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Saturday, January 28, 2012


Before printing this, please consider the environment!

Note: Please note SACRED EARTH RETREATS© is not linked to any specific belief, religion or system. It embraces all ways; acknowledging we are all One through Love. It advocates Peace for all beings and holds the Earth and all of Nature sacred. It upholds the concept of self-empowerment for all.
For more information see our website www.arthurianschool.com

Note: This magazine is intended for the sharing of information relevant to the Earth, ancient civilisations and our own evolution as a planet. Feel free to pass it on, or if you want to be removed from the circulation list, please send an email reply to info@arthurianschool.com with the word “unsubscribe” in the heading. Thank you.


Hi everyone!

As we reach for the stars and start the very significant year of 2012, very many important questions remain:

Will we make it through the night, is there really so much hope in sight, will we finally be become the enlightened Earth species that everyone has been talking of through the ages?

It has been a long journey, maybe too long for some- but hey! We are here! We have made it through to 2012 and we are celebrating.

Celebrating a new year full of potential. A new year that already has the foundation of what has been before and for once we are starting to reap the harvest of many, many lifetimes of work…

Evolution. We are evolving as a species like never before.


Take a good look at your body. Have you noticed the changes? We are all becoming much, much lighter. It almost has a crystalline feel. We are still present here, but there is so much more emerging from our bodies. Deep within the cells, there is a vibrancy that is cool, connected and still very new.

And with the Earth it is the same. Of course! We are part of her and she is part of us. It can be no different.


Part of this very important change is linked to us experiencing a series of unbelievable time cycles that are described within the Mayan spiritual calendar as GAP days and CORE days. These huge cycles of energy have given us, personally and humanity, collectively, the most incredible opportunity to change- positively!!!

And without mistake these cycles have taken place during the very auspicious time of Christmas and the New year, magnifying opportunities to the maximum.


Gap (Galactic Activation Portal) days are days in the spiritual calendar of the Maya (called the Tzolkin) when the veils between the visible and invisible worlds are very thin and so we are more closely connected to the heart of the Milky Way - also called Hunab K’u.

Incredibly, from the new moon on Christmas eve till 3rd January 2012 we have had a continuous period of 10 days of GAP days, enabling us to be the most connected to the heart of the Milky Way. And 6 days later – from the full moon of 9th January 2012 – 28th January 2012 - we have had another big cycle: a 20 day period of Core days.

Core days are in the centre or spine of the spiritual Tzolkin calendar. It is also called the mystic column because all is reflected from this centre. Core days are intense, both emotionally and physically.

Core days are strongly focused on the HERE and NOW and some of you may have noticed it, it is as if you cannot remember what you did or where you were only a moment ago- as if nothing else existed but where you are now. There is no memory of anything else- quite a strange feeling!


It may be a wonderful gift to dwell on how these last cycles have affected you particularly and to bring it all into conscious understanding. This will magnify the benefit for you so much more.

So look at how since the day before Christmas you have perhaps had some physical symptoms, or emotional challenges. All of these will give you clues as to what you have been healing on a core level- the most basic level of you - to find harmonious adjustment!


As the energy frequencies of the Earth, our bodies and the world rise, we are getting closer and closer to the ideal of a peaceful world. Some of you may have noticed much talk about star people, extra terrestrial contact, other space inhabited worlds? Maybe it is not as fantastic as we think, maybe the time is getting closer to know that we are part of something much bigger than we have believed until now…

And maybe we may just have that unbelievable dream of a peaceful and spiritually abundant world!

With blessings of Love

January 21, 2012
Bringing In The Light
Have you been tired lately? Does it seem that no matter how much sleep you get, you still feel like you need more? That is how it has been for many of us. In fact, some of us have
discovered what we are tired of. We are tired of the low frequency of the third dimension. The juxtaposition between the frequency of light that is entering our consciousness, and the frequency of the physical world is becoming so different that it is increasingly difficult to hold onto both of these worlds at the same time.
In spite of this juxtaposition of energies, we are NOT so tired when we choose to focus on expressing our Multidimensional SELF in a creative way. When we are engaged in creative activities, we lose our fatigue and become quite energized. On the other hand, when we need to take care of our third dimensional responsibilities such as driving to work, paying our bills, cleaning the house, etc. we often feel exhausted. Fortunately, when we are being creative, and there are as many definitions of creativity as there are people, we become enlivened again. Furthermore, the term "creative" is also changing. Creative used to mean that we learned or had an innate ability to DO certain creative things, such as singing, painting, dancing, athletics, etc. Now creativity means that we are learning to use our innate ability to be the creators of our life. When we are the creators of our life, we can choose to DO anything we want, except that there are certain mundane tasks that seem to linger on and on. Because of the ever-increasing frequency of light and unconditional love emanating form the Galactic Center, our ability to be creators of our own life is steadily increasing. On December 21, 2012 Earth will be directly in front of the Galactic Center Therefore, in only 11 months, the "time" that we have awaited for millennia, and the transformative energies that has been prophesied by every religion and sacred group, will be streaming directly into our personal and planetary body. The Galactic Center is so close now that these increasingly intense energies are already creating rapid changes our world. All we have to do is to look at the Internet or even the traditional news to see how people are deciding that they want to be the creators of their lives. People all over the world are saying, "I love myself enough now to know that I deserve a better life. I love myself enough now that I am able to expand my mind and open my heart to a new way of perceiving reality." We are feeling this way because unconditional love is intermingled with the high frequency light that is streaming from the Galactic Center and into our planetary consciousness. Unconditional love is not an emotion like human love. Unconditional love is the highest frequency of light. It is the creative force of the Multiverse, which activates our healing, creativity and transformation when we download and integrate it into our consciousness. Unconditional love is, also, the bonding force of the Multiverse. Therefore, it is creates a sense of Unity Consciousness for those who embrace it. Because of our ever-expanding Unity Consciousness, reality is no longer something that is outside of us. Reality is INSIDE of every one of us, yet we share our reality with everyone. But, if everyone has his or her reality inside, how can it be that we seem to be in the same reality? Some questions need to remain unanswered until we can stabilize our multidimensional thinking. Some questions are beyond the limits our physical brain and only have a multidimensional answer. These multidimensional answers will come to us as we continue to expand our consciousness to encompass higher and higher frequencies of light. In other words, in order to understand, or even perceive multidimensional messages, our consciousness has to resonate to the frequency of that information. As a result, whenever we expand our consciousness, our perception of reality expands as well.
Going back to the question of, "How can separate individuals who all have reality inside of them share reality with the others?" The answer is that no one is separate and there are no others. In the higher frequency expressions of our SELF we are ONE with all life. Being ONE means that there is nothing that is outside, or even inside, of us because here is no outside or inside. There are only the moments in which we are fully connected with the ONE. In these moments we are calm, peaceful, joyful and loving. We do not need to try to BE any way or DO anything in order to be calm and peaceful. It is just that every now and again, we are experiencing random moments of feeling at ONE with all life. How did we get there, and what do we have to do to stay there? We only ask these questions when we have lost the sense of Being ONE. "Here," "there, "do," "stay" are foreign concepts when we are having our "Radom moment of Unity." Surrendering to these moments of the NOW is the kindest thing we can do for our self. Moreover, since we are truly all ONE, whenever we are kind to our self, we are kind to everyone. In fact, whatever we DO for our self or to our self, we DO for or to everyone. When we are having these ever-increasing moments of unity with the ONE, we lose all our fatigue. Our bodies are no longer heavy, and we feel light. In fact, we feel like we ARE Light. It becomes difficult to keep our eyes open because we want to see with our Third Eye and hear with our High Heart. Also, when we close our eyes we are not as distracted by the illusions of our third dimensional reality. Free of this distraction, the feeling of Unity with all life is amplified. With our eyes closed we can better see our inner light, as well as the inner light of others. Simultaneously, we can more clearly understand our experience via the high frequency energies of our opened High Heart.
Most of you still have the habit of placing most of your attention on the third dimension. Yet, when you do so, you feel hollow, exhausted and lonely. These feelings are what remind you to remember that YOU are a multidimensional being, and you do NOT need to limit your perception to that lower frequency of reality. For example, do you always look down at the one-dimensional rocks, or always look at the two dimensional plants? Do you always look down to the ground and not up into the sky? No, you do not. Also, can you sense how some people feel different to you than others? Some people drain you, whereas other people give you strength. The first group is still asleep, but wants some of the FEEL that they unconsciously recognize in you. Because these people are still unaware of their power, they have no recognition that they are pulling on your energy field. They are not trying to harm you; they are simply unaware.
On the other hand, the second group of people is awake, and they nourish you with their wonderful energy field. In fact, you both experience a rush of renewed energy when you are together because you pull each other into the Oneness. These are the people you seek outwhen you want to relax and regenerate. Those of you who have awakened to your multidimensional consciousness are learning to discern between these two types of people. Within this discernment you will choose to spend less of your "time" with those who are depleting you and more time with those who appreciate you for being your SELF.You are the creator of your life and have the full ability to release that, which pulls on you. You do not have to associate with persons, places or situation that are unable to reciprocate by giving you light and/or love in return for the light and love you send them. If you feel you cannot leave this person, place, situation or thing, then you must go inside and find the reason why you are creating this energy-pull in your daily life. When you choose to remain in those situations, there is a great temptation to forget your SELF and fall into your wounded ego. If you can align your perceptions with the higher frequency expressions of your SELF, you will better understand the reason for this challenge in your life. From this higher perspective, you will be able to understand why you believe you deserve that treatment. Then, you can go to the source of that wounding and love it free. You are too important to Gaia to become lost in squabbles and confrontations based on lower frequency perceptions of life. You are wonderful, multidimensional beings who are busy with the process of ascending yourselves and your planet. ANY person, place, situation or thing that interferes with that Mission needs to be addressed, healed and/or released.Feel your Multidimensional SELF around you and unconditionally love the embryo of the New SELF within you. Remember to remember who you are and why you are currently holding a physical earth vessel. You are in the process of ascending beyond the polarity of conflict and confrontation and moving into a frequency in which EVERY emotion and thought becomes instantly manifest. Therefore, your greatest challenge is not with those around you, but within your heart and mind.
EXTRACTS FROM www.multidimensions.com


Something that is so dear to my heart and needs all the support we can give at the moment, is the plight of the RHINO POPULATIONS around the world. These amazing animals are playing such a huge part in maintaining important a critical balance in nature for the future of our planet, yet they are still being exploited for money, self interest and greed.

I am doing a trip through the northern part of South Africa & Zimbabwe in February where we will be working particularly with ceremonies to bring back the honouring of the wild animals such as the RHINO in the areas we visit and I would ask you to please send your love and support (whether in thought, word or action) in which ever way you are able to the RHINO POPULATIONS ON THE PLANET AT THIS TIME, thanking them for their service to humanity and asking for forgiveness of the exploitation of their bodies.

Imagine a world where there is a higher understanding and love by all of humanity of the animal kingdoms who are such a special and vital part of our Earth!

Extracts from the WORLD WILDLIFE FUND WEBSITE (for more information see www.wwf.org.uk :

Are you ready to be shocked and angered about rhino poaching - and help tackle this outrage?

Latest figures on rhino poaching reveal 448 rhinos killed in South Africa alone in 2011, including 19 critically endangered black rhinos. All to meet soaring demand in Asia, particularly Vietnam, where rhino horn is sold as a spurious cancer medicine and even a lifestyle post-party drug for the rich. Rhinos could be wiped out for a hangover cure! You can help us tackle this outrage - for instance in our vital work against illegal wildlife trade. Your donations can also help fund vital staffing and equipment to help deter increasingly well-organised and ruthless poaching gangs, and to secure and expand rhino habitat.

Please report illegal wildlife trading
Please support our Eyes and Ears initiative. By lending us your eyes and ears, you could make a real difference to the future of hundreds of endangered species. See how your reports have already helped stop wildlife criminals.

We need you to help us fight the illegal trade in wildlife. If you see or hear about any suspicious trade in the UK or abroad, please let us know by either using the report form (below) or by calling the Eyes and Ears Hotline: 01483 426111. Once we have heard from you, we will investigate, analyse and report your findings to the relevant authorities.

For urgent reports
If you witness any wildlife crime that you would like to report urgently, call Crimestoppers anonymously and free of charge on 0800 555111. Alternatively, report it to your Police wildlife crime officer - call your local police station for details.

Important note
Please do not attempt to investigate anything suspicious yourself. This could expose you personally to legal action. Never jeopardise your own safety. Remember that criminals often go to great lengths to protect their illegal activities. WWF Eyes and Ears respondents must be 16 or over.
DOs and DON'Ts
 Don't draw attention to your interest.
 Don't take any action yourself.
 Don't arouse suspicion in any way. You don’t want to alert criminals that you may be onto them.
 Don't buy anything as evidence. This only encourages the trade and could even leave you open to prosecution in some countries.
 Don't ask any questions that might let criminals know you have spotted something suspicious.
 Do look and listen as our Eyes and Ears, but don’t attempt to investigate anything yourself.
 Do use your common sense and don’t put yourself at risk.
 Do call Crimestoppers on 0800 555111 if you see or hear something suspicious that you want to report urgently.
Please use this form to report suspected illegal wildlife trading .
All personal information submitted in this form will be kept strictly confidential and not be used for any other purpose. We give you our assurance that we will not share your contact details with any other organisation without your explicit permission.

Please see the attached document called

Learn to live with spiritual intent.

This magazine’s stated intention is to be for the Highest Good of All and to harm no one.
“Revitalise and Enlighten your Life with the Moon”


Come and join us for a spiritual discovery of the
Ancient Civilisations:
…they had wisdom and truly loved the Earth!

18-29 FEBRUARY 2012

JUNE 2012



For the love of the Earth and building a new future
18-29 FEBRUARY 2012
Tarot- the Magician


Being of service to the Greater Whole





Join us on this - a historical trip to the Heart of Southern Africa where many keys can still be found.

This is a pilgrimage to the nature-based, spiritual and highly creative civilisations of The Mupungubwe Kingdom and The Great Zimbabwe Ruins, the Rock Art of the Matobo Hills and the beautiful Earth dimensions of the Great Victoria Falls.

EXPERIENCE an inner journey with the African Ancestors who are waiting to be revealed and to show us the way!

For greater healing of ourselves.
For the protection of the wild animals of Africa.
To re-awaken this Southern part of our wonderful Earth to the energies of the Great Pyramid and the Ancient Egyptians of the North.

Elizabeth Bardin
info@arthurianschool.com/ elizabethbardin@yahoo.co.uk

NOTE: SACRED EARTH RETREATS© is owned by ELIZABETH BARDIN who organises specialised group trips to PERU (INCA), EGYPT, MEXICO (AZTEC, MAYAN) & parts of SOUTHERN AFRICA (INDIGENOUS/AFRICAN). On these trips you are taught how to “go within” and gather spiritual wisdom from the EARTH and ancient civilisations- thereby learning how to open your Heart and awaken your spiritual Intuition for greater service to the Earth.


Our retreat will start in Johannesburg from where we set off on a journey to the north. The direction of North represents the ANCESTORS in tribal traditions and so on this trip we will be particularly blessed with opportunities to get in touch with the Ancestors of the Southern African region that hold great significance for ourselves and the future of beloved Africa.

After meeting at Johannesburg Airport, we travel north to first visit the Debengeni Falls with its tradition of the Modjaji Rain Queen. Next we visit the astounding lost civilisation of Mapungubwe. Many examples of artwork have been found here, including a golden RHINO. At Mapungubwe we do a special ceremony to connect with the Ancestors and honour the energies of the Rhino and other wild animals of the region. Here it is a time to build and strengthen important energies of balance and healing for the future.

Next we travel on to reach our very important destination of The Great Zimbabwe Ruins. On the significant date of 22/2/2012 and at the time of a new Moon, we do a special Earth ceremony to honour the Ancestors and to reconnect with the Ruins’ ancient links with the Great Pyramid of Egypt and the teachings of Egypt that were brought south. The Great Zimbabwe Ruins are mentioned as the most significant ruins south of the Sahara Desert. WE also visit Lake Kyle park to spend more time with the wild animals in the region and receive their blessing.

We travel further to another place of tremendous Earth power and here, in particular, of spiritual artistic expression, the Matobo Hills in the west of Zimbabwe. Huge boulders of granite testify to highly evolved civilisations who once walked the Earth and in caves you will find some of the most fascinating examples of ancient rock art.

Finally we move on to what must surely be one of the most inspiring and beautiful natural wonders of our world: the unforgettable Great Victoria Falls- a sight that overwhelms the senses with its the sheer spiritual power, ancient beauty, magnificence. We connect with the essence of Life, water, in all its abundance and power to bring back life to our Hearts, the Heart of Africa and the Greater Whole.

We return by plane from Victoria Falls to Johannesburg where our journey of re-awakening ends.

*(please note some of the final detail of the itinerary may still change)

**Beginning of the Retreat
18 February (Saturday)
Arrive and meet at Johannesburg International airport
*First meeting of the group
Travelling north and overnight Magoebaskloof area

19 February (Sunday)
Breakfast included
*Visit to Debengeni Falls and connection to ancestors of Rain Queen Modjaji
Travelling further north to Mapungubwe Ruins
Overnight Mapungubwe area

20 February (Monday)
Breakfast included
Overnight Mapungubwe area

21 February
Breakfast included
Travelling to Beit Bridge to cross border to Zimbabwe, then onto Masvingo near the Great Zimbabwe Ruins
Settling in and overnight in Masvingo area

22 February (Wednesday)
Breakfast included
Overnight Masvingo area

23 February (Thursday)
Breakfast included
*Visiting Lake Kyle Park (now known as Lake Muirikwe)
Overnight Masvingo area

24 February (Friday)
Breakfast included
Travelling to Bulawayo, near the Matobo HIlls
Overnight Bulawayo area

25 February (Saturday)
Overnight Bulawayo area

26 February (Sunday)
Breakfast included
Travelling on to Victoria Falls
Overnight Victoria Falls area

27 February (Monday)
Breakfast included
Overnight Victoria Falls area

28 February (Tuesday)
Breakfast included
* Integration of the retreat, group session
Time for general sightseeing on your own
Overnight Victoria Falls area

29 February (Wednesday)
Breakfast included
Flight Victoria Falls back to Johannesburg (South Africa)


(12 days, 11 NIGHTS)

Retreat trip cost: R11 000 /£1 100/$1 370

* All accommodation (x2 sharing) for 11 nights
*Breakfasts as indicated
* All ground transportation for the retreat period and transportation to sites on itinerary
* All entrance fees to sacred sites on itinerary
*Experienced trip and group facilitator Elizabeth Bardin accompanying you on the trip and all sacred site visits
*Earth meditations and ceremonies
*Teaching of energy techniques at sacred sites and group energy work

Not included:
*International airfare to and from Johannesburg and any applicable airport taxes
*Airfare for flight back to Johannesburg from Victoria Falls (single) approx R1500
*Lunch and suppers
*Items of a personal nature
*Travel and holiday insurance
* Border crossing fees (if non South African)
*Any optional excursions not listed on the itinerary
*Taxis to airport


Debengeni Falls

“The place of the big pot” is the English translation from the Pedi language for the word Debengeni. And what a word to describe what nature has created at the foot of the Magoebaskloof mountains, just out Tzaneen in the Limpopo province. The Ramadipa river cascades over 80m down the Debengeni Falls into a large basin which has been slowly formed over millions of years by the rivers powerful forces. Today the basin is an ideal spot for a dip in the cool refreshing waters. (Please note due to seasonal temperature changes, swimming is only recommended between December and March.)


The ancient city of Mapungubwe, located at the basin of the Limpopo River in South Africa, is considered by some as the capital of Southern Africa’s first state, flourishing as a trading centre for a short period from 1220 to around 1300.

It centres round a steep-sided sandstone hill that was the home and burial ground of the elite and royalty. Artefacts, the most notable of which is a gold foil rhinoceros, were excavated from burial sites. Commoners lived on the surrounding plateau and at the foot of the hill, where court was held.

Ivory, gold and pottery were traded for beads and cloth.

Cultural, political and economic power shifted to Great Zimbabwe when climatic conditions changed and Mapungubwe went into decline.

Mapungubwe is a World Heritage Site


Great Zimbabwe, sub-Saharan Africa's greatest ancient wonder and most important and largest stone ruins, was a medieval city that at its peak had up to 20 000 inhabitants. It was ideally placed on a route between inland gold-producing regions and ports on the Mozambique coast trading gold and ivory for beads, cloth and other goods.

Beautiful mortar-less granite walls curve sinuously over the landscape, the highest of which stand three stories high.

The ruins form three architectural groups known as the Hill Complex, the Valley Complex and the Great Enclosure. The Hill Complex, the oldest, is where it is thought the Great Zimbabwe Birds stood. The Great Enclosure, the most impressive ruin, was most likely a royal residence.

Great Zimbabwe may also have been a religious centre. Monoliths and altars are found throughout the site, and artefacts may have held religious meaning.

In addition to architecture, Great Zimbabwe's most famous works of art are the eight birds carved of soapstone that were found in its ruins. The birds surmount columns more than a yard tall and are themselves on average sixteen inches tall. The sculptures combine both human and avian elements, substituting human features like lips for a beak and five-toed feet for claws. Excavated at the turn of the century, it is known that six of the sculptures came from the Eastern Enclosure of the Hill complex, but unfortunately their precise arrangement can only be surmised. Scholars have suggested that the birds served as emblems of royal authority, perhaps representing the ancestors of Great Zimbabwe's rulers. Although their precise significance is still unknown, these sculptures remain powerful symbols of rule in the modern era, adorning the flag of Zimbabwe as national emblems.

The site’s abandonment was possibly due to changes in trade and dwindling resources.

Great Zimbabwe is also a World Heritage Site.


Lake Mutirikwe, formerly known as Lake Kyle, lies in south eastern Zimbabwe, south east of Masvingo and close to the Great Zimbabwe Ruins. It covers about 90 km² and was created in 1960 with the construction of the Kyle Dam on the Mutirikwe River. Lake Kyle Recreational Park lies on the reservoir's northern shore. It is a 4 800ha game park which is stocked with a variety of animals including white Rhino, Giraffe, Zebra and several species of antelope. The habitat in the park is varied and includes miombo woodland, granite outcrops, acacia thornveld and the lake shoreline. Over 270 species of birds have been recorded here.


The Matobo Hills have one of the highest concentrations of rock art in Southern Africa.

The earlier paintings, dated back at least 13,000 years, are essentially naturalistic interpretations of people, animals and trees. They are associated with hunting and gathering and are mostly executed using a red ochre pigment, mixed with an as yet unknown binder. The later paintings associated with farming communities used white pigment from kaolin or quartz. This distinction is common within the region, but stylistically Matobo is part of a rock-art 'region' stretching from South Africa to Tanzania. It is also interesting that many of the paintings have distorted body proportions to convey a sense of movement, or size to convey importance. In many sites there are layers of paintings superimposed one on top of the other. Images in the later paintings also appear to display a complex cosmology linked to religious beliefs.
The area has many distinctive rock landforms rising above the granite shield that covers much of Zimbabwe. Their forms have resulted from the varied composition and alignment of the granites, which responded differently to millions of years of weathering.
The discrete and often small sheltered spaces, formed between this dense collection of rocks, have fostered a wide variety of microclimates, allowing the development of an extremely diverse range of habitats. Out of 189 mammal species indigenous to Zimbabwe, 88 have been recorded in the Matobo Hills, plus a further 70 pairs of bird species.


The Victoria Falls or Mosi-oa-Tunya (the Smoke that Thunders) is a waterfall located on the Zambezi River between the countries of Zambia and Zimbabwe.
While it is neither the highest nor the widest waterfall in the world, it is claimed to be the largest. This claim is based on a width of 1,708 metres (5,604 ft) and height of 108 metres (354 ft), forming the largest sheet of falling water in the world.
For a considerable distance upstream from the falls, the Zambezi flows over a level sheet of basalt, in a shallow valley bounded by low and distant sandstone hills. The river's course is dotted with numerous tree-covered islands, which increase in number as the river approaches the falls. There are no mountains, escarpments, or deep valleys which might be expected to create a waterfall, only flat plateau extending hundreds of kilometres in all directions.
The falls are formed as the full width of the river plummets in a single vertical drop into a transverse chasm 1708 metres (5604 ft) wide, carved by its waters along a fracture zone in the basalt plateau. The depth of the chasm, called the First Gorge, varies from 80 metres (260 ft) at its western end to 108 metres (354 ft) in the centre. The only outlet to the First Gorge is a 110 metres (360 ft) wide gap about two-thirds of the way across the width of the falls from the western end, through which the whole volume of the river pours into the Victoria Falls gorges.


What do I need to know about food?

Breakfasts are included in the retreat as indicated in the above itinerary. It is normally a varied buffet. Lunch and supper are not included in the overall costing of the retreat. This is to keep the cost of the trip flexible and make it easy for each person individually to decide what they would like to eat and also how much they want to spend on food.. Budget on between R100- R150 as an average cost per day for meals and eating out.

What is the accommodation like?
We stay in simple but very comfortable accommodation with two persons sharing, Be prepared to have your needs met, but nothing excessively luxurious.

How do we travel?
We travel as a group together by air conditioned mini van. We fly back from Victoria Falls to Johannesburg at the end of the trip. The cost of the flight is not included.

What do I need to know about weather?
It is summer time, so plenty of sunblock, hats and protective clothing, When packing it is best to bring layers that you can put on and take off

Please check any requirements for visa or injections and medication such as for malaria (see below).

The dates of the trip has been given under guidance as an auspicious time to go, both energetically and also taking into account the climate. The ceremony of 22/2/2012 is very significant in that it works with the number 22 which is a master number (very powerful energy) and also takes account of the year 2012 that has the number 2 in it. It is also the time of a new moon, indicating new beginnings and a good time to put things in motion for manifestation.
• A passport which is valid for 6 months and which has at least two empty pages.
• Good quality sunglasses
• Sun hat - essential.
• High factor suntan lotion. (Water resistant is best)
• Casual day clothes such as T-shirts & shorts. While most accommodation is very casual, some have a smart-casual dress code for evening.
• Comfortable walking shoes (running/tennis shoes are also fine)
• Thongs/flip flops. Plastic shoes such as Strops are very useful for visiting the waterfalls as in high water months your shoes (and your clothes) will get wet!
• Light rain gear for summer months (late November to April)
• Swimming costume.
• long shorts to prevent your knees from burning in the sun and keep away mozzies.
• Camera equipment.
• South African travellers should take an international plug converter as both Zimbabwe and Zambia have square pin plugs.
• If you wear contact lenses, it may be a good idea to bring along a pair of glasses.
• Binoculars and a bird book if you are a keen bird watcher
• Personal toiletries and medication
• Malaria tablets and your yellow fever vaccination card (if travelling to or through Zambia and returning to RSA)
• Basic medical kit such as headache tablets, anti-histamine cream, Imodium.
• Insect repellent eg Tabard, Rid, Jungle Juice, etc
• Money: small denominations of USD the most useful to travel with in Zimbabwe. While South African Rand and other major currencies are widely accepted you may not like the rate of exchange you are given.
• A flashlight (torch). Please take spare batteries.
• Pen for filling out forms at passport controls.
• A sense of humour – This is Africa !

The question is often asked “is it safe to go to Zimbabwe”? Absolutely, but as in most countries the locals can see that you are a tourist so be aware and take responsibility for the security of your stuff. Don’t create temptation by leaving cash and valuables lying around. Make use of the safe facilities that most lodges offer in facilities either in the rooms or at reception. As a tourist your valuable revenue is providing jobs and a lifeline to the families of those that are employed directly, and indirectly in the tourism industry.

All visitors require valid passports to enter Zimbabwe
Passports must be valid for at least 6months and have at least 2 blank pages. See visa requirements below.

Visas are only a formality for SA passport holders and passports are rubber stamped on entry to Zimbabwe.
Most passport holders including UK & US need a visa to enter Zimbabwe. Bar a few nationalities which require a visa prior to entering Zimbabwe, most visas can be bought on arrival in Zimbabwe. Only single and double entry visas can be obtained on arrival so if you are planning on going across to Livingstone for some activities and maybe to Chobe for the day you may want to consider getting a multiple entry visa before your arrival. These can only be obtained from a Zimbabwe Foreign office.

New: Credit cards can now be used in Victoria Falls, most lodges and hotels will accept Visa & MasterCard. ATM’s are also available at a number of locations.

The official Zimbabwean currency is $US. Carry small denominations of dollars which you can use for drinks, tips and curios, South Africa Rand can also be used but not always at a great exchange rate, check before you spend.
DO NOT be tempted to change money with people on the street however charming or persistent. It’s against the law. Rather go to a reputable bureau de change.

The Victoria Falls region is a malaria area. Please consult a doctor. Be smart not paranoid. Cover up with long pants and shirts after dark, sleep under a mosquito net and use mosquito repellent. Be aware that a lot of anti malaria medication and pregnancies don’t go together.
Victoria Falls is serviced by medical air rescue services (MARS) They will be able to attend to you in an emergency and, if required, airlift you to the nearest hospital facility that can treat your condition.
All visitors are responsible for their own travel and medical insurance. Please ensure fully for emergency evacuation, medical, curtailment and repatriation.
No Yellow Fever vaccination is required for Victoria Falls Zimbabwe unless you enter the Zimbabwe via Zambia. Any visitor from South Africa who enters into Zambia will require a yellow fever vaccination certificate available at most Travel Clinics.

Please email for more information:

A shamanic earth reading to help you complete soul contracts and remove deep emotional blocks to start living your soul purpose (working with THOTH TAROT): by appointment, cost R400 (concessions are available). Please note these readings can unfortunately only be with you being personally present because of the earth healing that is accessed at the time of the reading.

Contact details:

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