JUNE 2008
© The Arthurian School
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Hi everyone!
“We cannot predict the inevitable.
We can only accept it as our life unfolds”.
We have just gone into the sun sign of Gemini, and after all the intensity and unpredictable - but inevitable- upheavals of the last two Scorpio full moons, it is with a sigh of relief that we can now experience a new, and much easier energy during the next moon month in June!
This is because the sign of Gemini that is ruled by the planet Mercury is bringing us an amazing opportunity to connect to the Divine Wisdom of the goddess Sophia (said to govern Gemini) and there is a beautiful connection between this Wisdom and the Moon during this Moon month (see below).
The Wisdom of Sophia is such a different thing from merely knowing something in our minds - it is knowing it so deeply, that we actually living it.
Coming through the last month we have reached a level of mastery - a bit like a platform - and we can now lift ourselves so that our lives can take off and we can learn to experience growth and change through the Divine Wisdom of Celebration that is also the theme of the Solstice Full Moon this month.
What is celebration? Celebration always involves doing some kind of ritual. Even a simple thing like celebrating a birthday is in fact a ritual – the ritual being the party and everything we do to create it.
Ritual is very much part of our lives even though we are so often not even aware of it. It has been woven into the fabric of our lives and we don’t even realise it!
It is fascinating to know that in ancient times a celebration ritual was held before anything important was set into motion. Although this may seem the wrong way round to have the celebration at the beginning and not at the end, it makes total sense: the wisdom of books like THE SECRET teaches us that we create our reality through the law of attraction and that depends on our vibration i.e. whatever we feel and that is a result of what we are thinking – especially subconsciously. So if we - at the outset- consciously think and feel a vibration of celebration through ritual , we are bound to attract something that is worth celebrating about! In ancient times doing such a ritual was seen as a pre-requisite and infallible recipe for success!
The power of ritual is immense and we have forgotten how to use it to improve our lives. Ritual can be something really simple like writing something and burning it, or it could be doing a more intricate ceremony- the form really doesn’t matter and it is the importance we give to it that determines how powerful it is.
What is really interesting is that it has been discovered that doing a ritual triggers a chemical, electro-magnetic charge in our brain that creates a hologram that then is projected. It therefore literally changes the brain responses! It also triggers the response systems of the body such as the nervous system, the endocrine and lymphatic systems so that they also become more aligned to the energy of the ritual.
Ritual is also a means of communication with our subconscious, Higher Self, Soul and Spirit and beyond, being far more effective than talking, because the actions and symbolism of the ritual go beyond the meaning of words. The intent of our words is therefore much more clearly communicated through ritual.
The other thing about ritual that I find fascinating is that we can use it to “suspend” existing realities that we don’t like, so that we can “slip” more easily into the ones we would like to create.
Ritual therefore has many so-called magical applications. Unfortunately it has in the past been given a bad name by religions who understood the power of ritual and wanted us all to believe that we are powerless and unable to create our own realities. It also sometimes brings up fear for people who remember times when it was used negatively. However, like everything else, it is merely a tool, and totally depends on how and with what intention the person is using it. The form itself is completely harmless.
So during this moon month it is a great opportunity to focus on what you want to create through the wisdom of celebration in your life – and to use the power of a conscious ritual to make it more real, alive and important. You will see that I give example of rituals to do with the Solstice Full Moon this month that is in the sign of Capricorn.
I hope that you all have a glorious and happy moon month as the future unfolds!
As an aside, I wanted to mention that I have created a blog for the moon magazine under This will make it easier for you to read each month’s magazine, and also gives you an opportunity to comment and discuss things I talk about in the magazine. I feel your sharing is such an important aspect of our communication, and that it would be very beneficial for everyone to have an opportunity to express and make your own contributions as well!
All the previous new moon magazines are on the blog and so if you need to refer back to anything that has been mentioned in a previous magazine, you can always also use the blog as a reference library.
Please don’t feel intimidated by the technology and word blog! It is very easy to use – just type in at the top of your computer and press enter. You will be linked to the website and from there click on whatever option you would like to look at.
I believe blogs are empowering opportunities given to us by information technology. Let me know what you think of this new format and I hope you have some fun exploring.
With blessings of Love
“Revitalise and Enlighten your Life with the Moon”
called the Oak Moon, the Field Poppy Moon and the Rose Moon.
“Let us be like the Oak – standing proudly in the Present,
looking back at the Past and forward to the Future.”
The Moon teaches us where we need to nourish and through that we become happy:
Just about everybody has a desire to be happy. In fact most people make that the driving force of their lives. Yet it seems such an unattainable thing most of the time. Even when we have what we think we should have, it does not really satisfy that deep, deep bit of us inside.
I believe that the Moon holds the key to understanding how we can achieve this happiness- it can show us what makes us happy, and what makes us unhappy.
We are all unique as human beings, and different things will make different people happy. The key is to find out what it is that makes you specifically happy as a person. Finding out in which sign your moon is in your specific astrological chart, can show you where you should be concentrating your energies to be happy. In many ways it will also help you to realise what work you should be doing in the pursuit of such happiness.
What else is important to understand, is that the essence of the Moon and what makes the Moon happy, is that it wants to nourish. The energy of the Moon nourishes, and the Moon is often described as the Mother or mother energy.
And so, for example, the Moon in my astrological chart is in the sign of Leo, and because of this I will only truly feel happy if I am able to nourish myself and others through the expression of the qualities of Leo (such as being generous, creative and doing things in my own unique way).
Another person who, for example, has a Libra moon, will find that deep fulfilment and happiness in another way through nourishing themselves and others through beauty and balance (the qualities of Libra).
By finding out in which sign your Moon is in your chart, you will therefore know what qualities you need to use to nourish yourself and others in order to find that deep inner happiness.
Mercury teaches us where we need to be nourished and so find our strength:
According to esoteric astrologers such as Alice Bailey (probably the most enlightened astrologer that lived) both the Sun and the planet Mercury as a reserve, do not nourish, but instead seek to be nourished, because that makes them strong and gives them vigour. The Moon therefore is able to nourish the Sun and Mercury, and through that the Moon achieves happiness (it wants to nurture or nourish and is able to do so to the Sun and Mercury), and the Sun and Mercury become strong because they are being nourished by the Moon.
The relevance of the above for this month is that this Moon month started on the 4th June with the New Moon in the sign of Cancer (the sign that rules the Moon). The New Moon has therefore set the tone of this moon month to be about nourishment and finding happiness.
And auspiciously at the same time the Sun during this moon month is also in Gemini!
There is therefore a natural connection between the two during this moon month i.e. the new moon in Cancer is able to nurture and strengthen the Sun and also Mercury (because the Sun is in the sign of Gemini). And because the Moon represents also our feminine side, and the Sun represents our male side, there is a natural balance and harmony between the two that can bring us happiness (the Moon) and strength (Sun and Mercury) this month.
Take a minute to look at where your Moon is in your chart and also where your Mercury is in the chart, because that will give you some important information about yourself regarding happiness and strength for this month and also the future. It will also give you some insights about the energies of this month as they apply to you. If you are not sure about this, email me and I will help you to get to some conclusions.
The full moon on the 18th June in the sign of Capricorn and it is known as the Solstice Full Moon, because winter or summer solstice (depending on whether you are in the southern or northern hemisphere) is on the 21/22nd June. This is when the days are the shortest/longest and when the sun starts to turn again to the opposite season (summer or winter). It is therefore a very important time for the sun and also in the year.
Capricorn is the sign of responsibility and it will be good to reflect on a situation where you may have not been able to fulfil a specific responsibility- maybe because of you making a “mistake,” or perhaps being prevented from fulfilling the responsibility because of circumstances. Do a ritual to let go of any guilt, or pain or sadness or self judgement about this having happened, on the day of the Full Moon by, for example, writing it down and then burning it under the Full Moon. This will complete the process on a very deep and magical level. And after doing so, then do another ritual of celebration, setting the intention to create something new in its place where you will be able to fulfil all your responsibilities in the future. Maybe you can make a special cake (see the recipe below!), or do a cauldron filled with water and decorate it with greenery, or set up two lamps white and gold. Feel the energy of celebration that is also linked to the Solstice, and imagine that it has already happened and you are celebrating the success. Feel the happiness and strength that the success also brings you.
I would like to introduce you to two very interesting people I have connected with since living here in Pringle Bay - Gurth Bruins and Jennifer Lamberth.
Gurth was a Gold medallist for B.Sc Engineering at the University of Cape Town, but he abandoned his career to study different fields of interest and in particular, astrology. He has a very interesting view on the ascendant or rising sign in our astrological charts (he sees them as not being of major significance but instead Mercury as important) and also reminded me about the Alice Bailey’s teachings around Mercury and the Sun. He has a particular interest in analysing the relationship between two people in terms of the flow of energy between them through the four elements. For more information on his quite novel and interesting ideas you can look at his website!
Jennifer is a dear friend who has an amazing interest and knowledge about astronomy. She has a house I Pringle Bay with a magnificent view of the stars and bakes the most divine carrot cake! I convinced her to share the recipe for our next magazine, but here is a delicious Moon delight for your Solstice Full Moon celebration ritual in the meantime:
3 cups strong black coffee –cooled
3 table spoons Marsala or coffee liqueur
2 eggs separated
3 tablespoons caster sugar
250 g mascarpone cheese
1 cup cream, whipped
16 large sponge fingers
2 tablespoons dark cocoa powder
1. Mix together coffee and liqueur in bowl and set aside.
Beat egg yolks and sugar for 3 minutes or until thick and pale. Add mascarpone and mix until just combined and fold in cream.
2. Beat egg whites until soft peaks. Fold lightly into cream mixture.
3. Dip half the biscuits into coffee mixture and drain off excess coffee- arrange in base of dish (2.5l). Spread half mixture over biscuits.
4. Dip remaining biscuits into coffee and repeat layers. Smooth the surface and dust with cocoa powder.
Refrigerate for at least 2 hours or until firm (can make the day before).
Exciting Pringle Bay retreats are happening during this month of June. Please let me know if you would like to join in!
The retreats will focus on opening the heart to receive more from life- whether that is more abundance financially, more love from creating an intimate relationship, or having the joy of more social activities and connections.
Most of us feel that life is not the way we want it to be, and we cannot understand why we feel powerless to create the very things we want.
What we don’t realise, is that even though we think our hearts are open, they are in fact closed due to a strong emotional pattern that has helped us to protect ourselves.
The retreats will help to give you the tools to begin a process of reopening the heart consciously so that you can learn to do this when it is appropriate, instead of having no choice about the matter.
Then we can allow our world to expand - and all the good things that we desire to come into the space we have created by opening our heart.
COST: R1 050 (all inclusive)
13 – 15th JUNE
20 – 23rd JUNE
The next retreat is happening on the 13- 20 July 2008.
What is very unique about the timing of this retreat is that it is just before a solar eclipse (the only one this year) that happens in August.
Normally the energies just before an eclipse are most powerful as the energy of the eclipse is still rising.
When I was guided by my spirit guides to plan this retreat, it was indicated that this is a completion of the solar eclipse that happened in August 1999 and was most visible in Cornwall and the southern part of the UK.
It is almost exactly 9 years ago to the day that the eclipse in the UK happened, and after that many people relocated or had a major life change. I in fact just after that changed my career, gave up work in London and moved to a small rural village in Cornwall!
Solar eclipses are awesome and were feared in ancient times as it was said that it would bring governments to the fall and cause huge upheavals. I believe that solar eclipses as huge cosmic events that facilitate mass consciousness to change whereby the old consciousness is taken out during the time of the eclipse or block out of the Sun, and new patterns are simultaneously laid down into the leylines of the Earth.
It is a very exciting opportunity to go to Peru in preparation for this very important cosmic event that will happen, and the theme that I was guided to have, was opening the Heart to find Peace. You will therefore be taught to connect with the Earth at Machu Picchu through ritual and to do meditation that opens up the Heart and connects you to world peace.
If you feel drawn to go when reading this, please let me know, there are still a few spaces available.
Cost: R11 200 / 860 pounds
I mentioned the effect of a solar eclipse on the leylines above and so I am also including an article on leylines that was published this month in one of the South African magazines explaining more about them and also what I do during the sacred earth retreats to teach participants about working with the very important leylines:
It was the great seer Nostradamus that predicted so long ago that peace would come from the South of Africa.
Nelson Mandela was the person who taught the world how it was possible for the people in the South of Africa to have a peaceful changeover of government after so many years of oppression - but what does this mean for us now during this important time of 2008?
Governments are at war and so many people wander through the world searching for something called peace, agitated because they cannot find a place to rest. Our materialistic world continues to falsely promise us the utopia of bliss by wanting more and more, and our modern consciousness that has become so scientifically orientated, continues to search for new discoveries - ever hoping that it will give us that place of rest and peace. Yet it does not happen.
The irony and tragedy of this is that the place of rest is right here. It surrounds us. If we will only but see and feel the sacredness of the Earth and our bodies, we will find that place of rest, and from that point we can begin our ascension process, moving closer to the Sacred and Divine Creative Force we call by so many names.
The sacredness of the Earth can be found everywhere in nature. Whether it is through working in a garden and becoming still, or taking a walk on the beach, we can begin to feel the sacredness of nature that feeds the soul and nourishes the spirit and gives us that deep inner peace. It also teaches us greater awareness and sensitivity to what can only be felt and seen with the Heart.
What we are often not aware of, is that the sacred energies of the Earth are conducted through a network of energy pathways called leylines. These leylines operate very much like the meridian network in the body that ancient Chinese medicine uses in healing with acupuncture.
The meridians of the Earth form a network of light that is linked to the stars and conducts consciousness through its crystalline waterways. All of us are affected by them and they influence how we feel, think and even act at times. They have a very strong influence on the energy field of the body and are everywhere around us in the Earth. Some people are able to dowse for leylines with dowsing rods, and a simple example is the so-called art of divining water where dowsing rods are used to see where the leylines cross and so “find” the exact location of the water in the ground.
However, if these energy meridians of the Earth are blocked and become out of balance, mainly because of human activities such as pollution, mass destruction, war or other upheavals, they become weakened and are no longer able to support the harmony and balance of the Earth. Humans are also then more easily affected.
Since prehistoric times, sacred places have exerted a mysterious attraction on billions of people around the world. They have been claimed to heal the body and enlighten the mind and they continue to be the most venerated and visited locations on the planet. Exploring these sacred places can provide an interaction with ancient ways and sites that can lead to many personal insights and healing.
One of the main reasons for the amazing power at ancient sacred sites and special places of nature is that the leylines have not been so negatively affected by the actions of humans and pollution. The leylines at sacred sites have remained more pure and undisturbed, and so they still have a strong spiritual quality.
There is also a bigger concentration of leylines at these places that increases the effect of these leylines dramatically and it is therefore possible to get in touch with them more easily at a sacred site or sacred place in nature.
By tuning into the earth energies and working with them consciously at these places, it is possible to access the peace and balance that they naturally hold and to become “tuned” by them- just like being tuned by a tuning fork that changes one’s vibration to a more harmonious and true note, allowing us to find that deep peace inside.
It is only by retreating and separating ourselves from the everyday concerns and pressures of our world that we can become more connected to the sacredness of nature and find that peace within.
The Arthurian School in Pringle Bay near Cape Town holds sacred earth retreats at Machu Picchu Peru and Pringle Bay. During these retreats there is a focus on the sacred leylines of the area to help the participants find a stronger connection to the sacredness of the Earth and to bring healing and transformation into their lives. Elizabeth Bardin of The School is a psychic life coach and teacher who has worked with leylines at sacred sites for many years and uses her intuitive and channelling abilities to find appropriate access points to the leylines. She also uses crystals and sacred ceremony with the elements to assist with the process of connecting more consciously to the Earth.
It is a very interesting experience working with Elizabeth. You may not be aware that you have a gift to tune into leylines, but we all have the latent ability and can be taught how to work with them more consciously so as to create a connection with the natural world and also make a personal contribution to the healing of the Earth.
The retreats are guided and planned to overlap with specific cosmic rhythms and therefore assist with profound planetary change.
It was Nostradamus that made the prediction. It is up to all of us to make it happen-
What an exciting opportunity we have to ground a dream of Peace for our Earth during this time, and for each of us to be part of this process!
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“Revitalise and Enlighten your Life with the Moon” _______________________________________________________________________
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Did you notice the fullness of the moon even the night before the actual full moon?
it was so huge in the sky and the colour so beautiful! more golden than I have ever seen it before!
and on the night of the actual full moon, there were clouds but as I looked at it, it separated and it was shining though a coloured "hole" in the sky- as if there were coloured ice around it
and the silence of the night that surrounded me
and the words I heard was "blessed sister of the night, we greet you"
hope you all had a great full moon and a great opportunity to let go of things through ceremony
I loved your latest Moon Email and how true about rituals i think with our busyness we have forgotten the things that are true and dear to us. That is why when we come to share like we did at the retreat its awesome and magical and amazing.
I think back at my own life in how my mother in particular as done things in a ritual especially when it comes to making things or planting or making certain food. To date she makes home made salami and when i spoke to her i said you will make them at the FULL MOON wont you mom and she said yes..
I Had a wonderful full moon experience when I stood outside feeling quite disappointed about the weather and not being able to see her, when she suddenly, totally unexpected, showed herself in her full glory through an opening in the thick layer of clouds. Had my little ceremony....and gone she was again :-) Quite amazing!
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