from across Europe, brought you down to your knees, when you tried to dump an enormous oil rig into the North Sea.
Shell, we do not want our Karoo to become another Niger Delta.
Do not underestimate us. Goliath can be brought down. We are proud of what we have achieved in this young democracy and we are not about to let your company come in and destroy it.
So let this be a Call to Arms to everyone across South Africa, who is sitting in the shadow of Goliath: Stand up and demand these fundamental human rights promised to you by our Constitution. Use your voices - tweet, blog, petition, rally the weight of your neighbours and of people in power.
Let us speak out from every hilltop. Let us not go quietly into this bleak future.
Let me end off by saying this - You have lit a fire in our bellies, which no man or woman can extinguish. And if we need to, we will take this fight all the way from your petrol pumps to the very highest Court in this land. We will take this fight from the farms and towns of the Karoo to the streets of London and Amsterdam. And we will take this fight to every one of your shareholders. And I have no doubt, that in the end, good will triumph over evil.
3. And on a lighter note, this is a classic - just had to include it!
(thanks to Pat)
"Frank, you know all about gardens and nature. What in the world is going on down there on the planet? What happened to the dandelions, violets, milkweeds and stuff I started eons ago? I had a perfect no-maintenance garden plan. Those plants grow in any type of soil, withstand drought and multiply with abandon. The nectar from the long-lasting blossoms attracts butterflies, honey bees and flocks of songbirds. I expected to see a vast garden of colours by now. But, all I see are these green rectangles."
It's the tribes that settled there, Sir. The Suburbanites. They started calling your flowers 'weeds' and went to great lengths to kill them and replace them with grass.
Grass? But, it's so boring. It's not colourful. It doesn't attract butterflies, birds and bees; only grubs and sod worms. It's sensitive to temperatures. Do these Suburbanites really want all that grass growing there?
Apparently so, Sir. They go to great pains to grow it and keep it green. They begin each spring by fertilizing grass and poisoning any other plant that crops up in the lawn.
The spring rains and warm weather probably make grass grow really fast. That must make the Suburbanites happy.
Apparently not, Sir. As soon as it grows a little, they cut it - sometimes twice a week!
They cut it? Do they then bale it like hay?
Not exactly, Lord. Most of them rake it up and put it in bags.
They bag it? Why? Is it a cash crop? Do they sell it?
No, Sir, just the opposite. They pay to throw it away.
Now, let me get this straight. They fertilize grass so it will grow. And, when it does grow, they cut it off and pay to throw it away?
Yes, Sir.
These Suburbanites must be relieved in the summer when we cut back on the rain and turn up the heat. That surely slows the growth and saves them a lot of work.
You aren't going to believe this, Sir. When the grass stops growing so fast, they drag out hoses and pay more money to water it, so they can continue to mow it and pay to get rid of it.
What nonsense. At least they kept some of the trees. That was a sheer stroke of genius, if I do say so myself. The trees grow leaves in the spring to provide beauty and shade in the summer. In the autumn, they fall to the ground and form a natural blanket to keep moisture in the soil and protect the trees and bushes. It's a natural cycle of life.
You better sit down, Sir. The Suburbanites have them hauled away.
No!? What do they do to protect the shrub and tree roots in the winter to keep the soil moist and loose?
After throwing away the leaves, they go out and buy something which they call mulch. They haul it home and spread it around in place of the leaves.
And where do they get this mulch?
They cut down trees and grind them up to make the mulch.
Enough! I don't want to think about this anymore. St. Catherine, you're in charge of the arts. What movie have you scheduled for us tonight?
'Dumb and Dumber', Sir. It's a story about....
Never mind, I think I just heard the whole story from St. Francis.
HOW WE CAN MAKE SAFE YET EXTRAORDINARY CHOICES (I find these stories very inspiring, especially because of my own personal experiences when travelling):
(written after returning from a tour of Egypt with John Anthony West during the revolution)
Dear Friends & Family
John's was the only group in Egypt… Our group returned to the US last night incredibly inspired by a magical 18-day trip to Egypt. We arrived in Cairo on January 28, just as the unrest was gathering steam. Soon after we got off the plane, we were notified that no one would be allowed to leave the airport. Spending 12 hours in (any) airport sounds nightmarish, but watching the crowds in Tahrir Square on Egyptian TV (in Arabic!) in the airport Burger King, we met lots of Egyptians who enthusiastically welcomed us, translated the news to us, and communicated their excitement and pride in the unfolding events. Not knowing much about Egypt, my first worry was that deposing Mubarak might mean more restrictions for Egyptian women. Many women in Egypt wear bright headscarves, some wear burqas, and some don't cover their heads at all. One member of our group made friends with several young women in black burqas with only their eyes showing. They turned out to be biology majors in college and plan to become doctors! Other Egyptian women I spoke with convinced me that Egypt is very unlike other countries where radical clerics have taken over. Egyptians love their army, and while there is worry in any kind of cataclysmic event, most everyone we talked to felt that no matter what, Mubarak had to go. They spoke of their dream of a free society with free and fair elections, freedom of speech and the press, and the opportunity to control their own destinies. My deep belief is that they are not going to surrender this newfound precious freedom to radical groups, or to anyone (or anything) else.
And the women are strong.
Our tour company heroically managed to get us out of the airport late that night in a bus with the curtains closed. The next day, we convened at our hotel on the outskirts of Cairo, well out of the way of the demonstrations, and guarded (probably unnecessarily, but still welcome) by an army tank. After deep contemplation for 2 days about what might be safe to do, each person made a decision whether to stay or to go home. Although events were unfolding unpredictably (such as the mass prisoner escape) I had a deep certainty that I HAD to stay. Thinking about leaving brought tears and I felt there must be some reason our group had succeeded in being there. I even hoped that we might somehow humbly be of service to the Egyptian people by holding our poise and a deep sense of hope for them for a peaceful resolution to the crisis. Ultimately, most of the group decided to stay. After an initially tense ride through early morning Cairo past numerous neighbourhood "checkpoints" (described in the news media as vigilantes, but actually courageous men protecting their homes with kitchen knives and sticks -- with smiles and peace signs exchanged between us and them when they figured out who we were), we flew to Luxor and spent 5 days on a heart-melting cruise down the Nile. All the tomb and temple sites were completely empty -- Luxor and Karnak, Philae, the Temple of Horus at Edfu, Hatshepsut, Valley of the Kings, etc., etc. -- each one more incredibly moving than the last.
It did seem that there was no need to pray or meditate as we drifted up the Nile -- we found it to be true that "the Nile meditated us". As the days went on, we couldn't imagine leaving. People would yell "Welcome to Egypt!" as we walked through Luxor and Aswan. As we moved past fear and into trust, it was clear to us that the Egyptian people's revolution was intelligent and targeted. (For those Enneagramarians, Egypt is a "9" culture, and they finally got mad). I never felt in danger, but we were constantly aware that we needed to be sensible and stay out of the way! We were quite a novelty, though, since in most places we were the only tourists there. It's a sad time for the Egyptian economy, of which tourism is a huge chunk. Apparently, the norm is crowds of thousands, jammed tour buses, and all that that brings. We were able to walk around the empty sites, pray, climb! into tombs, feed the temple dogs and cats, visit sites that have been closed to tourists for 20 years, sit between the paws of the Sphinx, and spend time with a pristine mummy still lying in his original tomb that has never been opened to the public. Many of us had incredible heart opening experiences. The Egyptian people are well aware that they are the guardians of these world treasures brimming with powerful energy. As our Egyptian tour guide said, "Egypt is beyond time and space."
We spent our next-to-last day in the completely empty Great Pyramid at dawn Friday morning meditating. Rus led us in prayer for the Egyptian people. Later that day, Mubarak resigned. When we got back to our hotel to eat breakfast, a HUGE double rainbow broke out over Cairo, and a few hours later Mubarak peacefully left the city. Our Egyptian tour guide told us she had NEVER SEEN A SKY RAINBOW BEFORE --(it almost never rains in Cairo --she had seen one once reflected in a waterfall). Happily, one of our party is a professional photographer. He has put together a beautiful slide show, which he has promised to post. Look for the rainbow!
So pack your bags and go to Egypt now before the tourists go back! I think John Anthony West and Quest Travel have a tour coming up in a month or two. We also used Dannielle Rama Hoffman's book, Temples of Light. We found her descriptions of the temple energies to be exactly right.
I will never forget the sight of thousands of Egyptians, just standing there in the Square. I will never forget their generosity and kindness to 16 stray American, Canadian & New Zealand tourists whom they allowed to watch their poignant, elegant, restrained revolution. Our return flight was cancelled, so we decided to go to Tahrir Square as a group on Saturday. We bought Egyptian flags as we drove through downtown Cairo. When they saw us waving them, people reached out their hands to clasp ours at red lights. When we got out, they crowded around asking us to be in pictures with them!! It was overwhelming. We will never, ever forget it. Though masses were still celebrating from the night before, many in the crowd had donned rubber gloves, medical masks and carried trash bags and brooms. They were cleaning up the square, just like they cleaned up their government.
Long Live Egypt!
Many blessings,
Peggy Mainor
Baltimore, Maryland
My husband and I were talking last night while we sat outside and enjoyed the sounds of the creatures of the night like the barred owl.
I was telling him I how awestruck I was by two friends of ours and how they created their own personal world of safety in spite of impending disaster!
They proved to me once again, the Universe really does create in response to the positive or negative energy and the beliefs we have.
They controlled their reality by constantly having good feelings towards others, taking positive actions in the world and generating positive thoughts on a daily basis.
Our friends live in Japan and prior to leaving on the Spring Equinox journey to Mexico I tried contacting them. I was concerned for their safety due to the recent earthquakes, tsunami, and nuclear disaster.
When we arrived in Merida, Mexico and saw them at the hotel. I gave them each a big hug and said, “I’m so glad to see you! I wondered if you were safe and whether or not you would be able to get a flight out of Japan? How did you do it?”
They told me that they left Japan the day before the earthquake and tsunami struck!
Do you think it was just a coincidence they left Japan before the earthquake and tsunami? Do you think they were just lucky?
I certainly don’t .
I believe their constant work with energy, positive thought control and meditation with sacred sites and sacred symbols raised their vibration and energy to a higher level, and they chose to leave Japan at the right moment!
People frequently ask me, “Where should I be in 2012 to be safe?” I tell them, ” There isn’t one place guaranteed to be safe any day of any year. If they want to be safe you need to raise your physical energy and vibration, emotional energy and vibration and thought energy and vibration.
Having positive high vibration energy will help you attract a safe place and situation every day!”
Sending you the Love and Light of the Sun,
Patricia Morris Cardona
Knowing who you are and what you desire, is what is important.
Know what energy/people agree with your energy, and what doesn't.
Trust the self, as you came into the world alone and you leave this world alone.
Love the self and all that you stand for.
Know that all things are meant to be, and accept the process of life.
Surround yourself at all times with love and light.
Know that you are never alone.
(Blessings from Colleen)
I call on the Mighty Archangel Metatron, the Archangel of Africa to enlighten and awaken the
Continent enabling healing to take place and the ancient wisdom and teachings to be returned.
Thank you for the healing of all her people, especially the children and elderly and those who
have been traumatised by violence, war, poverty and disease.
Thank you for the healing of Nature, including all the animals, birds, insects, sea creatures, the
land, the waters, plants and trees.
Thank you that Africa is flourishing under just leaders who work with integrity.
I give thanks for being an African either by birth or circumstance because Africa is the Cradle of
Mankind and will lead the way into the light and I am privileged to be a part of this movement.
I put the whole of the African Continent in a beautiful white bubble of protective light and
unconditional love and entrust it to Archangel Metatron.
(with thanks to Yves)
Dearest Friends
I would like to ask you to help me spread the word regarding an initiative that has been going on here in Cape Town for some time. There are some incredible people already supporting it, but the issue of child rape is, sadly, so common that there is a huge need for help in simple practical ways for these little souls.
Please have a look at this web page that I have created to help my lovely friend, Maria, with the project she is coordinating on behalf of the Tutuzela Care Centre for child rape victims.
All I ask is that you circulate this email to as many people as possible, no matter where in the world you live. Any support, however small, could make a life changing difference to one of these children.
PLEASE join hands with me around the globe in sending love, light and compassion to children everywhere. Collectively, we can move mountains!
Blessings of light
This is such an effective and yet simple process to try! -
Relaxing through the Breath Work- from Andre of the House of Healing:
While sitting comfortably, with straight back (resting on the back of your chair), straight neck and head, close your eyes, and start inhaling and exhaling slowly through your mouth for 1 minute. Now, observe how your breath is. Observe the quality of your breath. Is it shallow or deep? Is it quick and fast? Is it calm or rushed?
Then, open your eyes, keep your normal breathing rhythm, but just rest without paying attention to your breath.
Then, close your eyes again, and start inhaling and exhaling slowly through your nose for 1 minute.
Open your eyes now, and observe how your breathing is now. Again, observe the quality of your breath. Is it shallow or deep? Is it quick and fast? Is it calm or rushed?
Notice the difference between breathing through the mouth and through the nose.
Now, while breathing through your nose, count with each breath as you inhale and exhale. For example, while inhaling count 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 (slowly, synchronizing your count with your inhale) and then while exhaling count 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 (again slowly, synchronizing your count with your exhale). Do this for approximately 2 minutes. Your mind should be on the counting and your focus should be on your breath, each time you inhale and exhale.
After counting to 4 for 2 minutes, if you feel comfortable, increase your count to 5. Keep counting to 5 for another minute, and stop the practice. Observe your mood.
How are you feeling?
Dear ONES,
I just want to say that this Earth Wobble business is quite REAL. A friend of mine has been monitoring the Earth's movement as such for years now and until recently that movement has been quite subtle. Just last week, he was amazed by the fact that within less than 12 hours, his compass moved 4 degrees to the East and later on 5 degrees to the West of North. Quite a wobble indeed!
This is nothing to worry about, simply part and parcel of the huge shifts we and Mother Earth are going through. Read on to learn more...
Lots of Love, Joy & Clarity,
(thanks to Sybille for this)
The Beacons of Light~ Re-minders from Home
~ Earth Wobble ~
Earths New Vibrational Signature
This message talks about what the group expects to see over the next several months. They told the story about how everything on this side of the veil vibrates, and like snowflakes each one of us has a unique signature vibration. They went on to show us how that signature is beginning to change in each of us and the often emotional consequences. They said the real immediate problem is that it leads to self-doubt and when a creator has self-doubt it can impede the path.
They also went on to talk about the recent Earth changes and the tragedies in Japan, New Zealand, Thailand and the Ring of Fire in general. These events they equated to Mother Earth in labor. They did say that at this moment there were two more "big ones" expected to make the shift complete. They also pointed out that the Earth's tilt has once again shifted, and that is actually changing the Earth's signature vibration as She enters a new dimension. Same as us.
On a personal note: Our hearts go out to all the participants playing out this set of events in their personal lives as the Earth makes these moves. We send our thoughts, our resources and our love to those who have given us this gift.
Big Hugs,
Steve Rother
Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.
…So now we've refreshed that which we have said before, a review. You are in the middle of a cycle that will bring cooling to the planet. It is not a heat cycle, but rather a cooling cycle. But it always starts with a short heat cycle. It has been here before. It will come again. It is a long cycle - one generation plus five years. That's how long it's going to last. It starts with the melting of the ice caps, which is far more than any of you have seen in your lifetime or those of your ancestors. It is a cycle whose repetition is thousands of years long, but one that has not yet been recorded to the books of Human record. But it's definitely been recorded in the cores of the ice and in the rings of the trees.
Thousands of years old, it is, and it happens in a cyclical way. It's about water. It starts with that which is the melting of the ice caps to a particular degree, which has a profound effect on the planet in all ways. You can't have that happen without seeing life change as well as Gaia change and you've seeing it already. What happens when you take that which is heavy on the poles [ice] and you melt it? It then becomes cold water added to that which is a very, very gentle and finite balance of temperature in the seas of the planet (1). The first thing that happens is a redistribution of the weight of water on the thin crust of the earth from ice at the poles to new water in the seas. The results become earthquakes and volcanoes, and you're seeing them, aren't you? You are having earthquakes in places that are not supposed to have earthquakes. Volcanoes are coming to life in a way that you've not seen before on a regular basis. There will be more. Expect them.
Is it too much to ask of a Human Being that if you live by a volcano that you know might erupt, maybe you ought to move? Yet there will be those who say, "It hasn't erupted in my lifetime or my parents' lifetime or my grandparents' lifetime; therefore, it won't." You may have a surprise, for all things are changing. That is what is happening to Gaia.
Now we say it again. This is not punishment to humanity. The things that are happening on the planet today are not meant as the final step of Gaia in order to kill the civilization of humanity. I say this, for right now this message is on the lips of those who want to startle and scare you and give you fear, that is not what's happening. What is happening on this planet is a shift that will create a planet that's going to last a long time, allowing you what you need - more food in the ocean than you've ever seen before!
(2) The second thing the melting ice caps give you is about ecology. I'll give you this prediction in a moment. There is a Human 3D paradigm that says everything gets "used" and then goes away. But nature doesn't work that way, and our prediction is going to go against everything you have been told. I'm going to give you a parable and the prediction in a moment, but before that, I'm going to give you the explanation of the birds and the fish.
In the last few weeks, fish have been washing up dead in certain lakes by the hundreds of thousands, if not millions. Birds have been falling from the sky. I'm going to make a statement way in advance of what science is going to tell you. All of it can be traced to the water cycle - all of it. It's always about the weather, a cycle of weather you've not seen before. Do you remember a few years ago when whales were beaching themselves? Did you notice that this attribute stopped? But while they were beaching themselves every year, many Human Beings were in fear, saying, "It's the end of the world. They're committing suicide."
The whales beached themselves because the magnetics of the earth shifted so greatly that their navigational system [the magnetite in their biology, which is their migration compass] steered them right into the land. The land didn't move; the magnetics did. Therefore, you might say their internal inherited migration map was flawed. The reason it's not happening now is because the calves, the generation beyond the one that beached themselves, figured it out and rewrote the maps. Nature [Gaia] does this. So the next generation didn't repeat it. Instead, it realigned itself to the migratory lay lines and now whales don't beach themselves nearly as often.
The magnetics of the planet continue to shift and the birds are unaware. Like the whales, many of the birds have migrated themselves right into a high place in the atmosphere, which pummeled them to death by freezing rain and hail. Then they fall from the sky. It's the weather cycle. Will they continue to do this? Some will, for awhile, and then they will figure it out and recalibrate. That's what nature does.
You might say, "Well, nature's way is severe." It is not severe. It is a positive learning system that allows generations of birds to be around next time. The few deaths allow for the many to continue their life cycle and their lineage on the earth.
I want you to analyze the fish that have washed up. Let science reveal this as well. I want you to analyze the fish. They have something in common. They're all juveniles. And why is that? What do you know about the water cycle? What do you know about cold water and the life cycle of certain fish and their habits of reproduction? I will tell you the layers of water are changing in temperature and that is going to change the life cycle of the oceans and lakes. The juvenile fish are the most susceptible to death by becoming too cold, especially the ones of the kind that washed up dead. By the tens of thousands, the cold killed them. It is the water cycle. Will it continue? For awhile, until they acclimate, until they recalibrate for the cold - and they will. Nature does that.
The Parable of the Rainbow Room
I want to give you a parable, a metaphor of life, and it goes like this. There is a room we will call the Rainbow Room. In this room, all the colors of the rainbow present themselves linearly, one at a time, and they change every few thousand years. The room needs this to exist, and that's why it's called the Rainbow Room. For thousands of years, the room is yellow, then it turns into the blue and the red, the purples, the greens and slowly, the room goes through all the colors of the rainbow. The colors take their turn in the spectrum, one at a time.
In this room, I would like to introduce you to some creatures - smart, intelligent and sacred, all born during a time when the color in the room was red. Their parents were also born during the red cycle, and even their grandparents. In fact, as far back as they had recorded history, the room was always red. It's all they've ever known. Therefore, you might say they have a red consciousness and they expect red. Everywhere they go, they work with red. They are the red people.
Over time, the Rainbow Room starts to do what it always has done and slowly begins to move into its next color, purple. The room starts to become purple. What happens to those who have always known red? The first thing is fear. The red people say, "Here comes something odd and unusual, and it has never happened before! It's dark and somehow scary. We must have done it. We must be responsible. There is no other explanation! Therefore, we must find ways to stop the purple. It's supposed to be red. Purple is bad."
But even among the red people, there are a few who say, "We welcome the purple. We don't know why it's here, but we recognize that it's appropriate. Although we've always been red and we don't understand the purple, we're not afraid of it. Ancient esoteric prophesy told us that someday a shift in the red would come. God bless the purple." And that's the energy you sit in now, dear ones, for that which has been normal on this planet for all of these thousands of years is about to shift. When it does, it's going to present more anomalies than birds falling out of the sky or fish washing up on the shore or melting ice caps. I'll tell you what to look for.
The Prediction: The Renewal of the Life Cycle
When you change the temperature strata of the oceans of the earth, things start to change, for the life cycle of the food in the ocean depends upon that which is the smallest. The plankton of the planet survive in certain temperatures, and that's changing. Throw away what you think you know about how it's all supposed to work, and instead think "renewal" or "how did it begin." This will serve you to understand what is happening now. This cycle is built to replenish the ocean with life and not always by sustaining the kind that was there.
Let us just talk about the ocean for a moment. We won't even get to what's happening in the air and what mammals might experience. Let's just speak of the ocean. Have you heard about the salmon? What has your science warned you against? You're overfishing! The sea is dying. The coral is dying. The reefs are going away. You're not seeing the food chain that used to be there. You've overfished everything. Fishing quotas have been set up to help this. Oh, all those little people in the red room - they don't know about the purple. Red people only know about the red paradigm.
Did you hear about the salmon recently? There's too many of them! In the very place where quotas are in place so you won't overfish, they're jumping in the boats! Against all odds and any projections from environmentalists or biologists, they're overrunning the oceans in Alaska - way too many fish.
What does that tell you? Is it possible that Gaia takes care of itself? That's what it tells you! Perhaps this alignment is going to keep humanity fed. Did anybody think of this? What if Gaia is in alliance with you? What if the increase in consciousness that raised your DNA vibration has alerted Gaia to change the weather cycle and get ready to feed humanity? Are you looking at the ocean where the oil spill occurred? It's recovering in a way that was not predicted. What's happening?
The life cycle itself is being altered by the temperature change of the ocean and much of what you have believed is the paradigm of life in the sea is slowly changing. A new system of life is appearing, as it has before, and is upon you in your lifetime. It will compliment what you know and expose you to a new concept: Gaia regularly refreshes the life cycle on Earth.
Within this process, there will be the extinction of certain plants and animals, birds and fish. My advice to you, especially to those environmentalists, is to understand the cycle of life so that you may relax with what nature has always done. It puts life on the planet to serve the planet for a time. When certain life no longer serves the planet in the ways it used to, it takes it away. The extinction of life, especially through weather change, is normal for Gaia. It is honored, appropriate and normal, even if you don't think so. Don't try to save all the disappearing animals, fish and birds! Some are supposed to go away. And, dear ones, don't assign all this activity to something you did to cause it!
The red people are stressing. The purple is here, and they are trying to figure out what they did wrong. They don't know they are in the Rainbow Room. They think they are in the RED ROOM. This is what the Rainbow Room does; it changes colors. So as the room does what it has always done, the red people are sitting there in fear trying to figure out what it is that they did that possibly could have caused the purple to appear.
The Rainbow Room is beautiful. The color purple is significant. Going from red to purple has metaphysical significance within this parable, but I'll let you figure it out. For those who are into colors, there's a reason why I gave those two. The earth is becoming more sacred than it's ever been before. Gaia is with you in this. It's cooperating in ways you never thought it could, in the way biologists said it would not. You think you're killing it? Instead, it's giving birth to an altered ecological system.
Human Consciousness
Let me talk about Human consciousness and what is happening. If you've studied what I have said in these last months, I gave a channelling recently called, "The End of History." It's a metaphor that means the end of the way things used to be. Instead, it's a rebirth of the way things can be. So, what is changing? It's Human nature. What is it a Human will do intuitively that they never have done before?
History tells you that Humans separate. Have you ever looked at Europe and wondered how so many countries could be so close together and yet they have different languages and different cultures and in such a small area? Let me tell you how it happened. It's called Human nature. When some Humans don't like the others, they wall themselves off, and through hundreds of years, they develop unique languages and never unify with the others. In fact, they war with them. They conquer them. We've talked about this before. That's what Humans do. They separate and conquer. They pull things apart. They don't put much together.
Even that which is the most sacred to humanity became separated and organized spirituality. You put God into boxes, and when one person had another idea, you created another box. You separated yourselves from God. Pretty soon, you had hundreds of boxes representing the beliefs and teachings of one Creator. In the process, you pointed fingers at the other boxes and made them "evil." Then you even started conquering them. That's what Humans have done in the RED ROOM for eons. Well, I will tell you that that is changing.
I gave you some information before and I would like to mention it again. The last thing you'd ever expect to happen is for big money to change on the planet, yet it just did. You created your own recession by demanding a new way of banking. You're not done yet with banks or insurance, but you are beginning to create a system of integrity where the world can work together financially.
We told you there'd come a time on the planet when there'd be only five currencies because the continents would decide to put countries together, not separate them. Do you know who was the model? It's the United States. What an experiment you had! Imagine: Could you take many different states that were governed separately, yet didn't have any visible borders, and give them one currency? It worked. It has worked for well over 100 years. Against all odds, it worked.
Fifty years ago, with the end of the last world war, the Europeans saw what the USA did and emulated it. It has become the European Union. After the war, they postulated, "What if we took many of the countries of Europe, ones who have warred with each other since the beginning of recorded civilization, and we unified them? We will take away the borders and give them one currency." They were laughed at! Yet today, you're seeing it.
Today, their monetary system is more valuable than yours! Where am I going with this? Listen - here is an attribute, a postulate, an axiom of this new earth energy: Separatism kills. Unity is the survival of humanity. You will start putting things together and not taking them apart. And the more you put them together, the more you will unify. Then slowly you'll realize that the goal is to put things together, not tear them apart. What has the European Union created? I'll tell you. It isn't the Euro. It has created a group of countries that will never go to war with each other again! They can't. They trade with each other. Think about it. That's what we're talking about.
Don't be surprised if those many boxes of organized spirituality start to unify, because there's more strength if they do. They'll reach more people if they do. You're going to start seeing this eventually, or the individual boxes will fade away.
The New Politics
Now let me give you something for the far future, and something you won't believe or understand. It will be the end of the system of politics that you have now. When you start to understand the new attributes of energy on the planet, it no longer suits you to have opposition parties. Instead, what suits you is to have those who run for office to each have their own message apart from a party. And when you go to the polls, you will vote for their message, not their affiliation.
Instead of separating through affiliation, they will have unity through purpose. They will have ideas that are unique and beautiful, instead of those that are either in one box or the other. Someday, the two-party system will look as old to you as today's dictators on the earth strutting their stuff. They're going away, you know? Or did you notice that?
Some are saying, "Yes, but obviously, you don't know how Earth politics works, Kryon. The funding must be accomplished through party affiliations." Really? What if millions could all be informed at once, and only give $1 each? Does that need a party? Watch and see.
Let me tell you about an outrageous idea starting to happen in Brazil. Right now there is a committee saying, "What if we take all of the countries of South America and eliminate the borders, and eventually plan on one currency?" Sound familiar? That's eventually going to be one of the five currencies of the world.
Unification is going to create strength and peace on this planet, and in the process that elephant in the room that keeps it from happening, which you call terrorism, which you believe is the big problem in the Middle East, will take a twist that nobody, nobody can foretell. I've talked about it. Were you shocked when the Soviet Union fell over? Wasn't that the crux of why massive amounts of armaments were put together? Isn't that why the Pentagon is so big? It all fell over almost overnight. Did anybody expect that? It will be just as shocking. A problem that today is before you without a solution will become history, and unity can begin.
The Potentials Continue
Eventually this shift of unity will spread to Africa, which will represent a healed continent that won't have AIDS anymore. And a healed continent that has no major disease will not have dictators who take advantage of a sick population. This healed continent will be one of the most powerful economies on the planet, and it's going to beat China in the economy game. Why? Because Africa has no unified economic or doctrinal history. They'll start fresh in a new energy. While China still struggles with the old guard representing over 1,000 years of protocol, they won't be able to compete with a society with nothing to unlearn.
These are the potentials that are before me, which continue to be before me for the future of your planet. I sit before Lemurians and Sumerians. I sit before those who have lived before. I sit before Shamanic energy. You expected it, dear ones, and you knew it was coming. Now, here you are to change it.
Dear Human Being, 2011may be a challenging year because of the changes before you, because of Gaia that is responding to you. You have the energy of the ancients here and that of the ancestors, and they all sit in this room. Can't you feel it? They're all looking at you and saying, "Well done. You're going to get through it."
[Kryon pauses.]
Just let me sit with you for another minute.
[Long pause]
And so it is.
The current Moon Cycle started with a new moon on the 4th May and ends with the dark moon on 1st June. It is called the Hawthorn Moon Cycle in the Pagan and Celtic traditions.
The planets have been forming a spectacular sequence in the sky with the four planets closest to the Earth (Venus, Mercury, Mars and Jupiter) huddled together in the eastern dawn sky. On 21st May, Mercury, Venus and Mars are still nearby in the dawn, with Jupiter just above them. Mercury passes south of Mars on that day, while Venus passes south of Mars two days later on 23rd May. Uranus and Neptune are not far to the west and the dwarf planets Ceres and Eris are also nearby. It is really only Saturn that is well away across in the evening sky.
The Moon is north of Jupiter on the morning of 29th May and north of Mars, Venus and Mercury on the morning of 31st May.
At Dark Moon on 1st June, there is a partial eclipse of the Sun over the Arctic, visible from Greenland, Iceland, far N Norway NE Russia, N Japan, N Alaska and N&NE Canada. From Reykjavik in Iceland, the eclipse is from 21.15 to 22.48 when the Moon covers 36% of the Sun.
Full Moon is on Tuesday 17th May in the sign of Sagittarius and that day is also International Day against Homophobia.
The full Moon on 17th May is particularly important in the Buddhist tradition, because that is when the birthday of Buddha and of his enlightenment and passing into a state of bliss, or Nirvana, is celebrated. Called WESAK, this is the spiritual high point of the year, when it is believed that all illuminated beings invoke a great blessing for the Earth. Traditions include spending the night before in fasting and chanting, lighting up the house and garden and sacred places with many lanterns and watering special trees, traditionally Bodhi trees that are ringed with little oil lamps. Money is also given to the poor.
25th May is Africa Day and 26th May is National Sorry Day in Australia in honour of the Aborigines.
Please see the attached document called
Learn to live with spiritual intent.
This magazine’s stated intention is to be for the Highest Good of All and to harm no one.
“Revitalise and Enlighten your Life with the Moon”
MAY 2011
Before printing this, please consider the environment!
Note: This magazine is intended for the sharing of information about the Earth and our evolution. Please feel free to pass it on, or if you want to be removed from the circulation list, please send an email reply to with the word “unsubscribe” in the heading. Thank you.
Note: The magazine follows no specific dogma, religion or belief. It simply embraces all ways; knowing that we are all individual, yet ultimately connected through the Oneness of Love. It advocates tolerance and peace of all beings and holds the Earth and all of Nature sacred. It supports the concept of self-empowerment for all.
Hi everyone!
I recently had the incredible privilege of sharing a day with some lions at a rehabilitation/care centre nearby, learning to communicate with them telepathically.
And so as I arrived at the centre, I had high expectations that the lions would finally show me how to communicate better with them - and animals in general.
What a surprise is was for me to find that what they really had to show me was how to communicate better with the Earth!
The lions
I was standing in silence watching an almost 20 year old lioness who had been rescued from having to mercilessly breed cubs every 6 months (her cubs would be taken away very early to make sure that she kept up an unnatural breeding cycle). What this beautiful creature would have had to endure, surely would break my heart, but yet when I looked at her lying there in her enclosure, all I could see was an incredible comfort in her body.
And then I realised that she was getting it from the Earth!
With her beautiful leonine face gently resting on the Earth, I sensed how with her whole body she was allowing herself to be completely and utterly loved and comforted by the Earth.
So much so that she no longer was the mother, a lioness who had bred so many cubs. No, now she was the cub - and the Earth, her mother!
The absolute connection between the lioness and the Earth was tangible. They were in perfect tune with each other, in perfect harmony, as the lioness allowed the Earth to communicate with her and make her feel totally supported in the moment.
It was truly beautiful. It stayed with me for days and I wondered how I too could feel such a sense of peace and tranquillity and connection with the Earth.
And then it came to me. Trust! Only when I trust, can I allow the Earth to communicate with me – to comfort me - just as she does with the lions!
Trusting the Earth
So much has happened to the Earth and us humans, especially recently. Earthquakes, flooding, fires, volcanoes- and what has happened, is that we humans have become even more scared of the Earth. What is the next terrible thing that she is going to do to us?
And yet she is saying, that is not true. She is there as an unending source of comfort and security. It is OUR CONNECTION to her that is important, not the external circumstances of change.
When we feel the safety and security of her as our home- yes she is always providing it for us, just by us being here on Earth!- then we can start to also understand her as the lions already do.
They don’t blame the Earth for anything that has happened! They simply flow. They allow. They just be.
There is nothing else to do. Nothing is more important at this time than to restore our belief in ourselves and our belief in the Earth. She is there to support us in everything we do- if only we would believe her.
Like a tower that is sending out a positive message of safety and hope, the mighty Earth is sending out vibrations of happiness, support and bliss.
But how many of us have tuned into that station, or logged into that programme?
It is there for those who choose to be safe, comforted, loved.
So let’s start practising…
Make that choice and find that connection!!!
With blessings of Love
“Revitalise and Enlighten your Life with the Moon”
Note: This is so bizarre that I still cannot believe it is not a hoax! The cut off date was 30 April 2011, but I still believe that awareness is important and that the EU legislation is vulnerable to legal questioning in Court ( thanks to Helen, Daniela, Karen and Servane for passing this on):
Friends, this apparent intention of the EU deeply saddens me. If you feel the same please follow the link and add your voice to increase the volume :) Helen
Dear All, this is URGENT, please pass this on to all your contacts, there really is no time to waste about this. Please take action now, and sign the petition. Thank you very much. With much appreciation, Charlotte Koelliker. Thank you.
(thanks to Joy, Vera and Mari for this!)
This is the content of a short speech given in Cape Town by Lewis Gordon Pugh OIG (a.k.a. the Human Polar Bear) about the proposed fracking for gas in the Karoo, by Shell Oil. He received a sustained standing ovation!
Please read it and pass it on if it matters to you….
Ladies and gentlemen, thank for the opportunity to address you. My name is Lewis Pugh.
This evening, I want to take you back to the early 1990's in this country. You may remember them well.
Nelson Mandela had been released. There was euphoria in the air. However, there was also widespread violence and deep fear. This country teetered on the brink of a civil war. But somehow, somehow, we averted it. It was a miracle!
And it happened because we had incredible leaders. Leaders who sought calm. Leaders who had vision. So in spite of all the violence, they sat down and negotiated a New Constitution.
I will never forget holding the Constitution in my hands for the first time.
Enshrined in our Constitution, is the Right to a Healthy Environment and the Right to Water. Our Constitution states that we have the Right to have our environment protected for the benefit of our generation and for the benefit of future generations.
Fellow South Africans, let us not dishonour these rights. Let us not dishonour those men and women who fought and died for these rights. Let us not allow corporate greed to disrespect our Constitution and desecrate our environment.
Never, ever did I think that there would be a debate in this arid country about which was more important gas or water. We can survive without gas.... We cannot live without water.
If we damage our limited water supply and fracking will do just that we will have conflict again here in South Africa. Look around the world. Wherever you damage the environment you have conflict.
Fellow South Africans, we have had enough conflict in this land now is the time for peace.
A few months ago I gave a speech with former President of Costa Rica. Afterwards I asked him "Mr President, how do you balance the demands of development against the need to protect the environment?"
He looked at me and said: "It is not a balancing act. It is a simple business decision. If we cut down our forests in Costa Rica to satisfy a timber company, what will be left for our future?"
But he pointed out : "It is also a moral decision. It would be morally wrong to chop down our forests and leave nothing for my children and my grandchildren."
Ladies and gentlemen, that is what is at stake here today: Our children's future. And that of our children s children.
There may be gas beneath our ground in the Karoo. But are we prepared to destroy our environment for 5 to 10 years worth of fossil fuel and further damage our climate?
Yes, people will be employed but for a short while. And when the drilling is over, and Shell have packed their bags and disappeared, then what? Who will be there to clean up? And what jobs will our children be able to eke out?
Now Shell will tell you that their intentions are honourable. That fracking in the Karoo will not damage our environment. That they will not contaminate our precious water. That they will bring jobs to South Africa.
That gas is clean and green. And that they will help secure our energy supplies.
When I hear this .I have one burning question. Why should we trust them? Africa is to Shell what the Gulf of Mexico is to BP.
Shell, you have a shocking record here in Africa. Just look at your operations in Nigeria. You have spilt more than 9 million barrels of crude oil into the Niger Delta. That's twice the amount of oil that BP spilt into the Gulf of Mexico.
You were found guilty of bribing Nigerian officials and to make the case go away in America - you paid an admission of guilt fine of US$48 million.
And to top it all, you stand accused of being complicit in the execution of Nigeria 's leading environmental campaigner Ken Saro-Wira and 8 other activists.
If you were innocent, why did you pay US$15.5 million to the widows and children to settle the case out of Court?
Shell, the path you want us to take us down is not sustainable. I have visited the Arctic for 7 summers in a row. I have seen the tundra thawing.
I have seen the retreating glaciers. And I have seen the melting sea ice. And I have seen the impact of global warming from the Himalayas all the way down to the low-lying Maldive Islands. Wherever I go I see it.
Now is the time for change. We cannot drill our way out of the energy crisis. The era of fossil fuels is over. We must invest in renewable energy. And we must not delay!
Shell, we look to the north of our continent and we see how people got tired of political tyranny. We have watched as despots, who have ruled ruthlessly year after year, have been toppled in a matter of weeks.
We too are tired. Tired of corporate tyranny. Tired of your short term, unsustainable practices.
We watched as Dr Ian Player, a game ranger from Natal, and his friends, took on Rio Tinto (one of the biggest mining companies in the world) and won.
And we watched as young activists from across Europe, brought you down to your knees, when you tried to dump an enormous oil rig into the North Sea.
Shell, we do not want our Karoo to become another Niger Delta.
Do not underestimate us. Goliath can be brought down. We are proud of what we have achieved in this young democracy and we are not about to let your company come in and destroy it.
So let this be a Call to Arms to everyone across South Africa, who is sitting in the shadow of Goliath: Stand up and demand these fundamental human rights promised to you by our Constitution. Use your voices - tweet, blog, petition, rally the weight of your neighbours and of people in power.
Let us speak out from every hilltop. Let us not go quietly into this bleak future.
Let me end off by saying this - You have lit a fire in our bellies, which no man or woman can extinguish. And if we need to, we will take this fight all the way from your petrol pumps to the very highest Court in this land. We will take this fight from the farms and towns of the Karoo to the streets of London and Amsterdam. And we will take this fight to every one of your shareholders. And I have no doubt, that in the end, good will triumph over evil.
3. And on a lighter note, this is a classic - just had to include it!
(thanks to Pat)
"Frank, you know all about gardens and nature. What in the world is going on down there on the planet? What happened to the dandelions, violets, milkweeds and stuff I started eons ago? I had a perfect no-maintenance garden plan. Those plants grow in any type of soil, withstand drought and multiply with abandon. The nectar from the long-lasting blossoms attracts butterflies, honey bees and flocks of songbirds. I expected to see a vast garden of colours by now. But, all I see are these green rectangles."
It's the tribes that settled there, Sir. The Suburbanites. They started calling your flowers 'weeds' and went to great lengths to kill them and replace them with grass.
Grass? But, it's so boring. It's not colourful. It doesn't attract butterflies, birds and bees; only grubs and sod worms. It's sensitive to temperatures. Do these Suburbanites really want all that grass growing there?
Apparently so, Sir. They go to great pains to grow it and keep it green. They begin each spring by fertilizing grass and poisoning any other plant that crops up in the lawn.
The spring rains and warm weather probably make grass grow really fast. That must make the Suburbanites happy.
Apparently not, Sir. As soon as it grows a little, they cut it - sometimes twice a week!
They cut it? Do they then bale it like hay?
Not exactly, Lord. Most of them rake it up and put it in bags.
They bag it? Why? Is it a cash crop? Do they sell it?
No, Sir, just the opposite. They pay to throw it away.
Now, let me get this straight. They fertilize grass so it will grow. And, when it does grow, they cut it off and pay to throw it away?
Yes, Sir.
These Suburbanites must be relieved in the summer when we cut back on the rain and turn up the heat. That surely slows the growth and saves them a lot of work.
You aren't going to believe this, Sir. When the grass stops growing so fast, they drag out hoses and pay more money to water it, so they can continue to mow it and pay to get rid of it.
What nonsense. At least they kept some of the trees. That was a sheer stroke of genius, if I do say so myself. The trees grow leaves in the spring to provide beauty and shade in the summer. In the autumn, they fall to the ground and form a natural blanket to keep moisture in the soil and protect the trees and bushes. It's a natural cycle of life.
You better sit down, Sir. The Suburbanites have them hauled away.
No!? What do they do to protect the shrub and tree roots in the winter to keep the soil moist and loose?
After throwing away the leaves, they go out and buy something which they call mulch. They haul it home and spread it around in place of the leaves.
And where do they get this mulch?
They cut down trees and grind them up to make the mulch.
Enough! I don't want to think about this anymore. St. Catherine, you're in charge of the arts. What movie have you scheduled for us tonight?
'Dumb and Dumber', Sir. It's a story about....
Never mind, I think I just heard the whole story from St. Francis.
HOW WE CAN MAKE SAFE YET EXTRAORDINARY CHOICES (I find these stories very inspiring, especially because of my own personal experiences when travelling):
(written after returning from a tour of Egypt with John Anthony West during the revolution)
Dear Friends & Family
John's was the only group in Egypt… Our group returned to the US last night incredibly inspired by a magical 18-day trip to Egypt. We arrived in Cairo on January 28, just as the unrest was gathering steam. Soon after we got off the plane, we were notified that no one would be allowed to leave the airport. Spending 12 hours in (any) airport sounds nightmarish, but watching the crowds in Tahrir Square on Egyptian TV (in Arabic!) in the airport Burger King, we met lots of Egyptians who enthusiastically welcomed us, translated the news to us, and communicated their excitement and pride in the unfolding events. Not knowing much about Egypt, my first worry was that deposing Mubarak might mean more restrictions for Egyptian women. Many women in Egypt wear bright headscarves, some wear burqas, and some don't cover their heads at all. One member of our group made friends with several young women in black burqas with only their eyes showing. They turned out to be biology majors in college and plan to become doctors! Other Egyptian women I spoke with convinced me that Egypt is very unlike other countries where radical clerics have taken over. Egyptians love their army, and while there is worry in any kind of cataclysmic event, most everyone we talked to felt that no matter what, Mubarak had to go. They spoke of their dream of a free society with free and fair elections, freedom of speech and the press, and the opportunity to control their own destinies. My deep belief is that they are not going to surrender this newfound precious freedom to radical groups, or to anyone (or anything) else.
And the women are strong.
Our tour company heroically managed to get us out of the airport late that night in a bus with the curtains closed. The next day, we convened at our hotel on the outskirts of Cairo, well out of the way of the demonstrations, and guarded (probably unnecessarily, but still welcome) by an army tank. After deep contemplation for 2 days about what might be safe to do, each person made a decision whether to stay or to go home. Although events were unfolding unpredictably (such as the mass prisoner escape) I had a deep certainty that I HAD to stay. Thinking about leaving brought tears and I felt there must be some reason our group had succeeded in being there. I even hoped that we might somehow humbly be of service to the Egyptian people by holding our poise and a deep sense of hope for them for a peaceful resolution to the crisis. Ultimately, most of the group decided to stay. After an initially tense ride through early morning Cairo past numerous neighbourhood "checkpoints" (described in the news media as vigilantes, but actually courageous men protecting their homes with kitchen knives and sticks -- with smiles and peace signs exchanged between us and them when they figured out who we were), we flew to Luxor and spent 5 days on a heart-melting cruise down the Nile. All the tomb and temple sites were completely empty -- Luxor and Karnak, Philae, the Temple of Horus at Edfu, Hatshepsut, Valley of the Kings, etc., etc. -- each one more incredibly moving than the last.
It did seem that there was no need to pray or meditate as we drifted up the Nile -- we found it to be true that "the Nile meditated us". As the days went on, we couldn't imagine leaving. People would yell "Welcome to Egypt!" as we walked through Luxor and Aswan. As we moved past fear and into trust, it was clear to us that the Egyptian people's revolution was intelligent and targeted. (For those Enneagramarians, Egypt is a "9" culture, and they finally got mad). I never felt in danger, but we were constantly aware that we needed to be sensible and stay out of the way! We were quite a novelty, though, since in most places we were the only tourists there. It's a sad time for the Egyptian economy, of which tourism is a huge chunk. Apparently, the norm is crowds of thousands, jammed tour buses, and all that that brings. We were able to walk around the empty sites, pray, climb! into tombs, feed the temple dogs and cats, visit sites that have been closed to tourists for 20 years, sit between the paws of the Sphinx, and spend time with a pristine mummy still lying in his original tomb that has never been opened to the public. Many of us had incredible heart opening experiences. The Egyptian people are well aware that they are the guardians of these world treasures brimming with powerful energy. As our Egyptian tour guide said, "Egypt is beyond time and space."
We spent our next-to-last day in the completely empty Great Pyramid at dawn Friday morning meditating. Rus led us in prayer for the Egyptian people. Later that day, Mubarak resigned. When we got back to our hotel to eat breakfast, a HUGE double rainbow broke out over Cairo, and a few hours later Mubarak peacefully left the city. Our Egyptian tour guide told us she had NEVER SEEN A SKY RAINBOW BEFORE --(it almost never rains in Cairo --she had seen one once reflected in a waterfall). Happily, one of our party is a professional photographer. He has put together a beautiful slide show, which he has promised to post. Look for the rainbow!
So pack your bags and go to Egypt now before the tourists go back! I think John Anthony West and Quest Travel have a tour coming up in a month or two. We also used Dannielle Rama Hoffman's book, Temples of Light. We found her descriptions of the temple energies to be exactly right.
I will never forget the sight of thousands of Egyptians, just standing there in the Square. I will never forget their generosity and kindness to 16 stray American, Canadian & New Zealand tourists whom they allowed to watch their poignant, elegant, restrained revolution. Our return flight was cancelled, so we decided to go to Tahrir Square as a group on Saturday. We bought Egyptian flags as we drove through downtown Cairo. When they saw us waving them, people reached out their hands to clasp ours at red lights. When we got out, they crowded around asking us to be in pictures with them!! It was overwhelming. We will never, ever forget it. Though masses were still celebrating from the night before, many in the crowd had donned rubber gloves, medical masks and carried trash bags and brooms. They were cleaning up the square, just like they cleaned up their government.
Long Live Egypt!
Many blessings,
Peggy Mainor
Baltimore, Maryland
My husband and I were talking last night while we sat outside and enjoyed the sounds of the creatures of the night like the barred owl.
I was telling him I how awestruck I was by two friends of ours and how they created their own personal world of safety in spite of impending disaster!
They proved to me once again, the Universe really does create in response to the positive or negative energy and the beliefs we have.
They controlled their reality by constantly having good feelings towards others, taking positive actions in the world and generating positive thoughts on a daily basis.
Our friends live in Japan and prior to leaving on the Spring Equinox journey to Mexico I tried contacting them. I was concerned for their safety due to the recent earthquakes, tsunami, and nuclear disaster.
When we arrived in Merida, Mexico and saw them at the hotel. I gave them each a big hug and said, “I’m so glad to see you! I wondered if you were safe and whether or not you would be able to get a flight out of Japan? How did you do it?”
They told me that they left Japan the day before the earthquake and tsunami struck!
Do you think it was just a coincidence they left Japan before the earthquake and tsunami? Do you think they were just lucky?
I certainly don’t .
I believe their constant work with energy, positive thought control and meditation with sacred sites and sacred symbols raised their vibration and energy to a higher level, and they chose to leave Japan at the right moment!
People frequently ask me, “Where should I be in 2012 to be safe?” I tell them, ” There isn’t one place guaranteed to be safe any day of any year. If they want to be safe you need to raise your physical energy and vibration, emotional energy and vibration and thought energy and vibration.
Having positive high vibration energy will help you attract a safe place and situation every day!”
Sending you the Love and Light of the Sun,
Patricia Morris Cardona
Knowing who you are and what you desire, is what is important.
Know what energy/people agree with your energy, and what doesn't.
Trust the self, as you came into the world alone and you leave this world alone.
Love the self and all that you stand for.
Know that all things are meant to be, and accept the process of life.
Surround yourself at all times with love and light.
Know that you are never alone.
(Blessings from Colleen)
I call on the Mighty Archangel Metatron, the Archangel of Africa to enlighten and awaken the
Continent enabling healing to take place and the ancient wisdom and teachings to be returned.
Thank you for the healing of all her people, especially the children and elderly and those who
have been traumatised by violence, war, poverty and disease.
Thank you for the healing of Nature, including all the animals, birds, insects, sea creatures, the
land, the waters, plants and trees.
Thank you that Africa is flourishing under just leaders who work with integrity.
I give thanks for being an African either by birth or circumstance because Africa is the Cradle of
Mankind and will lead the way into the light and I am privileged to be a part of this movement.
I put the whole of the African Continent in a beautiful white bubble of protective light and
unconditional love and entrust it to Archangel Metatron.
(with thanks to Yves)
Dearest Friends
I would like to ask you to help me spread the word regarding an initiative that has been going on here in Cape Town for some time. There are some incredible people already supporting it, but the issue of child rape is, sadly, so common that there is a huge need for help in simple practical ways for these little souls.
Please have a look at this web page that I have created to help my lovely friend, Maria, with the project she is coordinating on behalf of the Tutuzela Care Centre for child rape victims.
All I ask is that you circulate this email to as many people as possible, no matter where in the world you live. Any support, however small, could make a life changing difference to one of these children.
PLEASE join hands with me around the globe in sending love, light and compassion to children everywhere. Collectively, we can move mountains!
Blessings of light
This is such an effective and yet simple process to try! -
Relaxing through the Breath Work- from Andre of the House of Healing:
While sitting comfortably, with straight back (resting on the back of your chair), straight neck and head, close your eyes, and start inhaling and exhaling slowly through your mouth for 1 minute. Now, observe how your breath is. Observe the quality of your breath. Is it shallow or deep? Is it quick and fast? Is it calm or rushed?
Then, open your eyes, keep your normal breathing rhythm, but just rest without paying attention to your breath.
Then, close your eyes again, and start inhaling and exhaling slowly through your nose for 1 minute.
Open your eyes now, and observe how your breathing is now. Again, observe the quality of your breath. Is it shallow or deep? Is it quick and fast? Is it calm or rushed?
Notice the difference between breathing through the mouth and through the nose.
Now, while breathing through your nose, count with each breath as you inhale and exhale. For example, while inhaling count 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 (slowly, synchronizing your count with your inhale) and then while exhaling count 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 (again slowly, synchronizing your count with your exhale). Do this for approximately 2 minutes. Your mind should be on the counting and your focus should be on your breath, each time you inhale and exhale.
After counting to 4 for 2 minutes, if you feel comfortable, increase your count to 5. Keep counting to 5 for another minute, and stop the practice. Observe your mood.
How are you feeling?
Dear ONES,
I just want to say that this Earth Wobble business is quite REAL. A friend of mine has been monitoring the Earth's movement as such for years now and until recently that movement has been quite subtle. Just last week, he was amazed by the fact that within less than 12 hours, his compass moved 4 degrees to the East and later on 5 degrees to the West of North. Quite a wobble indeed!
This is nothing to worry about, simply part and parcel of the huge shifts we and Mother Earth are going through. Read on to learn more...
Lots of Love, Joy & Clarity,
(thanks to Sybille for this)
The Beacons of Light~ Re-minders from Home
~ Earth Wobble ~
Earths New Vibrational Signature
This message talks about what the group expects to see over the next several months. They told the story about how everything on this side of the veil vibrates, and like snowflakes each one of us has a unique signature vibration. They went on to show us how that signature is beginning to change in each of us and the often emotional consequences. They said the real immediate problem is that it leads to self-doubt and when a creator has self-doubt it can impede the path.
They also went on to talk about the recent Earth changes and the tragedies in Japan, New Zealand, Thailand and the Ring of Fire in general. These events they equated to Mother Earth in labor. They did say that at this moment there were two more "big ones" expected to make the shift complete. They also pointed out that the Earth's tilt has once again shifted, and that is actually changing the Earth's signature vibration as She enters a new dimension. Same as us.
On a personal note: Our hearts go out to all the participants playing out this set of events in their personal lives as the Earth makes these moves. We send our thoughts, our resources and our love to those who have given us this gift.
Big Hugs,
Steve Rother
Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.
…So now we've refreshed that which we have said before, a review. You are in the middle of a cycle that will bring cooling to the planet. It is not a heat cycle, but rather a cooling cycle. But it always starts with a short heat cycle. It has been here before. It will come again. It is a long cycle - one generation plus five years. That's how long it's going to last. It starts with the melting of the ice caps, which is far more than any of you have seen in your lifetime or those of your ancestors. It is a cycle whose repetition is thousands of years long, but one that has not yet been recorded to the books of Human record. But it's definitely been recorded in the cores of the ice and in the rings of the trees.
Thousands of years old, it is, and it happens in a cyclical way. It's about water. It starts with that which is the melting of the ice caps to a particular degree, which has a profound effect on the planet in all ways. You can't have that happen without seeing life change as well as Gaia change and you've seeing it already. What happens when you take that which is heavy on the poles [ice] and you melt it? It then becomes cold water added to that which is a very, very gentle and finite balance of temperature in the seas of the planet (1). The first thing that happens is a redistribution of the weight of water on the thin crust of the earth from ice at the poles to new water in the seas. The results become earthquakes and volcanoes, and you're seeing them, aren't you? You are having earthquakes in places that are not supposed to have earthquakes. Volcanoes are coming to life in a way that you've not seen before on a regular basis. There will be more. Expect them.
Is it too much to ask of a Human Being that if you live by a volcano that you know might erupt, maybe you ought to move? Yet there will be those who say, "It hasn't erupted in my lifetime or my parents' lifetime or my grandparents' lifetime; therefore, it won't." You may have a surprise, for all things are changing. That is what is happening to Gaia.
Now we say it again. This is not punishment to humanity. The things that are happening on the planet today are not meant as the final step of Gaia in order to kill the civilization of humanity. I say this, for right now this message is on the lips of those who want to startle and scare you and give you fear, that is not what's happening. What is happening on this planet is a shift that will create a planet that's going to last a long time, allowing you what you need - more food in the ocean than you've ever seen before!
(2) The second thing the melting ice caps give you is about ecology. I'll give you this prediction in a moment. There is a Human 3D paradigm that says everything gets "used" and then goes away. But nature doesn't work that way, and our prediction is going to go against everything you have been told. I'm going to give you a parable and the prediction in a moment, but before that, I'm going to give you the explanation of the birds and the fish.
In the last few weeks, fish have been washing up dead in certain lakes by the hundreds of thousands, if not millions. Birds have been falling from the sky. I'm going to make a statement way in advance of what science is going to tell you. All of it can be traced to the water cycle - all of it. It's always about the weather, a cycle of weather you've not seen before. Do you remember a few years ago when whales were beaching themselves? Did you notice that this attribute stopped? But while they were beaching themselves every year, many Human Beings were in fear, saying, "It's the end of the world. They're committing suicide."
The whales beached themselves because the magnetics of the earth shifted so greatly that their navigational system [the magnetite in their biology, which is their migration compass] steered them right into the land. The land didn't move; the magnetics did. Therefore, you might say their internal inherited migration map was flawed. The reason it's not happening now is because the calves, the generation beyond the one that beached themselves, figured it out and rewrote the maps. Nature [Gaia] does this. So the next generation didn't repeat it. Instead, it realigned itself to the migratory lay lines and now whales don't beach themselves nearly as often.
The magnetics of the planet continue to shift and the birds are unaware. Like the whales, many of the birds have migrated themselves right into a high place in the atmosphere, which pummeled them to death by freezing rain and hail. Then they fall from the sky. It's the weather cycle. Will they continue to do this? Some will, for awhile, and then they will figure it out and recalibrate. That's what nature does.
You might say, "Well, nature's way is severe." It is not severe. It is a positive learning system that allows generations of birds to be around next time. The few deaths allow for the many to continue their life cycle and their lineage on the earth.
I want you to analyze the fish that have washed up. Let science reveal this as well. I want you to analyze the fish. They have something in common. They're all juveniles. And why is that? What do you know about the water cycle? What do you know about cold water and the life cycle of certain fish and their habits of reproduction? I will tell you the layers of water are changing in temperature and that is going to change the life cycle of the oceans and lakes. The juvenile fish are the most susceptible to death by becoming too cold, especially the ones of the kind that washed up dead. By the tens of thousands, the cold killed them. It is the water cycle. Will it continue? For awhile, until they acclimate, until they recalibrate for the cold - and they will. Nature does that.
The Parable of the Rainbow Room
I want to give you a parable, a metaphor of life, and it goes like this. There is a room we will call the Rainbow Room. In this room, all the colors of the rainbow present themselves linearly, one at a time, and they change every few thousand years. The room needs this to exist, and that's why it's called the Rainbow Room. For thousands of years, the room is yellow, then it turns into the blue and the red, the purples, the greens and slowly, the room goes through all the colors of the rainbow. The colors take their turn in the spectrum, one at a time.
In this room, I would like to introduce you to some creatures - smart, intelligent and sacred, all born during a time when the color in the room was red. Their parents were also born during the red cycle, and even their grandparents. In fact, as far back as they had recorded history, the room was always red. It's all they've ever known. Therefore, you might say they have a red consciousness and they expect red. Everywhere they go, they work with red. They are the red people.
Over time, the Rainbow Room starts to do what it always has done and slowly begins to move into its next color, purple. The room starts to become purple. What happens to those who have always known red? The first thing is fear. The red people say, "Here comes something odd and unusual, and it has never happened before! It's dark and somehow scary. We must have done it. We must be responsible. There is no other explanation! Therefore, we must find ways to stop the purple. It's supposed to be red. Purple is bad."
But even among the red people, there are a few who say, "We welcome the purple. We don't know why it's here, but we recognize that it's appropriate. Although we've always been red and we don't understand the purple, we're not afraid of it. Ancient esoteric prophesy told us that someday a shift in the red would come. God bless the purple." And that's the energy you sit in now, dear ones, for that which has been normal on this planet for all of these thousands of years is about to shift. When it does, it's going to present more anomalies than birds falling out of the sky or fish washing up on the shore or melting ice caps. I'll tell you what to look for.
The Prediction: The Renewal of the Life Cycle
When you change the temperature strata of the oceans of the earth, things start to change, for the life cycle of the food in the ocean depends upon that which is the smallest. The plankton of the planet survive in certain temperatures, and that's changing. Throw away what you think you know about how it's all supposed to work, and instead think "renewal" or "how did it begin." This will serve you to understand what is happening now. This cycle is built to replenish the ocean with life and not always by sustaining the kind that was there.
Let us just talk about the ocean for a moment. We won't even get to what's happening in the air and what mammals might experience. Let's just speak of the ocean. Have you heard about the salmon? What has your science warned you against? You're overfishing! The sea is dying. The coral is dying. The reefs are going away. You're not seeing the food chain that used to be there. You've overfished everything. Fishing quotas have been set up to help this. Oh, all those little people in the red room - they don't know about the purple. Red people only know about the red paradigm.
Did you hear about the salmon recently? There's too many of them! In the very place where quotas are in place so you won't overfish, they're jumping in the boats! Against all odds and any projections from environmentalists or biologists, they're overrunning the oceans in Alaska - way too many fish.
What does that tell you? Is it possible that Gaia takes care of itself? That's what it tells you! Perhaps this alignment is going to keep humanity fed. Did anybody think of this? What if Gaia is in alliance with you? What if the increase in consciousness that raised your DNA vibration has alerted Gaia to change the weather cycle and get ready to feed humanity? Are you looking at the ocean where the oil spill occurred? It's recovering in a way that was not predicted. What's happening?
The life cycle itself is being altered by the temperature change of the ocean and much of what you have believed is the paradigm of life in the sea is slowly changing. A new system of life is appearing, as it has before, and is upon you in your lifetime. It will compliment what you know and expose you to a new concept: Gaia regularly refreshes the life cycle on Earth.
Within this process, there will be the extinction of certain plants and animals, birds and fish. My advice to you, especially to those environmentalists, is to understand the cycle of life so that you may relax with what nature has always done. It puts life on the planet to serve the planet for a time. When certain life no longer serves the planet in the ways it used to, it takes it away. The extinction of life, especially through weather change, is normal for Gaia. It is honored, appropriate and normal, even if you don't think so. Don't try to save all the disappearing animals, fish and birds! Some are supposed to go away. And, dear ones, don't assign all this activity to something you did to cause it!
The red people are stressing. The purple is here, and they are trying to figure out what they did wrong. They don't know they are in the Rainbow Room. They think they are in the RED ROOM. This is what the Rainbow Room does; it changes colors. So as the room does what it has always done, the red people are sitting there in fear trying to figure out what it is that they did that possibly could have caused the purple to appear.
The Rainbow Room is beautiful. The color purple is significant. Going from red to purple has metaphysical significance within this parable, but I'll let you figure it out. For those who are into colors, there's a reason why I gave those two. The earth is becoming more sacred than it's ever been before. Gaia is with you in this. It's cooperating in ways you never thought it could, in the way biologists said it would not. You think you're killing it? Instead, it's giving birth to an altered ecological system.
Human Consciousness
Let me talk about Human consciousness and what is happening. If you've studied what I have said in these last months, I gave a channelling recently called, "The End of History." It's a metaphor that means the end of the way things used to be. Instead, it's a rebirth of the way things can be. So, what is changing? It's Human nature. What is it a Human will do intuitively that they never have done before?
History tells you that Humans separate. Have you ever looked at Europe and wondered how so many countries could be so close together and yet they have different languages and different cultures and in such a small area? Let me tell you how it happened. It's called Human nature. When some Humans don't like the others, they wall themselves off, and through hundreds of years, they develop unique languages and never unify with the others. In fact, they war with them. They conquer them. We've talked about this before. That's what Humans do. They separate and conquer. They pull things apart. They don't put much together.
Even that which is the most sacred to humanity became separated and organized spirituality. You put God into boxes, and when one person had another idea, you created another box. You separated yourselves from God. Pretty soon, you had hundreds of boxes representing the beliefs and teachings of one Creator. In the process, you pointed fingers at the other boxes and made them "evil." Then you even started conquering them. That's what Humans have done in the RED ROOM for eons. Well, I will tell you that that is changing.
I gave you some information before and I would like to mention it again. The last thing you'd ever expect to happen is for big money to change on the planet, yet it just did. You created your own recession by demanding a new way of banking. You're not done yet with banks or insurance, but you are beginning to create a system of integrity where the world can work together financially.
We told you there'd come a time on the planet when there'd be only five currencies because the continents would decide to put countries together, not separate them. Do you know who was the model? It's the United States. What an experiment you had! Imagine: Could you take many different states that were governed separately, yet didn't have any visible borders, and give them one currency? It worked. It has worked for well over 100 years. Against all odds, it worked.
Fifty years ago, with the end of the last world war, the Europeans saw what the USA did and emulated it. It has become the European Union. After the war, they postulated, "What if we took many of the countries of Europe, ones who have warred with each other since the beginning of recorded civilization, and we unified them? We will take away the borders and give them one currency." They were laughed at! Yet today, you're seeing it.
Today, their monetary system is more valuable than yours! Where am I going with this? Listen - here is an attribute, a postulate, an axiom of this new earth energy: Separatism kills. Unity is the survival of humanity. You will start putting things together and not taking them apart. And the more you put them together, the more you will unify. Then slowly you'll realize that the goal is to put things together, not tear them apart. What has the European Union created? I'll tell you. It isn't the Euro. It has created a group of countries that will never go to war with each other again! They can't. They trade with each other. Think about it. That's what we're talking about.
Don't be surprised if those many boxes of organized spirituality start to unify, because there's more strength if they do. They'll reach more people if they do. You're going to start seeing this eventually, or the individual boxes will fade away.
The New Politics
Now let me give you something for the far future, and something you won't believe or understand. It will be the end of the system of politics that you have now. When you start to understand the new attributes of energy on the planet, it no longer suits you to have opposition parties. Instead, what suits you is to have those who run for office to each have their own message apart from a party. And when you go to the polls, you will vote for their message, not their affiliation.
Instead of separating through affiliation, they will have unity through purpose. They will have ideas that are unique and beautiful, instead of those that are either in one box or the other. Someday, the two-party system will look as old to you as today's dictators on the earth strutting their stuff. They're going away, you know? Or did you notice that?
Some are saying, "Yes, but obviously, you don't know how Earth politics works, Kryon. The funding must be accomplished through party affiliations." Really? What if millions could all be informed at once, and only give $1 each? Does that need a party? Watch and see.
Let me tell you about an outrageous idea starting to happen in Brazil. Right now there is a committee saying, "What if we take all of the countries of South America and eliminate the borders, and eventually plan on one currency?" Sound familiar? That's eventually going to be one of the five currencies of the world.
Unification is going to create strength and peace on this planet, and in the process that elephant in the room that keeps it from happening, which you call terrorism, which you believe is the big problem in the Middle East, will take a twist that nobody, nobody can foretell. I've talked about it. Were you shocked when the Soviet Union fell over? Wasn't that the crux of why massive amounts of armaments were put together? Isn't that why the Pentagon is so big? It all fell over almost overnight. Did anybody expect that? It will be just as shocking. A problem that today is before you without a solution will become history, and unity can begin.
The Potentials Continue
Eventually this shift of unity will spread to Africa, which will represent a healed continent that won't have AIDS anymore. And a healed continent that has no major disease will not have dictators who take advantage of a sick population. This healed continent will be one of the most powerful economies on the planet, and it's going to beat China in the economy game. Why? Because Africa has no unified economic or doctrinal history. They'll start fresh in a new energy. While China still struggles with the old guard representing over 1,000 years of protocol, they won't be able to compete with a society with nothing to unlearn.
These are the potentials that are before me, which continue to be before me for the future of your planet. I sit before Lemurians and Sumerians. I sit before those who have lived before. I sit before Shamanic energy. You expected it, dear ones, and you knew it was coming. Now, here you are to change it.
Dear Human Being, 2011may be a challenging year because of the changes before you, because of Gaia that is responding to you. You have the energy of the ancients here and that of the ancestors, and they all sit in this room. Can't you feel it? They're all looking at you and saying, "Well done. You're going to get through it."
[Kryon pauses.]
Just let me sit with you for another minute.
[Long pause]
And so it is.
The current Moon Cycle started with a new moon on the 4th May and ends with the dark moon on 1st June. It is called the Hawthorn Moon Cycle in the Pagan and Celtic traditions.
The planets have been forming a spectacular sequence in the sky with the four planets closest to the Earth (Venus, Mercury, Mars and Jupiter) huddled together in the eastern dawn sky. On 21st May, Mercury, Venus and Mars are still nearby in the dawn, with Jupiter just above them. Mercury passes south of Mars on that day, while Venus passes south of Mars two days later on 23rd May. Uranus and Neptune are not far to the west and the dwarf planets Ceres and Eris are also nearby. It is really only Saturn that is well away across in the evening sky.
The Moon is north of Jupiter on the morning of 29th May and north of Mars, Venus and Mercury on the morning of 31st May.
At Dark Moon on 1st June, there is a partial eclipse of the Sun over the Arctic, visible from Greenland, Iceland, far N Norway NE Russia, N Japan, N Alaska and N&NE Canada. From Reykjavik in Iceland, the eclipse is from 21.15 to 22.48 when the Moon covers 36% of the Sun.
Full Moon is on Tuesday 17th May in the sign of Sagittarius and that day is also International Day against Homophobia.
The full Moon on 17th May is particularly important in the Buddhist tradition, because that is when the birthday of Buddha and of his enlightenment and passing into a state of bliss, or Nirvana, is celebrated. Called WESAK, this is the spiritual high point of the year, when it is believed that all illuminated beings invoke a great blessing for the Earth. Traditions include spending the night before in fasting and chanting, lighting up the house and garden and sacred places with many lanterns and watering special trees, traditionally Bodhi trees that are ringed with little oil lamps. Money is also given to the poor.
25th May is Africa Day and 26th May is National Sorry Day in Australia in honour of the Aborigines.
Please see the attached document called
Learn to live with spiritual intent.
This magazine’s stated intention is to be for the Highest Good of All and to harm no one.
“Revitalise and Enlighten your Life with the Moon”
Sunday, March 27, 2011
MARCH 2011
Before printing this, please consider the environment!
Note: This magazine is intended for the sharing of information about the Earth and our evolution. Please feel free to pass it on, or if you want to be removed from the circulation list, please send an email reply to with the word “unsubscribe” in the heading. Thank you.
Note: The magazine follows no specific dogma, religion or belief. It embraces all ways; knowing that we are all individual, yet ultimately connected through the Oneness of Love. It advocates tolerance and peace of all beings and holds the Earth and all of Nature sacred. It supports the concept of self-empowerment for all.
(thanks to Koeka for photo)
Hi everyone!
Only when I learn to be kind to myself,
can I learn to be kind to others.
And once I have learnt what it is like to be kind to others,
Only then can I know kindness and respect for the Earth.
Driving through the black barren devastation of a fire that recently ravaged a large part of the World Heritage Biosphere close to where I live, I was yet again struck by the enormity of the earth changes that are happening to us all in March.
Many people say that they felt physical symptoms days before the heart breaking earth quake in Japan. So soon after the quakes in New Zealand, the floods in Australia!
Many knowing that this may only the beginning of many devastating changes that are still waiting to happen.
As I watched the news about the earthquake and also the nuclear breakdowns, someone compared the enormity of what happened in Japan to that of the events of 9/11.
In a way it is totally true –
We are living in sobering times. Times when the unthinkable is no longer unthinkable.
What lingers in my mind, is what are we all supposed to learn from this?
And what I came to, was that by understanding a wider perspective on all the suffering and chaos, it is giving us an opportunity to become kinder to ourselves and others and with that also more aware of what how we need to be kind and respectful to the Earth.
The Inca Shamanic tradition talks about the concept of HUCHA- they call that the heavy energy that is created by humans- all our suppressed anger and rage, our fears that we have not dealt with properly, our insecurities that we play out each day, stay unprocessed and become heavy, solid energy that become stuck in the Earth. Add to that our unwise and greedy decisions to dominate the Earth, building structures that destroy her, using her natural resources relentlessly until She is barren and dry. All these dense energies accumulate and accumulate, and slowly but surely they become bigger and bigger. Like a huge block, they stop the energy of the Earth from flowing and at some stage- it may be days, years, or even centuries later, it reaches a critical point when the only way She is able to re-balance and release the burden, is through huge catastrophic earth changes such as earth quakes, volcanic eruptions, floods.
It is as if she needs to shake off these huge burdens of “unkindness” we put on her knowingly and unknowingly.
There will always be huge earth changes because that is part of the natural cycles and evolution of the Earth, but what we do as humans, is to help make them happen with unnecessary devastating intensity.
Many think of unconditional love and living from the Heart as a concept, maybe even a religious doctrine, something that everyone “should” maybe do to be a “good” person.
Yet love is nothing of that. It is a feeling, a very high vibration.
In fact, it is the highest vibration on our planet and the power of Love, the feeling of that energy, is the MOST IMPORTANT THING FOR US TO REMEMBER AT THIS TIME.
Whenever you feel the energy of unconditional love you are completely safe. You cannot be harmed. It does not matter where you are. You will be in a “space” that is completely free from anything that is heavy and resonates with fear. You will be protected, no matter what is happening around you.
And so- at this time of challenge, try to stay in your heart. Try to think positively about yourself, everyone else (they are only trying their best) and the Earth and her children, the plants and the animals. Try to be kind to yourself, give yourself a break, take time to give yourself that kindness and unconditional love that you never really bothered to focus on and also to consciously give to others.
When you look at the news, imagine a positive outcome, see the good things that also come from tragedy, focus on those instead of the old way that just makes you feel exhausted and tired.
We are living in an accelerated spiral that is due to stabilise at the end of 2012- it is a rough ride for many, but we can make it through the tunnel, we just need to remember how much darkness can be put out- at once! - by the light of a single candle flame.
Be good to your neighbour. Get to know them, you may need them someday- very soon! Be alive to possibilities, of how to cope without, of becoming more self sufficient in your daily life and routines, use your creativity to use what you have, it is all part of the bigger plan.
You are a living part of it.
And don’t forget!
You are here for a reason.
With blessings of Love
“Revitalise and Enlighten your Life with the Moon”
Some perspectives about Japan:
From someone in Japan (thanks to Patricia and Camelia for sending this)
Note: This is shared by Anne, from Sendai, Japan where she has lived for the past decade teaching English. Very moving!!
Hello My Lovely Family and Friends,
A letter from Sendai
Things here in Sendai have been rather surreal. But I am very blessed to have wonderful friends who are helping me a lot. Since my shack is even more worthy of that name, I am now staying at a friend's home.
We share supplies like water, food and a kerosene heater. We sleep lined up in one room, eat by candlelight, share stories. It is warm, friendly, and beautiful.
During the day we help each other clean up the mess in our homes. People sit in their cars, looking at news on their navigation screens, or line up to get drinking water when a source is open. If someone has water running in their home, they put out a sign so people can come to fill up their jugs and buckets.
It's utterly amazingly that where I am there has been no looting, no pushing in lines. People leave their front door open, as it is safer when an earthquake strikes. People keep saying, "Oh, this is how it used to be in the old days when everyone helped one another."
Quakes keep coming. Last night they struck about every 15 minutes. Sirens are constant and helicopters pass overhead often.
We got water for a few hours in our homes last night, and now it is for half a day. Electricity came on this afternoon. Gas has not yet come on. But all of this is by area. Some people have these things, others do not. No one has washed for several days. We feel grubby, but there are so much more important concerns than that for us now. I love this peeling away of non-essentials. Living fully on the level of instinct, of intuition, of caring, of what is needed for survival, not just of me, but of the entire group.
There are strange parallel universes happening. Houses a mess in some places, yet then a house with futons or laundry out drying in the sun. People lining up for water and food, and yet a few people out walking their dogs. All happening at the same time.
Other unexpected touches of beauty are first, the silence at night. No cars. No one out on the streets. And the heavens at night are scattered with stars. I usually can see about two, but now the whole sky is filled. The mountains are Sendai are solid and with the crisp air we can see them silhouetted against the sky magnificently.
And the Japanese themselves are so wonderful. I come back to my shack to check on it each day, now to send this e-mail since the electricity is on, and I find food and water left in my entranceway. I have no idea from whom, but it is there. Old men in green hats go from door to door checking to see if everyone is OK. People talk to complete strangers asking if they need help. I see no signs of fear. Resignation, yes, but fear or panic, no.
They tell us we can expect aftershocks, and even other major quakes, for another month or more. And we are getting constant tremors, rolls, shaking, rumbling. I am blessed in that I live in a part of Sendai that is a bit elevated, a bit more solid than other parts. So, so far this area is better off than others. Last night my friend's husband came in from the country, bringing food and water. Blessed again.
Somehow at this time I realize from direct experience that there is indeed an enormous Cosmic evolutionary step that is occurring all over the world right at this moment. And somehow as I experience the events happening now in Japan, I can feel my heart opening very wide. My brother asked me if I felt so small because of all that is happening. I don't. Rather, I feel as part of something happening that much larger than myself. This wave of birthing (worldwide) is hard, and yet magnificent.
Thank you again for your care and love of me.
Basically, an anti-radiation diet
Should focus on the following foods:• Miso soup• Spirulina, chlorella and the algaes (kelp, etc.)• Brassica vegetables and high beta carotene vegetables•
Beans and lentils• Potassium, calcium and mineral rich foods•
High nucleotide content foods to assist in cellular repair including spirulina, hlore...lla, algae,yeast, sardines, liver, anchovies and mackerel
veCod liver oil and olive oil• Avoid sugars and sweets and wheat.
From others:
All that is happening on this beautiful planet of ours has brought me to a sense of enormous appreciation of so much that makes up the 'life I'm living', whatever that means. Whilst walking along the cliffs this morning the vanilla/coconut scent of gorse drifted under my nose the glorious blue Atlantic was to one side, and the untamed wildness of the Cornish landscape felt like an embrace. At the same time, I was understanding the connection to all those human beings experiencing a different reality to the one I was in. Much as I might want to help, in that moment I realized that all I might do was to feel beauty to the depths that I was capable. Perhaps if many, many, many of us do that, together, at a regular time, feel the beauty and love in our lives whilst consciously connecting, - well, who knows what the outcome, if any, might be. – Anna in Cornwall
I wanted to e-mail you in regards to Japan and the shift it is creating globally. It is a tragedy, but it gets me thinking about the Earth Mother and how she is completely neutral and we are simply a part of it. Does it seem strange that there is such a disconnect from the ocean and weather in this day and age and it is those very things that are retaliating against us? I just wonder how to handle all the energy that is coming in and you were the only trustworthy person I could think of in such a dramatic period. I find myself running in the direction of my best self so that I can do my best to help, but lately it seems like I'm just running in place.
Also, I feel that all of this somehow relates to the base chakra? What do you think?? - Alexis USA
There is a lot going on, 11 is a master number and I just feel as if things are shifting for 2012 not that I think it will be the end of the world, just the end as we knew it, time for change I think. take care my wonderful friend
Love Dawn UK
Some ways to assist Japan:
1. BLUE SAFFIRE LIGHT FOR JAPAN (thanks to Ester for this)
One of our teachers, Kalliope Pateras from Greece, has kindly sent through this message from El Morya. Please help project the Blue Sapphire colour into and over the nuclear reactors in Japan. Many thanks.
From El Morya
Received 15 March 2011
A Blue Sapphire colour projected into the nuclear reactors of Japan will help to produce a cooling effect to lower temperatures.
And too, projecting this energy of colour into the clouds above will produce a buffering effect.
Your efforts, intentions will be magnified as we will be projecting with you. Call upon us before you start and we will be with you.
2. HEART RHYTM MEDITATION (from my friend Shu-fang Wang in London)
Dear Hearts,
I would like to invite you to join me to do meditation for a week, sending healing to Japan Disaster area and people in need of help. Let's also focus on the nuclear reactor using the water breath of Heart Rhythm Meditation (inhale through nose, exhale through mouth).
I receive this wonderful message today:
"And if a thousand spiritual people speak, they will say the same thing, perhaps in different words but with only one meaning, for they have one and the same vision."
--Hazrat Inayat Khan
Our 'vision' for helping those in Japan is one.
I have just read this headline:
"Japan Asks US To Help Stop Reactor Meltdown".
It say 'US', but I read it as 'us'!!
I will be meditating every morning at 7am UK time with whoever like to join us.
Love to you all,
(For those of you not familiar with GCI , it is “a science-based, co-creative project to unite people in heart-focused care and intention, to facilitate the shift in global consciousness from instability and discord to balance, cooperation and increasing peace”- worth looking at their website
GCI Care Focus - Japan Earthquake
As we compassionately hold Japan in our heart space, let’s fill the affected areas with unconditional love and heart warmth. While doing this, envision a most comforting and peaceful process of recovery guided by the spirit of love and compassion.
Also let’s remember to hold in our heart space, Libya, the Middle East and other areas of turbulence and duress. Let’s sustain our vision for the highest best outcome and the most peaceful resolution while maintaining compassion and unconditional love.
Through these emerging global stress events, it’s important to practice the caring maintenance of our own energy balance in relationship to these seemingly ongoing occurrences. When our emotions are exhausted and frayed, it compromises our personal system and diminishes the effectiveness of our intentions to be helpful. We compassionately realize it’s harder to prevent emotional drain at times when personally connected to these stressful events. Yet it’s worth taking time out on occasion to consciously breathe the feeling of calm and restoration into your system. Doing this from your genuine heart feelings restores emotional resilience, which is especially needed when giving energetic care and support to others who are experiencing a harder time. Use any restoration techniques that work for you. The important thing is: at least remember to do it. Self-care is an essential component in global care.
To join us in the Global Care Room; you can enter the room directly from Simply log-in with your e-mail and GCI password. You may also enter by logging into and clicking the Global Care Room link on your My Member Page. Thank you for providing energetic care and support.
In order for GCI members around the world to participate at a convenient time, we have chosen noon, 8 p.m. and 4 a.m. Pacific Standard Time ( -8 hours GMT ) when GCI members in the Global Care Room can do the Care Focus together.
Thank you for your participation,
The GCI Staff
Saint Theresa's Prayer
May today there be peace within.
May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be.
May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.
May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that
has been given to you.
May you be content knowing you are a child of God.
Let this presence settle into your bones, and
allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love.
It is there for each and every one of us.
I” am the “I”
I” am the “I”
“I” come forth from the void into light,
“I” am the breath that nurtures life,
“I” am the emptiness, that hollowness beyond all consciousness
The “I”, the Id, the All
“I” draw my bow of rainbows across the waters,
The continuum of minds with matters.
“I” am the incoming and outgoing of breath,
The invisible, untouchable breeze,
The undefinable atom of creation
“I” am the “I”
(thanks to Lindsay for this)
Mandalas have been used for centuries. The Monks of Tibet do huge mandalas with different coloured sand and stones and spend many, many hours working on a mandala to make it incredibly rich and beautiful and meaningful - and then they tip it over into a flowing river to release it to the world for healing and also to show that in our physical dimension everything ends and returns to source.
Working with mandalas helps us connect the different parts of ourselves. This leads to wholeness and fulfilment, and enables us to create something specific that we desire, wish to heal, change or awaken. It also connects the right and left parts of our brain, restoring balance.
The mandala also works in the sub- conscious mind. It’s not a conscious process. But by making it conscious as well it becomes more than just an ordinary mandala process.
Working with a mandala with intention can create amazing change – because you are working on your soul patterns, creating new templates in other dimensional frequencies.
Enjoy it! It is a healing meditation that is so simple - too simple for the thinking mind to grasp. How can something so simple and even childlike be effective?
1. Get some colouring pencils (any type that you are drawn to) and print out the mandala (below).
2. Only use your left hand – if you forget you need to start a whole new mandala- VERY IMPORTANT!!
(Note: Your left hand is linked to your intuitive side and that is the part of you that you want to make more active in your life – so that is the reason why you are only allowed to use your left hand for the colouring in of the mandala.)
3. Before you start: first write with your LEFT hand the intention of the mandala- CREATING HEALING AND PEACE FOR THE WORLD IN 2011
4. Only do the colouring in when you are in a quiet space when you are completely on your own
5. Don’t show the mandala to anyone until you have finished it - it may disturb the energy
6. Use any colours and start any- where on the mandala that feels right for you
7. You are not doing it to make it look pretty, or to impress anyone- be authentic and just express whatever you feel while you are doing the colouring in
8. Every time that you work on it with a colour, make a note of what your feelings/thoughts were on the back of the mandala WITH YOUR LEFT HAND – just a few words will be fine
9. Notice particularly what emotional and energetic changes have happened to you and your environment.
With love
(thanks to Beate for sending this- please note it has some disturbing images of children born in Iraq because of the terrible side- effects of certain weapons used)
SaLuSa 21–March–2011.
Events move on towards the inevitable changes that will see your future fulfilled. These are not easy times but you knew that part of your experiences would include this period. Your confidence in the outcome arises from your faith in us and the Creator, and the many higher Beings that have accompanied you all through your lives. You know that nothing can alter it, and those of you that desire to ascend will do so.
Unlike previous times when such opportunities have arisen, you are assured that Ascension will take place. In fact it has been carefully planned on a Universal scale, and is to be an enormous event that happens very rarely. For you it has been a long time coming, but you have been spared a conscious memory of previous occasions. In the scheme of things time is not linear, but all is in the Now. The past, present and future are One, and you can move into whatever aspect of it that you wish. The future is full of probabilities which are why you will sometimes learn of different versions of it. It is you ultimately that attract the one that fulfils the vision created through your consciousness.
It is very important that you keep focused upon the Light that is bringing harmony to the Earth. The Light is streaming in and required more than ever at this time. It is an important period where with so much going on, you need to be in the world but not of it. Be a centre of Light so that you bring calmness to others who are in fear of the outcome. Speak to others of the necessity of changes and the great benefits they will bring. There will be rumors of catastrophic events as the dark Ones play upon people’s fears, but assure them that they are intended to distract them from the truth.
Everything has been foreseen, and ordained in such a way that the affects will be limited. If there is doubt remember that Man could have destroyed the Earth on more than one occasion in the last century, yet it did not take place. You are not only guided to fulfill your task of taking the Earth through to Ascension, but also helped to enlighten people around you. You have never been left alone to suffer the consequences of your actions, and compassion and love has been given to you in a never-ending flow.
The powers that be are generally speaking unaware of what is bringing about the chaotic conditions upon Earth. Often they are spiritually ill equipped to understand the implications of what they see happening and of necessity they will make way for those who do, and have the interests of all people at heart. We know who they are, and they will be protected to ensure that they can take their place of leadership when the opportunity arises. It does not mean that every person at present in such a position is going to be replaced as some are of the Light, but unable to exercise their desire to lift Mankind up.
The time of such changes is not far away, and once they commence it will bring a whole new approach in the way you are governed. With other benefits that you are expecting, the scenario will rapidly change to one of positive expectations, as at last you will see the way forward. Our eventual presence and opportunity to speak with you will clear the way for cooperation between us, and much will be achieved in next to no time. All of these things are moving towards manifestation, and you can be sure that the Galactic Federation is fully prepared for its role in your preparation for Ascension.
As individuals your contribution to the changes is important, and it is best served by sending out your Love and Light to wherever it is needed. The Middle East is an area that for ages past has accumulated much negativity, and it needs help to clear it. We can help in that respect but a mass sending of Light from you will best serve the interests of the people in that region. You are grasping how important and powerful the Light is, and no matter how many weapons are lined up against people they are no answer to it. The Light is the most powerful “weapon” that you can respond with, and it is an unending supply that you can draw through yourself.
The Light can accompany your prayers or meditations, thus empowering them with your love. You are All One, and as such there should be no discrimination between one soul to another as to whom you send it to. Love is the healing balm that can cure all ills, and you can apply it to all forms of life. The Earth has been a difficult place for many animals to exist, and they equally deserve your love. There is everlasting life so in actual reality no death, but all living things do nevertheless benefit from receiving love. Kindness and compassion are much needed at this time, and when those thoughts are sent out they do have an uplifting affect.
Man is naturally a benign Being, and it is only the lower vibrations that have introduced the negative traits that have pulled many souls down. There is no longer any reason to continue living at that level, as you can rise up with the new energies coming in. You are not victims but willing participants, and there is every opportunity to lift yourselves up. Think about what you say and the way that you act, and move on from judgement and criticism of another person.
Most people are trying their best in difficult circumstances, and because the end times present an opportunity to clear karma, have undertaken much more than they might normally do. In reality there is no such thing as an easy life, but you tend to measure that by a person’s wealth that can be a burden or a blessing depending on how it is used. In the near future you will be sharing the wealth of the world fairly, and it will create a society of equal opportunity and eliminate the class distinction that now exists.
Dear Ones, there is a revolution taking place in your world, and consciousness levels are rising and pointing you in the right direction. It is the final battle of this cycle, and you have taken the opportunity to reach the stage whereby you can leave the cycle of duality forever. When you have learnt the lessons it has to offer, the experience gained elevates your consciousness to a higher level. When it is reached the lower vibrations become uncomfortable and no longer serve you any purpose. In such circumstances you are ready to leave duality, for a new level that is more in line with your own and your needs.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and much admire your tenacity and determination to win through the remaining challenges that confront you. We are with you all the way, and great times are approaching as you achieve success.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Saturn rises around sunset becoming bright as it comes to opposition with the Sun and its closest encounter with Earth this year on the night of 3/4 April, 1289 million km or 71.6 light minutes away from the Earth.
The Moon is north of Venus on the morning of 31 March and the very old crescent Moon is also north of Mars on the morning of 2 April. On 3 April the Moon passes south of Uranus during twilight. And the new crescent Moon passes close north of the planet Mercury during the day of 4 April.
Mercury brightens rapidly this month until 27 April when it is brighter than Mars and by the end of the month all the planets Venus, Mercury, Mars and Jupiter as well as Uranus are in the morning sky. If you do get up early for the 1st of May (spring day or Beltane in the Northern Hemisphere), do look at the eastern sky before sunrise- you will see all the planets lined up together low near the horizon.
Please see the attached document called
There are also additional events by others, included as a separate document
Learn to travel with spiritual intent.
MARCH 2011
Before printing this, please consider the environment!
Note: This magazine is intended for the sharing of information about the Earth and our evolution. Please feel free to pass it on, or if you want to be removed from the circulation list, please send an email reply to with the word “unsubscribe” in the heading. Thank you.
Note: The magazine follows no specific dogma, religion or belief. It embraces all ways; knowing that we are all individual, yet ultimately connected through the Oneness of Love. It advocates tolerance and peace of all beings and holds the Earth and all of Nature sacred. It supports the concept of self-empowerment for all.
(thanks to Koeka for photo)
Hi everyone!
Only when I learn to be kind to myself,
can I learn to be kind to others.
And once I have learnt what it is like to be kind to others,
Only then can I know kindness and respect for the Earth.
Driving through the black barren devastation of a fire that recently ravaged a large part of the World Heritage Biosphere close to where I live, I was yet again struck by the enormity of the earth changes that are happening to us all in March.
Many people say that they felt physical symptoms days before the heart breaking earth quake in Japan. So soon after the quakes in New Zealand, the floods in Australia!
Many knowing that this may only the beginning of many devastating changes that are still waiting to happen.
As I watched the news about the earthquake and also the nuclear breakdowns, someone compared the enormity of what happened in Japan to that of the events of 9/11.
In a way it is totally true –
We are living in sobering times. Times when the unthinkable is no longer unthinkable.
What lingers in my mind, is what are we all supposed to learn from this?
And what I came to, was that by understanding a wider perspective on all the suffering and chaos, it is giving us an opportunity to become kinder to ourselves and others and with that also more aware of what how we need to be kind and respectful to the Earth.
The Inca Shamanic tradition talks about the concept of HUCHA- they call that the heavy energy that is created by humans- all our suppressed anger and rage, our fears that we have not dealt with properly, our insecurities that we play out each day, stay unprocessed and become heavy, solid energy that become stuck in the Earth. Add to that our unwise and greedy decisions to dominate the Earth, building structures that destroy her, using her natural resources relentlessly until She is barren and dry. All these dense energies accumulate and accumulate, and slowly but surely they become bigger and bigger. Like a huge block, they stop the energy of the Earth from flowing and at some stage- it may be days, years, or even centuries later, it reaches a critical point when the only way She is able to re-balance and release the burden, is through huge catastrophic earth changes such as earth quakes, volcanic eruptions, floods.
It is as if she needs to shake off these huge burdens of “unkindness” we put on her knowingly and unknowingly.
There will always be huge earth changes because that is part of the natural cycles and evolution of the Earth, but what we do as humans, is to help make them happen with unnecessary devastating intensity.
Many think of unconditional love and living from the Heart as a concept, maybe even a religious doctrine, something that everyone “should” maybe do to be a “good” person.
Yet love is nothing of that. It is a feeling, a very high vibration.
In fact, it is the highest vibration on our planet and the power of Love, the feeling of that energy, is the MOST IMPORTANT THING FOR US TO REMEMBER AT THIS TIME.
Whenever you feel the energy of unconditional love you are completely safe. You cannot be harmed. It does not matter where you are. You will be in a “space” that is completely free from anything that is heavy and resonates with fear. You will be protected, no matter what is happening around you.
And so- at this time of challenge, try to stay in your heart. Try to think positively about yourself, everyone else (they are only trying their best) and the Earth and her children, the plants and the animals. Try to be kind to yourself, give yourself a break, take time to give yourself that kindness and unconditional love that you never really bothered to focus on and also to consciously give to others.
When you look at the news, imagine a positive outcome, see the good things that also come from tragedy, focus on those instead of the old way that just makes you feel exhausted and tired.
We are living in an accelerated spiral that is due to stabilise at the end of 2012- it is a rough ride for many, but we can make it through the tunnel, we just need to remember how much darkness can be put out- at once! - by the light of a single candle flame.
Be good to your neighbour. Get to know them, you may need them someday- very soon! Be alive to possibilities, of how to cope without, of becoming more self sufficient in your daily life and routines, use your creativity to use what you have, it is all part of the bigger plan.
You are a living part of it.
And don’t forget!
You are here for a reason.
With blessings of Love
“Revitalise and Enlighten your Life with the Moon”
Some perspectives about Japan:
From someone in Japan (thanks to Patricia and Camelia for sending this)
Note: This is shared by Anne, from Sendai, Japan where she has lived for the past decade teaching English. Very moving!!
Hello My Lovely Family and Friends,
A letter from Sendai
Things here in Sendai have been rather surreal. But I am very blessed to have wonderful friends who are helping me a lot. Since my shack is even more worthy of that name, I am now staying at a friend's home.
We share supplies like water, food and a kerosene heater. We sleep lined up in one room, eat by candlelight, share stories. It is warm, friendly, and beautiful.
During the day we help each other clean up the mess in our homes. People sit in their cars, looking at news on their navigation screens, or line up to get drinking water when a source is open. If someone has water running in their home, they put out a sign so people can come to fill up their jugs and buckets.
It's utterly amazingly that where I am there has been no looting, no pushing in lines. People leave their front door open, as it is safer when an earthquake strikes. People keep saying, "Oh, this is how it used to be in the old days when everyone helped one another."
Quakes keep coming. Last night they struck about every 15 minutes. Sirens are constant and helicopters pass overhead often.
We got water for a few hours in our homes last night, and now it is for half a day. Electricity came on this afternoon. Gas has not yet come on. But all of this is by area. Some people have these things, others do not. No one has washed for several days. We feel grubby, but there are so much more important concerns than that for us now. I love this peeling away of non-essentials. Living fully on the level of instinct, of intuition, of caring, of what is needed for survival, not just of me, but of the entire group.
There are strange parallel universes happening. Houses a mess in some places, yet then a house with futons or laundry out drying in the sun. People lining up for water and food, and yet a few people out walking their dogs. All happening at the same time.
Other unexpected touches of beauty are first, the silence at night. No cars. No one out on the streets. And the heavens at night are scattered with stars. I usually can see about two, but now the whole sky is filled. The mountains are Sendai are solid and with the crisp air we can see them silhouetted against the sky magnificently.
And the Japanese themselves are so wonderful. I come back to my shack to check on it each day, now to send this e-mail since the electricity is on, and I find food and water left in my entranceway. I have no idea from whom, but it is there. Old men in green hats go from door to door checking to see if everyone is OK. People talk to complete strangers asking if they need help. I see no signs of fear. Resignation, yes, but fear or panic, no.
They tell us we can expect aftershocks, and even other major quakes, for another month or more. And we are getting constant tremors, rolls, shaking, rumbling. I am blessed in that I live in a part of Sendai that is a bit elevated, a bit more solid than other parts. So, so far this area is better off than others. Last night my friend's husband came in from the country, bringing food and water. Blessed again.
Somehow at this time I realize from direct experience that there is indeed an enormous Cosmic evolutionary step that is occurring all over the world right at this moment. And somehow as I experience the events happening now in Japan, I can feel my heart opening very wide. My brother asked me if I felt so small because of all that is happening. I don't. Rather, I feel as part of something happening that much larger than myself. This wave of birthing (worldwide) is hard, and yet magnificent.
Thank you again for your care and love of me.
Basically, an anti-radiation diet
Should focus on the following foods:• Miso soup• Spirulina, chlorella and the algaes (kelp, etc.)• Brassica vegetables and high beta carotene vegetables•
Beans and lentils• Potassium, calcium and mineral rich foods•
High nucleotide content foods to assist in cellular repair including spirulina, hlore...lla, algae,yeast, sardines, liver, anchovies and mackerel
veCod liver oil and olive oil• Avoid sugars and sweets and wheat.
From others:
All that is happening on this beautiful planet of ours has brought me to a sense of enormous appreciation of so much that makes up the 'life I'm living', whatever that means. Whilst walking along the cliffs this morning the vanilla/coconut scent of gorse drifted under my nose the glorious blue Atlantic was to one side, and the untamed wildness of the Cornish landscape felt like an embrace. At the same time, I was understanding the connection to all those human beings experiencing a different reality to the one I was in. Much as I might want to help, in that moment I realized that all I might do was to feel beauty to the depths that I was capable. Perhaps if many, many, many of us do that, together, at a regular time, feel the beauty and love in our lives whilst consciously connecting, - well, who knows what the outcome, if any, might be. – Anna in Cornwall
I wanted to e-mail you in regards to Japan and the shift it is creating globally. It is a tragedy, but it gets me thinking about the Earth Mother and how she is completely neutral and we are simply a part of it. Does it seem strange that there is such a disconnect from the ocean and weather in this day and age and it is those very things that are retaliating against us? I just wonder how to handle all the energy that is coming in and you were the only trustworthy person I could think of in such a dramatic period. I find myself running in the direction of my best self so that I can do my best to help, but lately it seems like I'm just running in place.
Also, I feel that all of this somehow relates to the base chakra? What do you think?? - Alexis USA
There is a lot going on, 11 is a master number and I just feel as if things are shifting for 2012 not that I think it will be the end of the world, just the end as we knew it, time for change I think. take care my wonderful friend
Love Dawn UK
Some ways to assist Japan:
1. BLUE SAFFIRE LIGHT FOR JAPAN (thanks to Ester for this)
One of our teachers, Kalliope Pateras from Greece, has kindly sent through this message from El Morya. Please help project the Blue Sapphire colour into and over the nuclear reactors in Japan. Many thanks.
From El Morya
Received 15 March 2011
A Blue Sapphire colour projected into the nuclear reactors of Japan will help to produce a cooling effect to lower temperatures.
And too, projecting this energy of colour into the clouds above will produce a buffering effect.
Your efforts, intentions will be magnified as we will be projecting with you. Call upon us before you start and we will be with you.
2. HEART RHYTM MEDITATION (from my friend Shu-fang Wang in London)
Dear Hearts,
I would like to invite you to join me to do meditation for a week, sending healing to Japan Disaster area and people in need of help. Let's also focus on the nuclear reactor using the water breath of Heart Rhythm Meditation (inhale through nose, exhale through mouth).
I receive this wonderful message today:
"And if a thousand spiritual people speak, they will say the same thing, perhaps in different words but with only one meaning, for they have one and the same vision."
--Hazrat Inayat Khan
Our 'vision' for helping those in Japan is one.
I have just read this headline:
"Japan Asks US To Help Stop Reactor Meltdown".
It say 'US', but I read it as 'us'!!
I will be meditating every morning at 7am UK time with whoever like to join us.
Love to you all,
(For those of you not familiar with GCI , it is “a science-based, co-creative project to unite people in heart-focused care and intention, to facilitate the shift in global consciousness from instability and discord to balance, cooperation and increasing peace”- worth looking at their website
GCI Care Focus - Japan Earthquake
As we compassionately hold Japan in our heart space, let’s fill the affected areas with unconditional love and heart warmth. While doing this, envision a most comforting and peaceful process of recovery guided by the spirit of love and compassion.
Also let’s remember to hold in our heart space, Libya, the Middle East and other areas of turbulence and duress. Let’s sustain our vision for the highest best outcome and the most peaceful resolution while maintaining compassion and unconditional love.
Through these emerging global stress events, it’s important to practice the caring maintenance of our own energy balance in relationship to these seemingly ongoing occurrences. When our emotions are exhausted and frayed, it compromises our personal system and diminishes the effectiveness of our intentions to be helpful. We compassionately realize it’s harder to prevent emotional drain at times when personally connected to these stressful events. Yet it’s worth taking time out on occasion to consciously breathe the feeling of calm and restoration into your system. Doing this from your genuine heart feelings restores emotional resilience, which is especially needed when giving energetic care and support to others who are experiencing a harder time. Use any restoration techniques that work for you. The important thing is: at least remember to do it. Self-care is an essential component in global care.
To join us in the Global Care Room; you can enter the room directly from Simply log-in with your e-mail and GCI password. You may also enter by logging into and clicking the Global Care Room link on your My Member Page. Thank you for providing energetic care and support.
In order for GCI members around the world to participate at a convenient time, we have chosen noon, 8 p.m. and 4 a.m. Pacific Standard Time ( -8 hours GMT ) when GCI members in the Global Care Room can do the Care Focus together.
Thank you for your participation,
The GCI Staff
Saint Theresa's Prayer
May today there be peace within.
May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be.
May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.
May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that
has been given to you.
May you be content knowing you are a child of God.
Let this presence settle into your bones, and
allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love.
It is there for each and every one of us.
I” am the “I”
I” am the “I”
“I” come forth from the void into light,
“I” am the breath that nurtures life,
“I” am the emptiness, that hollowness beyond all consciousness
The “I”, the Id, the All
“I” draw my bow of rainbows across the waters,
The continuum of minds with matters.
“I” am the incoming and outgoing of breath,
The invisible, untouchable breeze,
The undefinable atom of creation
“I” am the “I”
(thanks to Lindsay for this)
Mandalas have been used for centuries. The Monks of Tibet do huge mandalas with different coloured sand and stones and spend many, many hours working on a mandala to make it incredibly rich and beautiful and meaningful - and then they tip it over into a flowing river to release it to the world for healing and also to show that in our physical dimension everything ends and returns to source.
Working with mandalas helps us connect the different parts of ourselves. This leads to wholeness and fulfilment, and enables us to create something specific that we desire, wish to heal, change or awaken. It also connects the right and left parts of our brain, restoring balance.
The mandala also works in the sub- conscious mind. It’s not a conscious process. But by making it conscious as well it becomes more than just an ordinary mandala process.
Working with a mandala with intention can create amazing change – because you are working on your soul patterns, creating new templates in other dimensional frequencies.
Enjoy it! It is a healing meditation that is so simple - too simple for the thinking mind to grasp. How can something so simple and even childlike be effective?
1. Get some colouring pencils (any type that you are drawn to) and print out the mandala (below).
2. Only use your left hand – if you forget you need to start a whole new mandala- VERY IMPORTANT!!
(Note: Your left hand is linked to your intuitive side and that is the part of you that you want to make more active in your life – so that is the reason why you are only allowed to use your left hand for the colouring in of the mandala.)
3. Before you start: first write with your LEFT hand the intention of the mandala- CREATING HEALING AND PEACE FOR THE WORLD IN 2011
4. Only do the colouring in when you are in a quiet space when you are completely on your own
5. Don’t show the mandala to anyone until you have finished it - it may disturb the energy
6. Use any colours and start any- where on the mandala that feels right for you
7. You are not doing it to make it look pretty, or to impress anyone- be authentic and just express whatever you feel while you are doing the colouring in
8. Every time that you work on it with a colour, make a note of what your feelings/thoughts were on the back of the mandala WITH YOUR LEFT HAND – just a few words will be fine
9. Notice particularly what emotional and energetic changes have happened to you and your environment.
With love
(thanks to Beate for sending this- please note it has some disturbing images of children born in Iraq because of the terrible side- effects of certain weapons used)
SaLuSa 21–March–2011.
Events move on towards the inevitable changes that will see your future fulfilled. These are not easy times but you knew that part of your experiences would include this period. Your confidence in the outcome arises from your faith in us and the Creator, and the many higher Beings that have accompanied you all through your lives. You know that nothing can alter it, and those of you that desire to ascend will do so.
Unlike previous times when such opportunities have arisen, you are assured that Ascension will take place. In fact it has been carefully planned on a Universal scale, and is to be an enormous event that happens very rarely. For you it has been a long time coming, but you have been spared a conscious memory of previous occasions. In the scheme of things time is not linear, but all is in the Now. The past, present and future are One, and you can move into whatever aspect of it that you wish. The future is full of probabilities which are why you will sometimes learn of different versions of it. It is you ultimately that attract the one that fulfils the vision created through your consciousness.
It is very important that you keep focused upon the Light that is bringing harmony to the Earth. The Light is streaming in and required more than ever at this time. It is an important period where with so much going on, you need to be in the world but not of it. Be a centre of Light so that you bring calmness to others who are in fear of the outcome. Speak to others of the necessity of changes and the great benefits they will bring. There will be rumors of catastrophic events as the dark Ones play upon people’s fears, but assure them that they are intended to distract them from the truth.
Everything has been foreseen, and ordained in such a way that the affects will be limited. If there is doubt remember that Man could have destroyed the Earth on more than one occasion in the last century, yet it did not take place. You are not only guided to fulfill your task of taking the Earth through to Ascension, but also helped to enlighten people around you. You have never been left alone to suffer the consequences of your actions, and compassion and love has been given to you in a never-ending flow.
The powers that be are generally speaking unaware of what is bringing about the chaotic conditions upon Earth. Often they are spiritually ill equipped to understand the implications of what they see happening and of necessity they will make way for those who do, and have the interests of all people at heart. We know who they are, and they will be protected to ensure that they can take their place of leadership when the opportunity arises. It does not mean that every person at present in such a position is going to be replaced as some are of the Light, but unable to exercise their desire to lift Mankind up.
The time of such changes is not far away, and once they commence it will bring a whole new approach in the way you are governed. With other benefits that you are expecting, the scenario will rapidly change to one of positive expectations, as at last you will see the way forward. Our eventual presence and opportunity to speak with you will clear the way for cooperation between us, and much will be achieved in next to no time. All of these things are moving towards manifestation, and you can be sure that the Galactic Federation is fully prepared for its role in your preparation for Ascension.
As individuals your contribution to the changes is important, and it is best served by sending out your Love and Light to wherever it is needed. The Middle East is an area that for ages past has accumulated much negativity, and it needs help to clear it. We can help in that respect but a mass sending of Light from you will best serve the interests of the people in that region. You are grasping how important and powerful the Light is, and no matter how many weapons are lined up against people they are no answer to it. The Light is the most powerful “weapon” that you can respond with, and it is an unending supply that you can draw through yourself.
The Light can accompany your prayers or meditations, thus empowering them with your love. You are All One, and as such there should be no discrimination between one soul to another as to whom you send it to. Love is the healing balm that can cure all ills, and you can apply it to all forms of life. The Earth has been a difficult place for many animals to exist, and they equally deserve your love. There is everlasting life so in actual reality no death, but all living things do nevertheless benefit from receiving love. Kindness and compassion are much needed at this time, and when those thoughts are sent out they do have an uplifting affect.
Man is naturally a benign Being, and it is only the lower vibrations that have introduced the negative traits that have pulled many souls down. There is no longer any reason to continue living at that level, as you can rise up with the new energies coming in. You are not victims but willing participants, and there is every opportunity to lift yourselves up. Think about what you say and the way that you act, and move on from judgement and criticism of another person.
Most people are trying their best in difficult circumstances, and because the end times present an opportunity to clear karma, have undertaken much more than they might normally do. In reality there is no such thing as an easy life, but you tend to measure that by a person’s wealth that can be a burden or a blessing depending on how it is used. In the near future you will be sharing the wealth of the world fairly, and it will create a society of equal opportunity and eliminate the class distinction that now exists.
Dear Ones, there is a revolution taking place in your world, and consciousness levels are rising and pointing you in the right direction. It is the final battle of this cycle, and you have taken the opportunity to reach the stage whereby you can leave the cycle of duality forever. When you have learnt the lessons it has to offer, the experience gained elevates your consciousness to a higher level. When it is reached the lower vibrations become uncomfortable and no longer serve you any purpose. In such circumstances you are ready to leave duality, for a new level that is more in line with your own and your needs.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and much admire your tenacity and determination to win through the remaining challenges that confront you. We are with you all the way, and great times are approaching as you achieve success.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Saturn rises around sunset becoming bright as it comes to opposition with the Sun and its closest encounter with Earth this year on the night of 3/4 April, 1289 million km or 71.6 light minutes away from the Earth.
The Moon is north of Venus on the morning of 31 March and the very old crescent Moon is also north of Mars on the morning of 2 April. On 3 April the Moon passes south of Uranus during twilight. And the new crescent Moon passes close north of the planet Mercury during the day of 4 April.
Mercury brightens rapidly this month until 27 April when it is brighter than Mars and by the end of the month all the planets Venus, Mercury, Mars and Jupiter as well as Uranus are in the morning sky. If you do get up early for the 1st of May (spring day or Beltane in the Northern Hemisphere), do look at the eastern sky before sunrise- you will see all the planets lined up together low near the horizon.
Please see the attached document called
There are also additional events by others, included as a separate document
Learn to travel with spiritual intent.
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