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Saturday, June 7, 2008


JUNE 2008
© The Arthurian School
Please feel free to pass this magazine on, or if you want to be removed from the circulation list, please send a reply to info@arthurianschool.co.uk with the word “unsubscribe” in the heading.

Hi everyone!

“We cannot predict the inevitable.
We can only accept it as our life unfolds”.

We have just gone into the sun sign of Gemini, and after all the intensity and unpredictable - but inevitable- upheavals of the last two Scorpio full moons, it is with a sigh of relief that we can now experience a new, and much easier energy during the next moon month in June!

This is because the sign of Gemini that is ruled by the planet Mercury is bringing us an amazing opportunity to connect to the Divine Wisdom of the goddess Sophia (said to govern Gemini) and there is a beautiful connection between this Wisdom and the Moon during this Moon month (see below).

The Wisdom of Sophia is such a different thing from merely knowing something in our minds - it is knowing it so deeply, that we actually living it.

Coming through the last month we have reached a level of mastery - a bit like a platform - and we can now lift ourselves so that our lives can take off and we can learn to experience growth and change through the Divine Wisdom of Celebration that is also the theme of the Solstice Full Moon this month.

What is celebration? Celebration always involves doing some kind of ritual. Even a simple thing like celebrating a birthday is in fact a ritual – the ritual being the party and everything we do to create it.

Ritual is very much part of our lives even though we are so often not even aware of it. It has been woven into the fabric of our lives and we don’t even realise it!

It is fascinating to know that in ancient times a celebration ritual was held before anything important was set into motion. Although this may seem the wrong way round to have the celebration at the beginning and not at the end, it makes total sense: the wisdom of books like THE SECRET teaches us that we create our reality through the law of attraction and that depends on our vibration i.e. whatever we feel and that is a result of what we are thinking – especially subconsciously. So if we - at the outset- consciously think and feel a vibration of celebration through ritual , we are bound to attract something that is worth celebrating about! In ancient times doing such a ritual was seen as a pre-requisite and infallible recipe for success!

The power of ritual is immense and we have forgotten how to use it to improve our lives. Ritual can be something really simple like writing something and burning it, or it could be doing a more intricate ceremony- the form really doesn’t matter and it is the importance we give to it that determines how powerful it is.

What is really interesting is that it has been discovered that doing a ritual triggers a chemical, electro-magnetic charge in our brain that creates a hologram that then is projected. It therefore literally changes the brain responses! It also triggers the response systems of the body such as the nervous system, the endocrine and lymphatic systems so that they also become more aligned to the energy of the ritual.

Ritual is also a means of communication with our subconscious, Higher Self, Soul and Spirit and beyond, being far more effective than talking, because the actions and symbolism of the ritual go beyond the meaning of words. The intent of our words is therefore much more clearly communicated through ritual.

The other thing about ritual that I find fascinating is that we can use it to “suspend” existing realities that we don’t like, so that we can “slip” more easily into the ones we would like to create.

Ritual therefore has many so-called magical applications. Unfortunately it has in the past been given a bad name by religions who understood the power of ritual and wanted us all to believe that we are powerless and unable to create our own realities. It also sometimes brings up fear for people who remember times when it was used negatively. However, like everything else, it is merely a tool, and totally depends on how and with what intention the person is using it. The form itself is completely harmless.

So during this moon month it is a great opportunity to focus on what you want to create through the wisdom of celebration in your life – and to use the power of a conscious ritual to make it more real, alive and important. You will see that I give example of rituals to do with the Solstice Full Moon this month that is in the sign of Capricorn.

I hope that you all have a glorious and happy moon month as the future unfolds!

As an aside, I wanted to mention that I have created a blog for the moon magazine under http://newmoonmagazine.blogspot.com. This will make it easier for you to read each month’s magazine, and also gives you an opportunity to comment and discuss things I talk about in the magazine. I feel your sharing is such an important aspect of our communication, and that it would be very beneficial for everyone to have an opportunity to express and make your own contributions as well!

All the previous new moon magazines are on the blog and so if you need to refer back to anything that has been mentioned in a previous magazine, you can always also use the blog as a reference library.

Please don’t feel intimidated by the technology and word blog! It is very easy to use – just type in http://newmoonmagazine.blogspot.com at the top of your computer and press enter. You will be linked to the website and from there click on whatever option you would like to look at.

I believe blogs are empowering opportunities given to us by information technology. Let me know what you think of this new format and I hope you have some fun exploring.

With blessings of Love

“Revitalise and Enlighten your Life with the Moon”

called the Oak Moon, the Field Poppy Moon and the Rose Moon.

“Let us be like the Oak – standing proudly in the Present,
looking back at the Past and forward to the Future.”

The Moon teaches us where we need to nourish and through that we become happy:
Just about everybody has a desire to be happy. In fact most people make that the driving force of their lives. Yet it seems such an unattainable thing most of the time. Even when we have what we think we should have, it does not really satisfy that deep, deep bit of us inside.

I believe that the Moon holds the key to understanding how we can achieve this happiness- it can show us what makes us happy, and what makes us unhappy.

We are all unique as human beings, and different things will make different people happy. The key is to find out what it is that makes you specifically happy as a person. Finding out in which sign your moon is in your specific astrological chart, can show you where you should be concentrating your energies to be happy. In many ways it will also help you to realise what work you should be doing in the pursuit of such happiness.

What else is important to understand, is that the essence of the Moon and what makes the Moon happy, is that it wants to nourish. The energy of the Moon nourishes, and the Moon is often described as the Mother or mother energy.

And so, for example, the Moon in my astrological chart is in the sign of Leo, and because of this I will only truly feel happy if I am able to nourish myself and others through the expression of the qualities of Leo (such as being generous, creative and doing things in my own unique way).

Another person who, for example, has a Libra moon, will find that deep fulfilment and happiness in another way through nourishing themselves and others through beauty and balance (the qualities of Libra).

By finding out in which sign your Moon is in your chart, you will therefore know what qualities you need to use to nourish yourself and others in order to find that deep inner happiness.

Mercury teaches us where we need to be nourished and so find our strength:
According to esoteric astrologers such as Alice Bailey (probably the most enlightened astrologer that lived) both the Sun and the planet Mercury as a reserve, do not nourish, but instead seek to be nourished, because that makes them strong and gives them vigour. The Moon therefore is able to nourish the Sun and Mercury, and through that the Moon achieves happiness (it wants to nurture or nourish and is able to do so to the Sun and Mercury), and the Sun and Mercury become strong because they are being nourished by the Moon.

The relevance of the above for this month is that this Moon month started on the 4th June with the New Moon in the sign of Cancer (the sign that rules the Moon). The New Moon has therefore set the tone of this moon month to be about nourishment and finding happiness.

And auspiciously at the same time the Sun during this moon month is also in Gemini!

There is therefore a natural connection between the two during this moon month i.e. the new moon in Cancer is able to nurture and strengthen the Sun and also Mercury (because the Sun is in the sign of Gemini). And because the Moon represents also our feminine side, and the Sun represents our male side, there is a natural balance and harmony between the two that can bring us happiness (the Moon) and strength (Sun and Mercury) this month.

Take a minute to look at where your Moon is in your chart and also where your Mercury is in the chart, because that will give you some important information about yourself regarding happiness and strength for this month and also the future. It will also give you some insights about the energies of this month as they apply to you. If you are not sure about this, email me and I will help you to get to some conclusions.


The full moon on the 18th June in the sign of Capricorn and it is known as the Solstice Full Moon, because winter or summer solstice (depending on whether you are in the southern or northern hemisphere) is on the 21/22nd June. This is when the days are the shortest/longest and when the sun starts to turn again to the opposite season (summer or winter). It is therefore a very important time for the sun and also in the year.

Capricorn is the sign of responsibility and it will be good to reflect on a situation where you may have not been able to fulfil a specific responsibility- maybe because of you making a “mistake,” or perhaps being prevented from fulfilling the responsibility because of circumstances. Do a ritual to let go of any guilt, or pain or sadness or self judgement about this having happened, on the day of the Full Moon by, for example, writing it down and then burning it under the Full Moon. This will complete the process on a very deep and magical level. And after doing so, then do another ritual of celebration, setting the intention to create something new in its place where you will be able to fulfil all your responsibilities in the future. Maybe you can make a special cake (see the recipe below!), or do a cauldron filled with water and decorate it with greenery, or set up two lamps white and gold. Feel the energy of celebration that is also linked to the Solstice, and imagine that it has already happened and you are celebrating the success. Feel the happiness and strength that the success also brings you.



I would like to introduce you to two very interesting people I have connected with since living here in Pringle Bay - Gurth Bruins and Jennifer Lamberth.

Gurth was a Gold medallist for B.Sc Engineering at the University of Cape Town, but he abandoned his career to study different fields of interest and in particular, astrology. He has a very interesting view on the ascendant or rising sign in our astrological charts (he sees them as not being of major significance but instead Mercury as important) and also reminded me about the Alice Bailey’s teachings around Mercury and the Sun. He has a particular interest in analysing the relationship between two people in terms of the flow of energy between them through the four elements. For more information on his quite novel and interesting ideas you can look at his website www.gastrology.wetpaint.com!

Jennifer is a dear friend who has an amazing interest and knowledge about astronomy. She has a house I Pringle Bay with a magnificent view of the stars and bakes the most divine carrot cake! I convinced her to share the recipe for our next magazine, but here is a delicious Moon delight for your Solstice Full Moon celebration ritual in the meantime:


3 cups strong black coffee –cooled
3 table spoons Marsala or coffee liqueur
2 eggs separated
3 tablespoons caster sugar
250 g mascarpone cheese
1 cup cream, whipped
16 large sponge fingers
2 tablespoons dark cocoa powder

1. Mix together coffee and liqueur in bowl and set aside.
Beat egg yolks and sugar for 3 minutes or until thick and pale. Add mascarpone and mix until just combined and fold in cream.
2. Beat egg whites until soft peaks. Fold lightly into cream mixture.
3. Dip half the biscuits into coffee mixture and drain off excess coffee- arrange in base of dish (2.5l). Spread half mixture over biscuits.
4. Dip remaining biscuits into coffee and repeat layers. Smooth the surface and dust with cocoa powder.
Refrigerate for at least 2 hours or until firm (can make the day before).



Exciting Pringle Bay retreats are happening during this month of June. Please let me know if you would like to join in!



The retreats will focus on opening the heart to receive more from life- whether that is more abundance financially, more love from creating an intimate relationship, or having the joy of more social activities and connections.

Most of us feel that life is not the way we want it to be, and we cannot understand why we feel powerless to create the very things we want.

What we don’t realise, is that even though we think our hearts are open, they are in fact closed due to a strong emotional pattern that has helped us to protect ourselves.

The retreats will help to give you the tools to begin a process of reopening the heart consciously so that you can learn to do this when it is appropriate, instead of having no choice about the matter.

Then we can allow our world to expand - and all the good things that we desire to come into the space we have created by opening our heart.

COST: R1 050 (all inclusive)
13 – 15th JUNE
20 – 23rd JUNE


The next retreat is happening on the 13- 20 July 2008.

What is very unique about the timing of this retreat is that it is just before a solar eclipse (the only one this year) that happens in August.

Normally the energies just before an eclipse are most powerful as the energy of the eclipse is still rising.

When I was guided by my spirit guides to plan this retreat, it was indicated that this is a completion of the solar eclipse that happened in August 1999 and was most visible in Cornwall and the southern part of the UK.

It is almost exactly 9 years ago to the day that the eclipse in the UK happened, and after that many people relocated or had a major life change. I in fact just after that changed my career, gave up work in London and moved to a small rural village in Cornwall!

Solar eclipses are awesome and were feared in ancient times as it was said that it would bring governments to the fall and cause huge upheavals. I believe that solar eclipses as huge cosmic events that facilitate mass consciousness to change whereby the old consciousness is taken out during the time of the eclipse or block out of the Sun, and new patterns are simultaneously laid down into the leylines of the Earth.

It is a very exciting opportunity to go to Peru in preparation for this very important cosmic event that will happen, and the theme that I was guided to have, was opening the Heart to find Peace. You will therefore be taught to connect with the Earth at Machu Picchu through ritual and to do meditation that opens up the Heart and connects you to world peace.

If you feel drawn to go when reading this, please let me know, there are still a few spaces available.

Cost: R11 200 / 860 pounds

I mentioned the effect of a solar eclipse on the leylines above and so I am also including an article on leylines that was published this month in one of the South African magazines explaining more about them and also what I do during the sacred earth retreats to teach participants about working with the very important leylines:


It was the great seer Nostradamus that predicted so long ago that peace would come from the South of Africa.

Nelson Mandela was the person who taught the world how it was possible for the people in the South of Africa to have a peaceful changeover of government after so many years of oppression - but what does this mean for us now during this important time of 2008?

Governments are at war and so many people wander through the world searching for something called peace, agitated because they cannot find a place to rest. Our materialistic world continues to falsely promise us the utopia of bliss by wanting more and more, and our modern consciousness that has become so scientifically orientated, continues to search for new discoveries - ever hoping that it will give us that place of rest and peace. Yet it does not happen.

The irony and tragedy of this is that the place of rest is right here. It surrounds us. If we will only but see and feel the sacredness of the Earth and our bodies, we will find that place of rest, and from that point we can begin our ascension process, moving closer to the Sacred and Divine Creative Force we call by so many names.

The sacredness of the Earth can be found everywhere in nature. Whether it is through working in a garden and becoming still, or taking a walk on the beach, we can begin to feel the sacredness of nature that feeds the soul and nourishes the spirit and gives us that deep inner peace. It also teaches us greater awareness and sensitivity to what can only be felt and seen with the Heart.

What we are often not aware of, is that the sacred energies of the Earth are conducted through a network of energy pathways called leylines. These leylines operate very much like the meridian network in the body that ancient Chinese medicine uses in healing with acupuncture.

The meridians of the Earth form a network of light that is linked to the stars and conducts consciousness through its crystalline waterways. All of us are affected by them and they influence how we feel, think and even act at times. They have a very strong influence on the energy field of the body and are everywhere around us in the Earth. Some people are able to dowse for leylines with dowsing rods, and a simple example is the so-called art of divining water where dowsing rods are used to see where the leylines cross and so “find” the exact location of the water in the ground.

However, if these energy meridians of the Earth are blocked and become out of balance, mainly because of human activities such as pollution, mass destruction, war or other upheavals, they become weakened and are no longer able to support the harmony and balance of the Earth. Humans are also then more easily affected.
Since prehistoric times, sacred places have exerted a mysterious attraction on billions of people around the world. They have been claimed to heal the body and enlighten the mind and they continue to be the most venerated and visited locations on the planet. Exploring these sacred places can provide an interaction with ancient ways and sites that can lead to many personal insights and healing.
One of the main reasons for the amazing power at ancient sacred sites and special places of nature is that the leylines have not been so negatively affected by the actions of humans and pollution. The leylines at sacred sites have remained more pure and undisturbed, and so they still have a strong spiritual quality.

There is also a bigger concentration of leylines at these places that increases the effect of these leylines dramatically and it is therefore possible to get in touch with them more easily at a sacred site or sacred place in nature.

By tuning into the earth energies and working with them consciously at these places, it is possible to access the peace and balance that they naturally hold and to become “tuned” by them- just like being tuned by a tuning fork that changes one’s vibration to a more harmonious and true note, allowing us to find that deep peace inside.

It is only by retreating and separating ourselves from the everyday concerns and pressures of our world that we can become more connected to the sacredness of nature and find that peace within.

The Arthurian School in Pringle Bay near Cape Town holds sacred earth retreats at Machu Picchu Peru and Pringle Bay. During these retreats there is a focus on the sacred leylines of the area to help the participants find a stronger connection to the sacredness of the Earth and to bring healing and transformation into their lives. Elizabeth Bardin of The School is a psychic life coach and teacher who has worked with leylines at sacred sites for many years and uses her intuitive and channelling abilities to find appropriate access points to the leylines. She also uses crystals and sacred ceremony with the elements to assist with the process of connecting more consciously to the Earth.

It is a very interesting experience working with Elizabeth. You may not be aware that you have a gift to tune into leylines, but we all have the latent ability and can be taught how to work with them more consciously so as to create a connection with the natural world and also make a personal contribution to the healing of the Earth.

The retreats are guided and planned to overlap with specific cosmic rhythms and therefore assist with profound planetary change.

It was Nostradamus that made the prediction. It is up to all of us to make it happen-

What an exciting opportunity we have to ground a dream of Peace for our Earth during this time, and for each of us to be part of this process!

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“Revitalise and Enlighten your Life with the Moon” _______________________________________________________________________

Monday, June 2, 2008



Hi everyone

I have decided to do a New Moon magazine giving some useful information for each coming moon month. The intention is to inspire, help and create a network of moon connections. Feel free to pass it on, and if you want to be removed from the circulation list, please send a reply with the word “unsubscribe” in the heading.

The magazine will also have some information about interesting people involved in creative or psychic pursuits and somehow resonating with the Moon - people that I can personally recommend, or who have just struck a good cord with me and I think you may benefit knowing about here in South Africa.

Hope you enjoy this first edition and please let me know if you have any comments or suggestions. Any of your contributions will also be most welcome!

With blessings of Love

© The Arthurian School

As we have just gone into the first New Moon of the year 2008 - which is in the sign of Capricorn – there is an opportunity for us to work with the unique possibilities offered by the Capricorn energy during this month of January.

The new moon is an ideal time to set an intention and as the moon will be growing in strength and intensity, so also will such an intention grow. So it is very much like sowing a seed that can prosper and become strong. However, this does not happen automatically and one needs to set a conscious and specific intention.

For me Capricorn is very much about sovereignty this month, and so look at and decide where you need to have more of this quality in your life. Remember, the moon is about our emotions and it is from our emotions that we create our reality and also our future. Sovereignty means where we need to be recognised for who we really are and where we can be the queen/king of our own domain. In a way it is where we need to be respected and seen for who we really are.

The energy of Capricorn is regal and true to its purpose. It refuses to compromise and holds its own perspective firmly. So trust what you feel is right this month and follow what your intuition tells you even though you may be told by others that it is not right. Feel the guidance of the new moon that can take you into this new reality of your own personal freedom.

It may be an idea to meditate for a short while every night to connect to the moon. Even if you don’t do it every night, this will be very beneficial. Ask the energies of the moon to help you understand where your emotions are still stuck and where you are not able to manifest your sovereignty. Also decide what you really want to manifest in terms of recognition, as Capricorn is an earth sign and therefore ideal to work with when you want to manifest something concrete on the physical plane. It may be in relationships or a work situation. Whatever it is, find the core of what you really want and go for it!

And refuse to be put off by anyone - assert your own authority!

– Some interesting facts about the Moon, Goddess of the Night

The Moon is associated with women and the number 13, perhaps because she moves 13 degrees a day and orbits the earth 13 times in one year. However, people often though see a man in the moon, or sometimes a hare, owl or swan.



The place where the moon is in your birth chart indicates past life incarnations and very often the lower frequency of that sign that needs to be corrected in this life. So because Capricorn is a sign of sovereignty, it will often indicate that you have had incarnations as royalty, but that perhaps you were too controlling (one of the lower/more negative frequencies of the Capricorn energy) and even arrogant about your position. By having a Capricorn moon in your birth chart it is therefore saying you have an opportunity to correct that in this life and you will have situations drawn to you where you may experience that in other people around you, for example, the person is very controlling and arrogant, mirroring the quality for you to observe and learn about, so that you can change that in your own life.

The position of your moon will also indicate something about your relationship with you mother. Often the moon sign of a child will be the sun sign of the mother. So if you have a Capricorn moon, your mother may be a Capricorn or someone who has a high standing or successful position in this life, or your relationship with her may have been on a very material level- she would have provided your physical needs, but perhaps not your emotional and other needs.

By understanding your relationship with your mother you will learn a lot about yourself and what needs healing in relationships, - she is the very first person that you have a relationship with and you as a baby take on her emotions.

By the way, it is always interesting to find out what your moon sign is in your birth chart. There are many websites that allow you to download the information for free if you type in a Google “free astrological charts” etc. The moon sign is easier to find out than your rising sign, as the rising sign depends on the exact time that you are born and changes approximately every two hours.


For those of you who have done channelling courses with me, this will be of particular interest, but anyone will benefit from doing the exercise:

Do this at night, perhaps a bit later when you will not be disturbed and it is dark outside with stillness in the night when others have gone to bed.

This will enable you to feel more attuned to the Moon energies that are much more subtle than the sun. Remember the Moon reflects and does not have her own energy. She is therefore very different and needs tuning into.

Sit in front of a mirror and allow your body to relax- you may have a small candle next to you. Imagine inhaling the air and the light of the Moon. It does not matter if you are able to see the Moon; it is purely your intention and remember you are working on a psychic level, so the physical aspect of the Moon is not really that important. Continue with this breathing for a while and then start to feel how it overlights you and fills your being.

Now look at the mirror in front of you and see if the picture changes. Also pay attention to any words or images that may come into your mind as a communication from the Capricorn Moon. You may want to speak or say it out loud. It may just be a word or an impression, but trust what is received.

Now hold a specific picture of what you want to manifest in regard to the quality of sovereignty clearly in your focus with your third eye for maximum one or two minutes. Drop the image, and then tap your third eye with two of your fingers on the right hand to anchor the psychic energies into the physical realm. This will also help to ground and bring you back into your body. Now know that you have a stronger connection with the Capricorn moon energies, and that you can manifest your desire more easily in your life.

Please always remember to set the intention beforehand for the exercise to be for the highest good of all, and to harm no one, and make sure you rest afterwards and drink some water (the Moon governs water).



I recently met an amazing person, Karen van Kalmthout who also lives in Pringle Bay and makes the most fantastic array of faeries and dragons!
Karen has developed her expertise over the past 25 years in hand sculpture, ceramics, fine art, book illustrations, faerie-stories, computer graphics and photography…. with, she says, a bit of guitar!
As you can see from the pictures, she is very connected to these realms and they are truly inspirational and beautiful. You can order items directly from her. Her email address is faeries@icon.co.za and her website will be available soon. This is what she says about her faeries:
Fortune Faeries
(All faery pictures and text © Karen Van Kalmhout)
Faeries cast Cosmic Light onto our earthly journey
They contain the original Wisdom and Light and show us who we truly are.
Faeries are magical beings~ offered as a gateway to the Supernatural. They hold all the unknowable and knowable mysteries of creation and are the holders and keepers of all that is sacred.

“We are the wee folk. Invite one of us into your home and discover for yourself the timeless beauty which exists within each and all of us.”

“If I can remind you of a time filled with awe and wonder exploring the deeper mysteries of creation. Remember me….Your childe inside! I am still here ~ pulsating deep within you ~ don’t forget me ~ I am the key to unfolding your deeper mysteries ~ feel me ~ I am with you and will be with you always. Take me with you ~ Talk to me ~ I will answer you ~ listen to me ~ I will guide your way. Understand me ~ and I will unfold before you. Believe in me ~ I am precious ~ I am everything that you are ~ I am your guiding light filtering through your days and nights as you share me with you.”

I am within you I am eternal, the beginning of time until the end
Even then I am Infinity
I am here to remind you of everything you already know and have forgotten.
To bring you Love and Joy and to show you your immense co~creative energy you have within you.
Know this to be true
You are a divine being of Light
And I am here to guide you through the changing of the Age.

You have entered another realm and begun a new life. You have stepped between this world and the faery world. A place outside time. A place of magick, charged with infinite possibilities. These little maiden faeries and Elvin Deva’s carry the Magick of Healing Crystals as their guides. Crystals are not only renowned for their incredible healing powers, but also for the inspiration they provide to millions across our globe. Discover for yourself the legend surrounding these amazing stones and let their companions become yours too.


Here are the workshops and retreats of the School planned for the first half of 2008.
Please contact me if you are interested, or want some more information at
info@arthurianschool.co.uk. 2008 is going to be a very interesting year!



Imagine … an area of magnificent natural beauty; a place of peace and tranquillity where blood has never been shed, a location with abundant, clean, pure water; a nearby rushing river; a place where vegetables and fruits can be grown in soil uncontaminated by chemical fertilisers and sprays; a land of happy, loving and contented people who are apart from the outer world, yet still living in it.

Imagine…a Shan-Gri- La hidden away from the cares of our chaotic world!

In the Sacred Valley of Machu Picchu Peru, hundreds of beautiful waterfalls dash down great rock walls to bring clear, pure water from the Andean glaciers into the valley. And there is a great and rushing river, the Urubamba that winds its way through the entire length of the valley like a shining silver thread.

Practically anything can be grown in the valley. It is a place where temperate zone products grow side by side with those of the tropical zone. From corn, beans, yucca, peas, beets, carrots, potatoes and tomatoes to avocadoes, papayas, mangoes, bananas, lemons and oranges!

Machu Picchu is in many ways truly a Shan-Gri-La. It is also one of the most well known sacred sites in the world, with thousands of visitors making the spectacular journey to its breath taking views at an altitude of 4,200 meters above sea level. An ancient ruin settlement of the Incas, it has remained undisturbed by the Spanish invasion who were unaware of its existence; being safely shielded by the dense and majestic Amazon jungle. It was only recently rediscovered in 1911 by an American explorer, Hiram Bingham, although locals living nearby new about the ruins long before this discovery.

What is extraordinary about Machu Picchu is that it is the only site in the world that has an Intihuatana Stone that was not smashed or destroyed by invaders. The energies of this stone, also known as a sundial where the priests in ancient times performed a ritual to symbolically “tie” the sun to the earth as it started to wane during the autumn equinox, are astonishing. Many visitors have had some profound spiritual experiences there, and it is said that whoever goes to visit the stone is blessed by the Spirit Guide of the Stone and returns from a visit to Peru more awakened to their true spiritual path.

It has also been said that Machu Picchu has been waiting for humanity to lose it hunger for gold, and that visitors to it are called not to seek for Machu Picchu’s material wealth, but rather to search for its greater treasure- the keys to a more abundant spiritual life that can connect the visitor to the Universe itself!

It has also been linked to the time of legendary Atlantis, and while Atlantis became submerged by the ocean waves, Machu Picchu, because of its spectacular height above sea level, always remained above the water.

Visits to ancient sacred sites can greatly assist in opening up our receptivity and spiritual growth. Whatever their beliefs are, many people are drawn to ancient places like Peru to rediscover themselves and their connection to the natural world. Visitors instinctively know that there is a hidden benefit in visiting these places that go beyond the ordinary tourist visit. These sites have a concentration of earth ley lines that carry and conduct healing and other uplifting spiritual energies.

We all can become more whole by being aware of these unseen forces of nature and the elements. There is an abundance of faeries, unicorns and other nature spirits- at these sacred sites, and if one is able to be still and become more trusting of one’s own intuition and inner knowing, they can greatly help to intensify the experience of our connection to ourselves and to nature. The earth also benefits from this loving exchange of awareness.

Very closely linked to these elemental forces of nature is the Moon. It has a powerful influence on us and nature, and anyone who lives by the sea can witness the silent power of the Moon whose invisible power draws the tides up and down the beach each day. These tides are not just limited to the oceans, the earth’s atmosphere above our heads and even its crust beneath our feet, rise and fall to this lunar rhythm.

The Machu Picchu retreats are therefore always planned to coincide with the full moon.

DATES FOR MACHU PICCHU RETREATS (during the first half of 2008):

17-24 February 2008- theme: awakening our inner Passion
17-24 May 2008- theme: awakening Love
14-21 June 2008- theme: awakening our inherent leadership qualities
13-20 July 2008- theme: awakening the Heart


We all have our own secret passions. Things that we never think of sharing with anyone.

But maybe these are the ones that need our attention- that need to come back into our lives in a more meaningful way.

This retreat will be primarily focused on where you have left some of your dreams behind. And for whatever reason this may have been, it no longer needs to happen!

In fact now is the time to make them flourish and grow.

Retreats are very good for having the time and space to think about one’s life more deeply. By being close to nature and far away from the common day concerns of your life, you will be able to “switch off” and have time to really just concentrate on yourself and where you are going.

Do you really know what the future holds for you? Do you have an instinctive feel about it, or does it roam around in your head like a yo-yo? Is it time to address this more fully and to get in touch with you spiritual purpose and direction in this life? Maybe it is time for you to discover who has stolen all your dreams.

By feeling the uplifting energies of Machu Picchu, it can help you to once again awaken your dreams and inner passions. To get guidance that you are not able to find unless you are in this very special place. Many well known people such as David Icke and Martin Gray (www.sacredsites.com) have had profound experience there that have had a life changing effect on their work and direction. We will never fully know what is in store for us in the future, but we are now able to take another- much more meaningful step than before- in this very important direction. It is time for us to take responsibility for our lives.

Ask yourself these questions. What does it mean to be me? Where am I heading with this? Is it worthwhile?

Machu Picchu holds many answers if you are willing to be still and become more fully aware.

Our trip will start at Cusco, the capital of the Incas, where we will stay overnight after meeting as a group to start our very special and sacred journey.

Then we head for the Sacred Valley, to stay at the very magnificent Ollantaytambo with its ancient ruins and fortress. We spend two full days there to acquaint ourselves with the area and get the true “feel” of Peru. Ollantaytambo is the best surviving example of Inca city planning and is a sight in itself. Streets are kept clean by waters diverted into stone channels. There is a strong Quechua identity and local men often were the poncho typical of the region. But what is even more amazing is the fortress. In the courtyard is a gushing channel that leads to the Bath of the Princess (Bano de la Nusta) where we will soak our feet and look at the carved faces in granite stones at the unfinished Temple of the Sun. This will be the preparation for us work and connection at Machu Picchu’s Temple of the Wind and Sun where we will ask the spirit of Peru and the Ancient Incas to invoke a powerful acceleration in our consciousness.

The next morning early we board the train to Aguas Calientas, the village closest to Machu Picchu. Travelling through a spectacular landscape filled with ancient ruins and the magnificent Urubamba River, we gaze at snow capped peaks of the Andes and look at the different vegetation on the way. It is truly beautiful.

In Aguas Calientas we have more time to prepare ourselves for our special encounter with Machu Picchu. With its colourful stalls, filled with fabrics and woven rugs and wonderous wares, it brings us closer to the Inca tradition of textiles with shape and form. And not to mention the many crystals from South America that await our admiration! The natural hot springs in Aguas Calientas has many healing qualities to cure any aching bones with the minerals and magic of the Amazon jungle. Sip a freshly squeezed papaya juice at the springs while you watch a magical sunset. It is time to bring back the joy!

The next day we rise early to greet the sun at the sungate of Machu Picchu. Our bus ride up to the top is breathtaking as we zigzag up the mountain in a Machu Picchu bus.

We do a ceremony at the Ruins to help us connect to the waters of Machu Picchu and to open ourselves to the mountains that speak through the Heart. Heavenly connections waiting to unfold and support us in our purpose. We are truly welcome at the site!

Sitting in meditation at the Temple of the Wind and watching the bubbling water of the nearby fountain, we look at the splendour of this magnificent site, and know that we are truly home.

The next day we visit the site again. This time to spend time and receive the blessing of the Intihuatana Stone. Magnificent in its simplicity, it is the only stone that has never been damaged or destroyed by an invader. We also visit the Temple of the Three Windows. True magic awaits us there…

During the retreat you will be given time to reflect on your inner purpose and there will be a special fire and water ceremony to awaken and ignite our hidden passion.

This is a retreat after which you will never be the same!

COST: R11,200 ( 860 pound sterling)

This includes all accommodation, continental breakfasts and suppers, train journeys from and to Ollantaytambo and Aguas Calientes, buses to and from Machu Picchu, all taxis and other transportation, entrance fees to Ollantaytambo and Machu Picchu sites and retreat fees.

You are responsible for all international airfares (to Lima Peru) and domestic flights (Lima to Cusco) and expect departure taxes at Cusco and Lima of approximately $40 (cash).


DATE: 30 March - 2nd April 2008

To awaken Joy, Fertility and a Unique Abundance in your life

The year 2008 holds the energy of freedom and during this retreat we will be focusing on where you have lost such freedom in your life, and how it can be resurrected through finding a deeper connection with Merlin and also the elemental and magical energies of the Moon.

I believe that Merlin was half faery- his father was from the faery realm - and that is why he had so much knowledge about so-called “magic”. In the faery realms these powers are quite natural, but we as a humanity have forgotten about these hidden powers.

We can find it again and use it in a productive way in our lives -to make our future better and also to help the Earth to get back into balance. This retreat is going to be fun and we will also be working within the wonderful awakening energies of Tintagel!

Limited to 6 participants only

COST: 280 pound sterling
This includes a light lunch each day; accommodation and suppers not included.


DATES: 4-8th April 2008.

Please e-mail if you would like to book a personal session.


© The Arthurian School

Hi everyone!

Thank you for your positive feedback of the January edition of the New Moon Magazine.

Please feel free to pass it on, or if you want to be removed from the circulation list, send a reply with the word “unsubscribe” in the heading.

Remember that the magazine is designed to help you - through awakening an interest and greater awareness of the Moon and the moon qualities of water.

The Moon can help you in so many different ways, and it affects so many things that we are mostly totally unaware of!

One example that came up strongly for me in the last month me is the lymphatic system that is governed by the Moon. The lymph system, as you may know, removes excess water and toxins out of the body, and unlike the blood circulation, does not have a pump mechanism like the heart. It purely relies on gravity and other intangible influences such as the Moon for its effect to move through the body. It has a much more subtle energy (like the Moon has) and so we can very easily forget about its importance.

Louise Hay in her brilliant little blue book called “Heal your Body” describes lymph problems as “A WARNING THAT THE MIND NEEDS TO BE RE-CENTRED ON THE ESSENTIAL OF LIFE, LOVE AND JOY”!

Take a look at your life at the moment and see if this maybe needs attention.


A positive affirmation for the lymph that you may want to use in conjunction with the Moon (either by looking at it, or psychically by focusing on it in your third eye) just before you go to bed is:


See how saying these words makes you feel - it may be surprising what emotions are triggered, and know that you are doing your lymph system a great favour by being more aware of its existence!

You may also decide to have a wonderful lymph massage that is much more gentle than an ordinary massage, yet is incredibly powerfully and can restore a huge amount of joy in just being alive, instead of the perpetual worry about money, health, security etc. –

It can really lift your spirits.

By the way, I believe the Moon teaches us to trust the flow of life just as the lymph system flows naturally. When you watch the cycles of the Moon, it is always changing, yet there is the certainly that after each full moon, there will be another full moon or, as the case may be, a new moon. And so the Moon is the greatest constant reminder that we can trust life and also trust in the greater plan of the Universe. Everything has a divine plan and we are part of a much bigger cycle that moves within its own perfect order.

The Moon patiently waits to go through its phases without worrying that the next phase will not be there. Like a comic clock it knows its own time!

I hope you enjoy this edition of the magazine and thank you for being part of it.

With blessings of Love


The Moon is involved in some interesting aspects at the moment. One of these has been involving the planets Venus and Jupiter. They have been coming closer and closer together in the early morning sky about two hours before sunrise. On the 1st of February they got the closest at just over one-half degree which is roughly the size that the Moon appears to us when we gaze up in the sky. During this time Jupiter has been shining brightly at a magnitude of -1.9, but Venus has been 7 times brighter at magnitude -4.0!

The waning crescent of the Moon has been gradually shifting eastward towards this “double planet formation” and on the morning of the 4th February, the three formed a striking triangle with Venus and Jupiter 3 degrees apart, and the Moon just over 5 degrees below them.

One may say that this alignment brought together opportunities of romance, the arts and money (Venus) and luck, expansion and serendipity (Jupiter) for our emotions and inner worlds (the Moon) and so has been extremely important.
What is also interesting is that there is a lunar eclipse at the next full Moon in the early hours of Thursday morning, 21st February, and once again the Moon will be forming a triangle, but this time with the planet Saturn and a bright star Regulus. This eclipse will be best seen in North and South America, but Europe will also be able to enjoy a view of the darkened moon before it sets and the eclipse will last for about 50 minutes.
Those of you who have watched eclipses will know that the experience and feeling of a Moon eclipse is very different to that of a Sun eclipse. During a solar eclipse the new Moon is between the Sun and the Earth, and one almost feels abandoned by the Sun when its light is blocked off from the Earth by the Moon for a few minutes as the eclipse is happening. It is almost eerie and scary, because one is so used to the Sun shining during the day and the behaviour of animals during a solar eclipse is really interesting as they take on night behaviour such a nesting etc.
But during lunar eclipses it is the Earth that moves between the Sun and the Moon and so cuts off the reflected light of the Moon. It is as if the Moon “disappears” and the night sky radically alters its appearance, becoming brilliantly peppered with many more stars than what were previously visible. Just as if the Moon suddenly gives way and opens its cloak to reveal the stars in another (and more interesting) dimension.
What is also beautiful to watch during a Moon eclipse, is the curve of the Earth’s shadow as it draws across the Moon. It confirms that our planet is spherical in shape and about three times larger than the Moon.
I feel that Moon eclipses make us more aware of ourselves as existing on the Earth, whereas the Sun eclipses focus on our relationship with the Sun. It is as if the Moon eclipses bring out our importance as a planet and the effect we have on the rest of the Universe and beyond. It also gives recognition to the Earth being here, and allows us to reach out further and become one with the greater Universe.
Look out for the eclipse and see how you personally experience it, even if you are unable to see it, you can still feel the energy if you psychically tune in.


This is the Chinese New Year and it is also called the Ash Moon, the Sumerian Grain Harvest Moon and the Inca Great Growing Moon.

The Moon enters Pisces at 1.46 am on Friday the 8th February and so the new moon begins in the sign of Aquarius. Aquarius is known as the sign that has an impersonal perspective and it also is the sign of the water bearer. There is therefore an interesting connection between Aquarius that is an air sign, but in some ways also has water qualities. What I feel these water qualities are about, is the quality of giving and receiving freely. So have a look this lunar month where there is no flow in your life, or where you find it difficult to flow with situations. This can be a month where you can learn to receive more of what life has to offer you, and if you set this intention with the new moon, you can help to bring more awareness to this area of your life and so create positive change.

Any of you who have an Aquarius moon in your astrological chart may also want to think about how you may be too distant or detached from a person in a relationship, or other situations, or even refuse to feel. Aquarians often feel uncomfortable to feel because they have such a strong connection with their mind (air) and this may be difficult in relationships where the other person, or perhaps the child of the Aquarius mother, needs more intimacy and interaction. The Aquarian moon in an astrological chart needs to learn to become more involved and allow the emotional demands that another may place on them. This does not mean that one should accept burdens, but the Aquarian energy is also very much about brother and sisterhood and about being there to support others.

The Aquarian energy is very important for the future and also rules the quality of genius.

So if you have any flashes of genius or inspiration, pay attention to it!


I have had a lot of feedback from you about how you intend to do the psychic exercises but don’t have the time to do it. Well, with this one you will have no excuse not to do it! It is so easy to make it part of your normal daily routine.

When you are in the bath or shower, focus for a minute or two on the water. Try and see if you can see the aura of the water and also of the elementals in the water. If you slightly blurr your vision you are able to see it more easily.

If you only have time to do that, that will be enough to strengthen and develop your psychic ability.

Otherwise, as a next step use your so-called imagination (it is not imagination, because you are now seeing in another dimension, but we have been so taught that it is not real!) and start to see how you can affect the aura of the water- it may appear that it ripples more, or that you start to see more colours and images. In a way you are scrying the water, and it can take you into many interesting images including images of the past and the future, especially if you have that intention.

Next, when you come out of that, bring the energy of the water into your body and imagine it flowing through you. See yourself as the water bearer, maybe with a water jug (as Aquarius is often shown), or anything that comes into your mind. You are now psychically connecting with the Aquarian energy and also the growing New Moon.

Feel the revitalising energy in your body of what you have just done with the water.



Someone I would like to introduce you to is Penni Du Plessis who has an amazing ability to work with the special qualities of water and therefore also the Moon.

Penni was the first teacher of Aurasoma in South Africa and has gone on to develop her own way of working with coloured water and oils. You can see her amazing products on her website www.divine-space.com. The products are very angelic and she has the wonderful distinction of being asked by Diana Cooper to sell her Archangel Oils on Dianna’s website. They are really powerful!

Penni has also developed a special technique called the Antaneea technique that incorporates massage as well as many other very interesting aspects to map and read the body. The benefits of such a massage are quite amazing as it unlocks (amongst other things) old negative time blocks in the body.

Penni will be coming over to the UK during April 2008 and so if any of you in the UK are interested in doing one of her courses please contact her via her website. You can also order her products from distributors in the UK (see Penni’s website for more information, or email her.)

Penni has the most wonderful and generous heart and is a phenomenal healer. Just being part of a group working with her can have tremendous positive impact on your life. I love having her sprays and bottles around the house because it brings in amazing positive vibrations, and so they are tools that can help us to become more aware of our physical surroundings and our connection to water and its many different healing and uplifting qualities.

Needless to say, Penni has a Pisces moon in her astrological chart that makes her very psychic and it is ideally suited to what she does with water! ( Pisces is a water sign).


Next I would also like to introduce you to Julia Kriss. Julia lives in Pringle Bay as well and has many of her astrological planets in Virgo, making her an extraordinary therapist and life coach. She also has the most amazing life size head statute of Nefertiti in her healing room where she does body massage and other therapies.

What seems very fitting to this life size statute is that right next to the healing room is a large water feature that blends in well with the vibration of the healing room. It almost feels like it is a temple of Nefertiti and that the water acts as a waterway to take you during the session to another place and dimension, just like they used to do with the longboats of ancient Egypt! It is very soothing and calming.

The statute comes from Egypt where Julia carried it around with her despite it being really heavy- a real labour of love.

When I had a treatment from Julia, I could feel the very gentle and refined energies of Nefertiti becoming alive in my body and I was reminded intuitively by her that life can be so easy and without any worry. It is our minds that complicate and keep on recreating the drama. I also had the distinct impression of drifting and flowing somewhere as if to remind me that it is easy to live life effortlessly if I do the same as the water.

When you look at the picture of the Nefertiti and Julia, notice the resemblance there and you will see that Julia carries the energy of Nefertiti very strongly in her work. It is incredibly beautiful and so peaceful, and I felt as if I was shown how unnecessary it is to create the chaos and tension of this illusion we live in. We simply need to choose another reality of ease. See if you can feel that memory of the incredible peace stirring in your body when you are near water. It is as if the water holds this information for us to become more aware.

If you are interested in Julia’s work or just want to contact her, please email her on julia@inneredge.co.za.


Just to say that there are still 2 places available for the Merlins Cave Retreat (see below and that I have a few limited places left for private sessions.

I will be leaving to do a retreat in Peru for the full moon and eclipse this month. Please see the information below on the Peru Retreats that are planned thereafter.

Another exciting new development is the Pringle Bay retreats that work specifically with the New Moon.
Please contact me if you are interested, or want some more information
about any of the above at info@arthurianschool.co.uk.


DATE: 30 March - 2nd April 2008

To awaken Joy, Fertility and a Unique Abundance in your life

The year 2008 holds the energy of freedom and during this retreat we will be focusing on where you have lost such freedom in your life, and how it can be resurrected through finding a deeper connection with Merlin and also the elemental and magical energies of the Moon.

I believe that Merlin was half faery- his father was from the faery realm - and that is why he had so much knowledge about so-called “magic”. In the faery realms these powers are quite natural, but we as a humanity have forgotten about these hidden powers.

We can find it again and use it in a productive way in our lives -to make our future better and also to help the Earth to get back into balance. This retreat is going to be fun and we will also be working within the wonderful awakening energies of Tintagel!

Limited to 6 participants only

COST: 280 pound sterling
This includes a light lunch each day; accommodation and suppers not included.



Pringle Bay is a small picturesque coastal village in the heart of a UNESCO World Nature Reserve, called the Kogelberg Biosphere. Undisturbed by street lights, it is an ideal place to observe the stars and the planets, experience the elements and observe the beautiful different colours of Mother Nature.

The Reserve is renowned for its Indigenous Fynbos Flora, and has more plant species per square meter than anywhere else in the world. It is also part of the world famous whale-watching coast leading to Hermanus.

Set against the slopes of the magnificent Kogelberg Mountains and the famous Hangklip Mountain, Pringle Bay has a pristine white beach with stunning views of Table Mountain and Cape Point across False Bay. It also has a small and uncontaminated Buffels River that flows into the sea.

Because of this very unique nature environment, Pringle Bay is an ideal place for retreats. It offers a space for solitude and for getting in touch with nature, yet is only 55 minutes away from busy Cape Town and its international airport.

The New Moon Retreats at Pringle Bay are specifically offered to help participants utilise the unique nature gifts of Pringle Bay in combination with the special time of the new moon.

Working with the new moon can create tremendous growth and opportunity in our personal lives. During these retreats participants are shown how to get in touch with the energies of the moon and nature by learning to become more aware of their natural psychic abilities and intuition. The moon rules psychic ability and intuition and is therefore a powerful tool that can help us become more aware and move forward in our lives.

The retreats are also a time of reflection and of going within. The participants are helped to do special meditations that combine with the energies of the sea, the beach, the river and the moon and we visit the very special Hangklip beach that has an ancient history of indigenous people living in the area.

Personal sessions are included to guide the process of greater self awareness and inner growth.

The retreats offer a wonderful opportunity for positive change and for nurturing your soul and spirit!


The retreat lasts for three days.
Participants stay in Pringle Bay in first class accommodation overlooking the sea.
All meals -delicious vegetarian meals specially prepared by someone who also lives in Pringle Bay - are included.


8,9,10th March 2008
4, 5 ,6th July 2008
2,3,4th August 2008
28,29,30th November 2008

R2 400 (all inclusive)



Imagine … an area of magnificent natural beauty; a place of peace and tranquillity where blood has never been shed, a location with abundant, clean, pure water; a nearby rushing river; a place where vegetables and fruits can be grown in soil uncontaminated by chemical fertilisers and sprays; a land of happy, loving and contented people who are apart from the outer world, yet still living in it.

Imagine…a Shan-Gri- La hidden away from the cares of our chaotic world!

In the Sacred Valley of Machu Picchu Peru, hundreds of beautiful waterfalls dash down great rock walls to bring clear, pure water from the Andean glaciers into the valley. And there is a great and rushing river, the Urubamba that winds its way through the entire length of the valley like a shining silver thread.

Practically anything can be grown in the valley. It is a place where temperate zone products grow side by side with those of the tropical zone. From corn, beans, yucca, peas, beets, carrots, potatoes and tomatoes to avocadoes, papayas, mangoes, bananas, lemons and oranges!

Machu Picchu is in many ways truly a Shan-Gri-La. It is also one of the most well known sacred sites in the world, with thousands of visitors making the spectacular journey to its breath taking views at an altitude of 4,200 meters above sea level. An ancient ruin settlement of the Incas, it has remained undisturbed by the Spanish invasion who were unaware of its existence; being safely shielded by the dense and majestic Amazon jungle. It was only recently rediscovered in 1911 by an American explorer, Hiram Bingham, although locals living nearby new about the ruins long before this discovery.

What is extraordinary about Machu Picchu is that it is the only site in the world that has an Intihuatana Stone that was not smashed or destroyed by invaders. The energies of this stone, also known as a sundial where the priests in ancient times performed a ritual to symbolically “tie” the sun to the earth as it started to wane during the autumn equinox, are astonishing. Many visitors have had some profound spiritual experiences there, and it is said that whoever goes to visit the stone is blessed by the Spirit Guide of the Stone and returns from a visit to Peru more awakened to their true spiritual path.

It has also been said that Machu Picchu has been waiting for humanity to lose it hunger for gold, and that visitors to it are called not to seek for Machu Picchu’s material wealth, but rather to search for its greater treasure- the keys to a more abundant spiritual life that can connect the visitor to the Universe itself!

It has also been linked to the time of legendary Atlantis, and while Atlantis became submerged by the ocean waves, Machu Picchu, because of its spectacular height above sea level, always remained above the water.

Visits to ancient sacred sites can greatly assist in opening up our receptivity and spiritual growth. Whatever their beliefs are, many people are drawn to ancient places like Peru to rediscover themselves and their connection to the natural world. Visitors instinctively know that there is a hidden benefit in visiting these places that go beyond the ordinary tourist visit. These sites have a concentration of earth ley lines that carry and conduct healing and other uplifting spiritual energies.

We all can become more whole by being aware of these unseen forces of nature and the elements. There is an abundance of faeries, unicorns and other nature spirits- at these sacred sites, and if one is able to be still and become more trusting of one’s own intuition and inner knowing, they can greatly help to intensify the experience of our connection to ourselves and to nature. The earth also benefits from this loving exchange of awareness.

Very closely linked to these elemental forces of nature is the Moon. It has a powerful influence on us and nature, and anyone who lives by the sea can witness the silent power of the Moon whose invisible power draws the tides up and down the beach each day. These tides are not just limited to the oceans, the earth’s atmosphere above our heads and even its crust beneath our feet, rise and fall to this lunar rhythm.

The Machu Picchu retreats are therefore always planned to coincide with the full moon.

DATES FOR MACHU PICCHU RETREATS (during the first half of 2008):

17-24 May 2008- theme: awakening Love
14-21 June 2008- theme: awakening our inherent leadership qualities
13-20 July 2008- theme: awakening the Heart



MARCH 2008
© The Arthurian School

Hi everyone!

Well here we are, already in the third month of this rather momentous year of 2008. I have just returned from a magical retreat in Peru where we saw the moon eclipse in all its splendour and beauty and I have since then been reeling from the effects of this powerful alignment. As beautiful and awesome the eclipse has been, so intense and demanding have been the effects of it!

I am guided very strongly that we are all being asked to pay closer attention to whatever is happening in and around us, and that there is really no time to waste anymore. Yes time is an illusion and we are now very much in “no time” where everything is manifesting really quickly (see later on how that is connected to the faery realm).

It is as if a dial has been turned up a notch and the earth has been sped up and we are all having to vibrate at a much higher frequency!

What I particularly notice is how quickly I am manifesting something I think about- and very often it has been a negative thought- and yes, a few hours if not minutes later, there it is! It is so important to consciously choose to tune into positive thoughts and outcomes, because that is what will determine what we create for the now and also the future.


Lying on our backs on huge granite rocks right next to the sound of a roaring river in Aguas Calientes, the little Inca village at the foot of Machu Picchu, we looked at a clear South American star filled sky to see the Moon eclipse in Leo. Previously we had met up with an American visitor from California who offered us his binoculars and to gaze at the Moon through this was just spectacular! The Moon seemed so incredibly silent and the Earth’s shadow relentless in dimming out the light of the Moon that was still shining on the world. As people around us seemed completely oblivious of this huge change, the Earth was asserting herself and there was nothing to stop the process!

Wake up everyone…

The following morning we rose early to see the sunrise at Machu Picchu. The Sun was hidden behind thick mists and it all felt unreal. Illusions and images were everywhere. Then, as we reached the sacred Intihuatana Stone, the sun burst through the clouds. Three times it shone and each time again disappeared. And the ancient guardians of the site said: this is the Sun completion of the Moon eclipse of the night before. Majestically a new day was dawning in Machu Picchu.

Eclipses are completions and new beginnings, and the ancients used to fear it as a time of great upheaval.

Ironically while we were there, the Peruvian people were in upheaval and busy striking in protest about how the authorities now intend to use Machu Picchu for greater material exploitation by involving multinational companies as investors. It is certainly at the moment a time for far reaching decisions to be made about the future of Machu Picchu, and also the heritage of the Peruvian people. And only time will tell what the outcome of this next very important chapter for Machu Picchu will be.

Yet there is a sense of the South Americas waking up, and of it taking its rightful place in the world. It is to be recognised and valued for the phenomenal star given gifts it holds.

I wish you all a very joyful March Moon Month, and keep that divine flame of the Moon feminine energy burning!

With blessings of Love

Please feel free to pass the magazine on, or if you want to be removed from the circulation list, please send a reply to this email with the word “unsubscribe” in the heading.


The New Moon begins in the sign of Aries this month and the Equinox full moon will be on the 21st March in the sign of Libra.

In the Inca tradition this New Moon is called the Flower Growing Moon and in the Celtic tradition it is called the Alder Moon.

Alder trees are very interesting in that they have large root nodules that contain nitrogen-fixing bacteria. These bacteria allow the roots of the Alder tree to grow, rather than to suffocate, in an environment that has stagnant water! The psychic medicine of an Alder tree is therefore to help us with stuck and stagnant emotions, old resentments, hurts and bitterness. It also can help to change plodding, heavy-going struggle and where emotions seem to overwhelm and flood us.

This links in well with the New Moon sign of Aries that is a fire sign and governs action and doing. The coming Moon month is therefore one of taking action and of rekindling our dreams and spirit again. In the Northern Hemisphere you will be celebrating the Spring Equinox and the strengthening power of the Sun that dries up the winter floods, and this is very symbolic of what will also be happening inside of all of us in this new Moon month.

Another interesting fact about the Alder tree is when it is cut, the pale wood takes on a reddish hue, which gave some old woodcutters the eerie feeling that the tree was bleeding like a human being! No wonder that in the days before ambulances and casualty departments, alder leaves were used against gangrene for battle wounds and accidents because it is an anti-inflammatory and helps to stop bleeding.

The Alder tree is known in the Druidic tradition as “The King of the Faeries” and in Midsummer rituals, the red dye of the tree was traditionally used to paint the faces of Sacred Kings.

Did any of you know that the root of the word “faery” comes from the French verb faire that means to do? So faeries literally means do-ers! As Anna Fraser puts it:

” Faeries turn the minerals in the earth and the magic of sun and water
into the jewels of life and they are literally weaving the cloth of life itself”

I believe that faeries are energy-beings whose doing and thinking are not separated and so they have the power to manifest instantly. They have been not been living in the same time-space continuum as us, and as we are starting to merge again with that no time reality in which they live, manifestation is becoming more instant for all of us, and we are able to bridge the huge gap we used to have between our thinking and our doing of things.

The Alder tree therefore is a really good energy to connect with psychically when you want to connect more consciously with the faery realms and to help you master manifesting something instantly this month.

The last really interesting thing about the Alder tree is that the bird associated with it is the Black Raven. The raven is said to carry our soul to the Otherworld that is often described as a misty island that is shielded by Alder groves.

Because of this connection with the Otherworld (that really means a different dimension), the Raven has special psychic abilities and it is known as a bird of deep intuitive perception and magic. The Celtic Goddess called Morrigan is a Raven Goddess. She is the secret side of the Lady of Avalon, the Apple Island (some say this is also Glastonbury in England) which is also the Celtic name for the Otherworld. Many fear Morrigan, but her name give us a reassuring clue: she is not only the dark night, she also lead us safely into the morning dawn.

According to the Celtic tradition, therefore, during this month of the Alder Moon you will have a special opportunity to work with the Raven and to increase your intuitive perception. (See the psychic exercise below).


I feel that in the next moon month it is important to use the intuitive awareness of the Raven and take action (the Aries energy) to take better care of ourselves and also our homes.

Part of that is to become more aware of psychic energies that unbalance us and take us back into the feelings of being stuck and angry and full of fear- the stagnant pools of old emotions as symbolised by the period after the recent Moon eclipse.

The Moon can be used to deflect these unbalancing psychic energies- whether they are coming from a person in our environment who has a conscious or unconscious effect on you, or just generally because of all the unsettling changes the world is going through.


Please remember that the following must only be done with a loving intent. Ultimately there is only one energy that can heal and that energy is the Love or Heart vibration.

Sit safely on the floor- not on a chair if you can, or otherwise use a cushion to sit on so that you can be completed grounded and your body is directly in touch with the earth. If you live in a flat upstairs you will need to do this downstairs or in a park or garden outside.

Now call on the Raven to assist you and visualise it flying close to you as a guardian. Thank it for being with you and keeping you safe. Next focus on your third eye (the area between the eyebrows) and visualise a bright silver Moon. When you see it clearly, imagine that you are pulling the Moon and its incredible light and radiance into and then through your third eye- a bit like the proverbial camel that is being threaded through a needle’s eye. Imagine then bringing the Moon through your body and out through the arms so that it manifests into your hands. Now use the Moon with your hands and direct it as a mirror- to deflect any energies around you that do not serve you and you may feel have been affecting you in a negative way. Use it almost as a shield that reflects back the energy that is directed at you by a person or situation or just generally. Ask in your head that this will be done for the Highest Good and to Harm No One, and once you have used the mirror, also imagine that you are sending the person or the situation Love- even if you do not feel this, make the decision in your mind as a strong intention.

Imagine that you are taking back your power by being able to say no and looking after your own wellbeing through the power of self love and taking responsible action.

When you feel that all the energies around you have disappeared and are harmonised, bring yourself slowly back to the room or place where you are sitting, and then feel yourself being rooted like an Alder Tree - strong and able to move yourself forward out of a swamp into new action so that you can manifest your dreams and ideals.

Thank the Alder tree and Moon and allow yourself to rest for a while. You may also want to write down anything that specifically happened or you realised while you were doing the exercise.

Salt is very good for clearing negative psychic energies and it may be an idea to put a glass bowl or container with salt in the centre of each room of your house overnight once you have done the exercise. Rinse the bowl of salt with water and dispose of down the drain the next morning.

You may have to do this a few times if the energy has been very stuck in the house.

You will be amazed at the difference!



I would like to introduce you to a truly amazing human being who lives near Pringle Bay in a village called Kleinmond.

Marguerite has lived a life filled with courage and after having to leave Zimbabwe (then called Rhodesia), she used her sheer will and positive power of intent to start all over and create a new life in Cape Town, having no resources or money, and only herself.

It feels as if Marguerite is part of a long line of very strong women who have taken on the challenges of life without saying no to any of it!

She has an amazing gift of using words and actions very mindfully and carefully- and so it is no surprise that she writes poetry and also teaches taichi with an interesting combination of the Alexander technique.

She has a deep love for the feminine Goddess energy and will be speaking at the first South African Goddess conference that is due to be held at the end of the month near Cape Town.

She is the author of 'EVE-OLUTION - Enrichment of Feminine Consciousness and Body Awareness', being particularly interested in work with Women and holds regular retreats and workshops to experience awareness, consciousness, skilful means, relaxation, ease and tranquillity in body and mind.

See the website http://www.goddesstemple.co.za/ for more information about Marguerite and also the First International Goddess Conference in South Africa.

I am really pleased to let you know that Sam Rowe and Polly Adams (who are accredited by THE ARTHURIAN SCHOOL) will be doing a workshop in Tintagel at the end of this month. Here are the details and please contact them if you would like to attend -
They are a team with very special combination of skills,
and really fantastic and fun facilitators!

Earth Wisdom
Self Development Workshops

Hope and Harmony - Saturday 29th March 2008

The arrival of spring brings with it the promise of new life and the long nights of winter are balanced by bright new days. The earth is waking up again, and everything is growing as one. We can be thankful for our period of inactivity, but it is time to shake off the predictability of winter and re-energise our hopes for the future.

Most of us feel at some point in our lives that we are juggling too many priorities; be it work, family, friends, or in our own personal development. By identifying what is truly important to us, and focusing on the opportunities we want to create, then we develop a long term harmonious environment in which we can blossom.

Through reconnecting with the cycles of nature, we will help you to gain confidence in your own abilities and intuition, using a variety of interesting and fun techniques in a group setting.

If you would like more information about the above workshop, or Earth Wisdom,
please email Sam and Polly at earthwisdom@uk2.net
or speak to Sam on 07855 600 403, or Polly on 01840 770228.
Courses will be held in and around Tintagel. We look forward to hearing from you.


I will be coming over to the UK on the 27th March to do two retreats and sessions.
Please give me a ring even if you just want to have a chat when I am over there. It will be great to see everyone and catch up on the news.

Also I have been guided to add another retreat in Peru during October and there is some more information about this below.

Please contact me if you are interested, or want some more information
about any of the above at info@arthurianschool.co.uk.


"To visit Machupijchu, you must prepare the soul, sharpen the senses. Forget for some minutes, the small and transcendental problems of our lives, of modern... man..."
Napoleon Polo
Casilla 435 Cuzco Peru

The magic and mystery of Machu Picchu lies very much in its extraordinary beautiful natural surroundings and its sacred connections to the heavens.

It has portals aligned to the stars, and it is no wonder that astrological and astronomical instruments can be found everywhere in the temples of Machu Picchu and the Sacred Valley.

In the Temple of the Three Windows of Machu Picchu, for example, there is a stone pointing to the Southern Cross, and the Intihuatana Stone of Machu Picchu is known to be a complex astronomical clock that holds a powerful portal to extraordinary universal cosmic forces.

Going to Peru is always a special experience. One is able to access these cosmic forces so easily, and if this is done during significant planetary alignments such as a full moon or an eclipse, it becomes an even greater and more significant opportunity for extraordinary experiences and personal growth.

Planetary and star alignments create opportunities that are not usually available to us and we can also during these times make meaningful connections with our own personal star heritage.

The year of 2008 has a number of interesting planetary events. We have just had the first and only full moon eclipse of the year (21st February). On May 10 there is an occultation of the famous Beehive Cluster and on June 30 another occultation occurs with the Pleiades star cluster.

On August 1 there is also a total eclipse of the sun that will be mainly visible in Siberia, Canada’s Northwest, Western Mongolia and China.

On the 18th July there is a Holly Full Moon with the Moon sextile Uranus (the planet governing genius) and on the 14th October there is an Ivy Full Moon in Aries with the Sun trine and the Moon sextile Neptune (the planet governing dreams). Trines and sextiles are very favourable and auspicious alignments.

The time leading up to these alignments is always very powerful and there is a tension that builds up that is released during such the actual happening of the cosmic event.

We are able to tune into these energies by becoming still and being more aware of their heavenly impact on us.

During the upcoming retreats in Peru we will be paying special attention to the special alignments mentioned above and will be an exciting opportunity for each participant to find their special connection to Machu Picchu and its amazingly uplifting spiritual energies.

Machu Picchu is such an incredible place that was built with a wisdom and understanding that is far beyond our current thinking. We are only now starting to glimpse some of the meanings of the structures it holds and I believe that we can only truly understand the full impact of Machu Picchu whilst being aligned with the Unconditional Love vibration that is connected to the Universal Heart- and a heavenly energy connecting us to the earth, the sun, the moon and the stars.


Our retreat will start at Cusco, the capital of the Incas, where we gather at the airport to start our inner spiritual journey.

Next we head for the picturesque village of Pisac in the Sacred Valley. Pisac is famous for its weekly market on a Sunday when local Peruvian people come down from the highlands to share their fresh produce such as trout, tomatoes, rice and potatoes. It is a very memorable event to experience the true and authentic atmosphere of Peru and to become more aware of its special earth energies and extraordinary mountains!

We spend two days here in Pisac to acquaint ourselves more with the land of the ancient Incas. We also have a chance to fully recover from our long journey over and acclimatise to Peru’s high altitudes.

On the Monday we visit the Incan ruins known as Incan Pisac. Pisac, just like the citadel of Machu Picchu, has a Temple of the Sun and an Inithuatana stone, somewhat similar to the ancient European sun clocks.

The angles of the base of Pisac’s Temple of the Sun suggest that it served some astronomical function, but unfortunately Pisac Intihuatana was brutalized and broken by the Spanish invaders. This happened to all these stones except the Machu Picchu Intihuatana, which the conquistadores never found.

The next morning (Tuesday) we board the train to Aguas Calientas, the village closest to Machu Picchu. Travelling through a spectacular landscape filled with ancient ruins and the magnificent Urubamba River, we are able to gaze at the snow capped peaks of the Andes and look at the different vegetation on the way. It is a magnificent journey that lasts about four and a half hours.

In Aguas Calientas we feel the atmosphere of the Amazon jungle and have more time to prepare ourselves for our special encounters with Machu Picchu. With its colourful stalls, filled with fabrics and woven rugs you will be able to explore Aguas Calientas and the Inca tradition of weaving with textiles. And not to mention the many crystals from South America that deserve attention!

The next day (Wednesday) we rise early to greet the sun at the sungate of Machu Picchu. The bus ride up to the top is breathtaking as we zigzag up the mountain in a Machu Picchu bus.

Once at Machu Picchu, we will do a series of earth connections and meditations to help us become more aware of the natural and the cosmic forces of Machu Picchu. The highlight of the day will certainly be when we ascend to the pyramid structure of the Intihuatana Stone where we are able to spend time and do a sacred ceremony to tune into and receive the blessing of its cosmic portals.

The next day (Thursday) we have an opportunity to rest and integrate the magical experiences of the day before. We also are able to be rejuvenated in the natural hot springs of Aguas Calientes and its majestic mountains.

On the Friday the participants have the option of returning to Machu Picchu. This time to climb Wyna Picchu, or to visit the Temple of the Moon.

We end our retreat here with a celebratory Peruvian dinner and return train to Cusco the next day (Saturday).

Focus of the retreat:

During the retreat you will be given time to reflect on your ancient connections to Peru and, in particular, the Intihuatana Stone/portal of Machu Picchu.

There will be daily group meditations as well as special fire and water ceremonies to awaken your connection to the Earth and the elements, and to find an inner connection to the true gift of the Sun and Gold of South America- the Love vibration of Machu Picchu!

We will also work with the energies of the particular full moon of the retreat that will make it a deeply powerful and meaningful event.

This is a retreat that will expand your inner and outer boundaries of what is possible in your life, and greatly help to awaken you to your hidden talents and power for the future.

Each participant will (as appropriate) also receive individual sessions from Elizabeth. These are designed to direct and support the outer journey of each particular person, and to help them to connect more easily to their individual spiritual path and the special qualities of Machu Picchu. Elizabeth has an ancient connection to the site, and uses her shamanistic abilities to connect with its spiritual guardians for the group.

The retreats are limited to a maximum number of 7 people to ensure that there is ample opportunity for personal interaction and support. Early booking is therefore advisable.

COST: R11,200 / ₤860 per person
DEPOSIT: R5 600/ ₤400 to secure a place
(NB - various payment options such as paying the amount by instalments are available- please contact Elizabeth for more information)

This includes all accommodation, continental breakfasts and suppers, train and other journeys to and from Cusco, Pisac and Aguas Calientes, buses to and from Machu Picchu, all taxi transportation, entrance fees to Pisac and Machu Picchu sites and retreat fees.

You are responsible for all international airfares (to Lima Peru) and the short domestic flight between Lima and Cusco (a return ticket is in the region of R12 000 / £800). Expect departure taxes at Cusco and Lima of approximately $40 (cash) in total. Tips and drinks are not included. (please contact Elizabeth if you need any assistance with the booking of the flights- or if the pricing is too expensive).


13-20 July 2008- theme: AWAKENING THE HEART
11-18 October 2008 – theme: AWAKENING CREATIVITY/ART

Note: Machu Picchu is visited by thousands and thousands of people and is particularly full during August which is high season- it is very difficult to connect with the true spiritual energies of Machu Picchu for personal growth when it is full of tourists, and so the retreats are planned in such a way that the group is there on dates and at times when it will be easier to access these energies.

What you need to bring/carry:
n Daypack,
n Rain jacket or poncho (plastic ponchos can be purchased for a dollar)
n Strong, comfortable footwear
n Sweater and jacket (something warm- it gets cold at high altitude)
n Flashlight and batteries
n Hat or cap to protect you from the sun
n Sun block (sun protection cream)
n Insect repellent
n Toiletries, towel and toilet paper
n Selection of small snacks, chocolate, dried fruit, biscuits etc,
n Camera, plenty of film/digital and spare batteries
n Swimsuit (for visiting the hot springs at Aguas Calientes )
n Photocopy of your passport page
n Soles and US dollars- some places only accept soles and others only US dollars

· The ruins are open 6AM to 6PM daily; the schedule may vary by half an hour. By law, as of April 2005, they are not open at night.
· Located at the summit of the mountain, they are at an altitude of around 9,000 feet
· The ruins are most full between 11:00 AM and 1:00 PM
· The shuttle bus from Aguas Calientes takes about 20 minutes to reach the summit via scenic 2,000 foot serpentine road; your shuttle ticket is good for transport up once and down once.
· There are facilitites at the entrance to the ruins (bring your own toilet paper, just in case)
· There is a snack bar just at the entrance to the ruins
· Your entry ticket allows you multiple entries only for the one day validity of the ticket; second day visits will require purchase of another ticket
· There is a small check-room where you can leave bags, etc, for a small fee. Make sure they lock and don't leave anything valuable inside, just to be safe.
· Food and beverages are not allowed in the ruins. Put any bottled water you have inside a day pack or carry bag so that it is not visible when entering the ruins.
· Be prepared for your visit and have a day pack to carry your day gear so you have two hands free to help negotiate and navigate the narrow, steep stairs that take you about the ruins.
· Chew cocoa leaves to avoid altitude sickness and rest if you should feel dizzy. Drinking water with electrolytes is also very helpful. Arnica tablets help the body to correct jet lag and get used to the high altitude.
· Day gear should include rain poncho or jacket and waterproof case for your camera and film; sun and insect protection; a hat with brim or bill; snacks; bottled water.




Pringle Bay is a small picturesque coastal village in the heart of a UNESCO World Nature Reserve, called the Kogelberg Biosphere. Undisturbed by street lights, it is an ideal place to observe the stars and the planets, experience the elements and observe the beautiful different colours of Mother Nature.

The Reserve is renowned for its Indigenous Fynbos Flora, and has more plant species per square meter than anywhere else in the world. It is also part of the world famous whale-watching coast leading to Hermanus.

Set against the slopes of the magnificent Kogelberg Mountains and the famous Hangklip Mountain, Pringle Bay has a pristine white beach with stunning views of Table Mountain and Cape Point across False Bay. It also has a small and uncontaminated Buffels River that flows into the sea.

Because of this very unique nature environment, Pringle Bay is an ideal place for retreats. It offers a space for solitude and for getting in touch with nature, yet is only 55 minutes away from busy Cape Town and its international airport.

The New Moon Retreats at Pringle Bay are specifically offered to help participants utilise the unique nature gifts of Pringle Bay in combination with the special time of the new moon.

Working with the new moon can create tremendous growth and opportunity in our personal lives. During these retreats participants are shown how to get in touch with the energies of the moon and nature by learning to become more aware of their natural psychic abilities and intuition. The moon rules psychic ability and intuition and is therefore a powerful tool that can help us become more aware and move forward in our lives.

The retreats are also a time of reflection and of going within. The participants are helped to do special meditations that combine with the energies of the sea, the beach, the river and the moon and we visit the very special Hangklip beach that has an ancient history of indigenous people living in the area.

Personal sessions are included to guide the process of greater self awareness and inner growth.

The retreats offer a wonderful opportunity for positive change and for nurturing your soul and spirit!


The retreat lasts for three days.
Participants stay in Pringle Bay in first class accommodation overlooking the sea.
All meals -delicious vegetarian meals specially prepared by someone who also lives in Pringle Bay - are included.


4, 5 ,6th July 2008
2,3,4th August 2008
28,29,30th November 2008

R2 400 (all inclusive)
