APRIL 2008
© The Arthurian School
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Hi everyone!
I have just got back from Tintagel in Cornwall in the UK where I did some retreats during the last Dark and New Moon, and so this magazine is a bit late with the New Moon that started on the 6th April.
Tintagel is, as some of you may know, a small village on the southwest coast of England and famous for being the birthplace of King Arthur. It is an ancient and elemental place with incredible creative and inspiring energies and has magical cave called Merlins Cave. The cave is open on both ends with the sea rushing through it each day during high tide.
When I was busy preparing for the retreats, I was surprised to clairvoyantly see a brilliant light in one part of the Cave that I had never come across before. It seemed to have emerged during the really cold and stormy weather that the UK has had, and I found out later that there had also been a landslide near the Cave. Something new had definitely emerged in the area.
I call this new psychic energy the “Diamond Heart Energy” because it is incredibly bright, works with the Inner or Spiritual Heart and is also very powerful. As you may know, diamonds are extensively used in mining and the only substance that can literally cut through anything. This energy is likewise able to go through the very heavy emotions that have closed down our Heart, while it is possible to still hold the Light, and is completely safe to work with. It opens the heart very gently and makes us feel more vulnerable but at the same time incredibly aware and able to create new positive realities.
Merlins Cave (above picture by Lenie van Schie) is truly remarkable- I don’t normally like caves because they can very easily make me feel closed in, but this cave is so different- it has a high crystalline ceiling with the most incredible acoustics- better than a sound recording studio! Many people have had some visionary experiences there and Merlin, the magical shaman that taught Arthur all the wisdom he needed as a King, is still very much present there with his dragons.
I love working in the Cave at night and as it happened, we were able to visit the Cave twice at midnight during low tide. It was really special being there and connecting with this new energy to the sound of the crashing waves of the ocean and the coolness of the night air.
I believe caves were used as far back as Atlantis (when we lived in them!) to help with transformation and to work with the subconscious and so-called darkness. I feel that the concept of darkness is completely misunderstood. It does not necessarily have to mean bad or even evil. All it means is that it is part of creation like the womb from which all things come. It is the feminine energy that is in each person irrespective of whether they are male or female.
Going into the cave can bring out our subconscious selves in many different ways and it is always an interesting experience for me because I often don’t recognise a person once they are in the cave - they are completely transformed - some look incredibly tall, others seem quite foreign.
Working at night is great to tune in more easily into our intuition and psychic ability because there are no distractions on the surface and you can really go into the substance of what is there energetically.
In the ancient times of Egypt and the Celts, caves were also used as Initiations and doing work in the Cave still brings up interesting situations for participants who are tested to overcome some relevant issues in their lives.
It is all really fascinating and I truly recommend that you visit a cave if the opportunity ever presents itself to you. Believe me also – the magic of Merlin will definitely be there!
What is magic? It is really just knowledge of how to work with the elements and other dimensions and we can now become more aware of the power of this and use it positively to help ourselves and also make a contribution to the re-balancing of the Earth. I saw a sobering film called Eleventh Hour on the way over that is well worth watching- much about our lack of awareness and negative impact on the earth for the future.
So the Moon cycle for this month of April is very significant - according to some teachings, it is the beginning of the new Spiritual Year, being the first new Moon after Easter.
Enjoy reading the magazine and hey- try the Psychic Heart exercise- all you need is the intention to become more connected to your Inner Heart and it can only serve to awaken and enliven in your life and the lives of those around you - which is what the loyal Moon faithfully does for us every night!
With blessings of Love and Joy
The New Moon has started in the sign of Taurus and the full moon will be on the 20th April in the sign of Scorpio. It is also called the Beltane Full Moon.
In the Celtic tradition it is called the Willow Moon.
Taurus is an earth sign and has to do with grounding energy into a physical form and giving it substance so that it can materialise in a tangible way. The Taurus energy makes sure that what has been given, takes root and is able to grow. Taurus therefore teaches us the importance of receiving and of being vulnerable. Because only if we are able to be vulnerable, can we receive something and then manifest it. Think about it, you can only receive if you are open and if you allow what is given to become part of your life.
So many of us say that we want to manifest abundance, but keep our hearts closed. We will never be able to have this abundance unless we consciously make the choice of being vulnerable and allowing this to come in. When the heart is closed it cannot receive anything and that does not- although it can- just mean romantic love. It includes everything we want to receive as abundance in a material sense as well. Spiritual abundance includes everything.
So the Taurus New Moon this month I believe offers a great opportunity for us to learn how to be vulnerable again in order to receive abundance and become more joyful. It can help us to let go of struggle and to live in the flow where life is naturally abundant.
It is helping us to let go of the deep seated conditioned belief that there is a limited amount of resources and therefore we also will be limited in what we can receive.
Look at an area in your life where you feel that you are not abundant and joyful. Maybe it is financial, or in the love relationship arena. Work with the growing Taurus New Moon (see below) to open your Inner Heart by using your psychic ability and to link more easily with the Taurus New Moon energy.
This exercise is designed to help you to become more vulnerable and open to receive.
Sit somewhere comfortably and this is done better at night near a window. Otherwise just imagine sitting there and doing the process while you are reading this.
Put your right hand on your heart (in the chest area) and close your eyes. Try to feel your heart beat and if you have difficulties doing this, feel your pulse first to get the rhythm of your own heart. Feel your heart beat for a while until you are comfortably in touch with it and it seems natural.
Now activate your third eye by focusing your attention on the area between your eyebrows and imagining a shining white light that is very brilliant and pure- just like a diamond. Keep this energy going for a while. You may feel it getting warmer or some kind of sensation in that area. You are now connecting to the Diamond Heart Energy in Merlins Cave.
Think of the Taurus New Moon in your mind and imagine that you are connecting with it by drawing the light of the Moon into your third eye as well to merge with the Diamond Heart Energy that is already activated.
Now connect both of these energies with your Spiritual Heart by drawing them towards the area where you hand is physically resting on your chest. Just feel the connection of the Heart with the other two energies for a while.
Next in your mind ask mentally “where is my Heart closed so that I cannot be vulnerable enough to receive” and see if there is any image that you get, or impression, or words. You will receive the information in whatever way is most suited to you. Just trust what you receive, it does not need to make sense.
Now imagine that whatever you receive as an image etc is being dissolved by the energies in your Heart. Breathe very slowly and deliberately to assist with the process.
You may have an impression of being taken to the stars, or being somewhere out in space- somewhere in darkness with very bright lights.
Stay there as long as you need to and then slowly return to the room where you are and rest for a while, pondering about what insights the experience has given you.
Also drink some water afterwards to clear out the psychic energies that have been released in the exercise.
I would like to introduce you to my dear friend Shu Fang Wang who hosts workshops and healing retreats in Taiwan and the UK. She also runs a private practice from London and does consultations over the phone and Skype..
Shu Fang is a lovely person very much connected to the Heart and she says her true passion is “to help people overcome their difficulties and live the life they truly desire and deserve”.
She is a certified TAT practitioner and did an amazing session on me to help me change some fundamental beliefs about abundance when I was over in the UK. I have really felt the benefit of the session and the change has been so effortless and easy! I would really recommend having a session with her or doing her upcoming workshop that is happening on 3&4 May 2008.
Please contact her on or look at her website
For those of you who have not heard about TAT:
How does TAT work?
Through holding a specific pose that engages a set of points of the head where all major acupuncture meridians merge and enter the brain, TAT effectively helps you to ‘review’ stuck information and change your thought patterns. This wonderful technique can be easily adapted to compliment your professional work or as a self help tool; its effect is only limited by your imagination.
● Heal trauma, and Post Traumatic Stress ● Overcome loss and problematic relationships● Release anxieties and on-going stress
● Heal negative beliefs and emotions● Heal phobias and fears● Relieve physical pain● Change behavioural patterns● Reduce genetic and inherited weaknesses / illness● Heal allergies
● Work with children and animals
13-20 JULY 2008
News are that the retreat in Peru during July is definitely happening and this should be a special event as the theme is “Awakening the Heart” which is so very much the Love vibration of Machu Picchu. It is also in line with the theme of abundance of the Taurus New Moon this month.
The Incas talk about the Spiritual Gold that can be found at Machu Picchu and truly I cannot think of a better place to help open the Heart than visiting Machu Picchu- just being there at such a high and elevated spiritual vibration will change you in unspeakable ways.
Let me know if you are interested, there are still some spaces available at
13-20 JULY 2008
Our retreat will start at Cusco, the capital of the Incas,
Next we head for the picturesque village of Pisac in the Sacred Valley. Pisac is famous for its weekly market on a Sunday when local Peruvian people come down from the highlands to share their fresh produce such as trout, tomatoes, rice and potatoes. It is a very memorable event to experience the true and authentic atmosphere of Peru and to become more aware of its special earth energies and extraordinary mountains!
We spend two days here in Pisac to acquaint ourselves more with the land of the ancient Incas. We also have a chance to fully recover from our long journey over and acclimatise to Peru’s high altitudes.
On the Monday we visit the Incan ruins known as Incan Pisac. Pisac, just like the citadel of Machu Picchu, has a Temple of the Sun and an Inithuatana stone, somewhat similar to the ancient European sun clocks.
The angles of the base of Pisac’s Temple of the Sun suggest that it served some astronomical function, but unfortunately Pisac Intihuatana was brutalized and broken by the Spanish invaders. This happened to all these stones except the Machu Picchu Intihuatana, which the conquistadores never found.
The next morning (Tuesday) we board the train to Aguas Calientas, the village closest to Machu Picchu. Travelling through a spectacular landscape filled with ancient ruins and the magnificent Urubamba River, we are able to gaze at the snow capped peaks of the Andes and look at the different vegetation on the way. It is a magnificent journey that lasts about four and a half hours.
In Aguas Calientas we feel the atmosphere of the Amazon jungle and have more time to prepare ourselves for our special encounter with Machu Picchu. With its colourful stalls, filled with fabrics and woven rugs you will be able to explore Aguas Calientas and the Inca tradition of weaving with textiles. And not to mention the many crystals from South America!
The next day (Wednesday) we rise early to greet the sun at the sungate of Machu Picchu. The bus ride up to the top is breathtaking as we zigzag up the mountain in a Machu Picchu bus.
Once at Machu Picchu, we will do a series of earth connections and meditations to help us become more aware of the natural and the cosmic forces of Machu Picchu and connecting to the Heart. The highlight of the day is when we ascend to the pyramid structure of the Intihuatana Stone where we are able to spend time and do a sacred ceremony to tune into and receive the blessing of its cosmic portals.
The next day (Thursday) we have an opportunity to rest and integrate the magical experiences of the day before. We also are able to be rejuvenated in the natural hot springs of Aguas Calientes and its majestic mountains.
On the Friday the participants have the option of returning to Machu Picchu. This time to climb Wyna Picchu, or to visit the Temple of the Moon.
We end our retreat here with a celebratory Peruvian dinner and return train to Cusco the next day (Saturday).
Focus of the retreat:
During the retreat you will be given time to connect to your Inner Heart and reflect on your ancient connections to Peru and, in particular, the Intihuatana Stone/portal of Machu Picchu.
There will be daily group meditations as well as special fire and water ceremonies to awaken your spiritual connection to the Earth and the elements, and to find an inner connection to the true gift of the Sun and Gold of South America- the Love vibration of Machu Picchu!
We will also work with the energies of the Holly full moon of the retreat that will make it a powerful and very meaningful event.
This is a retreat that will expand your inner and outer boundaries of what is possible in your life, and greatly help to awaken you to your hidden talents and power for the future.
Each participant will (as appropriate) also receive individual sessions from Elizabeth. These are designed to direct and support the outer journey of each particular person, and to help them to connect more easily to their individual spiritual path and the special qualities of Machu Picchu. Elizabeth has an ancient connection to the site, and uses her psychic abilities to connect with its earth and star guardians.
The retreats are limited to a maximum number of 7 people to ensure that there is ample opportunity for personal interaction and support. Early booking is therefore advisable.
COST: R11,200 / ₤860 per person
DEPOSIT: R5 600/ ₤400 to secure a place
(NB - various payment options such as paying the amount by instalments are available- please contact Elizabeth for more information)
This includes all accommodation, continental breakfasts and suppers, train and other journeys to and from Cusco, Pisac and Aguas Calientes, buses to and from Machu Picchu, all taxi transportation, entrance fees to Pisac and Machu Picchu sites and retreat fees.
You are responsible for all international airfares (to Lima Peru) and the short domestic flight between Lima and Cusco (a return ticket is in the region of R12 000 / £800). Expect departure taxes at Cusco and Lima of approximately $40 (cash) in total. Tips and drinks are not included. (please contact Elizabeth if you need any assistance with the booking of the flights- or if the pricing is too expensive).
11-18 October 2008 – theme: AWAKENING CREATIVITY/ART
Note: Machu Picchu is visited by thousands and thousands of people and is particularly full during August which is high season- it is very difficult to connect with the true spiritual energies of Machu Picchu for personal growth when it is full of tourists, and so the retreats are planned in such a way that the group is there on dates and at times when it will be easier to access these energies.
What you need to bring/carry:
n Daypack,
n Rain jacket or poncho (plastic ponchos can be purchased for a dollar)
n Strong, comfortable footwear
n Sweater and jacket (something warm- it gets cold at high altitude)
n Flashlight and batteries
n Hat or cap to protect you from the sun
n Sun block (sun protection cream)
n Insect repellent
n Toiletries, towel and toilet paper
n Selection of small snacks, chocolate, dried fruit, biscuits etc,
n Camera, plenty of film/digital and spare batteries
n Swimsuit (for visiting the hot springs at Aguas Calientes )
n Photocopy of your passport page
n Soles and US dollars- some places only accept soles and others only US dollars
· The ruins are open 6AM to 6PM daily; the schedule may vary by half an hour. By law, as of April 2005, they are not open at night.
· Located at the summit of the mountain, they are at an altitude of around 9,000 feet
· The ruins are most full between 11:00 AM and 1:00 PM
· The shuttle bus from Aguas Calientes takes about 20 minutes to reach the summit via scenic 2,000 foot serpentine road; your shuttle ticket is good for transport up once and down once.
· There are facilitites at the entrance to the ruins (bring your own toilet paper, just in case)
· There is a snack bar just at the entrance to the ruins
· Your entry ticket allows you multiple entries only for the one day validity of the ticket; second day visits will require purchase of another ticket
· There is a small check-room where you can leave bags, etc, for a small fee. Make sure they lock and don't leave anything valuable inside, just to be safe.
· Food and beverages are not allowed in the ruins. Put any bottled water you have inside a day pack or carry bag so that it is not visible when entering the ruins.
· Be prepared for your visit and have a day pack to carry your day gear so you have two hands free to help negotiate and navigate the narrow, steep stairs that take you about the ruins.
· Chew cocoa leaves to avoid altitude sickness and rest if you should feel dizzy. Drinking water with electrolytes is also very helpful. Arnica tablets help the body to correct jet lag and get used to the high altitude.
· Day gear should include rain poncho or jacket and waterproof case for your camera and film; sun and insect protection; a hat with brim or bill; snacks; bottled water.
Pringle Bay is a small picturesque coastal village in the heart of a UNESCO World Nature Reserve, called the Kogelberg Biosphere. Undisturbed by street lights, it is an ideal place to observe the stars and the planets, experience the elements and observe the beautiful different colours of Mother Nature.
The Reserve is renowned for its Indigenous Fynbos Flora, and has more plant species per square meter than anywhere else in the world. It is also part of the world famous whale-watching coast leading to Hermanus.
Set against the slopes of the magnificent Kogelberg Mountains and the famous Hangklip Mountain, Pringle Bay has a pristine white beach with stunning views of Table Mountain and Cape Point across False Bay. It also has a small and uncontaminated Buffels River that flows into the sea.
Because of this very unique nature environment, Pringle Bay is an ideal place for retreats. It offers a space for solitude and for getting in touch with nature, yet is only 55 minutes away from busy Cape Town and its international airport.
The New Moon Retreats at Pringle Bay are specifically offered to help participants utilise the unique nature gifts of Pringle Bay in combination with the special time of the new moon.
Working with the new moon can create tremendous growth and opportunity in our personal lives. During these retreats participants are shown how to get in touch with the energies of the moon and nature by learning to become more aware of their natural psychic abilities and intuition. The moon rules psychic ability and intuition and is therefore a powerful tool that can help us become more aware and move forward in our lives.
The retreats are also a time of reflection and of going within. The participants are helped to do special meditations that combine with the energies of the sea, the beach, the river and the moon and we visit the very special Hangklip beach that has an ancient history of indigenous people living in the area.
Personal sessions are included to guide the process of greater self awareness and inner growth.
The retreats offer a wonderful opportunity for positive change and for nurturing your soul and spirit!
The retreat lasts for three days.
Participants stay in Pringle Bay in first class accommodation overlooking the sea.
All meals -delicious vegetarian meals specially prepared by someone who also lives in Pringle Bay - are included.
4, 5 ,6th July 2008
2,3,4th August 2008
28,29,30th November 2008
R2 400 (all inclusive)
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