Hi everyone
I have decided to do a New Moon magazine giving some useful information for each coming moon month. The intention is to inspire, help and create a network of moon connections. Feel free to pass it on, and if you want to be removed from the circulation list, please send a reply with the word “unsubscribe” in the heading.
The magazine will also have some information about interesting people involved in creative or psychic pursuits and somehow resonating with the Moon - people that I can personally recommend, or who have just struck a good cord with me and I think you may benefit knowing about here in South Africa.
Hope you enjoy this first edition and please let me know if you have any comments or suggestions. Any of your contributions will also be most welcome!
With blessings of Love
© The Arthurian School
As we have just gone into the first New Moon of the year 2008 - which is in the sign of Capricorn – there is an opportunity for us to work with the unique possibilities offered by the Capricorn energy during this month of January.
The new moon is an ideal time to set an intention and as the moon will be growing in strength and intensity, so also will such an intention grow. So it is very much like sowing a seed that can prosper and become strong. However, this does not happen automatically and one needs to set a conscious and specific intention.
For me Capricorn is very much about sovereignty this month, and so look at and decide where you need to have more of this quality in your life. Remember, the moon is about our emotions and it is from our emotions that we create our reality and also our future. Sovereignty means where we need to be recognised for who we really are and where we can be the queen/king of our own domain. In a way it is where we need to be respected and seen for who we really are.
The energy of Capricorn is regal and true to its purpose. It refuses to compromise and holds its own perspective firmly. So trust what you feel is right this month and follow what your intuition tells you even though you may be told by others that it is not right. Feel the guidance of the new moon that can take you into this new reality of your own personal freedom.
It may be an idea to meditate for a short while every night to connect to the moon. Even if you don’t do it every night, this will be very beneficial. Ask the energies of the moon to help you understand where your emotions are still stuck and where you are not able to manifest your sovereignty. Also decide what you really want to manifest in terms of recognition, as Capricorn is an earth sign and therefore ideal to work with when you want to manifest something concrete on the physical plane. It may be in relationships or a work situation. Whatever it is, find the core of what you really want and go for it!
And refuse to be put off by anyone - assert your own authority!
– Some interesting facts about the Moon, Goddess of the Night
The Moon is associated with women and the number 13, perhaps because she moves 13 degrees a day and orbits the earth 13 times in one year. However, people often though see a man in the moon, or sometimes a hare, owl or swan.
The place where the moon is in your birth chart indicates past life incarnations and very often the lower frequency of that sign that needs to be corrected in this life. So because Capricorn is a sign of sovereignty, it will often indicate that you have had incarnations as royalty, but that perhaps you were too controlling (one of the lower/more negative frequencies of the Capricorn energy) and even arrogant about your position. By having a Capricorn moon in your birth chart it is therefore saying you have an opportunity to correct that in this life and you will have situations drawn to you where you may experience that in other people around you, for example, the person is very controlling and arrogant, mirroring the quality for you to observe and learn about, so that you can change that in your own life.
The position of your moon will also indicate something about your relationship with you mother. Often the moon sign of a child will be the sun sign of the mother. So if you have a Capricorn moon, your mother may be a Capricorn or someone who has a high standing or successful position in this life, or your relationship with her may have been on a very material level- she would have provided your physical needs, but perhaps not your emotional and other needs.
By understanding your relationship with your mother you will learn a lot about yourself and what needs healing in relationships, - she is the very first person that you have a relationship with and you as a baby take on her emotions.
By the way, it is always interesting to find out what your moon sign is in your birth chart. There are many websites that allow you to download the information for free if you type in a Google “free astrological charts” etc. The moon sign is easier to find out than your rising sign, as the rising sign depends on the exact time that you are born and changes approximately every two hours.
For those of you who have done channelling courses with me, this will be of particular interest, but anyone will benefit from doing the exercise:
Do this at night, perhaps a bit later when you will not be disturbed and it is dark outside with stillness in the night when others have gone to bed.
This will enable you to feel more attuned to the Moon energies that are much more subtle than the sun. Remember the Moon reflects and does not have her own energy. She is therefore very different and needs tuning into.
Sit in front of a mirror and allow your body to relax- you may have a small candle next to you. Imagine inhaling the air and the light of the Moon. It does not matter if you are able to see the Moon; it is purely your intention and remember you are working on a psychic level, so the physical aspect of the Moon is not really that important. Continue with this breathing for a while and then start to feel how it overlights you and fills your being.
Now look at the mirror in front of you and see if the picture changes. Also pay attention to any words or images that may come into your mind as a communication from the Capricorn Moon. You may want to speak or say it out loud. It may just be a word or an impression, but trust what is received.
Now hold a specific picture of what you want to manifest in regard to the quality of sovereignty clearly in your focus with your third eye for maximum one or two minutes. Drop the image, and then tap your third eye with two of your fingers on the right hand to anchor the psychic energies into the physical realm. This will also help to ground and bring you back into your body. Now know that you have a stronger connection with the Capricorn moon energies, and that you can manifest your desire more easily in your life.
Please always remember to set the intention beforehand for the exercise to be for the highest good of all, and to harm no one, and make sure you rest afterwards and drink some water (the Moon governs water).
I recently met an amazing person, Karen van Kalmthout who also lives in Pringle Bay and makes the most fantastic array of faeries and dragons!
Karen has developed her expertise over the past 25 years in hand sculpture, ceramics, fine art, book illustrations, faerie-stories, computer graphics and photography…. with, she says, a bit of guitar!
As you can see from the pictures, she is very connected to these realms and they are truly inspirational and beautiful. You can order items directly from her. Her email address is and her website will be available soon. This is what she says about her faeries:
Fortune Faeries
(All faery pictures and text © Karen Van Kalmhout)
Faeries cast Cosmic Light onto our earthly journey
They contain the original Wisdom and Light and show us who we truly are.
Faeries are magical beings~ offered as a gateway to the Supernatural. They hold all the unknowable and knowable mysteries of creation and are the holders and keepers of all that is sacred.
“We are the wee folk. Invite one of us into your home and discover for yourself the timeless beauty which exists within each and all of us.”
“If I can remind you of a time filled with awe and wonder exploring the deeper mysteries of creation. Remember me….Your childe inside! I am still here ~ pulsating deep within you ~ don’t forget me ~ I am the key to unfolding your deeper mysteries ~ feel me ~ I am with you and will be with you always. Take me with you ~ Talk to me ~ I will answer you ~ listen to me ~ I will guide your way. Understand me ~ and I will unfold before you. Believe in me ~ I am precious ~ I am everything that you are ~ I am your guiding light filtering through your days and nights as you share me with you.”
I am within you I am eternal, the beginning of time until the end
Even then I am Infinity
I am here to remind you of everything you already know and have forgotten.
To bring you Love and Joy and to show you your immense co~creative energy you have within you.
Know this to be true
You are a divine being of Light
And I am here to guide you through the changing of the Age.
You have entered another realm and begun a new life. You have stepped between this world and the faery world. A place outside time. A place of magick, charged with infinite possibilities. These little maiden faeries and Elvin Deva’s carry the Magick of Healing Crystals as their guides. Crystals are not only renowned for their incredible healing powers, but also for the inspiration they provide to millions across our globe. Discover for yourself the legend surrounding these amazing stones and let their companions become yours too.
Here are the workshops and retreats of the School planned for the first half of 2008.
Please contact me if you are interested, or want some more information at 2008 is going to be a very interesting year!
Imagine … an area of magnificent natural beauty; a place of peace and tranquillity where blood has never been shed, a location with abundant, clean, pure water; a nearby rushing river; a place where vegetables and fruits can be grown in soil uncontaminated by chemical fertilisers and sprays; a land of happy, loving and contented people who are apart from the outer world, yet still living in it.
Imagine…a Shan-Gri- La hidden away from the cares of our chaotic world!
In the Sacred Valley of Machu Picchu Peru, hundreds of beautiful waterfalls dash down great rock walls to bring clear, pure water from the Andean glaciers into the valley. And there is a great and rushing river, the Urubamba that winds its way through the entire length of the valley like a shining silver thread.
Practically anything can be grown in the valley. It is a place where temperate zone products grow side by side with those of the tropical zone. From corn, beans, yucca, peas, beets, carrots, potatoes and tomatoes to avocadoes, papayas, mangoes, bananas, lemons and oranges!
Machu Picchu is in many ways truly a Shan-Gri-La. It is also one of the most well known sacred sites in the world, with thousands of visitors making the spectacular journey to its breath taking views at an altitude of 4,200 meters above sea level. An ancient ruin settlement of the Incas, it has remained undisturbed by the Spanish invasion who were unaware of its existence; being safely shielded by the dense and majestic Amazon jungle. It was only recently rediscovered in 1911 by an American explorer, Hiram Bingham, although locals living nearby new about the ruins long before this discovery.
What is extraordinary about Machu Picchu is that it is the only site in the world that has an Intihuatana Stone that was not smashed or destroyed by invaders. The energies of this stone, also known as a sundial where the priests in ancient times performed a ritual to symbolically “tie” the sun to the earth as it started to wane during the autumn equinox, are astonishing. Many visitors have had some profound spiritual experiences there, and it is said that whoever goes to visit the stone is blessed by the Spirit Guide of the Stone and returns from a visit to Peru more awakened to their true spiritual path.
It has also been said that Machu Picchu has been waiting for humanity to lose it hunger for gold, and that visitors to it are called not to seek for Machu Picchu’s material wealth, but rather to search for its greater treasure- the keys to a more abundant spiritual life that can connect the visitor to the Universe itself!
It has also been linked to the time of legendary Atlantis, and while Atlantis became submerged by the ocean waves, Machu Picchu, because of its spectacular height above sea level, always remained above the water.
Visits to ancient sacred sites can greatly assist in opening up our receptivity and spiritual growth. Whatever their beliefs are, many people are drawn to ancient places like Peru to rediscover themselves and their connection to the natural world. Visitors instinctively know that there is a hidden benefit in visiting these places that go beyond the ordinary tourist visit. These sites have a concentration of earth ley lines that carry and conduct healing and other uplifting spiritual energies.
We all can become more whole by being aware of these unseen forces of nature and the elements. There is an abundance of faeries, unicorns and other nature spirits- at these sacred sites, and if one is able to be still and become more trusting of one’s own intuition and inner knowing, they can greatly help to intensify the experience of our connection to ourselves and to nature. The earth also benefits from this loving exchange of awareness.
Very closely linked to these elemental forces of nature is the Moon. It has a powerful influence on us and nature, and anyone who lives by the sea can witness the silent power of the Moon whose invisible power draws the tides up and down the beach each day. These tides are not just limited to the oceans, the earth’s atmosphere above our heads and even its crust beneath our feet, rise and fall to this lunar rhythm.
The Machu Picchu retreats are therefore always planned to coincide with the full moon.
DATES FOR MACHU PICCHU RETREATS (during the first half of 2008):
17-24 February 2008- theme: awakening our inner Passion
17-24 May 2008- theme: awakening Love
14-21 June 2008- theme: awakening our inherent leadership qualities
13-20 July 2008- theme: awakening the Heart
We all have our own secret passions. Things that we never think of sharing with anyone.
But maybe these are the ones that need our attention- that need to come back into our lives in a more meaningful way.
This retreat will be primarily focused on where you have left some of your dreams behind. And for whatever reason this may have been, it no longer needs to happen!
In fact now is the time to make them flourish and grow.
Retreats are very good for having the time and space to think about one’s life more deeply. By being close to nature and far away from the common day concerns of your life, you will be able to “switch off” and have time to really just concentrate on yourself and where you are going.
Do you really know what the future holds for you? Do you have an instinctive feel about it, or does it roam around in your head like a yo-yo? Is it time to address this more fully and to get in touch with you spiritual purpose and direction in this life? Maybe it is time for you to discover who has stolen all your dreams.
By feeling the uplifting energies of Machu Picchu, it can help you to once again awaken your dreams and inner passions. To get guidance that you are not able to find unless you are in this very special place. Many well known people such as David Icke and Martin Gray ( have had profound experience there that have had a life changing effect on their work and direction. We will never fully know what is in store for us in the future, but we are now able to take another- much more meaningful step than before- in this very important direction. It is time for us to take responsibility for our lives.
Ask yourself these questions. What does it mean to be me? Where am I heading with this? Is it worthwhile?
Machu Picchu holds many answers if you are willing to be still and become more fully aware.
Our trip will start at Cusco, the capital of the Incas, where we will stay overnight after meeting as a group to start our very special and sacred journey.
Then we head for the Sacred Valley, to stay at the very magnificent Ollantaytambo with its ancient ruins and fortress. We spend two full days there to acquaint ourselves with the area and get the true “feel” of Peru. Ollantaytambo is the best surviving example of Inca city planning and is a sight in itself. Streets are kept clean by waters diverted into stone channels. There is a strong Quechua identity and local men often were the poncho typical of the region. But what is even more amazing is the fortress. In the courtyard is a gushing channel that leads to the Bath of the Princess (Bano de la Nusta) where we will soak our feet and look at the carved faces in granite stones at the unfinished Temple of the Sun. This will be the preparation for us work and connection at Machu Picchu’s Temple of the Wind and Sun where we will ask the spirit of Peru and the Ancient Incas to invoke a powerful acceleration in our consciousness.
The next morning early we board the train to Aguas Calientas, the village closest to Machu Picchu. Travelling through a spectacular landscape filled with ancient ruins and the magnificent Urubamba River, we gaze at snow capped peaks of the Andes and look at the different vegetation on the way. It is truly beautiful.
In Aguas Calientas we have more time to prepare ourselves for our special encounter with Machu Picchu. With its colourful stalls, filled with fabrics and woven rugs and wonderous wares, it brings us closer to the Inca tradition of textiles with shape and form. And not to mention the many crystals from South America that await our admiration! The natural hot springs in Aguas Calientas has many healing qualities to cure any aching bones with the minerals and magic of the Amazon jungle. Sip a freshly squeezed papaya juice at the springs while you watch a magical sunset. It is time to bring back the joy!
The next day we rise early to greet the sun at the sungate of Machu Picchu. Our bus ride up to the top is breathtaking as we zigzag up the mountain in a Machu Picchu bus.
We do a ceremony at the Ruins to help us connect to the waters of Machu Picchu and to open ourselves to the mountains that speak through the Heart. Heavenly connections waiting to unfold and support us in our purpose. We are truly welcome at the site!
Sitting in meditation at the Temple of the Wind and watching the bubbling water of the nearby fountain, we look at the splendour of this magnificent site, and know that we are truly home.
The next day we visit the site again. This time to spend time and receive the blessing of the Intihuatana Stone. Magnificent in its simplicity, it is the only stone that has never been damaged or destroyed by an invader. We also visit the Temple of the Three Windows. True magic awaits us there…
During the retreat you will be given time to reflect on your inner purpose and there will be a special fire and water ceremony to awaken and ignite our hidden passion.
This is a retreat after which you will never be the same!
COST: R11,200 ( 860 pound sterling)
This includes all accommodation, continental breakfasts and suppers, train journeys from and to Ollantaytambo and Aguas Calientes, buses to and from Machu Picchu, all taxis and other transportation, entrance fees to Ollantaytambo and Machu Picchu sites and retreat fees.
You are responsible for all international airfares (to Lima Peru) and domestic flights (Lima to Cusco) and expect departure taxes at Cusco and Lima of approximately $40 (cash).
DATE: 30 March - 2nd April 2008
To awaken Joy, Fertility and a Unique Abundance in your life
The year 2008 holds the energy of freedom and during this retreat we will be focusing on where you have lost such freedom in your life, and how it can be resurrected through finding a deeper connection with Merlin and also the elemental and magical energies of the Moon.
I believe that Merlin was half faery- his father was from the faery realm - and that is why he had so much knowledge about so-called “magic”. In the faery realms these powers are quite natural, but we as a humanity have forgotten about these hidden powers.
We can find it again and use it in a productive way in our lives -to make our future better and also to help the Earth to get back into balance. This retreat is going to be fun and we will also be working within the wonderful awakening energies of Tintagel!
Limited to 6 participants only
COST: 280 pound sterling
This includes a light lunch each day; accommodation and suppers not included.
DATES: 4-8th April 2008.
Please e-mail if you would like to book a personal session.
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