© The Arthurian School
Hi everyone!
Thank you for your positive feedback of the January edition of the New Moon Magazine.
Please feel free to pass it on, or if you want to be removed from the circulation list, send a reply with the word “unsubscribe” in the heading.
Remember that the magazine is designed to help you - through awakening an interest and greater awareness of the Moon and the moon qualities of water.
The Moon can help you in so many different ways, and it affects so many things that we are mostly totally unaware of!
One example that came up strongly for me in the last month me is the lymphatic system that is governed by the Moon. The lymph system, as you may know, removes excess water and toxins out of the body, and unlike the blood circulation, does not have a pump mechanism like the heart. It purely relies on gravity and other intangible influences such as the Moon for its effect to move through the body. It has a much more subtle energy (like the Moon has) and so we can very easily forget about its importance.
Louise Hay in her brilliant little blue book called “Heal your Body” describes lymph problems as “A WARNING THAT THE MIND NEEDS TO BE RE-CENTRED ON THE ESSENTIAL OF LIFE, LOVE AND JOY”!
Take a look at your life at the moment and see if this maybe needs attention.
A positive affirmation for the lymph that you may want to use in conjunction with the Moon (either by looking at it, or psychically by focusing on it in your third eye) just before you go to bed is:
See how saying these words makes you feel - it may be surprising what emotions are triggered, and know that you are doing your lymph system a great favour by being more aware of its existence!
You may also decide to have a wonderful lymph massage that is much more gentle than an ordinary massage, yet is incredibly powerfully and can restore a huge amount of joy in just being alive, instead of the perpetual worry about money, health, security etc. –
It can really lift your spirits.
By the way, I believe the Moon teaches us to trust the flow of life just as the lymph system flows naturally. When you watch the cycles of the Moon, it is always changing, yet there is the certainly that after each full moon, there will be another full moon or, as the case may be, a new moon. And so the Moon is the greatest constant reminder that we can trust life and also trust in the greater plan of the Universe. Everything has a divine plan and we are part of a much bigger cycle that moves within its own perfect order.
The Moon patiently waits to go through its phases without worrying that the next phase will not be there. Like a comic clock it knows its own time!
I hope you enjoy this edition of the magazine and thank you for being part of it.
With blessings of Love
The Moon is involved in some interesting aspects at the moment. One of these has been involving the planets Venus and Jupiter. They have been coming closer and closer together in the early morning sky about two hours before sunrise. On the 1st of February they got the closest at just over one-half degree which is roughly the size that the Moon appears to us when we gaze up in the sky. During this time Jupiter has been shining brightly at a magnitude of -1.9, but Venus has been 7 times brighter at magnitude -4.0!
The waning crescent of the Moon has been gradually shifting eastward towards this “double planet formation” and on the morning of the 4th February, the three formed a striking triangle with Venus and Jupiter 3 degrees apart, and the Moon just over 5 degrees below them.
One may say that this alignment brought together opportunities of romance, the arts and money (Venus) and luck, expansion and serendipity (Jupiter) for our emotions and inner worlds (the Moon) and so has been extremely important.
What is also interesting is that there is a lunar eclipse at the next full Moon in the early hours of Thursday morning, 21st February, and once again the Moon will be forming a triangle, but this time with the planet Saturn and a bright star Regulus. This eclipse will be best seen in North and South America, but Europe will also be able to enjoy a view of the darkened moon before it sets and the eclipse will last for about 50 minutes.
Those of you who have watched eclipses will know that the experience and feeling of a Moon eclipse is very different to that of a Sun eclipse. During a solar eclipse the new Moon is between the Sun and the Earth, and one almost feels abandoned by the Sun when its light is blocked off from the Earth by the Moon for a few minutes as the eclipse is happening. It is almost eerie and scary, because one is so used to the Sun shining during the day and the behaviour of animals during a solar eclipse is really interesting as they take on night behaviour such a nesting etc.
But during lunar eclipses it is the Earth that moves between the Sun and the Moon and so cuts off the reflected light of the Moon. It is as if the Moon “disappears” and the night sky radically alters its appearance, becoming brilliantly peppered with many more stars than what were previously visible. Just as if the Moon suddenly gives way and opens its cloak to reveal the stars in another (and more interesting) dimension.
What is also beautiful to watch during a Moon eclipse, is the curve of the Earth’s shadow as it draws across the Moon. It confirms that our planet is spherical in shape and about three times larger than the Moon.
I feel that Moon eclipses make us more aware of ourselves as existing on the Earth, whereas the Sun eclipses focus on our relationship with the Sun. It is as if the Moon eclipses bring out our importance as a planet and the effect we have on the rest of the Universe and beyond. It also gives recognition to the Earth being here, and allows us to reach out further and become one with the greater Universe.
Look out for the eclipse and see how you personally experience it, even if you are unable to see it, you can still feel the energy if you psychically tune in.
This is the Chinese New Year and it is also called the Ash Moon, the Sumerian Grain Harvest Moon and the Inca Great Growing Moon.
The Moon enters Pisces at 1.46 am on Friday the 8th February and so the new moon begins in the sign of Aquarius. Aquarius is known as the sign that has an impersonal perspective and it also is the sign of the water bearer. There is therefore an interesting connection between Aquarius that is an air sign, but in some ways also has water qualities. What I feel these water qualities are about, is the quality of giving and receiving freely. So have a look this lunar month where there is no flow in your life, or where you find it difficult to flow with situations. This can be a month where you can learn to receive more of what life has to offer you, and if you set this intention with the new moon, you can help to bring more awareness to this area of your life and so create positive change.
Any of you who have an Aquarius moon in your astrological chart may also want to think about how you may be too distant or detached from a person in a relationship, or other situations, or even refuse to feel. Aquarians often feel uncomfortable to feel because they have such a strong connection with their mind (air) and this may be difficult in relationships where the other person, or perhaps the child of the Aquarius mother, needs more intimacy and interaction. The Aquarian moon in an astrological chart needs to learn to become more involved and allow the emotional demands that another may place on them. This does not mean that one should accept burdens, but the Aquarian energy is also very much about brother and sisterhood and about being there to support others.
The Aquarian energy is very important for the future and also rules the quality of genius.
So if you have any flashes of genius or inspiration, pay attention to it!
I have had a lot of feedback from you about how you intend to do the psychic exercises but don’t have the time to do it. Well, with this one you will have no excuse not to do it! It is so easy to make it part of your normal daily routine.
When you are in the bath or shower, focus for a minute or two on the water. Try and see if you can see the aura of the water and also of the elementals in the water. If you slightly blurr your vision you are able to see it more easily.
If you only have time to do that, that will be enough to strengthen and develop your psychic ability.
Otherwise, as a next step use your so-called imagination (it is not imagination, because you are now seeing in another dimension, but we have been so taught that it is not real!) and start to see how you can affect the aura of the water- it may appear that it ripples more, or that you start to see more colours and images. In a way you are scrying the water, and it can take you into many interesting images including images of the past and the future, especially if you have that intention.
Next, when you come out of that, bring the energy of the water into your body and imagine it flowing through you. See yourself as the water bearer, maybe with a water jug (as Aquarius is often shown), or anything that comes into your mind. You are now psychically connecting with the Aquarian energy and also the growing New Moon.
Feel the revitalising energy in your body of what you have just done with the water.
Someone I would like to introduce you to is Penni Du Plessis who has an amazing ability to work with the special qualities of water and therefore also the Moon.
Penni was the first teacher of Aurasoma in South Africa and has gone on to develop her own way of working with coloured water and oils. You can see her amazing products on her website The products are very angelic and she has the wonderful distinction of being asked by Diana Cooper to sell her Archangel Oils on Dianna’s website. They are really powerful!
Penni has also developed a special technique called the Antaneea technique that incorporates massage as well as many other very interesting aspects to map and read the body. The benefits of such a massage are quite amazing as it unlocks (amongst other things) old negative time blocks in the body.
Penni will be coming over to the UK during April 2008 and so if any of you in the UK are interested in doing one of her courses please contact her via her website. You can also order her products from distributors in the UK (see Penni’s website for more information, or email her.)
Penni has the most wonderful and generous heart and is a phenomenal healer. Just being part of a group working with her can have tremendous positive impact on your life. I love having her sprays and bottles around the house because it brings in amazing positive vibrations, and so they are tools that can help us to become more aware of our physical surroundings and our connection to water and its many different healing and uplifting qualities.
Needless to say, Penni has a Pisces moon in her astrological chart that makes her very psychic and it is ideally suited to what she does with water! ( Pisces is a water sign).
Next I would also like to introduce you to Julia Kriss. Julia lives in Pringle Bay as well and has many of her astrological planets in Virgo, making her an extraordinary therapist and life coach. She also has the most amazing life size head statute of Nefertiti in her healing room where she does body massage and other therapies.
What seems very fitting to this life size statute is that right next to the healing room is a large water feature that blends in well with the vibration of the healing room. It almost feels like it is a temple of Nefertiti and that the water acts as a waterway to take you during the session to another place and dimension, just like they used to do with the longboats of ancient Egypt! It is very soothing and calming.
The statute comes from Egypt where Julia carried it around with her despite it being really heavy- a real labour of love.
When I had a treatment from Julia, I could feel the very gentle and refined energies of Nefertiti becoming alive in my body and I was reminded intuitively by her that life can be so easy and without any worry. It is our minds that complicate and keep on recreating the drama. I also had the distinct impression of drifting and flowing somewhere as if to remind me that it is easy to live life effortlessly if I do the same as the water.
When you look at the picture of the Nefertiti and Julia, notice the resemblance there and you will see that Julia carries the energy of Nefertiti very strongly in her work. It is incredibly beautiful and so peaceful, and I felt as if I was shown how unnecessary it is to create the chaos and tension of this illusion we live in. We simply need to choose another reality of ease. See if you can feel that memory of the incredible peace stirring in your body when you are near water. It is as if the water holds this information for us to become more aware.
If you are interested in Julia’s work or just want to contact her, please email her on
Just to say that there are still 2 places available for the Merlins Cave Retreat (see below and that I have a few limited places left for private sessions.
I will be leaving to do a retreat in Peru for the full moon and eclipse this month. Please see the information below on the Peru Retreats that are planned thereafter.
Another exciting new development is the Pringle Bay retreats that work specifically with the New Moon.
Please contact me if you are interested, or want some more information
about any of the above at
DATE: 30 March - 2nd April 2008
To awaken Joy, Fertility and a Unique Abundance in your life
The year 2008 holds the energy of freedom and during this retreat we will be focusing on where you have lost such freedom in your life, and how it can be resurrected through finding a deeper connection with Merlin and also the elemental and magical energies of the Moon.
I believe that Merlin was half faery- his father was from the faery realm - and that is why he had so much knowledge about so-called “magic”. In the faery realms these powers are quite natural, but we as a humanity have forgotten about these hidden powers.
We can find it again and use it in a productive way in our lives -to make our future better and also to help the Earth to get back into balance. This retreat is going to be fun and we will also be working within the wonderful awakening energies of Tintagel!
Limited to 6 participants only
COST: 280 pound sterling
This includes a light lunch each day; accommodation and suppers not included.
Pringle Bay is a small picturesque coastal village in the heart of a UNESCO World Nature Reserve, called the Kogelberg Biosphere. Undisturbed by street lights, it is an ideal place to observe the stars and the planets, experience the elements and observe the beautiful different colours of Mother Nature.
The Reserve is renowned for its Indigenous Fynbos Flora, and has more plant species per square meter than anywhere else in the world. It is also part of the world famous whale-watching coast leading to Hermanus.
Set against the slopes of the magnificent Kogelberg Mountains and the famous Hangklip Mountain, Pringle Bay has a pristine white beach with stunning views of Table Mountain and Cape Point across False Bay. It also has a small and uncontaminated Buffels River that flows into the sea.
Because of this very unique nature environment, Pringle Bay is an ideal place for retreats. It offers a space for solitude and for getting in touch with nature, yet is only 55 minutes away from busy Cape Town and its international airport.
The New Moon Retreats at Pringle Bay are specifically offered to help participants utilise the unique nature gifts of Pringle Bay in combination with the special time of the new moon.
Working with the new moon can create tremendous growth and opportunity in our personal lives. During these retreats participants are shown how to get in touch with the energies of the moon and nature by learning to become more aware of their natural psychic abilities and intuition. The moon rules psychic ability and intuition and is therefore a powerful tool that can help us become more aware and move forward in our lives.
The retreats are also a time of reflection and of going within. The participants are helped to do special meditations that combine with the energies of the sea, the beach, the river and the moon and we visit the very special Hangklip beach that has an ancient history of indigenous people living in the area.
Personal sessions are included to guide the process of greater self awareness and inner growth.
The retreats offer a wonderful opportunity for positive change and for nurturing your soul and spirit!
The retreat lasts for three days.
Participants stay in Pringle Bay in first class accommodation overlooking the sea.
All meals -delicious vegetarian meals specially prepared by someone who also lives in Pringle Bay - are included.
8,9,10th March 2008
4, 5 ,6th July 2008
2,3,4th August 2008
28,29,30th November 2008
R2 400 (all inclusive)
Imagine … an area of magnificent natural beauty; a place of peace and tranquillity where blood has never been shed, a location with abundant, clean, pure water; a nearby rushing river; a place where vegetables and fruits can be grown in soil uncontaminated by chemical fertilisers and sprays; a land of happy, loving and contented people who are apart from the outer world, yet still living in it.
Imagine…a Shan-Gri- La hidden away from the cares of our chaotic world!
In the Sacred Valley of Machu Picchu Peru, hundreds of beautiful waterfalls dash down great rock walls to bring clear, pure water from the Andean glaciers into the valley. And there is a great and rushing river, the Urubamba that winds its way through the entire length of the valley like a shining silver thread.
Practically anything can be grown in the valley. It is a place where temperate zone products grow side by side with those of the tropical zone. From corn, beans, yucca, peas, beets, carrots, potatoes and tomatoes to avocadoes, papayas, mangoes, bananas, lemons and oranges!
Machu Picchu is in many ways truly a Shan-Gri-La. It is also one of the most well known sacred sites in the world, with thousands of visitors making the spectacular journey to its breath taking views at an altitude of 4,200 meters above sea level. An ancient ruin settlement of the Incas, it has remained undisturbed by the Spanish invasion who were unaware of its existence; being safely shielded by the dense and majestic Amazon jungle. It was only recently rediscovered in 1911 by an American explorer, Hiram Bingham, although locals living nearby new about the ruins long before this discovery.
What is extraordinary about Machu Picchu is that it is the only site in the world that has an Intihuatana Stone that was not smashed or destroyed by invaders. The energies of this stone, also known as a sundial where the priests in ancient times performed a ritual to symbolically “tie” the sun to the earth as it started to wane during the autumn equinox, are astonishing. Many visitors have had some profound spiritual experiences there, and it is said that whoever goes to visit the stone is blessed by the Spirit Guide of the Stone and returns from a visit to Peru more awakened to their true spiritual path.
It has also been said that Machu Picchu has been waiting for humanity to lose it hunger for gold, and that visitors to it are called not to seek for Machu Picchu’s material wealth, but rather to search for its greater treasure- the keys to a more abundant spiritual life that can connect the visitor to the Universe itself!
It has also been linked to the time of legendary Atlantis, and while Atlantis became submerged by the ocean waves, Machu Picchu, because of its spectacular height above sea level, always remained above the water.
Visits to ancient sacred sites can greatly assist in opening up our receptivity and spiritual growth. Whatever their beliefs are, many people are drawn to ancient places like Peru to rediscover themselves and their connection to the natural world. Visitors instinctively know that there is a hidden benefit in visiting these places that go beyond the ordinary tourist visit. These sites have a concentration of earth ley lines that carry and conduct healing and other uplifting spiritual energies.
We all can become more whole by being aware of these unseen forces of nature and the elements. There is an abundance of faeries, unicorns and other nature spirits- at these sacred sites, and if one is able to be still and become more trusting of one’s own intuition and inner knowing, they can greatly help to intensify the experience of our connection to ourselves and to nature. The earth also benefits from this loving exchange of awareness.
Very closely linked to these elemental forces of nature is the Moon. It has a powerful influence on us and nature, and anyone who lives by the sea can witness the silent power of the Moon whose invisible power draws the tides up and down the beach each day. These tides are not just limited to the oceans, the earth’s atmosphere above our heads and even its crust beneath our feet, rise and fall to this lunar rhythm.
The Machu Picchu retreats are therefore always planned to coincide with the full moon.
DATES FOR MACHU PICCHU RETREATS (during the first half of 2008):
17-24 May 2008- theme: awakening Love
14-21 June 2008- theme: awakening our inherent leadership qualities
13-20 July 2008- theme: awakening the Heart
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