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Friday, March 6, 2009


MARCH 2009
© The Arthurian School

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Hi everyone!


Truth is spread on its own merits. Truth does not have to be rammed down our throats with constant repetition. Truth will reverberate through our consciousness, and the truth will instinctively be known to be true.

We are all multi-dimensional beings that have been taught to
focus only on a third dimensional or surface reality.

The old dominators of this reality encouraged us to deny our true existence
by control and fear.

FEAR brings us out of our natural loving state which makes us easily CONTROLLABLE.

We have ABILITIES within all of us that such dominators do NOT want us to nurture because if we did, the grip on us would collapse.

It is the love for one another that FEAR wants to destroy.

If we unconditionally love one another then we cannot be MANIPULATED to fight and even kill one another.

To deny our inner light is to deny our true evolution.
Evolution is not just physical.



In a time of incredible turmoil and change we are experiencing the Mayan predictions that the world as we know it will crumble and fall. Watching and experiencing awesome displays of the elements with fires in the Southern Hemisphere and flooding and freezing temperatures in the North, we are seeing the first level of yet another Earth cleansing.

This is not easy for us as humans to integrate. What we have come to believe is only love and light, certainly has a darker side. The energies that are emerging and coming into our planet (that I clairvoyantly see as huge waves coming through the North Pole, the incoming vortex for our Earth) are forces to be reckoned with. Consciousness and awareness is everything.

These waves of energy has no morality or agendas connected to them- they are pure energy with a very high and raised vibration and how they will affect us and planet Earth is largely due to how we will be harnessing and directing the energies. They could either be the most incredible blessing, or the most incredible destruction. The choice is ours.

There may be many that say this is due to come to an end. My intuition tells me otherwise. They are here to stay and we had better get used to it.

Some people are saying to me that they feel they are literally going out of their minds. Nothing seems to make sense any more, and they just feel either depressed, or totally overwhelmed.

This is not just a matter of speaking! It is literally true! We cannot live within our rational minds anymore. There is just too much information and too much change. All we now can do is to live from the inner point of knowing that does not come from any external source but is our intuition. Only then we are able to flow with all the changes and even start to have a feeling of being connected to what is happening.

Change is happening really fast. If you could see the energies you would be amazed! This is a time when many will be left behind. So if you feel that you can take a break, think again! Just look at the financial world and structures that are continuing to fall apart and break down. Nothing that we have been taught is so-called safe, is safe anymore.

AND SO what is being anchored onto the planet now, is the benevolent father energy- not the abusive, exploitive, domineering old energy of father that is punishing and to be feared, but the true energy of the loving and responsible father.

Much has been written about King Arthur and the Round Table. I have had the privilege of living in the Tintagel Cornwall where the legend was born and Arthur physically incarnated.

I truly believe that the legend is in fact a very evolved star consciousness that comes from Sirius, and that it holds the keys to finding peace and new workable structures (father energy) in our world.

The Round Table is about equality, working together and has as it underlying principle, Love.

Arthur, the King, brought peace to a war torn Island, and united people so that they could prosper and grow.

He represented the male energy that is in balance- that protects the feminine and is infinitely benign.

Even structures such as our governments and financial worlds must learn to transform into something that is about what is good for the community. Surely that is what it is all about?

It is about us, the people and who should benefit and be protected. It is about a loving father that we can trust and look up to for guidance in times of need.

Robert Mugabe to me exemplifies the perfect example of the old destructive “father” energy that we have all in some way encountered in our lives.

And so he is to be thanked for making this conscious for all of us. But now surely it is time for it all to go?

Go into your heart and find the oppressor there. Who has and is still there oppressing you to be silent, not to stand up for yourself, who negates and looks down on what you believe, in what you want to do? Tell that energy that you have learnt enough about it now- claim back your power and ask Arthur -the new King- to plant a seed of consciousness into your heart that can blossom and grow. Pray for the people of Zimbabwe that has taken on the burden of repression to show us the folly of a world that has gone mad. Hold them in your heart and help them to once again believe in themselves and become strong.

It is really a beautiful world.

We have just forgotten it.

With blessings of Love
telephone: (0027) 28 273 8277 international 028 273 8277 local
mobile: (0027) 783716343 international 0783716343 local

“Revitalise and Enlighten your Life with the Moon”


called the Alder Moon, the Wind Tossed Moon, the Death Moon in the
Celtic tradition

The new moon started on the 25th February in the sign of Pisces and the full moon will be on the 10th March in the sign of Virgo.

It is interesting that the new moon started in the sign of Pisces governed by the planet Neptune also known as Poseidon. The legendary Atlantis according to the philosopher Plato started when the God Poseidon (later named so by the Romans after the Greeks) created different islands and I have always felt that the Atlantic sea has an important connection to Atlantis.

The energies of this moon month also feel to me very much like “waves” and so the images of the sea and anything connected to the sea are really important. It is helping us to integrate the incoming energies of this month and you could use this very effectively to help you get more in tune with what is going on at the moment.

What the planets are doing

Venus still features strongly in the sky, but is slipping gradually into the sunset, as it comes round the Earth’s side of the sun. What is interesting to watch is that in the Northern Hemisphere around the 23rd March, Venus can be seen in both the evening and the morning skies - Venus will be seen left of the setting sun, and in the morning it will also be seen left of the coming sunrise. A great blessing to all in the Northern Hemisphere at this time.


On the 8th March, the planet Saturn will be opposite the sun and at its closest to Earth this year, just under 70 light minutes away. If you watch through binoculars or a telescope, you will find that the rings of Saturn are very hard to see, because they have turned edge on.

This opposition between Saturn and the sun is according to my inner knowing one of the most important events being set into motion this year.

I see this as a huge incoming wave of energy that will reach the planet with an amazing force and sweep away any old structures that are still obstructing the Heart. Saturn is the planet of structure, father energy and responsibility and the Sun for me represents Soul. And so any energy that is not in alignment with the responsible father working from a Soul level is going to be tested. Likewise structures that have been oppressive or ego based will fall- on both a personal and planetary level.

But at the same time there will also be an unrivalled opportunity to start living through what I call our “soul ego”- an ego that is evolved enough to express the heart.

With this wave comes huge opportunities of co-creating new possibilities, once again not only on a personal but also on a planetary level of change.


I don’t know if some of you know David Ashworth in the UK who works with the power of Essences (see his website http://www.essenceofevolution.co.uk).

A lot of the information that he is bringing through really resonates with what I am receiving and he is able to express it so well!

Here are some extracts of what his guides are saying about this next wave that is coming in (my underlining):

“A time of urgent preparation. Yet, your energies might still feel low, but nevertheless, you must put your plans for the year in place now. When that wave hits, it will pick up every atom of your thoughts, emotions, feelings, desires, dreams, needs and wants and it will carry those images into the future.
You must be in alignment with what you want. Imagine it like a golfer about to drive a ball down the fairway. If his club hits the ball square on, right in the centre, the energy transfer from the club to the ball steers it straight ahead. But, if his aim is slightly off centre, then the ball rockets away in the wrong direction. When the energy of this wave hits you, you better be in line, or it will knock your plans right off course.

This is why we were advising you …. to ensure that you spend time on grounding and being in nature, for it is the Earth Mother who has been helping in the preparation for this next acceleration phase. She is the one who will hold you strongly so that the incoming wave does not pull out your roots.
This next period of uplifting energy beginning in March is pregnant with possibility. You can literally write your own future. We would encourage you to take some time out to plan. To think where you really want to be by the end of this year, for if you are not in alignment when the energy hits, it will knock you off course and you will then have to use a great deal of energy to get back on course, and this will lose you a lot of time, energy and momentum. It will leave you behind by months. And time is something that we have precious little of as we step towards 2012.
Raise Your AwarenessOne most important thing to learn at this point is that this next wave will carry a vibration so much finer than ever before that you will have to attune very carefully to perceive it. It is not difficult, it just takes a little patience and conviction. Ask the Universe for help and guidance to understand what is happening. The Universe will see your true intent and help you.”
The opportunities to ascend are all around you, but we say to you now, in all sincerity for your ascension, that it will not happen without you making an effort and taking part. You have the keys to your own salvation and nobody can take you through those gates if you don’t want to go. You cannot be a passenger and ascend.
The path of all those who pass through the fire of evolution must walk through the consciousness of the heart chakra first. It is only through this chakra that all life and higher vision can be seen to be understood. Without the ‘quickening’ or speeding up of this part of the Being, then no real evolution takes place, only an illusory one.

Therefore, look around yourselves for what ‘feels’ right for your own evolution, take action and follow that path that is presenting itself at any one time, indulging in anything which will uplift you, then take time to ‘feel’ how the universe guides and assists you. You will always know what uplifts you as your heart will become lighter and you will truly feel the shift.Blessings. Peace be with you.The Guides “


Allow yourself to become still, preferably somewhere in nature, or if you are inside, with a view of the Moon.

Bring the shining Moon into your third eye and visualise it connecting down to your Heart so that it also starts to pulsate with your regular heart beat. Imagine linking through your third eye, your own heart beat to the very light heart beat of the Moon. Feel how the Moon’s heart beat is purifying your third eye so that you can more clearly “see” and “know” with your intuition.

Now feel your feet being grounded firmly in the Earth. Feel yourself being drawn to also feel and experience the heart beat of the Earth. Start to see her oceans and visualise the heart beat of the Earth and the oceans connecting with you and supporting you.

Stay here for a while, allowing your energy and the heart energies of the Moon and the oceans of the Earth to stabilise inside of you.

Now imagine that you are facing a wave in the sea. The wave is still far away from you, and you have enough time to look at it and feel safe. Gently imagine that the divas of the oceans start swimming towards you in front of the wave- as if they are embracing you and preparing you for the wave. As you feel their warm embrace you suddenly realise that you have merged with the wave without even knowing it. It was such a gentle and easy process.

Feel yourself basking in the water, not afraid of it at all- it feels so benevolent and you are able to drift on top of it- effortless and easy. Feel the lightness in your body and the feelings of optimism and joy that are flooding in.

There is a sense of elation and letting go. You are safe in your body and life is speeding forward as you are gently lifted onto the sand. As you stand up you look up at the Moon and feel revived and new- as if a part of you have woken up that has been sleeping before!

Archangel Michael affirmations for protection, abundance and peace

I am a great Louise Hay fan and totally believe in the power of affirmations.

Here are some affirmations channelled by Ronna Herman with Archangel Michael that may assist you with the financial turmoil at the moment:

“Blessed Ones, encapsulate every person evolving on Earth in your invincible Circle of White Lightning, the Ring Pass.

Not of God's First Cause of Perfection, prevent anything that is not of the Light from interfering with our service to the Light and our Divine Mission to Love ALL Life free.Archangel Michael, permanently station one of your Mighty Angels of Power and Protection within the aura of every person on Earth. Direct these Angels to use their Swords of Blue Flame to instantly... CUT US FREE! ( 3X ) CUT US FREE! ( 3X ) CUT US FREE! ( 3X ) from every line of force that would strive to prevent the Immaculate Concept of our Divine Plan from being fulfilled. Free us instantly from any blocks or resistance from our own lower consciousness that might try to impede the God Victorious accomplishment of our heartfelt service to Humanity and the Light...CUT US FREE! ( 3X ) CUT US FREE! ( 3X ) CUT US FREE! ( 3X ) from every line of force that connects us with imperfection of any kind, and send your powerful Blue Flame to dissolve each line of force to its end. Place your Cross of Blue Flame in front of us, in back of us, on either side of us, above and below us and...SEAL! SEAL! SEAL! every person in your Cross of Blue Flame and your Ring Pass Not of God's First Cause of Perfection now and forever!We so decree it, and accept it done, through the Power of God, I AM.And so it is. Affirmation for Abundance and Eternal Peace:I AM ETERNALLY FINANCIALLY FREE! I AM invoking the Golden Light of God's Abundance and Eternal Peace on behalf of myself and every Lightworker who is involved with establishing the patterns of perfection for the New Earth in the physical plane.I KNOW, through every fiber of my Being, that my Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven are accepting my money as a gift of Love being given to God in appreciation for my gift of Life. I expect and accept that my money is blessing all Life and increasing a thousand times a thousandfold on its return to me and to those who are selflessly assisting Beloved Mother Earth.I know this is transpiring with the highest good of all concerned, right here and right now. Moment by moment and day by day, everything I need to fulfill my Divine Plan is available to me through God's Infinite Abundance and Eternal Peace. The Universal Laws ASK AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE and KNOCK AND THE DOOR WILL BE OPENED are manifesting in my life, now and forever. I revel in the buoyancy and elation of my newfound freedom and God's Abundance. The Company of Heaven rejoices with me as I reclaim my Divine Birthright and accept my Eternal Peace and the God Supply of ALL Good Things.Through all levels of Divine Consciousness I now Decree:I AM! I AM! I AM!The eternally sustained manifestation of God's infinite supply of money and every good thing I require to assist me in my service to the Light, NOW made manifest and sustained by Holy Grace.I AM! I AM! I AM!The eternally sustained manifestation of God's infinite supply of money and every good thing I require to assist me in my service to the Light, NOW made manifest and sustained by Holy Grace. I AM! I AM! I AM!The eternally sustained manifestation of God's infinite supply of money and every good thing I require to assist me in my service to the Light, NOW made manifest and sustained by Holy Grace. In deep love and appreciation for my glorious gift of Life, I consecrate my Heart and Soul to be the Open Door for the patterns of perfection from the Causal Body of God until the New Earth is manifest, and all Life evolving here is wholly Ascended and FREE.It is done! And so it is!Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM.


I would like to introduce you to a really beautiful person, Michaela O’Driscoll.

My first and very lasting! memory of Michaela is how I was taken into unbelievable space of bliss when I attended one of her Singing Bowl “baths” at her home in Glastonbury in the UK. Words cannot describe the incredible effect of Michaela’s singing bowls! It felt like angels that had touched my whole being and that I had changed in ways that I could not even begin to understand.

Michaela has been involved in some incredible work of the heart and I love the extract about the Dalai Lama that she has on her website www.crystalbowls.net:

Deepening TRUST

In the words of the Dalai Lama, “Never give up, No matter what is going on, Never give up Develop the heart, Too much energy in your country is spent developing the mind instead of the heart. Be compassionate, Not just to your friends, But to every one, Be compassionate, Work for peace In your heart and in the world, Work for peace. And I say again, Never give up, No matter what is happening, No matter what is going on around you.

At the end of one of his talks, someone from the audience asked the Dalai Lama:
“why didn’t you fight back against the Chinese?” The Dalai Lama looked down, swung his feet just a bit, then looked back up and said with a gentle smile: “well, war is obsolete you know”. Then, after a few moments, his face grave, he said:
“of course the mind can rationalize fighting back, but the heart would never understand. Then you would be divided in yourself, the heart and the mind, and the war would be inside you”.

Michaela is a healing sound practitioner with over 25 years experience in the mind body spirit healing field. Her work bridges orthodox and complimentary therapies having had years of experience in both worlds. She has practiced as a homeopath since 1988 and as a mental health practitioner she worked with homeless people on the streets of London. She has also supported people in overcoming dependencies on prescribed and street drugs as well as alcohol and she also facilitates people through their healing process with anger release work.

What is particularly interesting about her work, is that she also uses ritual having travelled widely and has spent much time in Bali and Indonesia, where she learnt much about the importance of ceremony, honouring ourselves, our ancestors, our community and our environment.

And the great news for us in South Africa is that she will be coming over in April to spend a few months here Africa!

Amongst many of the things planned, she will be doing a Sound and Earth Festival with me in Pringle Bay and I would really encourage those of you who are able to join us and to come and meet her!

It is truly a great privilege to have her here with us and so please make the most of this opportunity to experience something quite unique from the land of Avalon and Glastonbury.

World Water Day 22nd MARCH
Very appropriately this falls on an Aquarius moon day (we are moving into the new more enlightened age of Aquarius at the moment) and there is also a sextile ( a very favourable alignment or placement) between the Moon and Venus, the planet of love and peace on the 22nd March.

Also with this new moon cycle starting in the sign of Pisces, a water sign, it is very appropriate for us all to consider the wonder of water and your absolute reliance on it for the future.

The international observance of World Water Day is an initiative that grew out of the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro.
Theme 2009: Transboundary water
In 2009, the focus of World Water Day on March 22 will be on transboundary waters: sharing water, sharing opportunities:
The world’s 263 transboundary lake and river basins include the territory of 145 countries and cover nearly half of the Earth’s land surface. Great reservoirs of freshwater also move silently below our borders in underground aquifers.
With every country seeking to satisfy its water needs from limited water resources, some foresee a future filled with conflict. But history shows that cooperation, not conflict, is the most common response to transboundary water management issues.
We share the responsibility for managing the world’s transboundary waters for current and future generations.

CODEX Criminalizing Natural Health, Vitamins, and Herbs
I do not believe in dooms day prophets, but recently a client, Tara drew my attention to this and I also very recently received an email from another client that was written by Norma Milanovich, whom some of you may know does very valuable earth work and is also the author of AND THE LIGHT SHALL SET YOU FREE. This is what Norma said and I strongly also ask you to see what your inner guidance is on this:

“Please take 40 minutes and watch Dr. Rima Laibow's video on Codex Alimentarius. It just might be the most important video that you will view this year. I send this to you because I have been one of hundreds who have worked for the past 3 years keeping this OUT of the United States. To date, I am proud to say that we have been successful. I am always amazed, however, at how many do not even know of this yet. I travel the world all the time, and I see how the Third World countries are organizing against it, yet our own people here in the US and Canada aren't even aware that it exists. What's wrong with this picture? http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5266884912495233634&ei=cHf7SI34CI6qrgLk7dHsDg&q=codex+alimentarius
After viewing it, and if your inner guidance agrees, I urge you to PLEASE join her, support her, and HELP. Even a small donation can assist their organization. Simultaneously, start thinking about yourself, your family members, and friends and make plans, in the Light of God, to effectively move with Grace and determination to arrange perfection around. Hold the Light and focus it now on this area, send your prayers, and show the world what we can do. Love and Light, Norma J. Milanovich”


I will be going to Peru at the beginning of April and after my return on the 17th of April there will be a workshop by my friend Shu-fang Wang, a wonderful meditation teacher as well as a Sound and Earth Festival and workshop with Michaela O’Driscoll.

Please email me for more details and I will also be sending out some more information on these events to my South African mailing list.

For others that are interested in Egypt, Berto Voigt and Tamar Bezuidenhout and I are planning an INNER ALCHEMY JOURNEY Retreat in November, visiting some of the temples and pyramids of Egypt. Contact me or them (essence@solaraura.co.za) for more details and it will also be available in the next edition of the New Moon Magazine:

telephone: (0027) 28 273 8277 international 028 273 8277 local
mobile: (0027) 783716343 international 0783716343 local
The magazine’s stated intention is to be for the Highest Good of All, and to harm no one.

“Revitalise and Enlighten your Life with the Moon”

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