MAY 2008
© The Arthurian School
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(Photo © Merina & Stuart Allen - can anyone see the Pharaoh that is lying on his back in a sarcophagus?!!)
Hi everyone!
It is with some trepidation that I started to write this New Moon Magazine because we have the awesome event coming up, of two Scorpio full moons in a row. The last full moon has been in the sign of Scorpio and the next one will also be in Scorpio. This is a really rare event, and I believe is directly responsible for things at the moment being so very intense and challenging! It is as if anything that has been hidden is now being revealed and there is a real opportunity to put things right.
But quite an awesome process to encounter.
At the moment there is a huge opportunity to clear things out, and to have a kind of death and rebirth in the areas of our lives where we are still disempowered.
The sign of Scorpio is about finding a deep understanding of death, and even though we can talk about it in our heads, it is only when we have an experience of that through the death of someone, or through something in our life that has gone, that we can begin to understand the impact of death in our lives as human beings.
“Revitalise and Enlighten your Life with the Moon”
I had an interesting encounter with the potential of death when I had a car accident the day after I had written the last New Moon Magazine. After driving for 30 years odd without an accident, I found myself going into a steep ditch on the side of the road (I am still not sure what exactly happened to make the car move to the left) and the only thought that came to me was to try and keep balance and keep the car straight. I somehow managed this and when I emerged from the vehicle completely unscathed, I was amazed to realise that I had no shock from the event at all!
It all seemed so unreal, and it was as if the accident had finally forced a part of me to wake up and take responsibility.
I also felt incredibly free with the thought of coming through something I had always in my head been scared of.
Yet at the same time I was aware that it was showing me how quickly things can happen now to change and upset my balance.
We are truly being asked to be awake and aware in every situation at the moment with the two scorpio full moons really shaking up our reality!
Added to this, is the fact that this coming full moon in May (this year falling on the 19th May and known as the Wesak full moon) is known to be the most powerful full moon of the year. This was when Budha was enlightened and reached Nirvana, and is therefore said to be the spiritual high point of the year when all the illuminated beings invoke a great blessing for the earth.
I therefore wish you all a wonderful Wesak full moon, and may the month of May help you to let go to find the freedom of true spiritual well being.
I hope you enjoy the magazine.
With blessings of Love
“Revitalise and Enlighten your Life with the Moon”
The New Moon started on the 5th May in the sign of Taurus and is called the Hawthorn Moon, the Bright Love Moon, the Planting Moon and the Winter’s End Moon.
As the Moon started its new phase, so Mars also started a new phase by going into the constellation of Cancer on the 5th of May, bringing an opportunity to take right action in issues affecting the home, security, and areas where there may have been conflict with family in the past that still need attention.
This interesting relationship between the Moon and Mars continues when on the 10th of May, the Moon will be “occulting” Mars, meaning that the Moon will go in front of Mars to make it seem disappear, and then later on, as the Moon moves past, Mars will appear again in the night sky. This will be an interesting experience - it is as if the Moon is destined this month to override the often harsh influence of Mars and soften it. Mars is traditionally known as the planet of war, but if its energies are in balance, can also bring about positive and right action (the “doing” part of all of us).
And so it feels to me that the Moon and Mars will be having a dance this month and that Mars will no longer be allowed to be overpowering as a sign – its influence will need the emotional input of the Moon.
I feel that this dance between the two planets will noticeably affect men and male issues this month, because they are generally more linked to the energies of Mars, and there is an opportunity to bring in a lovely balance between the two energies of fire (Mars) and water (the Moon) that can deepen our sense of inner security and bliss.
Mars can be seen in the night sky quite easily as a reddish light, and is in the area of the distinctive star formation of the Orion belt.
The other interesting feature about the Moon and Mars this month is that both of them will be gradually approaching the planet Saturn. The Moon will be closest to Saturn on the 12th May.
I don’t know if any of you ever look at the night sky and possibly have a telescope, but there have been some interesting changes happening to Saturn and its rings (the rings of Saturn are disk-shaped swarms of orbiting moonlets ranging in size from microscopic dust to tumbling houses and may according to some scientists be the debris from a shattered moon.): Saturn's rings are becoming thinner and thinner and on the 4th September 2009 they will totally vanish!
photo NASA
“Revitalise and Enlighten your Life with the Moon”
Four hundred years in Italy, Galileo in Italy saw the same thing happening to Saturn’s rings, but he never understood the true nature of Saturn's rings. Through his 17th-century telescope they looked more like ears or planetary lobes of some kind.
So what exactly is happening with Saturn’s rings?
The same thing that happened during the time of Galilea: we are at the moment experiencing a so-called "ring plane crossing." As Saturn goes around the Sun, it periodically turns its rings edge-on to Earth—once every 14-to-15 years. And because the rings are so thin, they can actually disappear when viewed through a small telescope.
But this ring plane crossing at the moment is also an excellent opportunity to see Saturn's curious blue North pole that was discovered in 2005 by the Cassini spacecraft. When it flew over Saturn's northern hemisphere, it found the skies there as azure as Earth itself. Saturn is a planet of golden clouds, but for some reason clouds at high northern latitudes had cleared during the spacecraft’s visit, revealing a dome of surprising blue.
Now that Saturn's rings are only open 8 degrees, we can finally view its northern hemisphere's beautiful teal blue coloured belts and zones again, and it is as if Saturn is allowing us all to become more aware of its powerful essence.
On the 19th May, the Moon will finally reach the end of its waxing phase to be in the constellation of Scorpio for the celebration of the Wesak full Moon. Traditionally this is celebrated with fasting and chanting the night before, houses and gardens and sacred places are lit up with lanterns, and processions made to temples. Special trees are also watered and ringed with little oil lamps, and money given to the poor.
“Buddha” literally means “one who is awake” and has became enlightened, and so this full Moon will be a good time to meditate and call on the Buddha energy to show you where in your life you are being asked to become more awake in your life.
Maybe you need to uncover something in your life that needs to be shed like the skin of a snake and finally buried, so that something new can be resurrected in its place, because this is the message of this Scorpio full moon.
“Last full moon, Beltane, I had a great experience. I had the inner feeling I had to stand naked in the moonlight, with my arms reaching for the sky, like the woman on the card I one's sent you. After that I sat down to meditate and to send up the wish that my house will become my home, because The last time I didn't feel that. Then I took a moon-card and it was lady Morgaine. And the three maidens bring me safety and bring me home. It was like an answer and it touched me very much. I slept that night in the living room, with the moonlight on my face. And I could breathe a lot deeper as I could before. So it was also homecoming in myself. The next day I made a new notebook with lady Morgaine on the front. The feeling of being home is still staying with me and I feel much more drive again to make it my home; to paint, to empty the moving-boxes and putting things on the right place.”
( A sharing by a reader of the magazine from Holland who recently moved into a new house - the cards she is referring to are THE LADY MORGAINE MOON ORACLE CARDS that you can get more information on from my website
I don’t know if any of you know about the Japanese tradition of sand baths?
Natural sand baths in Japan have a history of more than 300 years. The sand on their beaches have hot springs deep below, and the sand is said to have some amazing healing benefits.
Some of these benefits have been medically proven, and include the healing and relief of diabetes, rheumatism, arthritis and other ailments. It is sometimes said that sand baths are three or four times as effective as normal hot water springs.
During the sand bath your whole body except the head is covered with sand and most people lie in it for about 10 minutes. The pressure of the sand makes your body sweat.
It is said to de-tox the body and also to release all your inner stress.
Try and do this following exercise and see how it can help you to release some old psychic patterns during this extraordinary time of a double scorpio full moon with the help of the energies of the moon and a sand bath:
Imagine that you are lying down (you may do this physically as well) and that you are being covered by the most beautiful white sand. Feel the silkiness of the sand that is surprisingly light and does not feel oppressive at all. Feel the sand sinking very gently onto the body and that the body responds by allowing the sand to take the shape of the body- as if it is being moulded. Now imagine the light of the Moon lighting up the white sand to that it is even lighter than before and that all the toxins of the body- whether they are emotional, mental, psychic or etheric- are being absorbed by the sand. Allow yourself to breathe really deeply and experience whatever comes up for you- you may feel claustrophobic or faint or comfortable- just allow whatever is, to be there- you are making it conscious so that it can all be released very easily.
Now imagine that the Moon is sending its rays to help dissolve the sand and that gradually bit by bit the sand is disappearing- maybe beamed up to the moon to be absorbed, or disappearing like mist in front of the moon- or maybe it becomes a beautiful silver glowing river that takes it all away into a sacred place in nature.
Allow the sense of freedom and beauty that remains after the sand has gone, to stay with you and feel the peacefulness of the radiating Moon. Thank it for the gift of its presence and feel the spiritual abundance and fulfilment of being in tune with the Moon and all of nature.
“Revitalise and Enlighten your Life with the Moon”
Slowly bring yourself back to the room and drink some water. You may want to put on something new to wear- as if it is a celebration of the new life that has come into your future.
I would like to introduce you to a very special person with amazing healing abilities that live here in Pringle Bay. Renata is an accredited Bowen Therapist, registered nurse and midwife.
I had some really incredible Bowen treatments from her that has helped with problems I have had with my coccyx for years. For those of you who are not familiar with the Bowen technique, it was developed by an Australian, Tom Bowen (1916-1982) and consists of a series of light, safe, gentle and extremely precise hand movements on muscle and connective tissue called “fascia” in specific areas of the body (depending on the condition being treated).
I have been amazed at how small these brief, rolling movements can have such a huge effect on the body. What is also unusual about a treatment is that in between these movements that last a few seconds, the therapist leaves the room for a pause, to allow the body to use the move and integrate it into the body’s system.
It is very different from massage and I believe that its unique healing ability comes from the fact that it is the only technique I know that works on the fascia of the body.
I have never been aware of fascia, but it is made up of collagen fibres that are small hollow tubes with very fine fluid- a bit like the spinal fluid in our spines. Fascia surrounds our organs and muscles, and so allows for free movement when the fascia ‘glide’ between these structures as we move around.
It also has unique properties in that water molecules are attracted to it and will stick to it in a very ordered way, a bit like scaffolding around a building.
This quality allows a high degree of fluidity which is essential for the free movement and glide in the fascia.
If you ever have an opportunity to have a Bowen treatment I can whole heartedly recommend it and if you want to ask Renata more questions about it and also about how to become a trained Bowen therapist, email her on ----. She would love to hear from you!
The School is offering spiritual retreats to Machu Picchu in July and October and there are also Pringle Bay retreats that are held on weekend. Please email me on if you want any more information.
I thought it may be interesting for you to know more about the type of retreats that the School offers and also how it is different from normal trips or retreats. So I am including some more information from the School’s flyer about this:
Visiting Sacred Sites, Beautiful Lands and Mystical Places
For Spiritual Evolution and Greater Self-Awareness
THE ARTHURIAN SCHOOL offers opportunities for persons to travel together exploring our world and to gather together in special retreat environments, with the intention of adventuring into the area of self-awareness, personal growth, and spirituality. Many question the values of the world around us, and we look for greater meaning and purpose in our day-to-day lives.
THE ARTHURIAN SCHOOL seeks to provide you with the chance to gather with similarly intentioned people, and explore what that means.
The spiritual flavour of our journeys allow you to travel to sacred parts of the world in a community with a common intent. This focus can allow you to interact in new and meaningful ways with others, and gain fresh insights into yourself as well. Our trips combine a focus of personal growth and exploring the sacred, while travelling and playing in beautiful and magical surroundings.
Since prehistoric times sacred places have exerted a mysterious attraction on billions of people around the world. They have been claimed to heal the body and enlighten the mind. They continue to be the most venerated and visited locations on Planet Earth. Exploring these sacred places with the SCHOOL can provide an interaction with ancient ways and sites that can lend to personal insight and healing.
What is a soul retreat and how is it different from typical tourism?A soul retreat offered by the School involves conscious travel or movement to a specific place (sacred in nature) and with a specific spiritual intention. Typically a soul retreat includes making a conscious exchange or connection with the place visited either physically or energetically.
Most participants leave with more than they came with, having gained some sort of personal gift by making contact with the mystic beauty and magic of these places. Some sites are natural wonders like Machu Picchu, while others are human-made like the Egyptian pyramids. Certain sites become retreat places simply due to the human-aura or energy that is inherent of thousands, and in some cases, millions of people bringing themselves and their intentions to a particular place. On a basic vacation, one travels to "vacate", where on a retreat, the purpose is to "arrive" and stand more wholeheartedly at a specific spot on this planet invoking one's birthright. The travel or journey to/from home itself can also be considered a retreat and pilgrimage, not just the destination. In some cases, retreat pilgrims visit sacred temples without a specific destination as an end point. A retreat can be done alone or with a group. Frequently, a retreat might include travel to numerous sacred sites over a period of days, weeks, or even months.
We like to think of the retreat journeys of the SCHOOL as soul pilgrimages and the participants as soul pilgrims. What distinguishes a soul pilgrim from any other traveller is that he or she dedicates the journey to a soul or spiritual (higher) purpose with clear intentions, and anticipates an exchange with the special place - both receiving something from its atmosphere or holiness and giving something in return, such as a gift, a prayer or simply love.
Why do some of spiritual travelling journeys seem expensive?
We always endeavour to keep the cost of our journeys as low as we can because we want as many people as possible to benefit from them. However, keep in mind that a spiritual retreat and pilgrimage is not just a vacation. The opportunities we offer are frequently unavailable to the general public and you are offered an in depth and personal experience of the place instead of just a superficial or factual visit.
Our journeys also includes an experienced and respected facilitator. A facilitator is not just a "tour guide". A facilitator must perform all the functions of a "tour guide", (from making sure everyone's luggage is ready to making sure no one is missing when the taxi or bus leaves) plus they need to have specialized training or skills. These skills and training include being adept at sensing and directing the energy of the group, years of studying a specific practice, teaching various spiritual practices or being available to journeyers when "things come up" (as they frequently do during a spiritual quest). A good facilitator will play the energy of the group dynamic like a conductor leads an orchestra, and this adds to an individual journeyer's experience immensely. A good facilitator is a big part of what makes a spiritual retreat and journey.
What is also incredibly important to remember is that going to a sacred site can awaken many diverse energies. Some of these may be deep subconscious memories of past lives spent there, or they may just be a result of being drawn into the powerful energies of the particular sacred site. And so there are many different dimensions or levels of experience that can be accessed. They are in a way very much like different tunes or songs- some of them are beautiful and harmonious, others are not in tune and even disturbing. By visiting a sacred site with the intention to have a spiritual experience, one becomes energetically open, and although that is one of the main reasons for going, it is also important to make sure that it is a safe, empowering and positive experience. One of the benefits of going with a good facilitator, is that he or she will make sure that the participants are energetically in a safe space while visiting the site, and also that whatever comes up is actively processed so that it can be understood and positively integrated. The group energy is also helpful in providing support for the process. And because of my particular psychic abilities, I am able to be very conscious of this process and can make sure that each one in the group is energetically safe and protected, and that whatever happens, will be for their highest good.
“Revitalise and Enlighten your Life with the Moon”
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