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Tuesday, June 2, 2009


JUNE 2009
© The Arthurian School

Before printing this, please consider the environment!

Note: This magazine is intended for the sharing of information, so please feel free to pass it on, or if you want to be removed from the circulation list, just send an email reply to info@arthurianschool.com with the word “unsubscribe” in the heading.

Hi everyone!

“We make a living by what we get, but
we make a life by what we give.”
~ Winston Churchill

It is with some sadness in my heart that I write this letter- more than 55 whales have in the past two days been beaching themselves here on the coast of Cape Town.

With the intention of what seemed to be a mass suicide, they had returned again and again to the beach despite desperate efforts by people who had driven in mass to Kommetjie (the beach where this was happening) to help them get back into the sea. Friends of mine saw people wading into the cold winter sea without wetsuits, completely touched by the sadness and urgency of what was happening.

Why are the whales doing this? It is quite bizarre, because in the last newsletter for May I was given instructions to do a meditation with the whales, almost as if in preparation!

I believe firmly that there are three record keepers for us here on Earth: the whales, the crystals and the trees. They keep the memory of how life on Earth began and also of our ancient history that no history book will ever be able to tell us. If they disappear, so also does our ability to remember and find our true origins.

And so it is imperative for the continuing of our life as humans on this planet to start listening to what they are saying.

When I was in a deep healing meditation with others to connect with the whales while this mass suicide was happening, I saw a huge portal opening that allowed some of them to pass over into new and different dimensions. But the shocking way in which this had to be done must surely be a lesson for us! When animals start to behave in a way that seems to be in complete contrast to their nature, and when they may even start to attach us, it is telling us one thing:

We have lost our way and it is time to get back to the heart.

Animals only respond to the vibration of nature and that is love- love is the only energy that has a high vibration and that they really recognise and when we are still so stuck in density without any connection to our hearts and worrying about our egos and our houses and our neighbours and how much we hate them because of us recognising things in them that we would rather not see in ourselves, well then we are not really going to get there!

This is waking up time big time!

It is time to build together, to create communities together, to love unconditionally, to help where we can, to stop thinking about ourselves but to show love and compassion for the plights of others. That is the only thing that will give us that deep satisfaction anyway! Have you ever felt how good it feels to just make someone else happy? To help them in some way? It may be something small, but really at the end of the day lets become really selfish! Let’s start loving and helping everyone because that is the only thing that really makes us happy!

So many people are dying from cancer, from diseases of the body and what this telling us? That “things” will never make sure that we live forever, that in the face of death we are stripped from everything that is not important and not real.

And that we need to start living in the NOW without thinking necessarily that we will be here again tomorrow. This is serious. 2012 is coming soon and we are not ready yet. WE are far from ready and if we continue to look the other way instead of creating the change inside of ourselves and our communities these natural disasters will escalate. The Earth has no choice- she is doing her best to help wake us up!

What can you do today? Maybe you can just clear out your cupboards and give something you no longer need to people that have nothing or so much less. Maybe you can do a few hours at a hospice or a place where people are suffering. Maybe you can spend a few days looking at options for homeless people. Don’t give money- DO SOMETHING. Go into your heart and start making a difference in your life.

My favourite teacher Lazaris once said negativity and the darkness is actually weak- look at how the flame of one little candle can light up a room! We are taught that we are powerless and too small as an individual to make a difference. But that isn’t true! If you have one positive person at work see how it changes everything! We are all changing so much, there is so much more opportunity to change –

and despite what you may believe or see on the surface- everyone is open to it!

Otherwise they will not be able to live in the resonance of the planet as it is now escalating. So don’t worry what you can see on the outside, change can happen fast and it is happening inside.

I wish you a god blessed month ahead- may you find the divinity inside!

With blessings of Love
telephone: (0027) 28 273 8277 international 028 273 8277 local
mobile: (0027) 783716343 international 0783716343 local

“Revitalise and Enlighten your Life with the Moon”


called the Oak Moon, the Bright Love Moon and the Planting Moon in the
Celtic tradition

The new moon started on the 25th May in the sign of Gemini and the full moon will be on the 7th June in the sign of Sagittarius.

Friday 5th June is World Environment Day, a good day to reflect on what you can do to preserve and protect the environment around you.

The 14th June is the Egyptian festival called the Night of the Tear Drop when the goddess Isis is said to mourn the death of her son Osiris and her tears begin the flooding of the River Nile to bring new life to the land.

21st June is solstice when in the northern hemisphere has its longest and the southern hemisphere has its shortest day of the year. In the northern hemisphere it’s the triumph of light, the culmination of the Sun. Traditionally, bonfires are made on a hilltop with singing, dancing and light hearted laughing. Some sleep by a spring and wait for the dawn to greet the Sun when it rises. They roll a wheel downhill to mark the start of the Sun’s descent after the solstice, bless cakes and drink wine to celebrate.

And on the 22nd June the Pagan Solstice Dark Moon is celebrated when the dark moon is in the sign of Cancer:

“During the Dark Moon we can explore our hidden depths,
and our darker side. We can go within to resolve that
which ultimately hinders us” (Maggie Organ)


For about 10 days before and after the 13th June, Mercury can be seen climbing the morning sky with the Sun, but just before the solstice sunrise on 21st June it is the old crescent Moon that is near Mercury in the twilight as the Sun is setting. The star systems of Pleides is also nearby at that time and Venus and Mars are further out from the dawn. The waning Moon crescent is near Venus and Mars before dawn on the 19th June, and the Moon is near Jupiter in the early hours of 14th June.

Important planetary configurations for Soul mate relationships

At the moment there is also very amazing dance that Mars is starting with Venus to facilitate soul mate reunions. And so it is a very important time for those of you who have been working on creating an intimate soul mate relationship to be aware of this opportunity. Here is some information that will assist you in working with this (my highlighting):

“For those who been receiving the message of impending soul matereunions, now is the time to bring your full focus to this intention.In coming times, ever greater numbers of soul mate reunions will helphasten the transition to the New Time on planet Earth. Certainplanetary configurations are now clearing the way for ever greaternumbers of soul mate reunions to take place.While it is always possible through aligned intention to unite witha soul mate in physical reality, "windows of probability" over the nexttwo months offer unique opportunities. At this moment, cosmicplanetary cycles are aligned to open energetic paths for soul matereunions. Those of you who have been receiving the vision to join witha soul mate in physical reality are able to step inside the doorway ofthis cosmic alignment to magnify and accelerate its manifestation.This cosmic doorway is created by a rare and mystical union of Marsand Venus through mid-July. Jupiter strengthens and supports thisdoorway of opportunity in its sojourn through Aquarius, paving the wayfor visions to manifest.Affirming Your Highest Intentions for a Soul mate ReunionTo make fullest use of this window of probability, go within toaffirm your highest intentions for a soul mate reunion. See how unitingwith a soul mate will serve the highest good for you, your soul mate,and all others. Bring your focus to how this reunion will allow bothyou and your soul mate to step more fully into the understanding ofyour spiritual purpose and its fulfilment.”

Written by DL Zeta


I truly believe that the only way forward for us is to become more disciplined with meditation practices and even if you don’t feel that you are able to sit still for a while, or calm your mind, now is the time to get over that and change your mindset! Anyone can try and we can all find ways to better our own environment and with that also the lives of others by bringing more balance and positive energy into our lives.

Here is a beautiful meditation exercise from Soul Connection by Anne Jones (thanks to Desi who forwarded this to me and Riana Rothero who sent the email):

1. Meditation exercise to release society’s fears

When you have been bombarded with bad news, pessimistic views of the future or negative attitudes from the media, allow yourself to cleanse and release the impact on your own energy, emotions and fears.
Here is a simple meditation to bring you back to your connection and detach yourself from the world’s problems.

· Close your eyes. Focus on your breathing and listen to your breath as you breathe in and out slowly four times.

· Put your hands on your solar plexus below your rib cage.

· Say to yourself, ‘Through my connection to my Higher Self I am in touch with and connected to the greatest source of love. This love flows through me, banishing all fear and all anxiety, and fills me with light. I release all fears and stand strong in my own light of love’

2. CLEARING OUT- a working meditation!

Written by Emmanuel <http://lightworkers.org/emmanuel>

‘During a profound meditation, I receive a clear message stating'SIMPLIFY to MAGNIFY.' Many times, we accumulate a lot of extra luggage whether it's on theemotional or material levels. After carrying this luggage for a while,we begin to define ourselves by it and forget who we really are.
Usually the material luggage show up in physical form as overflowingmessy cluttered homes or work spaces. This is just a reflection ofwhat is going on internally and blocks us from receiving more. Usingspiritual tools will greatly SIMPLIFY the extra heavy luggage that we carry within!

Once this area is taken care of, and you are still having some blocks around receiving more of your deepest and truest desires, then check to see if you have SIMPLIFIED your physical surrounding space. Any material items that you have not used in over a year whether it's clothes, paperwork, or anything else collecting dust, it's time to donate, sell, or get rid of them! If it makes youfeel better, pick a couple of things that have a special meaning foryou. Otherwise, it's time to clean house! “

I am becoming so aware of the awesome power of our Earth to heal and restore our soul and that this will be increasingly important for us to use in the future.

A client who has been working with me on earth meditations to facilitate deep change and healing, has shared the following experience with me:

“Thought you may be interested to read this account of the meditation that (a friend) and I did last night:

We were on the beach opposite the mountain and we called to the dolphins to take us across the bay, which they did (lovely feeling) and once on the other side, we walked up to the mountain through a game park on the left hand side, through tall trees and past beautiful doe-eyed buck. There was an opening in the side of the mountain and as we approached it, Arc Angel Michael appeared to take us inside. He walked behind us glowing light blue and there were nature spirits (faeries) flying around us and in front, sparkling lights showing us the way through the tunnel into a big cavern (just like Tinkerbell in Peter Pan). In the cavern, the most beautiful (mountain spirit / apu) creature about 7ft tall, shimmering pale blue & green came towards us and showed us a waterfall at the back of the cavern that we were to stand under. She (I sensed it was a she..) took our hands and we went into the waterfall together...strange though, it was washing over us but also going "through" us... like we were pure energy. I could see my liver, which was pitch black to begin with, so I asked for help in letting go of anything that was no longer serving my highest good, and gradually it cleared as did the rest of my body. Then we lay down in the water (felt like a flotation tank) - we just floated for ages. I could see a dark cloud developing around my body and realised the water was detoxing my body again, the waterfall just washed it away and I was told not to worry Mother Earth had accepted it all and would absorb it. Next thing I was lying curled like a foetus on the floor of the cavern, with Arc Angel Michael at my feet and the "apu/mountain spirit" at my head. She placed her hands on my head and Michael held my feet and I was told to release everything relating to my ex. Well, I absolutely sobbed like a baby and asked God to please help me let it all go, with forgiveness and compassion for all concerned....I struggled to calm down but when I did, I felt so light although exhausted. I just wanted to sleep in that position. So peaceful.

Still feel like that today after a very good nights sleep.”

I would like to introduce you to a truly amazing person and someone I admire who not only talks about helping others, she literally walks her talk!

I met Margi briefly at a fayre last year and we were chatting about the retreats I do to Machu PIcchu in Peru. Well this year she is going to Spain to walk the famous Camino to raise funds for the charity called StreetSmart.

This is what she says about it:

“In South Africa many children live on the streets. In our beautiful country this is unacceptable.
In 2005 I founded StreetSmart to do something positive to alleviate the plight of these children in our cities.
StreetSmart is a registered Public Benefit Organisation and Non Profit Organisation. It funds education, skills training and programmes that reunite families.
Forty-one restaurants now participate in StreetSmart. So far, over R1,4 million has been raised.
We have four selected beneficiaries - Learn to Live, Ons Plek, The Homestead and Youth Empowerment Action. Our patron is Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu.

In May/June this year, I will again be walking a Camino in Spain to raise funds for StreetSmart and also doing a litter campaign to remove 10,000 bags of litter off the Camino Francés.
I will walk on the ancient pilgrim route, Camino Francés, averaging 20 km’s per day. Passing through many villages and towns, over mountain passes and over barren plains en route to Santiago de Compostela, in the north-west corner of Spain, I will walk in identification with so many children who find themselves marginalized in our communities.
Please donate to this cause. A Donation Pledge Form is available on our website: www.streetsmartsa.org.za
ALL FUNDS RAISED WILL GO TO STREETSMART. All my expenses for the trip are all borne by myself.
You can help us to change challenged children’s lives.



Visiting Sacred Sites, Beautiful Lands and Mystical Places
For Spiritual Evolution with the Earth and Greater Self-Awareness

For the Love of the EarthPERU2009 The year of CelebrationI am taking another group to Peru in August and it would be wonderful if you could join us!Please let me know if you are interested. One of the people coming in August is doing so only because she is committed to her spiritual growth and wants to experience the incredible personal healing power of a SAN PEDRO HEALING CEREMONY in Peru.

The journeys are really about you connecting with lost parts of yourself and opening up old blocks and restrictions that you can only access when you are within the combined love vibration of a group and also at such a powerful place as Peru and particularly Machu Picchu. I had a wonderful group on the last retreat in April 09 and I would really invite you to join in something that is truly life transforming and can help you to grow in ways that are beyond your current circumstances. These journeys are unforgettable in many ways and never in the way you had imagined – but they are always perfect, especially when you are able to look back and appreciate the deep healing benefits and empowerments you received from the Earth.Peru is about healing and opening the Heart, so if you are stuck in your mind, or your mind is driving you mad– OR YOUR LIFE CIRCUMSTANCES are painful and asking you to change, THIS IS THE TIME AND THE PLACE TO GO!!Also you will learn through your experiences in nature how important it is to start trusting and developing your psychic abilities and other unknown senses.One of the highlights on the last trip for me was visiting a place MORAY which is not that well known yet, but a most incredibly powerful place that feels that it is truly connected to another world and worlds. It has an incredible atmosphere and if you have a look on my website there is a photograph of it- concentric circles where the Inca and other ancient people worked with the plant kingdom and it has a sacredness that is just beyond anything that I have yet experienced except at Machu Picchu. It seemed to open a new heart chakra point with a swirling sensation and I know that we are able to access incredible energies visiting it there. There is also the unique opportunity of seeing Mars in Peru during a very amazing time (see the information about Mars coming very close to the Earth above)13-23 AUGUST 2009 (THE PRIESTESS)ENCOUNTERING CREATIVITY

Please contact me on info@arthurianschool.com for detailed information about the August 2009 Machu Picchu Retreat – the total cost is depending on the $ exchange rate in the region of R26 000/£1800 (flights etc included)


A story

As the Great Sun was setting in the West the people gathered. It was a special day today- the new INCA* would be chosen on this day and so it was a day when many, many people gathered!

This was the most special day of all days- a new leader would be chosen and as from before, the people knew that this was also going be perfect: the procedure made sure that only the person with the right leadership qualities would be chosen. With that certainty there also came absolutely unity - every person in the kingdom knowing with absolute conviction that this was the right leader that would walk with them into the future.

In the temple complex there was a lot of scurrying around. Many preparations had to be made within the few hours just before the falling darkness that would appear in the night sky like a beautiful soft velvety cloak of black. Each person in the Temple of the Intihuatana Stone knew their task and so it was easy for them to perform. Life in the city of the INCA was effortless: guided within - and expressing itself on the outside as divine right action.

As within, so without, was something that was lived, not just spoken about!

The intensity of the Sun was getting stronger- like a huge orange disk, it hung still in the sky- the face of heaven was indeed personified into a beautiful sun! The orange colour now became even more pronounced- as if it was deliberately colouring the stone of the Intihuatana with a special glow- for here was the Heart of Paradise- the place of Creation.

The place where everything began…

High priests – yes here at the Intihuatana Stone there were several of them- were gathering eggs to place on the stone- like the new INCA, these eggs were also be specially chosen - selected from the many eggs brought to the temple by people living from afar along the sacred valley. It was an honour for an egg from the rural areas to be chosen – especially if it was to form part of this very special ceremony that was to be performed today!

Hens were carefully raised for the production of eggs for sacred ceremonies. And so these hens were revered for their contribution. In the kingdom of the INCA everybody and everything was treated with respect and from the sanctity of the heart - and so there was no distinction between the better or lesser in the kingdom. Humans and animals were considered different but equal with no real separation.

The priests were carefully examining the eggs. They had to be just right for the occasion! As a sign of fertility and growth it would be broken on the head of the newly chosen INCA to provide a good omen for the future. No mistake to allow an egg that was rotten inside could be allowed to become part of his new kingdom!

Down below in the Sun Temple the last preparations were also being made. The last INCA’S body had already long been put to rest, and there had been the appropriate mourning period.

Death was not taken lightly at Machu Picchu- it was considered an honour only to be bestowed upon the few! Pachamama’s** gift of a body was sacred and not many souls had an opportunity to pass along this path.

As with every Sacred Ceremony, the mists were gathering around Huayna Picchu- the Sacred Mountain of Machu Picchu.

Everyone knew that this was an announcement by the creator gods that they were gathering. As more and more mists came floating in - the pure manifestation of energy- the face of Huayna became hidden and all that was left was the unseen feeling of the arrival of Something Infinitely Benign.

It was getting much darker now. Just a glimpse of the Sun barely visible as the mists seemed to float up to the sky.

And then music started to fill the city of Gold. Soft at first, then trumpeting loud and high- as the notes of flutes echoed and swirled around the silvery clouds and mountains, now shimmering brightly in the soft glow of a brand new silver Moon.

The transition of day into night had been successfully made!

The night of Sacred Birth had begun.

The procession from the Sun Temple started. Slowly and as if in deep contemplation, the Elders of the City walked through the Stone Gate towards the Mountain -approaching cautiously, as if not to disturb what was already there…

But then - suddenly- the solemn tone of the occasion was lifted when they came to a stop to see not one, but two Condors flying from the Mountain.

There was a sigh of relief for they knew this was a sign from the heavens that the blessings and prayers of the Elders during the past days had been heard and fulfilled.

As they watched the Condors circling the temple, the Elders knew that the heavy responsibility of their task of creating a new INCA was over and that their intentions for the new INCA had been successfully received.

For during the time of seven nights and days before the ceremony, the Elders had been sitting in deep meditation, concentrating on the future of the Kingdom of Machu Picchu and of what was required from a new leader. It was up to them to ensure that whoever was chosen would be divinely aligned to the new vision given to them in contemplation.

The singing of the people seated alongside the main temple started to increase. The anticipation of what would most certainly be a blessed event was starting to reach a climax.

For now it was time for the twelve representatives of each division of the kingdom to convene at the Intihuatana Stone.

As the nominees for the new INCA formed a circle with the holding of hands, they blessed each other with a sacred greeting to the person on their right and their left. Always a joyous occasion, an exchange of the Heart was consciously made, because each person knew that whether or not they would be chosen as the next INCA, such election would be according to the Divine Plan, and so for the Highest Good of All concerned.

Each of the representatives had been through vigorous preparation. Working with the elements, they would perform miracles of healing and manifestation ceremonies indicating their unselfish commitment to serving the people and also evidencing their living connection to All That Is Life.

As each person knelt before the Stone in silent reverence of Pachamama, they received a bowl of holy water to purify themselves and then further sanctify the Stone. They then sat down in a circle around the Stone, sinking into deep meditation. This lasted for several minutes when –suddenly, there was an outcry from the crowd.

One of the nominees had started to glow! Yes, the new INCA had been able to literally raise the vibration of their physical body to such a level that everyone could see them actually glowing!

And so the new INCA rose spontaneously and effortlessly from priesthood to the next level of Inca hood!

There was now loud singing and celebration - people were dancing in the crowd as all the other nominees started to circle the new INCA and pass on their personal acknowledgment for this shown authority.

An egg would be broken on the head of the new INCA, symbolising the fertility and freedom of a new life that had been given birth to in the kingdom.

FOR now it was time for the INCA to stand up from where he had been sitting:

With his whole body glowing with the grace and dedication of the Heart, the new INCA stands up to greet and then bless the Great Mother and the Mountain.

Amid the thundering sound of the celebrating people and with his head held high, he is given the golden crown and corn staff of the INCA to hold in his raised hand - acknowledging the true source of his sacred power and authority as a leader - and the greatness of the task that lies ahead.

A new time of love and peace in the Paradise of Machu Picchu had begun.

(*ancient meaning of INCA: one who shines or glows and who also is able to gather power and living energies and distribute them to wherever and whoever needs them
**the INCA name for Mother Earth)

telephone: (0027) 28 273 8277 international 028 273 8277 local
mobile: (0027) 783716343 international 0783716343 local
The magazine’s stated intention is to be for the Highest Good of All, and to harm no one.

“Revitalise and Enlighten your Life with the Moon”

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