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Monday, December 8, 2008


© The Arthurian School

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Hi everyone!


There are a few very interesting threads that come through this next moon month that have a bearing not so much on our personal lives, but more on the bigger picture of the world, making it important for all of us to keep a “world” vision and to think bigger than just our own individual issues and lives.

This is a time of true leadership for each one that is awake enough to realise the opportunities of creative change!


The new moon has started in the sign of Libra and the energy feels much lighter than last month. Yesterday on the 30th September it was Rosh Hashana which is the Jewish New Year‘s Day often celebrated by cutting your hair, wearing new clothes or white to symbolise purity. Bread is baked in the shape of a crown or a ladder to join heaven and earth and in the afternoon one would pray next to water to let go of what you no longer need in your life, announcing a time of renewal and new beginnings.

On the 1st October you can also run up to a high place to see the new moon as this marks the end of the Ramadaan fast according to the Islamic tradition.

So this is a month to be creative and busy, because with the beginning of something new, so much more can now be achieved!

Also remember that working with the new moon is very important, because you can use your understanding of the cycle to create something very powerful and valuable and this energy can then be harvested during the time of the full moon.


The first thread I see for this month is happening on the evening of the 1st October when –especially from the southern hemisphere- you will see during twilight close to the crescent of the new moon the planets of Venus and Mars. This is quite significant, because the new moon starts in the sign of Libra that is ruled by Venus and the full moon on the 14th October is in the sign of Aries that is ruled by Mars. It is therefore as if there is an opportunity to “tune” into both the new moon and the full moon right at the beginning of the moon cycle and you can anchor some powerful intentions during this time for the whole moon month to come.

Libra is the sign of justice and harmony and so one of these intentions is about creating good karma and justice for situations on the planet where there has not been peace before (see also the full moon meditation below).

Mirroring this intention of peace beautifully on the second of October is the anniversary of the birthday of Mahatma (Great Soul) Ghandi who famously stood for peace and self reliance. He chose to live creatively and non-violently and was against war and all weapons of war. And - as if on cue, the next day on 3rd October, it is Unity Day in Germany, celebrating the unification of Germany that started a process of great change in the world toward bringing down the Iron Curtain and the falling of the Berlin Wall. And the day after, (4th October) it is World Animal Day!

As an animal lover, I would like to share the information that I have received about animals and especially wild animals at the moment. They are of incredible service to the planet, especially during these times of great change, as they are able to receive the increased vibrations of the Earth’s evolution much more easily than we do because of their natural and pure state, especially in the wild, and these are then “stepped down” to the animals we have in our homes who in turn help us as humans to receive the higher vibrations. We therefore owe them unbelievable gratitude for the service they are providing to us at the moment and it truly is time for us to realise how much they are helping us to create a peaceful and safe planet for our future.


On the day after the full moon (the 15th October) the planet Mars (who also rules the full moon on the 14th)- now fast sinking into the sunset - goes into the constellation of Libra (the same sign who ruled the new moon). This means that Mars and the Sun are both in the same sign – Libra- and this powerful alliance can help us to make real progress through action.

And once again, as if on cue, the day after Mars moves into Libra, it is World Food day (16th October) and the day after that- on the 17th October it is International Day for the Eradication of Poverty.

I find it significant that this month we once again have a full moon in Aries (governed by Mars) and to me it feels like Mars is helping us to really take action and create a new order of things. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and governs inspiration and action and this is perfect in view of the dire need Africa and other poor countries have in terms of food and resources. This is a period where there can be powerful initiatives to create a world where these poor areas can start to become more self reliant in terms of food and basic resources.

In this vein of poverty, I would like to share a poem that some of you may have already read, but is worth sharing again not only for Africa, but all the countries of the world that are in need at the moment:


We gather here – the time is right –
To lift our continent to the light –
A sacred ceremony we will hold
To bring our nation in the fold.

A crystal palace we invoke
To over light this land of hope –
To all the Angels we appeal
We want our Africa to heal.

May light and love and peace prevail
Our land is sad and very frail.
We call on Africa for to keep –
E-Africa will no longer weep.

All people who uphold the light
Will make this continent new and bright
We know that all there is, is love
All guidance comes from God above –
E-Africa.- by Ina Daffarn

May we all use the opportunities that are there for us this month to step out and create positive change in all the different countries we live - and the world we are all part of.

With blessings of Love
telephone: (0027) 28 273 8277 international 028 273 8277 local
mobile: (0027) 783716343 international 0783716343 local

“Revitalise and Enlighten your Life with the Moon”


called the Ivy Moon, the Leaf Dance Moon, the Blood Moon and the Song Moon

Jupiter is still a magnificent sight in the evening sky, low down in the south and west as seen from the northern hemisphere and high in the north and west as seen from the southern hemisphere. Venus is still brighter than Jupiter but is much nearer the sunset. Venus climbs away from the sun as the weeks pass. On the morning of 25th October the old crescent moon is near Saturn in the eastern sky and on the morning of 27th October it is near Mercury.

Full moon is on Tuesday, the 14th October at 21h03.


MEDITATION (as abridged from a meditation for South Africa that was sent to me and special thanks to Marietjie Novak for forwarding this to me)
Sit comfortably where you are, with you feet firmly on the ground, and your arms and legs are uncrossed…
You start to feel roots growing out from under your feet, and these roots reach into the surface of the earth…
The roots move further and further down towards the core of the Earth, wrapping their strong roots around this core, grounding you for this meditation…
The roots start to draw up this wonderful energy of the Earth, back up towards the surface…up and into your feet…
This grounding energy moves up your shins, your knees, your thighs…
Moving into your hips, relaxing and soothing your joints…
Moving up further to your abdomen, your chest, up to your shoulders…
Down your arms, to your wrists, moving right into your finger tips…
The energy moves up your neck, your chin, feel it moving into your ears, relaxing your further and further…
Moving into your eyes, relaxing the eyelids, moving up to the top of your head…

You now call upon the mighty Archangel Michael of protection, to please place his deep blue cloak of protection all around your body…
And to then zip up the cloak from underneath your feet, all the way up to underneath your chin…

You start to move off your chair, and walk into a garden…you feel the warm relaxing sun on your back…the grass underneath you…the sound of silence…and feeling of calmness…
You are completely safe and protected…

Then, in front of you, you see a magnificent golden light moving closer towards you…
This light comforts you, and helps you to feel more and more relaxed…
As this light comes closer, you see that it is your Guardian Angel…your angel is here to protect you…and accompany you on this journey…

Your guardian angel now leads you by the hand, up a flight of white stairs…you slowly start to walk up these white stairs…one…two…three…four…five…you take you time to pause as you feel a warmth of love around you…six…seven…eight…nine…ten…your angels tells you that you will now be meeting with the Lords of Karma…

At the top of the stairs, you come up to a huge door, where the Lords of Karma are waiting for you…your angel slowly pushes this door open for you…and it is now time for you to enter the room…
In front of you sit the Lords of Karma…they are seated around a horse shoe shaped table…
You can feel their incredible light shining from these beings, as well as feel their incredible compassion being sent towards you…
You thank them for giving you this time…
They now ask you, what it is that you wish to ask them…

You now ask them, under grace, for the release of the world’s karma…as well as the release of the karma from your country, so that we may start to create a peaceful and better life for all here…

The Lords of Karma are telling you now, that your request has been granted…
You now thank them for what has been given to you, and for their time…

Your guardian angel now takes you by the hand and leads you out of the room, towards the stairs…you start to walk down the stairs, where you will be lead back into your garden…you start to reach the bottom of the stairs, stepping down slowly on each step…ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five…you can now feel the warmth coming from your garden…four, three, two, one…
You are now safely back in your garden, and your angel invites you over to a pond where there is a silver full moon …your angel tells you that this is a pond of manifestation, and that whatever you visualise can be manifested in your world…

You start to visualise the people in the world and your country, smiling and laughing…
Children playing safely and happily in peace…
Couples enjoying safe walks on the beach at night…
War zones that have been transformed into beauty and peace
People walking the streets safely at night…
Families enjoying so much time together, as the pace of life relaxes so much for each of us…
Communities working lovingly together, on cleaning rivers and parks, where people can enjoy socialising together…
The economies of the world strengthening and creating abundance for all …
Governments working together lovingly, giving so much back to people of their countries…
See yourself enjoying all the small and large things that the world and your country and the world has to offer…
See the rest of the world looking towards your country as inspiration, for how life can be lived…
A country where each and every person’s life is happy and fulfilled, knowing there is peace and abundance of all, for everyone…
You tell your angel, that this is what you wish to manifest…
Your angel now asks that you start to live your life as if this life you ask for has already happened, and know that the energy you put in today, will start to manifest itself, immediately

And you now are being led back out of your garden…back into your chair, where you started
Thank the Moon and start to bring your awareness back to your chair…move your feet a little bit…move your finger tips…your shoulders…and when you’re ready…open your eyes…


I thought it may be interesting for those of you who do not know the Biophile magazine to read about the information in a recent article that I wrote for them:


Imagine the sea rising around you, so that your country is literally disappearing beneath your very feet.

Imagine the food you grow and the water you drink are being destroyed by salt, and there are desperate conflicts over fresh water and food.

Imagine that your only salvation is to seek refuge in another land where you as a climate change refugee has no status, and where the coasts are likely to be disappearing too.

This is not a bad dream. It is at this time a very real possibility for millions of people who live on islands around the world, including places close to home such as the Maldives and Seychelles. With most of its 1196 tiny islands barely 2 meters above sea level, a 1 meter rise in the event of a storm surge will jeopardise the Maldives’ entire survival.

That is why, in an unprecedented step, these countries have called on the Security Council of the United Nations to address climate change as a pressing threat to international peace and security, and to treat it with the urgency usually only given to the possibility of war.

These countries are saying that it is time for the rest of the world to wake up and acknowledge that what is happening right now, is just the first wave of devastating impacts from climate change that will soon threaten us all:

“Palalu has lost at least one third of its coral reefs due to climate change related weather patterns. We also lost most of our agricultural production due to drought and extreme high tides. These are not theoretical, scientific losses- they are the losses of our resources and our livelihoods… For Island states, time is not running out. It has run out. And our path may very well be the window to your own future and the future of our planet.” - President Remengesau of Palau, a small island in the Pacific

So what is happening to our planet at the moment?

Major Earth Changes

On the 31st August 2008 shocking news were reported in the Independent UK newspaper: the latest images from a NASA satellite confirmed that for the first time in human history and at least 125,000 years, it is now possible to circumnavigate around the North Pole. The images showed that the north-west and north-east passages had both opened and that open water now stretches all the way around the Arctic. All because of an unexpectedly rapid melting of the ice cap that is being described by some as its “death spiral”.

Until recently it was predicted that the inevitable disappearance of the ice cap because of global warming will only happen around 2070, but many scientists now predict that the Artic Ocean will be completely ice free in summer by 2030 or even as early as 2013.

A massive cracking has also been reported in the Petermann glacier in the far north of Greenland that until now had been unaffected by global warming and in an unprecedented sighting, nine stranded polar bears were seen off Alaska trying to swim 400 miles north to the retreating icecap edge.

Thawing glaciers have caused flooding recently and tourists had to be evacuated from Baffin Island’s Auyuittuq National Park. “Auyuittuq ironically means “land that never melts.”

The process feeds on itself. As white ice is replaced by the sea, the dark surface absorbs more heat and that in turn warms the ocean and melts more ice.

As the sea is overwhelming the land, it is scientifically recorded that there is a measurable reversal of the magnetic spin of the Earth in the South Atlantic Ocean which could mean that we are heading for a reversal of the North and South Poles, and that our magnetic field is weakening with the result that the Earth’s atmosphere is becoming less protected.

We are also experiencing a rapid increase in destructive storms and rain. What have in the past been unprecedented weather patterns, are now fast becoming normal day to day occurrences.

The Earth seems to be going through an intensified process of healing and purification to heal herself and to undo our bad karma for destroying her in so many places through our ignorance and arrogance and greed. Huge energies are emerging and we are witnessing enormous and unpredictable waves that are forcing us to make different decisions and find new solutions for the way we are living on our Earth.

The Earth Soul

We have to learn that the Earth is not just a one dimensional being as we have always been taught to see her. She is a living breathing being that has a soul, just like us - although on a much vaster scale. We have become so used to living upon the surface of reality, without being in touch with this soul, that with the dramatic up surging and change of her life energies at the moment, we are too weak to withstand the change.

We now must become more aware of her consciousness and energy systems, so that we can create a new link with her soul and become stronger to cope with all the radical changes that are happening all around us.

We have to change the way that we think, feel and exist and we have to learn to communicate with the Earth soul. This involves us learning to perceive the more subtle dimensions of the Earth, so that we not only relate to the physical or material part of her, but also to the etheric and energetic parts of her Soul.

Recent events are telling us that we have to step up our game and what we are doing at the moment is just not enough! A greater sense of personal involvement is needed and it is no use leaving it to governments and scientists to resolve. Time is running out for us as a humanity on this planet.

The changes are affecting all of us, and every person who cares enough about the future and our responsibility to future generations, must now become actively involved in playing their part in Earth healing.

Earth Healing

What is Earth Healing and how can I help?

Earth healing requires an awareness of the Earth on an energetic level. By learning to “feel” the energies of the Earth and how they vary in different places, one can start to develop a personal relationship with the Earth and the Earth Soul that is an intangible energy that is very real. In some areas such as places of outstanding natural beauty and undisturbed nature reserves, the Earth Soul is still strong and it is easy to connect and communicate with her. Many experience this as a feeling of “sacredness”.

The ancient indigenous people that were connected to the Earth such as the ancient Inca and Maya, knew that in certain places on the Earth it was much easier to be in touch with the Earth Soul and so they built ancient temples and pyramids there.

And by having this exchange of energy awareness and honouring of the sacredness or Earth Soul through ceremonies and healing intentions, they strengthened not only their connection to the Earth Soul, but also the Earth’s own natural cycles.

They understood and consciously worked with the influences of the Sun, Moon and stars and planets and so worked with the forces of nature, instead of against them as we so often do now through our ignorance and insensitivity.

The ancient civilisations could anticipate and knew how to work with change which they accepted as a natural and inevitable part of the Earth’s process.

The Ancient Inca engineers, for example, built their cities like Machu Picchu, according to the universal laws of nature and through their incredible understanding and craftsmanship knew exactly where to position certain structures so as to stimulate the flow of energies in the Earth. They were also masters of working with water, constructing waterways and irrigation systems out of stone that to this day still baffle modern technology.

What is the value of ancient civilisations?

And so where does this all leave us today?

It is time for us to revisit the clues that had been left for us by these ancient civilisations. We need to go back to understanding what the meaning is of the legacies they left behind.

And this we will not be able to find through a search of the rational mind only. This will be the result only of a search of the much Higher Mind, the Heart, that is willing to acknowledge and explore the unseen, understand the Soul energies of the Earth through feeling and communicating with them, and actively engage the Earth’s many kingdoms so as to raise our understanding of what is required to save us from the disaster of having no future.

Then we can -and will – start to build a bright and completely New World and future in these times of great uncertainty.

(© Elizabeth Bardin- The Arthurian School)


I will be in Peru as from the 1st October – 16th October doing a retreat on the Condor energy and creativity.

Here is some more information about the upcoming Pringle Bay retreats:



The body is the temple of the Soul and during the retreat you will be able to rest, cleanse and heal your body, create some deep lasting energy changes and learn to engage and communicate with the consciousness of the Earth.

What the retreat is about:
The retreat at Pringle Bay (an hour away from Cape Town) starts at 11h00 on a Monday and ends at 13h00 on a Friday. In addition to spending time in nature to help you expand your dimensional awareness of the Earth, each day includes an early morning heart meditation session, and during the retreat you have two body treatments of your choice (Hawaiian massage, yoga, Bowen treatment, Quantum Touch healing, or aromatherapy sessions with indigenous African herbs). You will also be working with a colour mandala to create accelerated self empowerment in your life, and have a Soul Tarot reading to bring about certain powerful Earth light body activations.

Bring along:
Colouring in pencils, a journal, loose comfortable and warm clothing, a small blanket for meditation, swimming costume and rain/weather proof gear to wear outside.

What is provided:
Full board and accommodation including de-toxing and nurturing food (fruit, soups, vegetables, rice and quinoa), all treatments and personal sessions. You have your own personal bedroom with a shared bathroom.

Cost: R3 860 payable on registration


(cost R3 860 all inclusive)

(cost R1 070 all inclusive)




WEBSITE www.arthurianschool.com
EMAIL info@arthurianschool.com
telephone: (0027) 28 273 8277 international 028 273 8277 local
mobile: (0027) 783716343 international 0783716343 local

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