Hi everyone!
The year 2011 is about us finding our soul. Because only by being awakened to our own soul can we truly find our unity and connection to the Earth and her greater soul.
The journey of deepening ourselves to become more aware of what matters to our soul, and the soul of the Earth, is showing itself in so many ways in the world at the moment - Egypt, the natural disasters in Australia, the list goes on and on…
Most often it is through tragedy and hardship that we are become aware of the messages from the soul. That we start listening to what is happening.
It all seems so harsh. Some even say that in the coming days, those who ignore the wisdom of the soul and continue to take from the Earth and her inhabitants without care for the inter relationship between all living things will have even harsher opportunities to learn – through the greatest teacher of all… Mother Earth.
But it need not only be through tragedy!
It can be through conscious awareness and a searching for a deeper meaning and experience of life – and that does not have to be serious- it can be through the laughter of a child, the joy of a flower, the happiness of a loved one, the gift of the love of an animal.
Anything that moves us deep inside - comes from the soul.
And the Earth has many ways of revealing her soul.
The Earth’s soul is awakening us to our soul like never before, and the concept of time is fast becoming a never ending series of escalating experiences – just like looking out of a fast moving train where things and events and people fly by. Quite unreal, but still having a HUGE impact.
Are we really here, or is it all just observing an illusion?
Take time and look into the areas of your life where you are having some hardship or challenges at the moment. It is there where you have lost your connection to your soul and the soul of the Earth. Be grateful for the experience, it is helping you to awaken- awaken from the deep sleep we all have been in.
We are climbing a ladder of evolution toward the unity with all of life and of the Earth.
A journey of stretching and reaching for the sky while still being anchored here.
It is a journey of peace, shared enjoyment, pleasure and love; sacred co-existence and the sharing for all.
With blessings of Love Elizabeth
telephone: (0027) 28 273 8277 international 028 273 8277 local mobile: (0027) 783716343 international 0783716343 local“Revitalise and Enlighten your Life with the Moon”
Jupiter still shines out brightly in the evening sky, setting about 3 hours after the sun. The Moon is north of Jupiter on the evenings of 6/7 February.
Saturn rises mid to late evening in the constellation of Virgo, outshining the bright star Spica. The Moon is south of Saturn on the morning of 21st February.
Venus is still bright in the eastern morning sky, but is beginning to fade, as it moves gradually further away from the Earth.
Also called the Wind Tossed Moon and the Death Moon in the Celtic and Pagan traditions.
The Chinese and Japanese Lunar New Year started on the 3rd February with a new moon in Aquarius.
The Chinese New Year started the Year of the Metal (Golden) Rabbit. It is often celebrated with sumptuous vegetarian meals, fireworks, drums and cymbals from sunset to the evening. Spring clean your home, hang up strips of red paper with messages of long life, health, wealth and happiness. Visit friends and family, buy new clothes, settle debts. The hare is soft and kind, yet determined. Some solutions are found quickly and boldly, almost instinctively, while others emerge out of a laid-back, self-assured almost lazy reflection. Progress may not happen, but if it does, it may be surprising!
18th February is full moon in the sign of Virgo. In Tibetan Buddhism it is called the “Maghapuja Full Moon”.
The energies of Virgo always have to do with purification and healing and so the teachings of enlightenment of Buddha to purify the mind from all negative thoughts and speech is particularly relevant during this full moon cycle:
You are not your thoughts...
I have previously stressed the importance of taking time out regularly throughout the day to relax and quieten your minds so that your illusory worries and anxieties do not overwhelm you. When you forget to do this, or when you do take time out alone but allow your worries to hold your attention, your support for the illusion intensifies and your doubts multiply. Make a point of noticing your anxious and doubting thoughts; notice that they are thoughts from which you can disengage. You do not have to be absorbed into them so that it seems that you and your worries are one — for they are merely thoughts and ideas that you can disregard.
You have all experienced people sharing their thoughts with you — thoughts with which you do not resonate — and you have had no difficulty letting them go and paying them no attention. Many of the thoughts that float into your minds are just like those. It is solely because humans tend to identify themselves with the thoughts flowing into their minds that you find it hard not to attend to them all as though they had great value for you. But you are not your thoughts, and you can see this very easily by noticing any one thought that occurs to you and choosing to replace it with a different one. The thought departs, and you remain.
In your daily quiet periods you can practice observing your thoughts as they flow into your minds, and make decisions about whether or not you want to pay them some attention. As you do this and choose not to attend to some of them, your minds will become quieter, leaving spaces for answers from your guides — to questions for which you have been seeking answers — to slip into your awareness. When you allow this to happen it shows you that you do entertain many thoughts that do you no good, and that in fact disturb your peace of mind. When you become aware of this you will find it far easier to acknowledge them and release them, and in so doing you will find yourselves feeling calmer and more peaceful as the stress of daily living reduces, and the thoughts that cause you worry and anxiety occupy far less of your time. Frequently you will observe that many of them are about what someone else might or might not think, say, or do, and there is nothing that you can do about the issue, except let it go. If it becomes necessary to respond you will do so at the appropriate time . . . dwelling on it in advance is often rather counterproductive.
As you take time out . . . relax. Remind yourselves that you are where you are supposed to be, and that your Father’s Love is supporting you at all times. If it was not, you would not exist. You will awaken and your joy will be ecstatic, because He created you in Love to exist in eternal happiness with Him, and no other option is available or necessary.
With so very much love Saul.
(Message from Saul through John Smallman- thanks to Daxi for this)
I have worked extensively in recent years with the Celestine Prophecies- yes, you remember that book in the nineties that everyone was talking about?
It is worth re-reading! It has such relevant information and maybe now is the time to integrate all that valuable information into our daily experiences.
And going to Peru regularly, I have become more and more aware of how Peru holds the actual physical recordings/encodings of the Celestine Prophecies. It is truly an amazing Earth place.
This is because in certain parts of the world there are imprints of spiritual teachings that have been recorded in the Earth. And those parts of the Earth feels particularly sacred.
By physically going there, it can activate the light structures of the body’s cells that will determine the level of a person’s soul evolution. And thhat is why it is sometimes necessary to travel somewhere you feel drawn to for no reason other than that it “feels” right - it is your soul guiding you to activate the encodings in your body that needs awakening.
For those of you who want to work with the prophecies, here is a one of the teachings that I was guided to share in the form of a meditation:
“The seventh insight talks about the process of consciously evolving oneself by staying alert to every coincidence, every answer the universe provides for us. Dreams show us what we are not realising/missing by comparing the story of the dream to our life at that moment. Daydreams and intuitive thoughts guide us, but we need to become the observer and ask why did they come to us? By practising control of habitual thoughts, fear images can be halted as soon as they come and replaced by positive images. Soon the mind will become quiet and then any real messages or warnings can be listened to.”
Go out somewhere in nature- it may be just outside in your garden or a park nearby. Maybe next to the sea and watching the ocean.
Gently focus on something that you like or are drawn to in that immediate environment – a beautiful view, a special tree, the crashing waves.
Allow it to become “sharper” and more in focus, somehow more beautiful.
Now become more aware of your breath.
Imagine you are breathing in the energy from that particular thing that you like – imagine that you are receiving it through the breath and that it is becoming part of you, somehow “melting” into you.
Now think of any situation where you felt love- e.g. a moment you shared with a pet, child, loved one, or a beautiful nature experience.
Once you connect fully to that feeling of love, start to send the energy back to the object you were looking at (in Peru they call this process of receiving and giving energy AYNI KARPAY)
Next tune into your intuition by asking a question- the most difficult part is for you to ask the right question- the answers will always come, the challenge is to find what is the question you need to ask.
Leave the physical space that you were in and let go of the experience, knowing that the answer will come to you in the form of places or people who somehow will appear more beautiful (energetically)- listen carefully to what they say or reveal. They will have the answers - the information you need to lead you to sinchroniticity and the next step.
I accept myself completely
I accept my strengths and my weaknesses, my gifts and my
short comings, my good points and my faults.
I accept myself completely, as a human being
I accept I am here to learn and grow, and
I accept I am learning and growing.
I accept the personality I’ve developed, and
I accept my power to heal and change.
I accept myself without condition or reservation.
I accept the core of my being is goodness and
My essence is love, and I accept that I
Sometimes forget that.
I accept myself completely, and in this acceptance
I find an ever-deepening strength.
From this place of strength, I accept my life fully
And I open to the lessons it offers me today.
I accept within my mind are both fear and love,
And I accept my power to choose which I will experience as real.
I recognize I experience only those results of my choices.
I accept the times I choose fear
As part of my learning and healing process, and I accept I
Have the potential and power in any moment to choose
Love instead.
I accept mistakes as a part of growth,
And I am always willing to forgive myself
And give myself another chance.
I accept my life is the expression of my thought,
And I commit myself to aligning my thoughts more and more each day
With the Thought of LOVE.
I accept I am an expression of this Love,
Love’s hands and voice and heart on Earth.
I accept my own life as a blessing and a gift.
My hear is open to receive, and I am deeply grateful.
May I always share the gifts I receive fully, freely
And with joy.
(with thanks to Julia for sharing this)
The complete love and acceptance of yourself … is the heartbeat of the New Reality. Feeling unconditional love towards yourself fosters a healthy sense of self-esteem which builds a positive reality based upon mutual support. Even if there are outer behaviours that need improvement in yourself … it is unconditional love that is the key that will find the solutions that will bring positive transformation to those behaviours. Once you begin to think with an open heart, you are stepping from basic human consciousness into the spiritual stages of human development. This is exactly what we came to earth to accomplish because finding spirituality is fundamental to the human experience. It may take courage to move into heart-centered consciousness, but once you acquire the expanded view of a life filled with love, you will never want to step back to the way things were. You will soon find that any worries or fears that arise in your life can be transformed by the greatest power in the universe – that of unconditional love.
It is the power of love that holds the universe together.
It is a force of attraction that permeates every cell of your body and constantly reminds you of the love of the Creator for all of life.
(Owen Waters)
What the Mayan Elders Are Saying about 2012
Carlos Barrios, Mayan elder and Ajq'ij (is a ceremonial priest and spiritual guide) of the Eagle Clan.
“The world will not end. It will be transformed."
"We are no longer in the World of the Fourth Sun, but we are not yet in the World of the Fifth Sun. This is the time in-between, the time of transition. As we pass through transition there is a colossal, global convergence of environmental destruction, social chaos, war, and ongoing Earth Changes."
He continues: "Humanity will continue, but in a different way. Material structures will change. From this we will have the opportunity to be more human. We are living in the most important era of the Mayan calendars and prophecies. All the prophecies of the world, all the traditions are converging now. There is no time for games. The spiritual ideal of this era is action."
At sunrise on December 21, 2012 for the first time in 26,000 years the Sun rises to conjunct the intersection of the Milky Way and the plane of the ecliptic. This cosmic cross is considered to be an embodiment of the Sacred Tree, The Tree of Life, a tree remembered in all the world's spiritual traditions.
Some observers say this alignment with the heart of the galaxy in 2012 will open a channel for cosmic energy to flow through the Earth, cleansing it and all that dwells upon it, raising all to a higher level of vibration.
This process has already begun. Change is accelerating now and it will continue to accelerate. If the people of the Earth can get to this 2012 date in good shape without having destroyed too much of the Earth, we will rise to a new, higher level. But to get there we must transform enormously powerful forces that seek to block the way.
The North and South Poles are both breaking up. The level of the water in the oceans is going to rise. But at the same time land in the ocean, especially near Cuba, is also going to rise. Carlos tells a story about the most recent Mayan New Year ceremonies in Guatemala. He said that one respected Mam elder, who lives all year in a solitary mountain cave, journeyed to Chichicastenango to speak with the people at the ceremony. The elder delivered a simple, direct message. He called for human beings to come together in support of life and light.
The emerging era of the Fifth Sun will call attention to a much-overlooked element. Whereas the four traditional elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water have dominated various epochs in the past, there will be a fifth element to reckon with in the time of the Fifth Sun --- that element is 'ETHER'.
The dictionary defines Ether as a "hypothetical substance supposed to occupy all space, postulated to account for the propagation of electromagnetic radiation through space." Perhaps it could be defined as the "space between space". I would suggest it could be manifest as the alignment of charged particles from our solar system (Sun), and our galaxy ky Way) surge. The Ether element represents spiritual energy.
"The element of the Fifth Sun is celestial. Within the context of Ether there can be a joining of the polarities. No more darkness or light in the people, but an uplifted unity”
"We need to work together for peace, and balance with the other side. We need to take care of the Earth that feeds and shelters us. We need to put our entire mind and heart into pursuing unity and unity now, to confront the other side and preserve life."
"We are disturbed -- we can't play anymore. Our planet can be renewed or ravaged. Now is the time to awaken and take action. Everyone is needed. You are not here for no reason. Everyone who is here now has an important purpose. This is a hard but a special time. We have the opportunity for growth, but we must be ready for this moment in history."
"The prophesied changes are going to happen, but our attitude and actions determine how harsh or mild they are. We need to act, to make changes, and to elect people to represent us who understand and who will take political action to respect the Earth."
"Meditation and spiritual practice are good, but also action. It's very important to be clear about who you are, and also about your relation to the Earth. Develop yourself according to your own tradition and the call of your heart. But remember to respect differences, and strive for unity. Eat wisely --- a lot of food is corrupt in either subtle or gross ways. Pay attention to what you are taking into your body. Learn to preserve food, and to conserve energy. Learn some good breathing techniques, so you have mastery of your breath. Be clear. Follow a tradition with great roots. It is not important what tradition, your heart will tell you, but it must have great roots."
"We live in a world of energy. An important task at this time is to learn to sense or see the energy of everyone and everything -- people, plants, animals. This becomes increasingly important as we draw close to the World of the Fifth Sun, for it is associated with the element 'ether' -- the realm where energy lives and weaves. Go to the sacred places of the Earth to pray for peace, and have respect for the Earth which gives us our food, clothing, and shelter. We need to reactivate the energy of these sacred places. That is our work."
"One simple but effective prayer technique is to light white or baby-blue coloured candles. Think of a moment in peace. Speak your intention to the flame and send the light of it on to the leaders who have the power to make war or peace."
"The greatest wisdom is in simplicity. Love, respect, tolerance, sharing, gratitude, forgiveness. It's not complex or elaborate. The real knowledge is free. It's encoded in your DNA. All you need is within you. Great teachers have said that from the beginning. Find your heart, and you will find your way."
(thanks to Jacques for forwarding thisxx)
Brazil's top environmental regulator resigned in refusal to license a project that experts say would be an ecological disaster: the Belo Monte Dam Complex, which would carve a scar bigger than the Panama Canal into the heart of the Amazon. Belo Monte would flood at least 400,000 acres of rainforest, affect hundreds of kilometres of the Xingu river, and displace over 40,000 people, including indigenous communities of 18 different ethnic groups who depend on the Xingu for their subsistence. It is so economically risky that the government has had to turn to public funds for most of the $16 billion investment. And the dam would be one of Brazil's least efficient, operating at only 10% capacity for the dry months from July to October.
The Amazon is a global treasure, and a worldwide outcry is needed now. The resignation could clear the way for the dam's license--or, if enough of us raise our voices, it could mark a turning point against the project.
2. SEA TURTLES: World shame coast in COSTA RICA
What are we doing to our world?
Maybe we have just discovered why the sea turtle is going extinct & it is not global warming.
Silently, billions of bees are dying off and our entire food chain is in danger. Bees don't just make honey, they are a giant, humble workforce, pollinating 90% of the plants we grow. Multiple scientific studies blame one group of toxic pesticides for their rapid demise, and some bee populations are recovering in countries where these products have been banned. But powerful chemical companies are lobbying hard to keep selling these poisons. Our best chance to save bees now is to push the US and EU to join the ban -- their action is critical and will have a ripple effect on the rest of the world.
We can no longer leave our delicate food chain in the hands of research run by the chemical companies and the regulators that are in their pockets. Banning this pesticide will move us closer to a world safe for ourselves and the other species we care about and depend on.
Purpose of Life (thanks to Belinda for this)
Insights that Rick Warren ('Purpose Driven Life ' author and pastor of Saddleback Church in California).
In the interview by Paul Bradshaw, Rick said:
People ask me, What is the purpose of life? And I respond:
In a nutshell, life is preparation for eternity. We were not made to last forever, and God wants us to be with Him in Heaven. One day my heart is going to stop, and that will be the end of my body- but not the end of me. I may live 60 to 100 years on earth, but I am going to spend trillions of years in eternity. This is the warm-up act - the dress rehearsal. God wants us to practice on earth what we will do forever in eternity. We were made by God and for God, and until you figure that out, life isn't going to make sense.
Life is a series of problems: Either you are in one now, you're just coming out of one, or you're getting ready to go into another one. The reason for this is that God is more interested in your character than your comfort; God is more interested in making your life holy than He is in making your life happy. We can be reasonably happy here on earth, but that's not the goal of life. The goal is to grow in character... This past year has been the greatest year of my life but also the toughest, with my wife, Kay, getting cancer. I used to think that life was hills and valleys - you go through a dark time, then you go to the mountaintop, back and forth. I don't believe that anymore. Rather than life being hills and valleys, I believe that it's kind of like two rails on a railroad track, and at all times you have something good and something bad in your life. No matter how good things are in your life, there is always something bad that needs to be worked on. And no matter how bad things are in your life, there is always something good you can thank God for.
You can focus on your purpose, or you can focus on your problems: If you focus on your problems, you're going into self-centeredness, which is my problem, my issues, my pain.' But one of the easiest ways to get rid of pain is to get your focus off yourself and onto God and others. We discovered quickly that in spite of the prayers of hundreds of thousands of people, God was not going to heal Kay or make it easy for her- It has been very difficult for her, and yet God has strengthened her character, given her a ministry of helping other people, given her a testimony, drawn her closer to Him and to people. You have to learn to deal with both the good and the bad of life. Actually, sometimes learning to deal with the good is harder. For instance, this past year, all of a sudden, when the book sold 15 million copies, it made me instantly very wealthy. It also brought a lot of notoriety that I had never had to deal with before. I don't think God gives you money or notoriety for your own ego or for you to live a life of ease. So I began to ask God what He wanted me to do with this money, notoriety and influence. He gave me two different passages that helped me decide what to do. First, in spite of all the money coming in, we would not change our lifestyle one bit. We made no major purchases. Second, about midway through last year, I stopped taking a salary from the church. Third, we set up foundations to fund an initiative we call The Peace Plan to plant churches, equip leaders, assist the poor, care for the sick, and educate the next generation. Fourth, I added up all that the church had paid me in the 24 years since I started the church, and I gave it all back. It was liberating to be able to serve God for free. We need to ask ourselves: Am I going to live for possessions? Popularity? Am I going to be driven by pressures? Guilt? Bitterness? Materialism? Or am I going to be driven by God's purposes (for my life)? When I get up in the morning, I sit on the side of my bed and say, God, if I don't get anything else done today, I want to know You more and love You better. God didn't put me on earth just to fulfill a to-do list. He's more interested in what I am than what I do. That's why we're called human beings, not human doings.
During regressions I have had people go back to those times. Each of these ancient cultures evolved spiritually to a point that their entire civilization moved into a higher dimension. The Mayans saw that the next great advancement was going to be when the entire world would shift into a higher dimension. This is what they saw happening in 2012. It is not the end of the world; it is when the entire world moves into a new dimension. The transition began around 2003. The culmination is going to be in 2012. Time is speeding up. Earth’s frequencies and vibrations are changing. But not everyone is going to go, just as it says in the Bible: “Then two shall be in the field; the one will be taken, the other left.” It is very real. When the transformation reaches its peak in 2012 the energy becomes so strong it will push the Earth into the new dimension. There will not be anything dramatic; it will be very subtle, very slow, and only those who are really aware will know anything is happening. Things will look different and feel different. The old Earth is where we are going to have all the catastrophes, and these are going to increase because the Earth is lifting itself as it shifts. You cannot change your frequency or vibration immediately; it would be too strong and would destroy your body. It has to be done in stages. Many of us can sense on another level of our being that something is happening. With the changes subtly going on around us, our physical bodies must also change in order to adjust. Some of these physical symptoms are unpleasant and cause concern. Just be aware of what is happening: the body is adjusting and adapting to different energy levels so it can move on.
My subjects are being told that they must change their diet in order to make the adjustment into the new world. You have to be lighter. Heavy foods will hold you to the old Earth. They have said many times that the ideal foods are live foods: fresh fruits and vegetables. Lighter foods will allow you to change your vibration and the frequency more easily. They say to stay away from sugar, and to drink lots and lots of water; the true value of water is unfathomable. Many people have asked, “What am I supposed to be doing?” We are here to help each other, being there for each other. There are two things that we have to get rid of in order to go to the New Earth: negative karma and fear. There is good karma and negative karma. As long as you are bogged down with negative karma, you are going to remain on the old Earth, because the way the law of karma is set up, you must repay it. Too many people are caught up in negative karma and do not know how to release it. That is the reason why new souls had to come, because they don’t have karma, and they can help others to release theirs. You have had many lifetimes with the same people, going over the same circumstances and not resolving it. Until you can stop that cycle and get off of the wheel of karma, you are not going to be able to evolve upward. The way to get rid of negative karma is to forgive and let go. Some of my clients have said, “I can’t forgive them, you don’t know what they did to me.” That is what makes people sick: holding on to this baggage and garbage and not letting it go. You have to let it go because it is not hurting the other person, it is only hurting you.
The first thing you’re going to have to do is forgive. Now, sometimes that is difficult to do face to face with the person. And sometimes the person with whom you have negative karma has died. You don’t have to face the person to ask for forgiveness and to forgive them; you can do it mentally. Picture the person in your mind and just speak to him or her mentally. Focus on the person and send your forgiveness and love. Everything comes back to love. It all goes back to your treating others as you would want to be treated yourself. It begins to turn to the vibration of love and that is the most powerful thing there is. Now, the second thing you have to do after that is to forgive yourself, which is also very difficult. People are always good at blaming others without looking at themselves. It takes two to create a situation. Even though you consider yourself to be the victim, you’re still a part of the whole thing, perhaps even from a previous lifetime. You have to look deep inside to be able to see and accept your part in the circumstances, and then forgive yourself. Release it and let it go. It has no place in your life any more. The second most important thing they say you have to do if you want to go to the New Earth is let go of fear. Fear is a paralyzing emotion. It’s the strongest emotion a human has. If you don’t understand something you are going to be afraid of it. Fear drags you down and holds you back. If you have love there is no fear, but many people live their entire lives in fear. There is so much on TV, in movies, and elsewhere trying to generate fear. You have to think for yourself and ask lots of questions. Make up your own mind. Then what you come up with will be your truth. Most of the time what we fear never happens anyway. Fear is so powerful that when you think of something on and on, through the law of attraction you draw that very thing toward you. You have to get rid of fear because it is debilitating and binding; it will hold you to the old Earth. Meditation is very helpful. They say the best time to meditate is just before the sun comes up, when all the Earth is quiet and still. Any time that you can set aside for yourself to be quiet, alone, and just relax will be beneficial. Then ask your questions and listen for your answers.
© 2010 by Dolores Cannon. Dolores Cannon is a past-life regressionist and hypnotherapist who specializes in the recovery and cataloging of “Lost Knowledge.” She has been specializing in past-life therapy since 1979. She is the author of fifteen books and has made over 1000 radio appearances. She travels all over the world teaching her unique technique of hypnosis and bringing the message of the coming New Earth. This article was compiled from an interview with Dolores Cannon by Light of Consciousness, as well as her DVD, Awaken, from a November 2009 lecture in Long Beach, CA, and her books The Convoluted Universe Book Two and Book Three.
Embrace the Natural Way
(thanks to Tania for this)
Dr Knight , 3 Feb 2011
In explaining the various physiological (how things work in the body) and pathological (how they go wrong) processes that my patients go through and then the different phases of healing (how things come right again and return to normal) I often use the same methods of explanation and I have realised that it's just a way of thinking...I need to get you all thinking in a certain way, understanding life with Natural Glasses on instead of the polaroids that have been the rage for the last 100 years...
Surely by now, we all realise that narrow-minded thinking in any area is going to get us nowhere? We need to broaden our views and start “thinking Naturally”...this is a way of thinking that brings one back to the way things were intended and made, if we can understand the basic laws of Nature, we will have the answers to all of life's questions. From how nature works to how our body's work and how things go wrong, and what medicines to use that make sense. For me it's simple, it’s the way I think, I was born like this, nobody told me, taught me or explained it to me but I have figured it out along life's journey. Needless to say, I am only excited to learn all that I am yet to learn but more excited to begin sharing my insights...take 'em or leave 'em!
I find that if you just look to Nature you get all the answers...modern day man has gone against the grain, competed against nature and has in a ridiculously short space of time made this planet a precarious place to live. Exciting times we live in with all that is opening up to us on a technological level, but at what cost? Man needs to make a change...and not soon...NOW! Just like HIV, no one can ignore it anymore. And that means on ALL levels of life if we don't want to be shaken off the planet. Believe me, the latest technology is no match for Mother Nature! When or (hopefully only) if the tipping point is reached she will just shake us off and start again, just ask the residents of Pakistan, Indonesia, Haiti or the other 100-odd places that have been victim to her wrath in 2010-to date, Indonesia was dealt a double wammy after a sea-bed earthquake caused a tsunami on one side of the island and a volcano erupted on the other within a few hours of each other!
But Nature knows how to bounce back, there's no-one directing her, no scientists making things happen or trying to stop them from happening, left to her own devices Nature resets the balance and re-creates order. There may be some turbulence along the way, some ups and downs, but in the end balance is restored. A mere 24 years after the Chernobyl disaster, the irradiated city that was entirely abandoned by humans has bounced back to a thriving ecosystem, with wonderful flora and fauna;”The first few years after people evacuated the zone, rats and house mice flourished, and packs of feral dogs roamed the area despite efforts to exterminate them [akin to pharmaceuticals being used to try and eradicate bacteria & viruses]. But the heyday of these vermin proved to be short-lived, and already the native fauna has begun to take over. Wild boar is 10 to 15 times as common within the Chernobyl exclusion zone as outside it, and big predators are making a spectacular comeback. "I've never seen a wolf in the Ukraine outside the exclusion zone but I've seen many of them inside," says Chesser. "(<>).
So it's clearly a case of we need the earth, she really doesn't need us, nor do any animal species on the planet need us to survive. In fact they’d ALL, without exception, be better off without us! It's time for each and every one of us to stand up and be counted, to realise our own significance in the greater scheme, not insignificance like we are taught, but what impact our individual actions do have on the earth, to promise to stop being selfish and to begin to respect Mother Earth and the wisdom of creation and the NATURAL WAY and stop chasing the quick fixes and chemical/technological and most often toxic answers that only leave devastation in their's time to leave the Age of Convenience behind, apologise to Mother Earth and return to an understanding, a symbiotic relationship with our world, our creator and ultimately each other.
Everything works in cycles; time and the calendar, planetary and astronomical cycles; climate, geology, agriculture, biology, medical (brain waves, menstrual cycles, heart rhythms), in physics: waves, frequencies & amplitudes; the electromagnetic spectrum, sound waves: music and rhythm, in religions, social and cultural cycles, economy and business, and even military and war.
The sooner people realise that there is an ebb and flow about life they can relax in the knowledge that "this too shall pass", that nothing is forever or permanent and that the only constant in life is change! This is what it means to be alive. And that change is a PROCESS, a movement of smaller changes/oscillations towards an extreme and then a movement back towards a midline. And when something blocks/alters the natural flow of things, then it must be stopped/ removed so that the norm can be restored. The process of removing the blockage takes the normal cycle out of its way, often including a different / often unpleasant process in order to remove it, however it is short-lived as the process is effective and the blockage is then removed and balance/order is restored, this too is a normal and natural response.
These processes happen in all of these cycles, I think people are now beginning to see that financial markets go through ups and downs, and we are now 'coming out of the recession', and we're all still here. What it did teach us was what to prioritise again, back to basics and to take note of the important things in life first. To stop being so materialistic and we now question whether something is really important enough to spend money on.
The same thinking must follow with your health, because we are Natural beings, created by the same Creator as the rest of Nature, to live in harmony with the earth. Understand that things are cyclical and that there are NATURAL processes for how things work (physiological) and how things react/respond and natural/normal processes for the removal of blockages from the system (healing) that when understood make perfect sense and are not pathological (diseased) and it would just be illogical (and in my personal opinion) stupid to stop them!
(thanks to Aprille for this interesting link)
Mimi Kirk (World's Sexiest Vegan) 71-year old talking about her RAW FOOD DIET
Mimi Kirk on Channel 5 News. She talks about her diet, boyfriend & enjoying life.
There are many acid-forming foods (mainly all the unnatural, man-made “foods”) but these are the worst of the worst.
Worst Acid Forming Foods (These “foods” should be limited or avoided)
Alcohol Artificial Sweeteners Cakes/Pastries Dairy Products (cheese, ice cream, milk shakes, yogurt etc) Flour (white) Juice (sugar-filled) Meats (including fish, chicken, turkey etc)Pasta Salt (use Sea Salt) Soda Sugar
The foods listed below are all alkaline-forming. There is a difference between acid-forming and alkaline-forming. A citrus fruit like an orange is acidic but when your body assimilates it, it leaves an alkaline ash. Therefore, the orange is an alkaline-forming fruit.
The important thing is that we make a conscious effort to consume as much alkaline-forming foods as possible.
Please share this list with everyone you know!
Alkaline-Forming Vegetables (All fresh, not processed or canned)
Alfalfa Artichoke Asparagus Barley Grass Beets Broccoli Brussels Sprouts Cabbage CarrotsCauliflower Celery Chives Chlorella Collard Greens Cucumber Dandelions Eggplant GarlicGreen Beans Kale Kelp Kohlrabi Leeks Lettuce Lima Beans Mushrooms Mustard GreensOkra Olives Onions Parsnip Peppers Pumpkin Radish Rhubarb Rutabagas Spinach SpirulinaSweet Potatoes Swiss Chard Turnip Watercress Wheat Grass Yams Zucchini
Alkaline-Forming Fruits (all fresh, not processed or canned)
Apple Apricot Avocado Banana Blackberries Boysenberries Cantaloupe Cherries CoconutCurrants Grapefruit Grapes Honeydew Melon Kiwi Fruit Lemon Limes Mangos MuskmelonsNectarine Olives (green) Orange Papayas Peaches Pears Pineapples Raisins RaspberriesRhubarb Strawberries Tangerine Tomato Watermelon
Alkaline Forming Nuts, Seeds & Grains
Almonds Buckwheat Cashews Chestnuts Cumin Seeds Fennel Seeds Flax Seeds Lentils Macadamia Millet Pecans Pumpkin Seeds Sesame Seeds Sunflower Seeds Walnuts
Alkaline Forming Spices & Seasonings
Chili Pepper Cinnamon Curry Ginger Herbs Sea Salt Soy Sauce Olive oil Stevia
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Learn to travel with spiritual intent.
SACRED EARTH RETREATS ©PRINGLE BAY This magazine’s stated intention is to be for the Highest Good of All and to harm no one.“Revitalise and Enlighten your Life with the Moon”__________________________________________________________
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