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Monday, September 8, 2008


© The Arthurian School

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Hi everyone!

Major Earth Changes

This New Moon Month cycle started on the 31st with a Virgo new moon and important news are that the Earth is having a vast increase and change in her frequency, and so the magnetic field that keeps us anchored and safe in our atmosphere is losing power.

The Earth changes are stepping up and it has now been even scientifically acknowledged that there is a reversal of the magnetic spin of the Earth in the Southern part of the Atlantic Ocean. This means that the reversal of the poles is becoming a greater possibility and that the north and south poles may be in the process of switching. One of the consequences of this is that we are now been far more “exposed” to the influence of space and its much higher and intense vibrations. Many airline pilots are experiencing this when flying and some of you may have also noticed the increased instability in aeroplanes when you are travelling.

And because the Earth’s etheric space is changing so radically at the moment, there is also an increased possibility of major cataclysms as we move more into space, and become more connected to not just our own universe, but also the other seen and unseen universes that are surrounding us.

And so the moon month of September is creating huge and dramatic change for all of us and our world.

But the possibility of these cataclysms will depend on us humans being capable of opening our hearts to these transforming waves that are at the moment striking our Earth planet with increased intensity.

I had an exceptionally vivid dream the day after the new moon of this month. I walked to the beach in front of the house where I live, but as I reached the dunes, I noticed that the beach had gone and all I could see were the huge waves of the sea. I realised that this not just a high tide- it was a permanent change and that the sea had moved in to reclaim the land. The beach no longer existed, and the power of the water and waves astounded me.

Although I was safe and could turn back, it felt like I was being confronted with a vision of powerful and unavoidable changes that are coming up for the future. Huge energies are emerging and we are witnessing enormous and unpredictable waves that are forcing us to make different decisions and find new solutions for the way we are living on our Earth.

The Earth as a living being

The Earth is not just a one dimensional being as we have always been taught to see her, she is a living breathing being that has a soul, just like us - although on a much vaster scale. We have become so used to living upon the surface of reality, without being in touch with this soul through our hearts, that with the dramatic up surging of her life power, we are too weak to withstand the change, and so this month we are being asked to become more aware of her consciousness and energy systems, so that we can create a new link with her soul and become stronger to cope with all the radical changes that are happening all around us.

We have to change the way that we think, feel and exist and we have to learn to communicate with the Earth soul. This involves us learning to perceive the more subtle dimensions of the Earth, so that we not only relate to the physical or material part of her, but also to the etheric and energetic parts of her.

The Virgo New moon of this month is helping us to step up our game, because Virgo is about healing and purification, and not only are we being tested to let go of emotional aspects of ourselves and our lives that are too dense to be part of the future, but the Earth is also going through the same intensified process. The more we are able to transform and heal ourselves, so also the Earth will become more able to heal herself and undo our bad karma for destroying her in so many places through our ignorance and arrogance and greed.

Emotions and water

Very much linked to this is the issue of water. There have been so much rain and many huge storms during the last few months and especially during the last dark moon, that have been affecting the sea and also our atmosphere. The Moon rules the element of water and emotions and so its guiding influence is becoming more and more noticeable during this time of fundamental change.

Like the sea is overwhelming the land, we are now also being overwhelmed by our emotions and that there is just no way of not experiencing our unresolved feelings anymore! There is an intensity in all of this that we have never experienced before.

I am told that we only have until 2012 to clear our emotions and the astral realm (where the emotions are held), and if this is not done, we will not be able to journey along as humans with the next level of the Earth’s development. That is why there is so much help at the moment for us to deal with our emotions and in fact we should be grateful for anything or anyone who at the moment is helping us to get in touch with emotional parts of ourselves that need attention- even if it is painful!

For this to happen, I am guided that this Virgo new moon (that is also supported by a Virgo sun since we are at the moment in the sun sign of Virgo) in conjunction with the placement of all the other planets at this time, is urging us is to let go of any addictions that we are still holding on to.

Addictions are governed by the planet Neptune who also is the overlord of the Sea and therefore to do with water. Addictions poison the energy of the body and create interference and so they stop us from connecting with our soul and therefore also the soul of the Earth. We stay stuck and even if we are able to cope mentally, if we are not living in healthy unaddicted bodies, we will not be able to be grounded enough to link to the Earth’s soul and be too weak to withstand and cope with all the coming change.

Addictions and Virgo

On the day after the new moon (1st September) it was the start of Ramadaan that many of you will know is the Islamic holy month of reconciliation, forgiveness and purification. The Islamic faith follows the cycle of the moon and from the beginning of this new moon until the next new moon, they fast during daylight hours, eat a light meal (suhur) before dawn and break the fast at sunset with a date or a glass of water. This is meant to be a time of spiritual training, and also of being aware of what it is to be hungry!

In line with the Virgo energy of the earth element, especially food seems to be on the agenda. Pay attention to what you are eating and see what you are ingesting or not. You may even want to take some new herbal or other remedies to help you with the transition period that is at the moment occurring. Our bodies are feeling the impact of these changes probably the most.

Since the beginning of the new moon I have been acutely aware of how badly my sugar addiction has been affecting my health, and I have felt a real need to watch more carefully what I eat and give up any sweet foods. This is quite unusual for me, but somehow I felt that this was now no longer a luxury but a necessity if I want to continue to move forward.

Maybe some of you have had the same experience in the last few days about something in you life that you suddenly realised needs to urgently change, and if you have not, this is a good time to reflect on your life and habits and admit to yourself where it is that you have been sabotaging yourself and where there is so much emotional pain that you have been using something to cover it up by an addiction or some addictive behaviour. It truly is time for some ruthless and honest self-examination!

Virgo is quite a sobering sign, but what is really good news is that during this moon month we also have the help of other energies that soften and assist us in the process!

According to Indian Hindu tradition, on the 3rd September, it was the time of celebrating the birth of the elephant-headed god Ganesh, the son of Shiva. Full of wisdom, Ganesh is the remover of obstacles and finder of logical solutions: it is said that one will be blessed by praying to him before a new undertaking. So call on the energy of Ganesh to help you with during this period of dealing with addictions.

Also, the incoming energy of the full moon is Mars, and Mars is excellent for helping us to focus and start something new- like more healthy eating habits, giving up smoking, or an emotional addiction to a person or relationships or even television!

Being of service

Finally, another important message of Virgo and the Virgo new moon for me this month, is about being practical, of service and not just a dreamer. This is for me so beautifully illustrated by Paulo Coelho (translated by James Mulholland) in his short story about the God’s Hidden Name:

A student asked his Sufi master to reveal God’s hidden fifth name.

“Whoever knows that name is capable of changing history” his master answered, and then asked the student to spend the whole day at the gates of the city.

The boy returned the following day.

“What did you see? asked the master.

“An old man tried to enter the city to sell a sheep. The guard wanted to tax him but the man had no money. So the guard stole his sheep and chased him off. I thought if only I knew God’s hidden name I could change this situation.”

The master answered: “You could have prevented this injustice, but you preferred to stand there dreaming of a revelation!

Such stupidity.

Well, then, I shall tell you God’s fifth name: act on behalf of others. That is the only way we can change history.”

May this moon month of September bring you a deeper awareness of the Earth and her soul, glorious new health and clear emotions free from limiting addictions, and the wisdom of your heart to support this much needed change in history!

We are in the process of creating a new World.

With blessings of Love
telephone: (0027) 28 273 8277 international 028 273 8277 local
mobile: (0027) 783716343 international 0783716343 local

“Revitalise and Enlighten your Life with the Moon”


called the Vine Moon, the Blood Berry Moon, Hunters Moon or
Equinox Full Moon

In the southern hemisphere there is the wonderful spectacle of seeing Mercury, Venus and Mars together in the western evening sky. Venus is much the brightest of the three, followed by Mercury and then Mars.

Viewed from the northern hemisphere, the moon is very low down in the south-west, with the planets above. Uranus is opposite the sun on 13th September and you should be able to see it with even small binoculars. Uranus is 2.86 billion kilometres from the Earth!

Full moon is on the15th September in the sign of Aries and equinox is on the 22nd September. In the Northern hemisphere, it is autumn and in the south it is spring equinox and therefore generally a time of balance throughout the Earth, with more dark than light in the north, and more light than dark in the southern hemisphere. In the north it is also a time of harvesting and looking for what is good and worthwhile to become seed for the next year.


Those who are familiar with whales will know that they have exceptional navigational skills and that they are able to find their way from the ice regions where they feed, to swim to the warmer waters where they mate and breed.

We are very lucky in the area of Hermanus near Pringle Bay to see Southern Right Whales who come during spring to mate and give birth to their calves. Arriving from their feeding grounds in the Antarctic it takes them anything to eight weeks to swim the 3 000 km long journey at a leisurely speed. Being the most ruthlessly hunted of the whale species, their numbers became dangerously low in the 1930’s, but now with international protection they are growing in population and the world population is thought to be about 5 000. The Northern Right Whale has not been that lucky and there are only about 350 North Right Whales left that are not breeding.

The whales are enormously heavy and therefore very grounded. I believe that - together with the crystal kingdom – they are the record keepers of the Earth and that because they are so ancient and naturally grounded, they are becoming more and more important to keep stability in the oceans. They are also willing to be called upon and communicated with psychically to assist us as humans to cope with the current Earth changes and to make the necessary transitions more easily.

(and with special thanks to my friend Christine Fowler who is a true inspiration with her meditations)

Allow yourself to relax and start to focus on your breath- in and out………….. in and out……………., in and out…………….. Allow yourself to let go any cares or worries or tension, and just allow the breath to take you deeper and deeper into the body. Feel yourself sinking deeper and deeper into a blissful state of nothingness. Just completely let go.

You are becoming more and more relaxed in your body.

Now imagine that in your third eye (in the space between the eyebrows) there is a curved moon that is lying on its back- like an empty bowl or chalice. Feel the curved shape of the new Moon and then start to become aware of how a soft, warm, golden, glowing energy from the Earth is starting to move up through your feet and body to fill this empty bowl or chalice. You realise that somehow it is coming from deep down in the Earth, and that it is part of the soul energy of the Earth.

Feel how this beautiful, soft, golden, warming Earth energy spreads through the soles of your feet into your toes, then into your feet, then gently up into the calves and the legs, the knees and the thighs. The golden energy carries on flowing, up into the hips and the spine, up through the chest and the torso until it reaches the shoulders. Now the energy is spreading into the arms and the hands, the fingers and even the finger nails.

You can start to feel your whole body becoming heavier and more grounded as you continue to be filled by the soul energy of the Earth.

Now feel this warm, golden, loving energy moving up into the throat and then up into your face, into the tissues of the mouth, the gums, the nose, the eyes and then finally into your forehead. Feel it slowly starting to fill the empty bowl or chalice of the Moon in your forehead until it becomes just a golden disk with warm, loving, overflowing Earth energy. Feel how it heals and soothes away any tension or old psychic pain of addiction that is held in the third eye, and how your whole forehead now starts to relax and let go. You are allowing yourself just to be immersed and caressed by this beautiful golden energy.

Now allow the golden disk in your forehead to become even bigger so that it covers the whole of your head and you are completely covered in gold.

Then,- feel yourself becoming lighter and lighter again and that you are now drifting on a beautiful pool of clear and translucent water. The water is warm and soothing and you notice that there is a beautiful full Moon that is shining up above you. As you look up at the Moon you notice that the rays of the Moon are shining down into the water, and you can feel the silvery lightness of the Moon as they are being absorbed by the water where you are lying. Feel yourself being filled with the bright light and aliveness of the Moon. Feel the calmness of the water and how it brings you clarity and gives you the ability to trust your chosen path.

As you are lying in the water, you now become aware of another presence in the water. Although you don’t know what it is, you feel safe and somehow very peaceful. You feel that you are being supported by someone or something loving.

As you get more aware of this presence, you realise that there is a Whale with you in the water, but that it is keeping a respectful distance. Communicate with the Whale through your third eye by sending a telepathic message and wait for it to come closer. As the Whale comes closer, you realise that you are now in a completely different reality and dimension. You are able to see even more clearly and everything is extremely bright. Stay in this space for as long as you need and ask the Whale any questions that will give you more clarity for your path at the moment.

When the time is right, the Whale will leave and thank it for giving you the information you need at this time to evolve. Send blessings to the Whale species and anything else that may feel right for you.

Now imagine yourself coming back up to the surface, as if you have been under water, and slowly bring yourself back to this present reality. Imagine that all your chakras are closing to exactly the right level for you to be active, alive and totally present in the now.

You may ponder on anything you have experienced or even write it down in a journal. You may also want to rest or spend a while on your own.


Mary Comrie

I would like to introduce you to a wonderful human called being Mary Comrie.

Mary teaches yoga and my experience of her is that she is one of those exceptional people that truly walk their talk! Being a Capricorn and earth sign, she is incredibly grounded and also teaches her yoga in the way that one really can sense that she is living it herself as well. In fact her whole way of being is a teaching – humble, loving and sincere - and by living in joy, her life become an inspiring example.

There is a strength in Mary and her body that I very much admire- it reminds me of how we are called to be more present in our bodies and also to care and take notice of them. She also has an energy of creativity about her that gives the yoga classes depth and one is always aware of the enormous amount of energy and preparation that has gone into them.

Mary has been teaching hatha yoga for the last nine years, having trained at Ananda Kutir in Cape Town. In her inimitable humble style, she says the best thing about her teaching is the wonderful people that yoga attracts, and that they have been a great blessing in her life.

She also has a strong Hawaiian energetic connection and I see a very gifted Hawaiian shaman woman guide around her when she teaches yoga. It is therefore no surprise that Mary also does a kahuna massage that is Hawaiian in origin!

Mary has four sons and a daughter and loves poetry, especially the poetry of another Mary- the poetess Mary Oliver and loves singing and music.

She lives in the nearby picturesque village called Rooi Els with her partner Bruce in what she calls a “delicious little cottage” with the most incredible view of the ocean and the Cape Town mountains.

If you are interested in getting in touch with Mary or find out more about what she does, you can contact her on brelly@mhws.co.za.


With the increase in intensity of having to clear emotional issues, I thought it worthwhile to remind you (for those who have attended some of my workshops), or otherwise introduce to something called EFT.

EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Technique and you can Google it on the internet to get more information. There are also many wonderful books about it that you can order or read up about.

In a nutshell it works with the meridians of the body that hold the memory of emotional traumas and issues and by tapping those points gently with your fingers, you can release the emotional charge and issues instantly!

What I find wonderful about it is that you don’t need to go into the information of the issue at all- it releases automatically and it is therefore a really quick and very comprehensive release of the emotion that has been blocked and carried in the body without having to plough through all the mind stuff.

Like all things I believe that are really powerful and effective, it is so simple that the little mind or ego comes in and says it is impossible to have such a powerful effect. Yet I can really recommend it- I have used it for a long time and still continue to be amazed by the extent of the way it works and how it is benefiting my life.

Here is the process as I have been taught to do it:

Use words for an affirmation as to what you want to release or heal: if it is a big and old issue then obviously you will have to work through quite a few layers of emotional issues to release it completely, but I do believe that if you are willing to do so, you can very much get to the core of any issue or aspect that is affecting your life:

The words you always use are

So, if for example, you feel sad, and you want to change that, you will say:


Repeat this 3 times while you do little clockwise circles with one or two fingers of the right hand on the left side of your chest- there is a painful point that you will find a little bit above the breast

Now start to tap with two or three fingers of the right hand as follows and you don’t need to repeat the whole sentence, you can shorten it to just say “I feel sad” :

Between eyebrows (where they meet in the third eye area)
On temples
Below eyes on cheekbone
Below nose just above lips
On chin
In arm pits (you can cross your arms and hands over to be able to reach)

On left hand:
Outside of thumb
Outside of second finger
Top of third finger
Inside of last finger
Outside of hand (karate chop)

Top of head

On left hand, in between the fourth and fifth fingers while:

You close your eyes
You open your eyes
You look up
You look down
You do a circle with your eyes clockwise starting at 12h00
You do a circle anti clockwise with your eyes starting at 12h00
You sing a few notes
You count down from 7,6,5,4,3,2,1
You sing again

Note: although the above may sound strange, it is re- programming your subconscious mind and also some conditioned responses- so do try and believe in it! Also there are some differences and variations in the way it is taught, so see what feels right for you and also if you hold the positive intention, I believe it will work because you are doing with intent and the body will respond.

You will find that during the process you will start to feel emotion and just allow that to be expressed while you carry on doing the process. Also the wording of the affirmation may change during the process and just carry on with whatever comes up- it is as if you are chasing the emotion and different words will bring up different emotions.




12-14 September 2008
19-21 September 2008

THE EARTH’S ANCIENT LEY LINES conduct powerful consciousness and are fundamental in healing ourselves and the environments where we live.

THE CAPE TOWN AREA HAS AN ABUNDANCE of these ancient ley lines and they are WAKING UP at the moment!

These ancient and sacred ley lines are rising again to awaken us to NEW POSSIBILITIES THAT HAVE NOT EXISTED BEFORE.

By tapping into their consciousness, we can become RENEWED, and also more AWAKENED TO OUR TRUE PATH.

But it is ONLY THROUGH FINDING THE SACREDNESS OF OUR HEARTS that we can access the power of these ley lines and we are now being asked to RAISE OUR VIBRATION and work with the crushed part of our hearts that has no hope, enthusiasm, ambition, or energy for exploring and developing life.

During this weekend retreat you will learn how to:

Raise the height of your Heart thought meditation
Tune into ancient ley lines and “sacred alignments” by becoming more aware of your psychic abilities
Do sacred earth work with crystals that will benefit you and also the Earth and elementals and those around you
Learn more about the ancient INCA WAY OF WORKING WITH NATURE and the environment
Have some fun!
COST: R1 070 (all inclusive of meals and accommodation and tuition) - please speak to Elizabeth if you would like to pay this by instalments

DURATION: Friday 6pm – Sunday 4pm



Please contact Elizabeth Bardin to book/for more information
Email: elizabethbardin@yahoo.co.uk
telephone: (0027) 28 273 8277 international 028 273 8277 local
mobile: (0027) 783716343 international 0783716343 local

“Revitalise and Enlighten your Life with the Moon” ___________________________________________________

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